Patrick.net Anti-Hillary Coalition of the Unwilling to see her be President

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2014 Aug 21, 5:11am   66,072 views  107 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Killary "Blood" Clottin

Can't make it up one flight of stairs without passing out.

Lover of NAFTA

Insurance Company Subsidies

Iraq ("With Conviction")

HUGE Corporate Stooge (from Walmart to Keystone XL)

Multiple time PATRIOT Act voter

Loves Fracking


Anti-atheist bigot


Write why you'll be working against Hillary 2016 here.

#Hillary #TPP #Clintonista
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20   Blurtman   2014 Sep 24, 10:18am  

Dan8267 says

thunderlips11 says

Patrick.net Anti-Hillary Coalition of the Unwilling to see her be President

Anyone who doesn't want Hillary to be president should start campaigning for Elizabeth Warren and William Black right now. Otherwise, it is almost inevitable that she will be the next president.

I voted for William K. Black in the last presidential election. I urge everyone to write him in in the next presidential election.

21   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 11:12am  

willywonka says

Hey, she predicted and guaranteed Asad's ouster, so there, haters!

Assad was the only thing keeping the radical Muslims in Syria down. Thanks to his troubles, Muslims have begun a holy war against all civilians of other religions or sects. Awesome.

22   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 11:35am  

There's a reason why the primary risk factor for Muslims to become terrorists is having a college education. Learning to think abstractly precludes moral judgement which most goat herders would have innately, and applying that to a hateful religion like Islam just makes it all the more likely that the educated fuck will strap on some black clothing, pick up a scimitar, and get medieval on the nearest follower of some other faith.

23   curious2   2014 Sep 24, 12:14pm  

Quigley says

the primary risk factor for Muslims to become terrorists is having a college education.

Do you have a source link for that? I searched but could only find broken links purportedly to a study by Marc Sageman, but I couldn't find anywhere he actually said what they claim he said. Also, the links were exclusively in self-styled "conservative" publications that seemed intended to get the ditto-heads nodding without thinking; in particular, they try to blame "secular education" and universities as part of a wider fundamentalist campaign against "elites" using the faculty of reason (rather than merely reciting what their preachers tell them). Serious reporting seems to show a much more complex set of risk factors for Muslim terrorism, and a long history of lethal terrorism on behalf of other religions including Christianity. Jihadists do tend to be middle class, and to come from intact heterosexual families, and do include educated professionals, contrary to certain stereotypes promoted by the "left" and "right".

24   Shaman   2014 Sep 24, 12:53pm  

I can't find the article I'm remembering. Sorry :/
It wasn't very far back, a year or two at most. I read a lot of news ...

25   Vicente   2014 Sep 24, 2:24pm  

thunderlips11 says

Write why you'll be working against Hillary 2016 here.

Who needs to work against her?

Despicable though this fact is, I know my people. Americans are incredibly shallow. A man in his 60's can look "distinguished", but none of them will describe Hillary that way. If she had run in her 40's sure, now she's doomed.

You need only look at some of the photos Teabaggers like to run of her, to see what I mean. And getting back to the shallowness point, we vote on looks first and sound bite second. Democrats need get over pining for the 90's and find someone else.

26   Y   2014 Sep 24, 2:43pm  

Bill was a rhodes scholar...whoever was closest to him would have inherited a boatload of knowledge....
My moneys on Monica!

27   mmmarvel   2014 Sep 24, 8:49pm  

willywonka says

Hey, she predicted and guaranteed Asad's ouster, so there, haters!

Even a stopped clock is right, twice a day. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. Even Hillary can make a mistake and have a prediction come true, but so seldom that we are able to keep track of them.

28   mmmarvel   2014 Sep 24, 8:49pm  

SoftShell says

Bill was a rhodes scholar...whoever was closest to him would have inherited a boatload of knowledge....

My moneys on Monica!

Give that man a cigar ... er, woman a cigar ... um, never mind.

29   mmmarvel   2014 Sep 24, 8:53pm  

Dan8267 says

Anyone who doesn't want Hillary to be president should start campaigning for Elizabeth Warren and William Black right now. Otherwise, it is almost inevitable that she will be the next president.

To vote for Hillary would be stupid. To vote for Warren would drop that level to moron. I'll do neither thank you.

30   bob2356   2014 Sep 24, 10:47pm  

mmmarvel says

To vote for Hillary would be stupid. To vote for Warren would drop that level to moron.

So true, I will vote for Palin so I can be a mensa candidate.

