California teacher pensions: Brown vows to start debate

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2014 Jan 12, 9:16pm   10,821 views  56 comments

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SACRAMENTO -- In Gov. Jerry Brown's promise to start paying off California's massive liabilities, the largest single unfunded debt will not be seeing any additional pay-down in the coming fiscal year.

The unfunded liability for teachers' pensions stands at more than $80 billion, a gap so large that the fund is projected to deplete all its assets in about 30 years. It is the largest single component of both the state's unfunded retirement liabilities, which the Department of Finance puts at nearly $218 billion, and of the state's overall $354 billion in long-term obligations.


Chart: The chart below summarizes the debts and liabilities, as estimated by the Department of Finance:

Outstanding debt

State retiree health care benefits $63.8 billion

State employee pensions $45.5 billion

Teacher pensions $80.4 billion

University of California employee pensions $12 billion

University of California retiree health care benefits $13 billion

Judges’ pensions $3.1 billion

Maintenance of Proposition 98 guarantee for education spending $4.5 billion

Unemployment Insurance debt to federal government $8.8 billion

“Wall of Debt,” including outstanding bonds, debts to local governments and schools $24.9 billion

Deferred maintenance $64.6 billion

Unissued bonds $33.9 billion

Total $354.5 billion

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35   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 4:20am  

sbh says

You are such an irredeemable idiot.

Your comments are not arguments. You just hoover in the ad hominem level.

36   marcus   2014 Apr 5, 4:39am  

sbh says

indigenous says

My conjecture leans toward the government being the employer of last resort, consequently hiring people who are unemployable in the free market.

You are such an irredeemable idiot.

Yes, he is, and a troll, which is why I have him on ignore.

He believes in markets too. And yet he believes public school teachers are overcompensated with benefits that are too high. And yet the job market somehow brings them only incompetent people that are not employable "in the free market." (what?)

That's right.

Evidently, the private sector job market is part of ""the free market."

Whereas the public sector job market is this place that only unemployable morons go, to get jobs that pay better than the the jobs in the "free market."

I guess you have to register with the government as one of the unemployables to get on the list of people that are informed about the secret closed market listing of awesome jobs with better pay and benefits than in the free market private sector.

I think that what they need to do is somehow include the listing of public sector jobs in the market place, so that the market can do its job. The better pay and benefits that supposedly now exist in the public sector should bring the more talented people in to teaching, and the problems will fix themselves.

So yeah. I'm for making public sector jobs available to all and listed and advertised out in the open. Let's finally bring public sector jobs in to "the free market" of jobs!

37   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 4:53am  

marcus says

Yes, he is, and a troll, which is why I have him on ignore.

Along with 35 others, IOW a troll is anyone who Macus/Humanity does not agree with.marcus says

He believes in markets too. And yet he believes public school teachers are overcompensated with benefits that are too high. And yet the job market somehow gets them only incompetent people that are not employable "in the free market." (what?)

That's righ

They hire Marcus, clearly not very particular...

Being that Marcus is a teacher, I can see why the state is 48th out of 50.

This is not to say I don't value real teachers as they are invaluable.

But they have the opposite characteristics of a Marcus type

38   marcus   2014 Apr 5, 4:54am  

THen again, maybe I'm confused about what the free markets means.

Maybe what the free market means is that it's free on the exploitation by employer side. IF you privatize education and lower the pay and benefits, I'm sure you can get some people to take those teaching jobs. I guess somehow it brings out the more talented people, because you know, it's the private sector job market, where all the competent people get their jobs. That leaves more profits for Haliburton once it gets in to education and those sweet government contracts.

The key is that that govt money doesn't go to the bottom and the workers that actually do the jobs. It needs to go to the high level managers and the shareholders. This is how American exceptionalism works.

39   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 5:00am  

marcus says

THe key is that the pay doesn't go to the bottom and the workers that actually do the jobs. It needs to go to the high level managers and the shareholders. This is how American exceptionalism works.

The key is meritocracy, literally the antithesis of the collective bargaining zombies.

