The modern women can no longer cook, they no longer want children and...

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2014 Jul 22, 5:11am   94,548 views  253 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

"The modern women can no longer cook, they no longer want children and they are no longer warm, tidy and loving creatures who think spending time with their family is a good thing. They are probably too "independent" and "strong" to even have a family of their own. The only thing modern women have to offer men today is sex. So instead of being loving housewives who cook and raise children, they are reduced to being sexual objects only - and they are so messed up emotionally and intellectually that they often spend most of the money they make on their jobs on plastic surgery, cosmetics and tons of clothes they think will make them look good, in a desperate attempt to stay or become more attractive. Well, they have no other qualities attractive to men, so what else can we expect? This is the fruit of feminism. The fruit of "women's liberation"."


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37   mell   2014 Jul 22, 9:17am  

edvard2 says

Sad. Just sad.

If you look at the statistics, they are pretty clear. Less and less marriages, men dragging their feet, but of those who are married the vast majority of the divorces come from the woman. Introducing no-fault divorce was a big mistake as it removes the skin in the game. These are statistical facts. It's great if you are happily married and most of your peers are, the majority of my peers aren't and divorces are everywhere. Lastly, you cannot eradicate a genetic blueprint reigning for thousands of years with a fiery speech about feminism and how great women are. Genetically women are supposed to stay home more, spend more time with the kids than the man and cook and take care of the household and that's how they are happiest. There's no doubt that throughout history there were times were women have been treated unfairly and those mistakes have been long corrected, but if you think that they are overall happier today, then the data does not match your thinking.

38   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 22, 10:39am  

How did we come to modern women and the current situation?
check this:


This highlights clearly the real reasons, though the consensus was this was to 'liberate' women.

39   anonymous   2014 Jul 22, 10:56am  

A rabbit in a cage, looks out at the Scientist, and thinks
*I know that rabbit better than he knows himself*

40   New Renter   2014 Jul 22, 11:00am  

mell says

there are tons of genetical

Really? Has the specific set of genes responsible for staying at home and raising children been identified yet?

It shouldn't be hard to find, X marks the spot...

41   New Renter   2014 Jul 22, 11:01am  

errc says

Canada on your list, do tell!

Montreal but shh, don't tell the missus!!!

42   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jul 22, 11:35am  

Fwiw, the few dudes I know who have done the overseas wifey thing have been dudes who couldn't get laid if their life depended on it. Guys who were losers in nearly every aspect of life...even financially barely treading water.

43   mell   2014 Jul 22, 12:05pm  

New Renter says

mell says

there are tons of genetical

Really? Has the specific set of genes responsible for staying at home and raising children been identified yet?

It shouldn't be hard to find, X marks the spot...

It's not that simple.



The last one is an opinion piece with some research backing it though:


44   lostand confused   2014 Jul 22, 1:00pm  

It is the laws that are the problem. Woman wanted equality- so be it -they need to embrace it and accept their responsibilities. Get rid of alimony and unreasonable child support. if a woman can't support her children financially-then the dad can-no need for the state to grab money and give it to the woman-and nowadays in some case vice-versa. The state only needs to get involved when both parents can't take care of the kids.

Transitory allowance-which might including sharing the apt/home, free food and utilities for a few years after divorce is ok-but anything beyond that is not right. The laws encourage women and now a small but growing population of men to be nothing better than whores, with the gubmnt as the armed pimps/thugs. If gubmnt gets out of this multibillion dollar divorce industry-then people will make choices on their personal circumstances and not on how much money they can extract.

45   New Renter   2014 Jul 22, 1:02pm  

mell says

It's not that simple.

Why not? There is just one chromosome which distinguishes male from female. Find the differences in the genes contained between the X and Y chromosomes and you should find the "happier to stay at home and nest" gene...

Unless its not actually genetic but something else.

46   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2014 Jul 22, 2:21pm  

Peter P says

There are exceptions but Asian women are overrated.

many American men marry Asian women who grew up in this country thinking they have found a "gem" hahaha. surprisee!!!

if you want the REAL Asian women you need to go to certain Asian countries (not Singapore).

i live in Socal. i can't remember when was the last time I cooked. Food deliveries 100%. for groceries and household items i also order deliveries through Vons. every weekend there's a Mexican maid coming over to clean, wash the pile of dishes and do laundry.

when i'm in the mood for "romance" i call the local escorts. sometimes i feel adventurous and visit a massage parlor. although single i probably get more sex than most married men. and last but DEFINITELY not least, there are always new cuisines on the menu.

these things cost money. but with the divorce rates at 50% and the average length of marriage is 5-7 years and a divorce would cost over half of my money, i get the most bang for my buck this way.



47   monkframe   2014 Jul 22, 2:30pm  

After reading the tease, I must say: What an idiot!