31   Dan8267   2014 Sep 25, 12:41am  

mmmarvel says

To vote for Hillary would be stupid. To vote for Warren would drop that level to moron. I'll do neither thank you.

You can tell when an idiot has no basis for his moronic opinion when the idiot makes a strong claim with nothing to back it up. Thank you mmmarvel for demonstrating this principle.

32   Dan8267   2014 Sep 25, 12:41am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

America needs a really IMMENSE HIRSUTE LESBIAN who isn't afraid to suck oil baron cock and brag about it.

Dick Cheney was already vice president.

33   dublin hillz   2014 Sep 25, 3:13am  

If the money line was established today, I would set it as dem -$280 (bet $280 to win $100) and set the rep line at +$240 (bet $100 to win $240).

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 25, 12:57pm  

But voters also have other things on their minds. When NBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked some twentysomethings at a Des Moines coffeehouse the rah-rah question—“When you look at Hillary Clinton, what do you see first—a politician, a woman, a president?”—they didn’t respond in kind.

“I think people see kind of the cronyism on Wall Street,” a woman named Carla told Mitchell.


35   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Oct 13, 1:03am  

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton offered an unusual defense (video link courtesy Breitbart.tv) of a hated Washington insider caste -- lobbyists -- before an audience of political outsiders in Chicago Saturday, drawing boos from the audience at the YearlyKos Convention and offering an opening to her rivals.

“A lot of those lobbyists, whether you like it or not, represent real Americans,” the New York senator said in defense of her decision to accept campaign contributions from lobbyists. “They represent nurses, they represent social workers, yes, they represent corporations that employ a lot of people.”

“I don’t think, based on my 35 years of fighting for what I believe in, I don’t think anybody seriously believes I’m going to be influenced by a lobbyist,” Clinton said.

Clinton spoke in response to a challenge from former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards to his Democratic rivals to stop taking contributions from federal lobbyists.


36   Ceffer   2014 Oct 13, 2:36am  

Twerk Decapitator In-Chief!

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Oct 13, 5:51am  

Losing Hitlary in the Primaries would be the best thing to ever happen to the Democratic party. A firm rebuke of the Neoliberal Wing of the Party.

The Republicans held power for 20 years by being aggressive, and pushing (however you disagree) a pretty clear policy backed by cultural warriorhood. Party members who deviated were punished. This policy is still working to a great degree.

The Dems' current strategy is, "Republican Lite" or "Slow down the Republicans".

You see this also with UK Labor, with the Blairtards still running the show despite a groundswell of anti-Austerity, anti-Bankster support. Labor is going to flub an election they should win hands down because of Neoliberalism and the Multicult. Just like the USA, England is being flooded with un and semi- skilled immigrants they don't need, to drive up rents and lower wages even though unemployment and underemployment is high.

If the Dems had any sense whatsoever, they would adapt a restrictive immigration platform and force the Republican leadership into opposing it - then the working class blue collar Republican backers could see the real stripes.

Progressives need to mimick the Republican Right and stop "Lesser of Two Evils" in the Primaries and start controlling for real progressives.

38   Shaman   2014 Oct 13, 6:20am  

Whoever becomes President will be bought and paid for by the wealthy elite. There will be change, but it will be more of the downward slide of fewer citizen rights, more people in jail, more wasteful government spending, and more imbalance between workers and elite.

39   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jan 14, 7:55pm  

I'm sorry to subject you to all this, but here's a SuperPAC song for Hillary.
"One Grey Lady"

40   HydroCabron   2015 Jan 14, 7:57pm  

What about cancer?

We haven't really lost a prominent asshole politician to cancer since Paul Simon.

Dare to dream?

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jan 21, 6:09pm  

Major donors are ready to announce huge financial commitments to Hillary Clinton as soon as she announces a second run for the White House, according to Clinton allies and Democratic fundraisers.

The Clinton team wants to build excitement about her campaign launch, which is expected in March or April. The money blitz would be a show of Clinton’s strength meant to scare away potential primary rivals.

“The floodgates are going to open immediately, and there’s going to be a rush to get on the team,” said Don Peebles, the real estate mogul who served on President Obama's national finance committee. “There’s nobody in the Democratic Party who can match her. Not even close.”

“It’s going to be like nothing you’ve seen,” added one top Democratic donor, who supported both of Obama’s presidential campaigns and plans to throw big support behind Clinton. “The numbers will be astounding.”

Clinton is also busy considering who to have run the finances of her would-be campaign.

