Trump wants to do away with H-1B visas!!!!!

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2015 Oct 31, 6:48pm   23,835 views  58 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


DT: Day one. This is why I got into this race. Because the everyday working person in this country is getting screwed. Lobbyists write the rules to benefit the rich and powerful. They buy off Senators like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to help them get rich at the expense of working Americans by using H-1B visas–so called “high tech” visas–to replace American workers in all sorts of solid middle class jobs. If I am President, I will not issue any H-1B visas to companies that replace American workers and my Department of Justice will pursue action against them.


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24   bob2356   2015 Nov 2, 4:01am  

drew_eckhardt says

bob2356 says

Competent computer science graduates have ample employment opportunities.

Then pay scales are going up nicely. Whoops, maybe not.

They are going way up.

New graduates at big Silicon Valley companies now get $100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

Pay scales for everyone are higher in Silicon Valley. Since you are in the know, how many new graduates were hired last year at 100k+ out of how many graduates.

25   lostand confused   2015 Nov 2, 4:19am  

Rin says

Seriously, does anyone know anything about Ivies?

Well, according to Glenn Reynolds-Law professor in TN- to end inequality, one must end Ivy leagues. LOL-soon they will say to end inequality-grab everybody's money and redistribute it equally-oh wait!!


26   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 2, 10:19am  

Yep, Ivy Leagues discriminate against Asians and also Jews and smart White Rural/Midwestern Kids.

It's done by the power of "Leadership" and "Extracurricular Activities."

Why do Academic Institutions look at Rowing Club membership and use it to select a candidate with a lower SAT/ACT/GPA score than another with a far better score?

It would be like the NFL refusing to draft a Kicker with a great record and drafting one with a worse record, on the grounds the worse kicker was on the Chess Club and is more "well rounded".

One more chance, Mr. Simms....

27   FortWayne   2015 Nov 2, 6:57pm  

The left must really hate Trump, he is doing everything that America wants to see a president do. A real presidential material, unlike Hillary.

28   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 2, 8:07pm  

lostand confused says

If Trump makes this a major campaign issues-watch the donations to Hillary's foundation soar from tech companies.

The tech companies are as passe as the media. Both have lost favor with the masses.

The MSM is going to have to go back to being that nice family man(who very well may be a serial rapist in real life) on TV who always champions the moral high ground and has a can do spirit.
Wears a sweater at Christmas time and can distinguish the difference between man stuff and girl stuff. Before they ever become relevant again. Americans are easy to bullshit and can be kept entertained while rob them deaf dumb and blind. They will be captured by facetime on their computer, phone, or television. But there's got to be entertainment. They can tell the difference between crappy programming and just down right Propaganda Shit. Crappy Programming they are used to. 5 year old Mexican Boys in an Elementary School Girlsroom, not so much.

Tech companies could stand on their heads and scream until they turned Blue. Nobody gives a shit about a Tweet anymore. When was the last time you heard someone implode from a Tweet?
Not since Trump I'll tell you that. Shit we can't even be bothered with the highcrimes of treason in HIllaries email inbox, what's Google gonna do to Trump that they haven't already done?
The worst thing all of them could do is Ignore Trump.

But then there wouldn't be ANY ratings or traffic.

29   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 2, 8:50pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The tech companies are as passe as the media. Both have lost favor with the masses.

The tech companies aren't running for office.

Hillary and others are. They're using the tech companies' money to do so.

Wall Street, Monsanto, big unions, military contractors, Philip Morris and the Koch Bros. have never been popular as political candidates. That's why they don't run for office. They give money to people who run for office.

Sheldon Adelson couldn't get elected to an HOA board, but, thanks to Citizens United, he could keep his own boutique candidate, Newt Gingrich, in the race well into the 2012 primaries. For this we have you to thank, for voting a Republican ticket all these years - thanks, guy!

30   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 5:30am  

FortWayne says

The left must really hate Trump, he is doing everything that America wants to see a president do. A real presidential material, unlike Hillary.