40   marcus   2014 Apr 5, 5:11am  

carrieon says

The only possibly way to screw it up would be a declining income or population base from the State? Or, if maybe the retirees don't contribute to the fund?

Actually over 20% of salary contributed to the fund provides enough, if the govt honors it's side of the deal, regardless of population shrinking.
Retirees aren't supposed to contribute to the fund.

But what has happened is that at the federal level, we don't tax enough (relative to what we spend) and more gets pushed to state and local. So, state and local govts are hurting, and they can't print money, and the powers that be start sending out the message that we can't afford to pay worked what we always have.

Struggling people buy this, and say "YEAH, Fuck those lazy workers doing public service work."

Meanwhile the ultimate result is going to be to lower pay for everyone.

Because, newsflash: Government jobs are not only a part of the job market, they are a very big part of the job market.

Priorities people !!

WHo knows. Maybe one day your grandchildren will be wanting a decent job with decent pay.

41   JH   2014 Apr 5, 5:14am  

indigenous says

Showing your true colors with that comment...

Just following your lead.

42   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 5:39am  

JH says

Just following your lead.

Well that makes you more ingenious than the other two mutts.

43   FortWayne   2014 Apr 5, 9:08am  

lostand confused says

I don't know. Marrying a 94 yr old teacher one step from the grave for a year or two and receiving 8-10k a month for life-now that seems like a sweet deal?? maybe at that age most people don't think long term.

I just don't think it happens. I think every woman out there has a lot more self respect, and if they were to marry a 90 year old... it sure as hell wouldn't be a retired teacher.

44   FortWayne   2014 Apr 5, 9:14am  

marcus says

Struggling people buy this, and say "YEAH, Fuck those lazy workers doing public service work."

I don't remember last time I've seen a unionized government worker try in life at all. All I've seen you people do is constantly protest that you are not paid like millionnaires, while hiding behind union protection and it's racketeered benefits.

If CA runs out of money it's going to be because unions killed it with their unsustainable demands.

45   Vicente   2014 Apr 5, 9:25am  

indigenous says

My conjecture leans toward the government being the employer of last resort, consequently hiring people who are unemployable in the free market.

Conjecture all you want, just don't mistake it for fact.

Some of us want to do something other than brown-nose executives and collect a paycheck. I did that for a while and it sucked. When I walked away from it, a few years later the company didn't exist so it was like nothing I did there mattered. Glibertopian idyll is everyone is John Galt, my work environment more resembled Office Space.

In my current arena lots of young kids come in spend a few years getting up to speed, then get hired for a huge raise out in industry. Because they now have proven skills that their resume didn't evidence before. Last kid that left jumped 66%, have to disagree how public employ is so renumerative nobody leaves.

46   marcus   2014 Apr 5, 11:27am  

FortWayne says

All I've seen you people do is constantly protest that you are not paid like millionnaires, while hiding behind union protection and it's racketeered benefits.

Once again your perception matches up pretty well with your intelligence.

I'm in a teachers union in one of the biggest cities in the country. We haven't had a pay raised since 2006 and had pay cuts for several of the years since plus class size increases, with many high school lasses over 40 now.

Meanwhile have you heard these protests you talk about ?

NO, because times have been tough all around and teachers aren't going to ask for what the public doesn't think they deserve.

Meanwhile all the many times you say they protested before have gotten them is pay that starts out in the mid 40s and goes up over 16 years to a max possible salary in the mid 70s (only if the person has tons of additional hours of coursework in their subject or in eduction classes or a masters degree plus many more classes).

All I can say is if they are constantly protesting that they want to be paid like millionaires, and that's what they make, in LA where a typical shack of a home start at about 450K, they are definitely FAILING with these protests.

Admit it. You blame teachers for your lack of intelligence and nonexistant critical thinking skills.

FortWayne says

I don't remember last time I've seen a unionized government worker try in life at all.

How interesting for you, that you get to substitute your imagination and hate talk from talk radio for perception and comprehension of the world around you. It must make life ever so satisfying for you.

They say ignorance is bliss, but I don't see that it always works out that way.