The wide consensus among Clinton insiders is that Dennis Cheng, who serves as the chief development officer at the Clinton Foundation and worked on her finance team in her 2008 campaign, would take on the role.

Democratic fundraisers say big donors are more likely to get behind Clinton than Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a favorite among progressives, who has attacked Wall Street interests that can be big players in Democratic politics.

“The bundler class is less likely to get behind her [Warren],” said one top Democratic fundraiser.


Those big .01% Wall Street Bundlers, ready to support the heroine of the average American.

42   smaulgld   2015 Jan 22, 4:50pm  

Start the same thread for Jeb Bush

43   Ceffer   2015 Jan 22, 8:26pm  

I would rather like to see an obese, gassy, alcoholic, bloated Al Gore elected President.

Hilary could be an immense, hirsute lesbian VP.

Al would wander around peeing in the potted plants in the White House, pass out in his soup, and projectile vomit on heads of state. His bloodshot eyes would wobble as he slurs and slobbers his lines attempting to read his teleprompter during addresses to the nation.

"Red light, I shee fuckhing TWO red lights, make up your fuckhing minds, sheesh!"

"Global Warming? Don't talk to me about no Global Warming. I INVENTED Global Warming!"

44   Vicente   2015 Jan 23, 10:06am  

HydroCabron says

I though the idea of a republic is a rejection of hereditary rule?


The Rich Old People however, like keeping it in The Aristocracy.

Obama was a rejection of that by Democrat voters. It doesn't mean the Rich Old People won't try to push her yet again, of course they will! It's like Romney running for a 3rd time, they are convinced they are right for the job and they just need to spend MORE MONEY to convince the peasants of that.

45   FortWayne   2015 Jan 23, 10:19am  

Vicente says

HydroCabron says

I though the idea of a republic is a rejection of hereditary rule?


The Rich Old People however, like keeping it in The Aristocracy.

Obama was a rejection of that by Democrat voters. It doesn't mean the Rich Old People won't try to push her yet again, of course they will! It's like Romney running for a 3rd time, they are convinced they are right for the job and they just need to spend MORE MONEY to convince the peasants of that.

Romney ain't winning after his snobbish comments about poor people.

46   HydroCabron   2015 Jan 23, 10:34am  

Vicente says

It doesn't mean the Rich Old People won't try to push her yet again, of course they will!

Obama is probably the youngest president we'll see for the next 20 years. I'm surprised even someone (allegedly) born in 1960 could get the nomination - that's near the tail of the baby boom.

Now that the boomers are invading the elderly cohort - which votes very, very reliably - I doubt that anyone non-boomer has a chance before 2032.

This factor, in addition to just basic stupidity, is why it's Hillary's (or Jeb's) turn: the electorate is too stupid to learn new surnames, and boomers worship themselves.

If Malia Obama, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky or Pierce Bush runs, I'm leaving the U.S. to spend the rest of my life in Utah.

47   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jan 23, 10:58am  

FortWayne says

Romney ain't winning after his snobbish comments about poor people.

Sadly, I think you underestimate the ability of the hick poor to judge themselves superior to other poor people.

"I ain't poor, I pay my rent on my trailer and make my F150 payment every month."

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jan 28, 10:50am  

Hillary courts Private Equity and the Bankster friends in the Democratic Party for potential Veep roles.

On Warren and Weiss: “[T]he despair among Wall Street’s Democratic elite is growing acute” [Politico]. Interesting, if true.

Hillary camp floats trial balloons for VP: Tim Kaine (D-VA), Michael Bennet (D-CO; Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), HUD’s Julian Castro, Labor’s Tom Perez, California AG Kamala Harris [Talking Points Memo]. Cory Booker? Private equity’s BFF? Please kill me now. To be fair, thing the Hillary campaign has down to a science: Sucking all the oxygen out of the early campaign season.

Former Bill Clinton pollster: Warren closer to Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire than national polls imply, especially with a strong populist message [Wall Street Journal].


(Links at the above link).

49   Peter P   2015 Jan 28, 11:26am  

A private equity background would be most excellent for government. What's the problem?

50   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 9, 3:38pm  

Hillary's #1 Campaign Problem: How to formulate an Economic Policy that appeals to the base, but doesn't offend her .1%er Donors.