Trump's positions on the issues (save immigration) are probably to the left of Hillary. Why do the idiots on here keep thinking Dems wouldn't like him?

31   FortWayne   2015 Nov 3, 7:27am  

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

32   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 7:38am  

FortWayne says

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

That's what your brainwashing leaders want you to believe, but you need to open your eyes. Democrats want the rules to allow anyone the chance to succeed based on his/her abilities. They don't want success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

33   mell   2015 Nov 3, 8:44am  

FortWayne says

Because Dems mostly vote for welfare handouts and feminist issues. They resent success and responsibility.

Correct. Goes hand in hand. That's why you must not vote Democrat unless you want to accelerate the demise of this country.

34   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 9:03am  

tatupu70 says

success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

vote for welfare to keep them on 'their side of the tracks' can't have them going to schools in Westfield Lol....Democrat reasons for voting for welfare are as racist as republican reasons for voting against it.

35   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 9:37am  

MMR says

vote for welfare to keep them on 'their side of the tracks' can't have them going to schools in Westfield Lol....Democrat reasons for voting for welfare are as racist as republican reasons for voting against it.

huh? And they'd be able to live in Westfield without welfare?? What the hell are you talking about?

36   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 1:14pm  

tatupu70 says

huh? And they'd be able to live in Westfield without welfare?? What the hell are you talking about

maybe take some students from the overpopulated ghetto schools and bus them into Westfield?????....but your former neighbors wouldn't like that....that's one of the reasons why they vote for welfare....What are you having so much difficulty comprehending? To keep them on their side of the tracks.

Westfield is home of limousine liberals, mostly Jewish. If they're so much about equality and giving people a fair shot, they would vote for busing into Newark. The only people I know from Westfield who went to Newark for schooling are the silver spoons who went to Newark Academy, which is in Livingston, another limousine liberal sanctuary.

Those dudes wouldn't touch Newark with a ten foot pole.....or allow the 'coloreds' into their town to give them a 'fair shot' at a good life by giving themselves a chance to get educated in a good school with high per pupil spending.

In short, they are hypocrites when they call others racist.

In case you're not sure what a limousine liberal is, here is a definition


Many people were able to understand what I meant, but you feign ignorance...interesting.

37   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 1:36pm  

MMR says

maybe take some students from the overpopulated ghetto schools and bus them into Westfield?????....but your former neighbors wouldn't like that....that's one of the reasons why they vote for welfare....What are you having so much difficulty comprehending? To keep them on their side of the tracks.

You think it's Dems that want segregation? Regardless, what does welfare have to do with busing kids into different schools?

MMR says

Westfield is home of limousine liberals, mostly Jewish.

Hardly. It's the home of NYers that have moved to NJ to get a yard and raise a family. It's actually not that Jewish--maybe you're thinking of Livingston.

I'm just not sure what point you're making. Because one doesn't want to live in a poor neighborhood, it means they don't want to try to help poor people? Is that your point?

38   FortWayne   2015 Nov 3, 2:05pm  

tatupu70 says

That's what your brainwashing leaders want you to believe, but you need to open your eyes. Democrats want the rules to allow anyone the chance to succeed based on his/her abilities. They don't want success or failure determined at birth based on your parent's wealth.

Just like communists did, what you are saying isn't any different from communist manifesto. That didn't seem to work out very well for the Soviets and North Koreans. You can't redistribute your way to success. Democrats are just losers appealing to the loser mentality.

39   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 2:09pm  

FortWayne says

Just like communists did, what you are saying isn't any different from communist manifesto. That didn't seem to work out very well for the Soviets and North Koreans. You can't redistribute your way to success. Democrats are just losers appealing to the loser mentality.

What I'm saying is miles from what didn't work well for the Soviets and North Koreans. What I'm saying DID work very well HERE in the US from 1945 - 1980. The US redistributed its way to success for decades until Reagan came along.

The real redistribution started with Reagan. Money got redistributed from the middle class to the 1%. I just want to stop that.