47   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 11:52am  

Vicente says

Conjecture all you want, just don't mistake it for fact.

Back at ya

Vicente says

Last kid that left jumped 66%, have to disagree how public employ is so renumerative nobody leaves.

I did not say that, only the ones who have no skill...

Vicente says

Some of us want to do something other than brown-nose executives and collect a paycheck. I did that for a while and it sucked.

Is it better being a part of the Borg?

48   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 1:07pm  

sbh says

Aww, the idiot rediscovers ad hominem all on his own.

Not exactly, it requires that you can detect a subtle difference...

49   FortWayne   2014 Apr 5, 1:52pm  

marcus says

We haven't had a pay raised since 2006 and had pay cuts for several of the years since plus class size increases, with many high school lasses over 40 now.

Marcus you are so "entitled" that you don't even realize it. Did you lose your job? No, you were protected from that by taxpayer dollars. While in private sector, there were no raises in 2006... hell most people were lucky to keep their jobs. Plenty of people either lost them, and many took huge pay cuts.

But yeah you are in a government union, I guess you can just complain about "not getting raises". All while you still do not understand why people in private sector who do all the suffering and are not shielded by government union bureaucracy from devastating economic consequences think you people are entitled slackers.

50   Vicente   2014 Apr 5, 2:28pm  

indigenous says

Vicente says

Conjecture all you want, just don't mistake it for fact.

Back at ya

Vicente says

Last kid that left jumped 66%, have to disagree how public employ is so renumerative nobody leaves.

I did not say that, only the ones who have no skill...

Vicente says

Some of us want to do something other than brown-nose executives and collect a paycheck. I did that for a while and it sucked.

Is it better being a part of the Borg?

I channel the protagonist of Office Space. I say what I'm thinking and do what needs to be done. Borg off!

51   indigenous   2014 Apr 5, 2:37pm  

Vicente says

I channel the protagonist of Office Space. I say what I'm thinking and do what needs to be done. Borg off!

Typical of a public sector worker.

52   JH   2014 Apr 5, 4:10pm  

FortWayne says

No, you were protected from that by taxpayer dollars

Hahhahahahahahh and nobody in private sector was? Wake up! Besides you got all your jobs back so time to quit this whining.

53   marcus   2014 Apr 5, 4:11pm  

FortWayne says

Marcus you are so "entitled" that you don't even realize it. Did you lose your job? No, you were protected from that by taxpayer dollars.

OH, I thought it was simply because people's children still need to go to school and they couldn't raise class sizes above the number of desks that can fit in the room (forget about fire safety codes). A lot of teachers did lose their jobs. That's how class sizes went up.

FortWayne says

hell most people were lucky to keep their jobs.

Yes including me, I did take a pay cut and also had bigger class sizes, which was hard for me, and not particularly great for the students either.

FortWayne says

But yeah you are in a government union, I guess you can just complain about "not getting raises

I wasn't complaining. I was responding to your retarded nonsense about teachers protesting that they should be paid like millionaires. If that was true, why was it we didn't even protest when pay actually went down and a lot of teachers were canned?

FortWayne says

All while you still do not understand why people in private sector who do all the suffering and are not shielded by government union bureaucracy from devastating economic consequences think you people are entitled slackers.

Yes, I don't understand that.

But what I do understand is that my job is a public service job, and I feel fortunate for that. I enjoy working with kids, and helping them as best I can.. And in as much as that is rewarding, and I'm glad I don't have be be doing work that is nothing more than chasing money - which I did before, I still want to be paid an appropriate living wage.

I also understand that you have no idea what unions do, and what they don't do. I have plenty of pressure to perform, and am increasingly evaluated by my students perfomance on tests (a topic for another time). Unions don't make us slackers, and neither do police unions or nurses unions. These are all jobs where a very high majority are conscientious about their work, in large part simply because of the nature of their work.

IF you think that public service jobs are such a sweet deal, why didn't you become a cop or a fireman or a teacher or a paramedic our a court cleark or a county hospital worker, etc ? Envy is such an unattractive human trait. I don't understand how you aren't ashamed to be the way you are.