48   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2014 Jul 22, 2:41pm  

monkframe says

After reading the tease, I must say: What an idiot!

you sound angry. you must be stuck with an obese hair bitch who don't give you enough sex and nag all day long. fuck off.

49   turtledove   2014 Jul 22, 3:04pm  

Throughout my life, I often heard women complaining that the decks are stacked against us. I never believed it. In my experience, people (men and women) always treated me fairly. I never earned less than my male counterparts. I was promoted fairly. If someone else got a job instead of me, it was because he/she deserved it. The men I dated, treated me like a lady. Ye Gods! They opened doors for me and paid for dinner. Not because my arms are painted on or I couldn't afford my own meal, but because they are gentlemen. They wanted me to feel special. They never made me feel that my opinions didn't matter. They appreciated me for what I had to offer. And I appreciated them, and as a younger person looking for a mate, I had the highest hopes with each guy that we would forge a lasting friendship.

Lately, there have been several threads of a similar theme to this thread, that have shown me how lucky I am to have never run into most of you in real life. YOU are the very people these women who claimed the decks were stacked against them were talking about!

You love to say that "women should be this" and "women now are that." But have you ever stopped to think about why women were what they were and why they are now what they are? Do you think about why women in less developed countries are what we used to be?

The western world emerged from the dark ages strongly guided by Christianity. Like it or not, Christianity wasn't especially kind to women:


"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)

"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (I Corinthians 11:8-9)

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean." (Leviticus 12:2)

"But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days." (Leviticus 12:5)

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed." (Exodus 22:18-20)

"Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go." (Judges 19:24-25)

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." (Ephesians 5:22-24)

"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." (Genesis 3:16)

"Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman." (Eccles. 25:13)

"Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die." (Eccles. 25:22)

"If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go." (Eccles. 25: 26)

"The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids. If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty." (Eccles. 26:9-10)

"A silent and loving woman is a gift of the Lord: and there is nothing so much worth as a mind well instructed. A shamefaced and faithful woman is a double grace, and her continent mind cannot be valued." (Eccles. 26:14-15)

"A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord." (Eccles.26:25)

"For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach." (Eccles. 42:13-14)


There are more passages, but I think this is enough to illustrate what I am talking about. Passages like these are what dictated life for western European women after Constantine. Make no mistake, this was law for much of our history.

Do you believe that women had a choice about this? Do you believe that they were able to evolve as nature intended despite the "hand of God" hovering over them?

Men had the luxury of evolving relatively unfettered by such rules. Women did not until VERY recently in western history. We haven't changed. The fact is you haven't a clue what women are. Up until very recently, we've not been allowed to be anything but what you men said we must be.

Without naming names, you say things like, "men created all the technical advances that we enjoy today; women can't/won't do it" and "women are going against some genetic need to be subservient."

What choices did we have when it was considered a SIN to teach a woman to read or for her to give the mere appearance of putting herself above a man?

I'm so impressed that you invented stuff. Men only had a thousand-year head start on women! (Since we emerged from dark ages.)

Just know that these "rules" made it impossible for any of us to know what women really are. It's only been about 50 years that we've been allowed to develop by our own volition. I have no doubt that you admire women from developing parts of the globe. But make no mistake... They suffer from the very affliction that western women suffered from prior to the 1960s. Men made the rules and those women haven't yet realized the profound unfairness of it. They will.

50   Indiana Jones   2014 Jul 22, 3:25pm  

turtledove says

I'm so impressed that you invented stuff. Men only had a thousand-year head start on women!

Try three-thousand, at least!

51   turtledove   2014 Jul 22, 3:47pm  

Indiana Jones says

turtledove says

I'm so impressed that you invented stuff. Men only had a thousand-year head start on women!

Try three-thousand, at least!

Definitely. I was just focusing on post dark ages since many inventions were lost during the dark times.

52   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 22, 4:09pm  

Indiana Jones says

turtledove says

I'm so impressed that you invented stuff. Men only had a thousand-year head start on women!

Try three-thousand, at least!

I would say 6 millions years.

53   turtledove   2014 Jul 22, 5:42pm  

komputodo says

You have some strange ideas about how women are in the developing world..This is 2014, even in their world...They have TVs..They see how americans live. They aren't subservient against their will..

What they don't have is need to compete with men..They don't want to be like men. They are above all that crap. They don't need to go out and work "twice as hard as men" to prove anything. They don't need to see shrinks to talk about their feelings...They don't have the need to try for the impossible dream of "having it all". They don't put their "career" above everything else..(neither does the husband)..

Just watch one of those shows like "THE REAL HOUSEWIVES of ____"....Those women are a joke compared to a unselfish, loving, family oriented,strong, hard working woman..I'm talking about latin america BTW..