Whether Mrs. Clinton’s approach will be enough to satisfy the unease over growing economic disparity is unclear. In a Gallup poll conducted last month, 67 percent of Americans said they were dissatisfied with the way income and wealth are distributed in the United States. In the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, Mrs. Clinton’s economic message — summed up by a frequent refrain, “If you work hard, you play by the rules, you ought to be able to get ahead” — resonated with white, working-class voters, who overwhelmingly supported her over Barack Obama.

But in the years since, Mrs. Clinton has come under criticism for delivering speeches to Wall Street banks at more than $200,000 each, roughly four times the median annual household income in the United States, and for comments she made about her family’s financial situation, including a lament about being “dead broke” after leaving the White House. And she must convince a middle class that feels frustrated and left behind that she understands its struggles, even as she relies heavily on the financial industry and corporate interests to fund her candidacy.


51   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 9, 3:44pm  

thunderlips11 says

Hillary's #1 Campaign Problem: How to formulate an Economic Policy that appeals to the base, but doesn't offend her .1%er Donors.

"Her goal is how to formulate an economic policy that appeals to her .1%er donor without offending her base."

52   Vicente   2015 Feb 9, 9:51pm  

HydroCabron says

I'm leaving the U.S. to spend the rest of my life in Utah.

You'll need a Stetson, they're cool.

53   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 20, 1:52pm  

In a new statement, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has defended its fundraising practices and promised that should Hillary Rodham Clinton run for president, as is widely expected, the foundation will “continue to ensure the Foundation’s policies and practices regarding support from international partners are appropriate, just as we did when she served as secretary of state.”

The Foundation did not define “appropriate” or offer other information about how such donations would be treated if Clinton formally launches a campaign.


55   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Feb 26, 12:02pm  

thunderlips11 says

Clinton Foundation accepted millions from Foreign Governments while Hillary was Sec of State.

The article makes it sounds it's ok because of the rules of the foundation.
Seriously... why is ok as by the law of the US?

56   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 26, 12:25pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

The article makes it sounds it's ok because of the rules of the foundation.

Seriously... why is ok as by the law of the US?

Why would politicians pass laws cutting off funding for themselves and their nepotistism/influence-peddling organizations?

But don't worry, They have a process in place. Because having a process prevents any abuse, mistakes, or ethical issues.

57   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Apr 12, 5:59pm  

Also missing: Her campaign website includes a lengthy biography but no discussion of issues, no policy platforms and no staked-out ideological territory.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3035748/Everyday-Americans-need-champion-Wealthy-Hillary-Clinton-enters-race-president.html#ixzz3X91zgfXP

In a similar vein:

And unlike eight years ago, when she ran as a candidate with a deep resume in Washington, Clinton and her personal history weren't the focus of the first message of her campaign. In the online video that kicked off her campaign, she made no mention of her time in the Senate and four years as secretary of state, or the prospect she could make history as the nation's first female president.

Instead, the video is collection of voters talking about their lives, their plans and aspirations for the future. Clinton doesn't appear until the very end.

AKA "Fluffy Bullshit"

58   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Apr 15, 1:52pm  

Hillary's 'unscripted' meeting with 'voters' entirely staged by Clinton Campaign.

Her Tuesday morning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa was staged from beginning to end, according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton.

Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city.

Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.

The three got the lion's share of Mrs. Clinton's time and participated in what breathless news reports described as a 'roundtable'– the first of many in her brief Iowa campaign swing.

Bird himself is a frequent participant in Iowa Democratic Party events. He interned with President Obama's 2012 presidential re-election campaign, and was tapped to chauffeur Vice President Joe Biden in October 2014 when he visited Davenport.

'What happened is, we were just asked to be there by Troy,' Bird said Wednesday in a phone interview.
We were asked to come to a meeting with Troy, the three of us, at the Village Inn.'

The other two, he confirmed, were University of Iowa College Democrats president Carter Bell. and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland employee Sara Sedlacek.

'It was supposed to be a strategy meeting,' Bird recalled, 'to get our thoughts about issues. But then all of a sudden he says, "Hey, we have Secretary Clinton coming in, would you like to go meet her?"'

'And then we got in a car – Troy's car – and we went up to the coffee house, and we sat at a table and then Hillary just came up and talked with us.'


Healthcare Lobbyist in Training, Planned Parent Employee, Obama 2012 Campaign Intern, and leader of the University Student Democrats. Just plain, ordinary folks!

59   Blurtman   2015 Apr 15, 3:32pm  

"Hillary's 'unscripted' meeting with 'voters' entirely staged by Clinton Campaign."

In fact it all was filmed on an LA sound stage. You can see the dude who portrayed Gollum in the crowd.

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