Fmr. FBI Counterterror Agent Just Exposed A Disturbing Truth About Vast Majorit

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2015 Dec 4, 8:29pm   2,653 views  7 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

John Guandolo, former FBI counter-terrorism special agent, author of Raising a Jihadi Generation, and site administrator of UnderstandingTheThreat, is making some shocking claims about who is actually advising the White House and senior leaders in the federal government on matters of national security.

Brietbart News Daily interviewed Guandolo on Friday. Guandolo reportedly told Breitbart that the “Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)—the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization here— is a Hamas funding entity.”
He said that the ISNA collaborates with the secretary of state and the National Security Administration, and briefs the FBI and CIA. ISNA’s former president, Mohamed Magid, works “very closely with the White House and sits on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance.”

While he was an agent, Guandolo “came to understand very deeply the massive jihadi network we have in the United States” and learned that “the leaders of the Islamic organizations… were actually interfacing with government leaders and advising them with how to proceed in the war on terror, as it was called.”

In addition to advising senior members of the WH, the CIA, and the NSA, according to Guandolo, the Muslim Brotherhood maintains a financial institution here in the U.S. called the North American Islamic Trust. Guandolo states that of the over 2200 Islamic centers and mosques in the U.S., property records show that the North American Islamic Trust owns or holds the deeds to 75 percent of them.

He reported that the San Bernardino terrorists attended the Islamic Center of Riverside, a Muslim Brotherhood location. He said that other terrorists were linked to radical Islamic centers that are operated by the Muslim Brotherhood as well. more...


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1   indigenous   2015 Dec 5, 7:39am  

The Iranian thing appears to be war propaganda from what I read. Iran is fighting ISIS.

2   turtledove   2015 Dec 5, 7:50am  

It will be interesting as more and more gets out about who is funding what and how. It wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of examples for previous thought benignities that turn out to be much more malignant than ever thought.

3   indigenous   2015 Dec 5, 7:54am  

Iran is connected with Hamas but they are also fighting ISIS so who knows the truth?

The warmongers constant barrage just wants a boogeyman, i.e. they cannot be trusted. OTOH Israel is reported to be buying ISIS oil.

Patrick has been more and more suspicious of Saudi Arabia.

Once again follow this handy chart:

4   resistance   2015 Dec 5, 8:17am  


The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) is a Saudi-backed organization based in Plainfield, Indiana, that owns Islamic properties and promotes waqf (Islamic endowments) in North America. It is the financial arm of the Muslim Students Association.[1][2]

lo and behold, there are the saudis again.

5   resistance   2015 Dec 5, 8:19am  

here is their official site:


no mention of saudi arabia there, of course. totally hidden.

6   resistance   2015 Dec 5, 8:31am  

and yes, the FBI concluded that they are part of the muslim brotherhood:

FBI NAIT Investigation
Indianapolis, IN
Muslim Brotherhood

Around 1987-88, FBI agents in Indianapolis began investigating the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The investigation found that NAIT, which holds title to dozens of mosques throughout the country, and ISNA are Muslim Brotherhood front groups.[1] NAIT grew out of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and remains affiliated with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), investigation records alleged. The records also showed that International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) board members Jamal Barzinji and Yaqub Mirza are listed among "members and leaders of the IKHWAN [or the Muslim Brotherhood]." According to an FBI memo, a source whose name is redacted in the investigative file "advised that the IIIT, NAIT (North American Islamic Trust) and all the subsidiary and sponsoring Muslim organizations under the control of the IIIT and the SAAR Foundation are in fact IKHWAN organizations."

[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation, FOIA Documents, Case ID: 1111944-000, Release Date: April 29, 2008. See also "Forgotten Investigation Emails Offer Insight into IIIT Probe," IPT News, August 3, 2008, http://www.investigativeproject.org/737/forgotten-investigation-emails-offer-insight-into-iiit-probe

so that's just lovely. pretty much all the mosques in north america are funded by the saudis and associated with the muslim brotherhood, which has turned into isis.

7   indigenous   2015 Dec 5, 8:41am  

IOW, follow along with me class, "follow the money".

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