1) Latin America is pretty Catholic, therefore quite influenced by traditional church teachings.

2) A couple of seasons of "The Real Housewives..." isn't going to derail lifetimes of societal expectations.

3) Evolutions of the mind don't happen overnight. Furthermore, they require education and means, both of which are somewhat lacking in developing countries.

54   lostand confused   2014 Jul 22, 10:56pm  

Indiana Jones says

turtledove says

I'm so impressed that you invented stuff. Men only had a thousand-year head start on women!

Try three-thousand, at least!

Typical excuses. You know there are a gazillion drunks-men-who sit in the bar and say the same thing and tell tall tales of how they would run the country if they were given the choice.

One thing I notice in successful men/women is that they do not use excuses and live in alternate realities. They take charge and get things done . Do you ever hear meg Whitman or even Sarah Palin complain about it being tough for women. When you pass gender based laws like Obozo's equal pay-expect to be judged by gender. If you are willing to stand as a person-expect to be treated as a person. Can't have it both ways.

55   mell   2014 Jul 22, 11:42pm  

New Renter says

mell says

It's not that simple.

Why not? There is just one chromosome which distinguishes male from female. Find the differences in the genes contained between the X and Y chromosomes and you should find the "happier to stay at home and nest" gene...

Unless its not actually genetic but something else.

There are more differences, also it depends on gene expression and silencing which can vary from individual to individual and is also influenced by environment and nutrition.


What's your explanation for the past thousand years of male and female behavioral patterns?

56   mell   2014 Jul 23, 12:58am  

turtledove says

Without naming names, you say things like, "men created all the technical advances that we enjoy today; women can't/won't do it" and "women are going against some genetic need to be subservient."

What choices did we have when it was considered a SIN to teach a woman to read or for her to give the mere appearance of putting herself above a man?

I think everyone agrees that women should have equal access to science and perform any job they want like they have been doing for quite a while. The problem is with laws giving an edge such as affirmative action as well as with putting down women who like to stay at home or halt their career for raising children. When you read articles about rising divorce rates and falling birth rates in other cultures blamed on patriarchy you have to keep in mind that it works still much better over there than here. If the goal is to discourage marriages and kids (some say we are overpopulated anyways), then modern America is certainly doing something right.

57   Rin   2014 Jul 23, 1:05am  

mell says

If the goal is to discourage marriages and kids (some say we are overpopulated anyways), then modern America is certainly doing something right.

Now that's an interesting causation idea.

58   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 1:49am  

komputodo says

Too much TV for the dove..

Brings to mind those TV shows that are popular now where women single women are police detectives. Woman leaves the house at the crack of dawn. She's out on the street dodging bullets all day then she's at the bar till late evening with the boys drinking single malt scotch winding down. Get's home around 9-10 at night and spends 10 minutes talking to her kid..Sounds like a wonderful life.

next day, rinse and repeat.

its all part of the marketing, that women can actually have lives like this.

do you really think that this 'businesswomen'/CEO life is actually realistic for most women? not even close. Mothering is a full time job. They just sell these feminist ideas to the public because it keeps the population in check, they don't actually delivery any 'equality' to women at all.

59   Peter P   2014 Jul 23, 1:54am  

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

60   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 1:59am  

Peter P says

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

and where will the nannies come from? the third world? so feminism is basically a form of elitism?

61   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:00am  

it goes without saying that only a small handful of people can have feminism.

62   dublin hillz   2014 Jul 23, 2:01am  

Peter P says

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

To the extent that day care centers exist, the function can be outsourced and be considered cost effective if daycare costs are significantly less than tanking the woman's salary to become a stay home mom. Just the cost of doing business...

63   Peter P   2014 Jul 23, 2:02am  

The Original Bankster says

Peter P says

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

and where will the nannies come from? the third world? so feminism is basically a form of elitism?

You can hire a British nanny. Just make sure your baby is neither shaken nor stirred.

64   Peter P   2014 Jul 23, 2:05am  

dublin hillz says

To the extent that day care centers exist, the function can be outsourced and be considered cost effective if daycare costs are significantly less than tanking the woman's salary to become a stay home mom. Just the cost of doing business...

You may also need to outsource housework. This is why hired help makes sense for those who truly can afford kids.

65   dublin hillz   2014 Jul 23, 2:08am  

komputodo says

I was talking about real mexicans that live in mexico...that's a whole different
thing no matter what anybody tells you.

The fact that latinos in united states are changing the patterns of behavior and gender role expectations compared to "real mexicans" as you put it (sound like palin's "real americans" by the way lol...) reflects the fact that some of their cultural traditions were not to everyone's liking and are malleable if proper opportunity presents itself.