40   lostand confused   2015 Nov 3, 2:17pm  

tatupu70 says

The real redistribution started with Reagan. Money got redistributed from the middle class to the 1%. I just want to stop that.

Huh-just because you heard it Indian Chief Warren rally/pow-wow, does not make it true.
The 1% pay close to half of taxes.

41   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 3, 2:29pm  

lostand confused says

The 1% pay close to half of taxes.

And since they hold only 42% of the wealth, it's an incredible burden to them. With such limited means, I have no idea where they get the money to pay those taxes. We need a food & blanket drive for them.

Trump would fix this - he's a good man.

42   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 3:47pm  

Ironman says

No, Westfield has a lot of Jews and doctors. You wouldn't know because they don't work in a factory like you do.

lol---you've obviously never been to the train station at rush hour. Half the town rides. And another quarter probably rides the bus.

Of course there is a Jewish population-it is full of ex-NYCers. But to call it "mostly" Jewish is completely incorrect.

43   tatupu70   2015 Nov 3, 3:56pm  

lostand confused says

Huh-just because you heard it Indian Chief Warren rally/pow-wow, does not make it true.

The 1% pay close to half of taxes.


Of course. I would never state something just because Warren said it. Here's some charts for you:

And the 1% pay half the taxes because they are the only ones with any money. If you want more people to pay taxes, let them earn more money...

44   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 3, 4:02pm  

All lies, Tatupu! All measurements of the economy are wrong, untestable a priori assertions are better. Also, I went to Shadowstats and...

45   lostand confused   2015 Nov 3, 7:16pm  

Maybe people have no wealth because nobody saves anymore? I know people who make 100k and live in debt and are 1 or 2 paychecks away from disaster. Could also be the loan culture-else houses will never be inflated so much.

46   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 8:04pm  

Ironman says

Westfield has a lot of Jews and doctors

My neighbor as a freshman at Emory was a Jewish kid from Westfield whose dad is an OB/GYN in practice along with his sister. At any given time there was probably 5 people at Westfield in the undergrad ranks when I was there and they were all Jewish.

Furthermore, the largest Jewish communities in Union County are in Hillside, Westfield, Scotch Plains and Linden

Temple Emanu-El in Westfield had over 1,100 members (2005). That's quite a few for a town of 30000.


Westfield has a significant Jewish population

47   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 8:19pm  

tatupu70 says

it means they don't want to try to help poor people? Is that your point?

No, the volition to 'help' is really borne out of a desire to keep them out of their neighborhood. That's why the limousine liberal tag is apt in this case. How much has this 'help' in the form of welfare helped anything?

True liberals go to public schools that give everyone a fair shot at success. Like the way the magnet schools were in New York city 30-40 years ago. Voting democrat and voting for welfare doesn't necessarily constitute progressive thinking.

It's a nice idea and all, but as currently configured it doesn't help the people it's designed to help.tatupu70 says

-maybe you're thinking of Livingston

Its also very Jewish and more so than Westfield. I have relatives in Livingston, some of the rare Indians in that environment.tatupu70 says

Dems that want segregation

Yes, actually they do. Latte sipping NPR listening folks want that for their kids so that the education for their offspring isn't dumbed down. They try to assuage their feelings of guilt by voting for welfare to keep the coloreds on their side of the tracks.

If they were so interested in giving people an opportunity not based on parental wealth, then why don't they vote for the choice of people in the ghetto to allow their kids to go to the school that gives them the best shot of success?.....It's known as racism and classism.

Also, the charter school movement is mostly driven by Dems.


comment from liberaldregs:

In my medium-affluent New Jersey suburb, the school board (at no political risk to themselves), has basically ignored state mandates for charter schools. In fact, there is huge resistance from parents (and teachers) in any district with reasonably good schools.