I chalk it up to stupidity. You're too stupid to be ashamed of yourself.

IT also says a lot about you (more than you know), that you think most people that are teachers or other public service jobs are in it for the easy work or the money. I would agree that job security is probably a factor for some, but the trade off is limited upside, that they accept. Anyone that does it, who doesn't want to do that kind of work, probably isn't going to last. OR they're going to be miserable if they do.

54   FortWayne   2014 Apr 6, 3:37am  

marcus says

IF you think that public service jobs are such a sweet deal, why didn't you become a cop or a fireman or a teacher or a paramedic our a court cleark or a county hospital worker, etc ?

I worked in public sector, and I hated it. It was a public utility job, there was no drive, no passion, and a whole lot of entitlement. Wasn't my cup of tea, so I didn't stick around.

marcus says

I enjoy working with kids, and helping them as best I can.. And in as much as that is rewarding, and I'm glad I don't have be be doing work that is nothing more than chasing money - which I did before, I still want to be paid an appropriate living wage.

You think the rest of us are chasing money? We all do what we like or what we can. But we are not feeling entitled to a permanent raises even when economy collapses, like you are. I don't know a single person who had a raise in 2006. I do know an architect who got a grocery store job because his company closed, I know several mechanics who took low paying jobs and closed their shops. Many of my customers were coming asking for discounts because they were either losing their jobs or taking huge pay cuts.

And what you miss, Mr. "I didn't get a raise in 06", was that it's folks in private sector who have to work to pay taxes in order for you to get paid. If we don't make money and pay taxes, there is no one to pay you. And people paying taxes, working class they don't have even half the benefits you people get. So get off your entitlement train and come to terms with reality, no one owes you anything. In this world you get what you earn, sooner or later that'll come to the state/city level too.

55   indigenous   2014 Apr 6, 3:46am  

FortWayne says

I worked in public sector, and I hated it. It was a public utility job, there was no drive, no passion, and a whole lot of entitlement. Wasn't my cup of tea, so I didn't stick around.

Outfingstanding post. Not that Marcus will have a clue what you are talking about.

56   marcus   2014 Apr 6, 5:37am  

FortWayne says

But we are not feeling entitled to a permanent raises even when economy collapses, like you are.

What ? If I say it more slowly will you get it ?

Not only do we not expect constant raises. WE have taken pay cuts and lay offs just like the private sector.

What confuses you, is that when you have a union then raises happen if and only if the union negotiates and bargains for it.

I know you aren't going to understand what I'm saying here, and I'm not finding a simple enough "sound bite" that might get through to you.

But what is happening is that you are confusing the fact that the only way we can recieve a raise, even when it's due and everyone knows it's due is when the union asks for it. This confuses you, because you periodically hear about this public union or that one asking for a raise. The fact that we get raises less often than most private sector workers, is lost on you. And btw, that's the reason I keep mentioning that we haven't had a raise since 2006. Soon you might hear about our union asking for the first raise in 7 or 8 years, and you'll be thinking, there they go again.

Not that you have the kind of mind that's open to things like logical proof, but here goes.

If you were right, that we were constantly seeking raises beyond what we deserve, or so far above what we could get in the private sector, then how is it that teacher pay is where it is ?

(of course you will cite the very most extreme examles. But there are hundreds of thousands of teachers in this country, with most represented by unions, eraning average pay of something like 45K, with an average in urban areas more like 55 - 60K ).

I've gone way beyond sound bites that you might comprehend, but this is very simple proof that most 11 year olds could understand, that you're full of shit.

FortWayne says

If we don't make money and pay taxes, there is no one to pay you. And people paying taxes, working class they don't have even half the benefits you people get. So get off your entitlement train and come to terms with reality, no one owes you anything. In this world you get what you earn, sooner or later that'll come to the state/city level too.

Yes we have good benefits. You are correct.

I guess that's enough reason to feel the hate you do and to project all your lies and emotional bullshit on to me and other public sector workers.

I feel sorry for you.

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