66   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:10am  


this plans works for so long as women continually and aggressively demand some kind of vague re-compensation for their supposed 'discrimination'. Theyve been at this for what 20 years? how much will they swipe from the public in just to make their stupid TV dream work?

you look at any women 'thought leader' and that's basically all she has to say- here's the forumula - CONVENTIONAL THOUGHT + WOMEN CAN DO THAT TOO. Take any area of economic development and it literally takes just days for a "_____ GIRL" to show up on twitter with absolutely nothing to say aside from 'im a girl and im in this field!'

67   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:12am  

dublin hillz says

komputodo says

I was talking about real mexicans that live in mexico...that's a whole different

thing no matter what anybody tells you.

The fact that latinos in united states are changing the patterns of behavior and gender role expectations compared to "real mexicans" as you put it (sound like palin's "real americans" by the way lol...) reflects the fact that some of their cultural traditions were not to everyone's liking and are malleable if proper opportunity presents itself.

actually if you look closely the more traditional mexicans get incredibly jealous and protective of their women knowing that in the US they have the tendency to declare their "independence" divorce, and turn the hombre into a paycheck like the other amerilosers.

68   mell   2014 Jul 23, 2:16am  

The Original Bankster says

Peter P says

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

and where will the nannies come from? the third world? so feminism is basically a form of elitism?

It works for Marissa Mayer, who builds a gigantic crib/daycare for her kid(s) at her office with company money while revoking the work from home policy for all her employees. Genius!

69   Peter P   2014 Jul 23, 2:17am  

The Original Bankster says


this plans works for so long as women continually and aggressively demand some kind of vague re-compensation for their supposed 'discrimination'. Theyve been at this for what 20 years? how much will they swipe from the public in just to make their stupid TV dream work?

you look at any women 'thought leader' and that's basically all she has to say- here's the forumula - CONVENTIONAL THOUGHT + WOMEN CAN DO THAT TOO. Take any area of economic development and it literally takes just days for a "_____ GIRL" to show up on twitter with absolutely nothing to say aside from 'im a girl and im in this field!'

I have never supported gender equality and I will never support such cause. This is because any kind of "equality" is philosophically perverted.

We should just let everyone thrive and live with the result.

70   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:21am  

mell says

The Original Bankster says

Peter P says

The Original Bankster says

Mothering is a full time job.

You can outsource much of that to a nanny.

and where will the nannies come from? the third world? so feminism is basically a form of elitism?

It works for Marissa Mayer, who builds a gigantic crib/daycare for her kid(s) at her office with company money while revoking the work from home policy for all her employees. Genius!

works for Marissa Mayer- poster girl for NuCalifornia where all your liberal dreams come true. If you want to buy this crap then go right ahead, let us know how it all works out.

71   mell   2014 Jul 23, 2:28am  

The Original Bankster says

works for Marissa Mayer- poster girl for NuCalifornia where all your liberal dreams come true. If you want to buy this crap then go right ahead, let us know how it all works out.

Must have forgotten the irony tags - I think yahoo is doomed. But this is one of the cruelest moves I have ever seen from a CEO and it came from one of our poster power-women.

72   Peter P   2014 Jul 23, 2:32am  

Why do people still work at Yahoo?

73   NDrLoR   2014 Jul 23, 2:34am  

komputodo says

Cultural traditions are NEVER to everyone's liking no matter where you live

"Cultural traditions" are always used to justify any kind of behavior if they are the traditions of a foreign land. If they are the cultural traditions of America, then they are automatically considered invalid.

74   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:34am  

mell says

The Original Bankster says

works for Marissa Mayer- poster girl for NuCalifornia where all your liberal dreams come true. If you want to buy this crap then go right ahead, let us know how it all works out.

Must have forgotten the irony tags - I think yahoo is doomed. But this is one of the cruelest moves I have ever seen from a CEO and it came from one of our poster power-women.


it's all a massive joke. The feminism thing was clearly ignited by the usual suspect rich families. Gloria Steinem admitted that most of her 'fish needs a bicycle' nonsense was done while she was working for the CIA.

to summarize- feminism was a ploy to get women to give up their natural source of happiness and trade it for a taxable myth role that they will never truly live up to and will bill the average joe for all their problems. In general liberalism is a collection of nonsense memes that are designed to permanently cripple the working class sociologically. they have us in a constant discussion about butt sex, chopping your dick off, etc. while they eviscerate public funds.

75   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 23, 2:35am  

Peter P says

Why do people still work at Yahoo?


they can do errything man can do!!!!!!!!!!

76   mell   2014 Jul 23, 2:36am  

Peter P says

Why do people still work at Yahoo?

Pressure to pay the bills? They had good APIs and technology such as YUI, email and search algos - Yahoo finance was decent as well. Now with Marissa they have Alibaba ;)

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