Reason: they don't want to make concessions to ghetto people. But yes, Dems don't support segregation. Actually Dems support segregation but lie blatantly about it while Repubs also support segregation and tell others 'fuck you got mine'

48   MMR   2015 Nov 3, 8:27pm  

tatupu70 says

But to call it "mostly" Jewish is completely incorrect.

Only in influence boss man. Mostly Jewish in influence.

Emory is 20% (supposedly) Jewish but make up 70% of the greek system at the undergrad level, that was the case 20 years ago.

Today the most alpha dog Jewish kids still have guts to tell Indians to go back to India. Who do they vote for....hint, it isn't the Republicans. The weasel author had the inside scoop because his brother was in the fraternity.

On an unrelated note, the whining about microaggressions is a largely liberal affectation that is quite pathetic and mostly invented by leftist morons.


49   tatupu70   2015 Nov 4, 5:15am  

MMR says

Temple Emanu-El in Westfield had over 1,100 members (2005). That's quite a few for a town of 30000.

I imagine that not all members are from Westfield, but, regardless, if 3.6% is "mostly" Jewish in your mind, then I can't argue with you.

MMR says

No, the volition to 'help' is really borne out of a desire to keep them out of their neighborhood. That's why the limousine liberal tag is apt in this case. How much has this 'help' in the form of welfare helped anything?

True liberals go to public schools that give everyone a fair shot at success. Like the way the magnet schools were in New York city 30-40 years ago. Voting democrat and voting for welfare doesn't necessarily constitute progressive thinking.

It's a nice idea and all, but as currently configured it doesn't help the people it's designed to help

You're all over the place. Bottom line--your cynical view is wrong. Lots of liberals want to help the poor and less advantaged. You are free to question the efficacy of welfare and propose new ideas that will do more to get poor folks self supporting. That's fair. You can't question the motives of folks that help without a bit more, however.

True liberals try to make every school the same so every school gives all students a fair shot.

MMR says

If they were so interested in giving people an opportunity not based on parental wealth, then why don't they vote for the choice of people in the ghetto to allow their kids to go to the school that gives them the best shot of success?.....It's known as racism and classism.

It's simply a matter of practicality. We can't afford to bus every kid to a different school that is 30 miles away.

Sounds like you have some issues you need to resolve with Jewish folks. Maybe you can get together with Bgamall.

50   MMR   2015 Nov 4, 6:45am  

tatupu70 says

3.6% is "mostly" Jewish in your mind, then I can't argue with you

3.6% is higher than the average in the US but less than the Average in NYC. I also clearly said 'influence.' 3.6% Jewish will exhibit a disproportionate influence over the goings-on in any given community they adopt as their own.

tatupu70 says

Sounds like you have some issues you need to resolve with Jewish folks.

Hypocritical racism isn't a Jewish problem, it's a limousine liberal problem. Besides I have plenty of Jewish friends. I have problems with people who whine about racists who are conservative leaning but stay silent when terms like chindian and killing H1-B's is considered acceptable.

I never saw any person using the term Jew banker to describe the bankers who decimated the economy, although that is more true than false. I see a lot of people here who are racist against Indians trying to provide a better life for their families.

I see a lot of hypocrite liberals who hate on Indians while complaining about racism against muslims, most of whom have jihadist sentiments even if they themselves are non-violent.

tatupu70 says

It's simply a matter of practicality. We can't afford to bus every kid to a different school that is 30 miles away

Right, so give the kids from the flooded inner city schools a chance at a lottery and based on their ability to transport themselves, they could be free to do that. The original point is that limousine liberals won't vote for that. Instead they vote for welfare to keep the coloreds and undesirables on their side of the tracks and call it helping those less fortunate.

tatupu70 says

True liberals try to make every school the same so every school gives all students a fair shot

Not even close, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Voting for welfare and keeping people on their side of the tracks isn't going to give all students a fair shot. Or a shot at success or failure NOT determined at birth based on your parents wealth.

tatupu70 says

Lots of liberals want to help the poor and less advantaged.

Right, they just don't tend to live in limousine liberal enclavestatupu70 says

Maybe you can get together with Bgamall.

Most American Jews aren't zionists. And you don't have to be Jewish to be zionist and zionists occupy both sides of the aisle.

51   tatupu70   2015 Nov 4, 7:49am  

Ironman says

tatupu70 says

I imagine

We hope at some time, you STOP "imagining" events and START relying on facts...

It's your imagination that gets you in trouble here ALL the time.

Why don't you stop trolling with useless comments like this that add nothing to the discussion.

52   FortWayne   2015 Nov 4, 8:24am  

tatupu70 says

True liberals try to make every school the same so every school gives all students a fair shot

Not really. All they do is bring everyone down to the level of the stupidest kid in the classroom. In liberal utopia there are no successes or winners, just dumbed down population of losers.

53   tatupu70   2015 Nov 4, 8:34am  

FortWayne says

Not really. All they do is bring everyone down to the level of the stupidest kid in the classroom. In liberal utopia there are no successes or winners, just dumbed down population of losers.

Conservatives need to get to get together so their strawman arguments agree. You and MMR seem to be saying opposite things but attributing both to liberals.

54   dublin hillz   2015 Nov 4, 9:12am  

MMR says

Hypocritical racism isn't a Jewish problem, it's a limousine liberal problem. Besides I have plenty of Jewish friends. I have problems with people who whine about racists who are conservative leaning but stay silent when terms like chindian and killing H1-B's is considered acceptable.

I never saw any person using the term Jew banker to describe the bankers who decimated the economy, although that is more true than false. I see a lot of people here who are racist against Indians trying to provide a better life for their families.

I see a lot of hypocrite liberals who hate on Indians while complaining about racism against muslims, most of whom have jihadist sentiments even if they themselves are non-violent.

Whether it's H1B or undocumented manual labor work, I believe that people consider both groups to place downward pressure on wages which directly affects the people who compete with both groups. While there may be some "racism" involved, it's mostly about economic factors. I don't agree with methods of protests that are employed but I understand why the frustration exists. I can't blame the people who want to improve the lives of their families but we sure as heck can hold the companies and "small businesses" accountable for creating and perpetuating the problem.

55   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 4, 10:29am  

What's wrong with Chindian? The first use was to describe the region around the Burma Road and the forces involved in supplying China in WW2.

Or the complaining about Chinaman but not Scotsman or Irishman by the handful of young ABCs who want to get on the oppression bandwagon.

56   muffinman   2015 Nov 4, 6:44pm  

Ironman says

That's exactly what happens when you discuss things with TAT, here's his calling card:

My, you're quite an asshole, aren't you?

57   John Bailo   2015 Nov 7, 1:00pm  

bob2356 says

$100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

Tech jobs are far more volatile than you realize.

It's not like you start with that salary and move up the earnings ladder as if you were in a bank.

Jobs, groups and whole divisions can evaporate faster than an ad agency.

One friend of mine was doing stellar work in cutting edge and valuable technology and walked in to find an entire floor of people let go.

A lot of these salary numbers include hourly contractors who have even less security.

Many jobs are posted as 3 months to hire...but often the hire part never occurs or if it does the high hourly wage can be knocked down to a salary that is half of the hourly...usually the person is by then "bought in", got a house and so on that he desperately takes the lower salary.

Also the industry is highly "youth oriented". It's completely common for anyone (including managers) to label someone as old and discriminate openly without any repercussions. Half the time the "young" know-it-alls end up being completely clueless and drain knowledge off the old guy (surprisingly, no matter how many changes have occurred the basics of programming and data manipulation are still the same at their core) who is still not recognized.

58   bob2356   2015 Nov 7, 5:11pm  

John Bailo says

bob2356 says

$100-$115K base salaries with $170-$190K total compensation.

Tech jobs are far more volatile than you realize.

I worked in tech from the 70's through the early 2000's. I realize just fine how tech jobs work thank you very much. The question on the table is what percentage of new tech graduates are pulling down these types of salaries. A question that was ignored I notice.

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