The Race for President is (Probably) Over

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2016 Sep 11, 1:23pm   10,583 views  45 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

If you are following breaking news, Hillary Clinton abruptly left the 9-11 memorial today because she was reportedly “overheated.” Her campaign says she is fine now.

You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same.

Here’s why.

If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11 . When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable.



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1   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 11, 1:28pm  

Pretending to be a neutral, sober analyst is the first funny thing Scott Adams has ever done.

2   Ceffer   2016 Sep 11, 1:29pm  

I prefer reeling, intoxicated, subjective analysis.

3   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 11, 1:37pm  

No person with a medical condition - like, say, polio - could possibly defeat enemies like Hitler and Imperial Japan.

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 11, 1:52pm  

The handrails, the thickened special water, the stools, the coughing...

5   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 11, 2:43pm  

Blurtman says

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable.

only to a complete Dumbfuck like you. Roosevelt was wheelchair bound you ignorant sack of shit.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 11, 2:46pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

Roosevelt was wheelchair bound you ignorant sack of shit

Right, having a physical impairment is the same as hiding a neurological disorder that effects judgement and temperment.

They're scared shitless of the health claims. A one page statement from her personal physician a year-and-a-half ago is now inadequate.

7   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 11, 2:49pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

hiding a neurological disorder that effects judgement and temperment.

Voting on "judgment and temperment" and you are voting for Drump? HAHAHAHAHA! STUPID post of the day! Fortfucktardwhine and ironmansuckof will have a hard time topping you on that one!

8   Patrick   2016 Sep 11, 4:13pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

... a complete Dumbfuck like you. ... you ignorant sack of shit.

There are definitely downsides to having this forum unmoderated.

9   Ceffer   2016 Sep 11, 4:15pm  

I can hardly wait for her to hack a bloody gob on Trumpligula at the debate.

10   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 11, 4:31pm  

rando says

... a complete Dumbfuck like you. ... you ignorant sack of shit.

There are definitely downsides to having this forum unmoderated.

I'm taking @DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie online writing course offered through Stanford.

We plan on writing children's books together!

11   Patrick   2016 Sep 11, 4:36pm  

Might work. This one is pretty good:


12   indigenous   2016 Sep 11, 4:48pm  

HydroCabron says

No person with a medical condition - like, say, polio - could possibly defeat enemies like Hitler and Imperial Japan.

Chronically sick fucks like FDR are a red flag. He created the great depression and had his hand in creating WW 2 according to Herbert Hoover's memoirs.

Left to her devices Hillary would create WW 3

13   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 11, 4:52pm  

indigenous says

HydroCabron says

No person with a medical condition - like, say, polio - could possibly defeat enemies like Hitler and Imperial Japan.

Chronically sick fucks like FDR are a red flag. He created the great depression and had his hand in creating WW 2 according to Herbert Hoover's memoirs.

Left to her devices Hillary would create WW 3

You have recited libertarian talking point 6472. Good boy.

Now go to the next index card.

14   indigenous   2016 Sep 11, 5:08pm  

HydroCabron says

talking point

Bullshit Cabron, the point is that this is a red flag that is common with these type people, i.e. sociopaths, think FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Dick Cheney.

You can replace your head up your ass now.

15   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 11, 5:13pm  

rando says

Might work. This one is pretty good:


OTOH there are definite benefits to watching a guy spouting off about how others are dumbfucks while he's the most refined connoisseur of trollbait on the forum.

16   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 11, 5:13pm  

indigenous says

He created the great depression and had his hand in creating WW 2

You and 0% of history professors.... that is one real stupid statement, but not the dumbest one today on pat.net

17   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 11, 5:14pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

there are definite benefits to watching a guy spouting off about how others are dumbfucks while he's the most refined connoisseur of trollbait on the forum.

you better go look up connoisseur dumbass....

18   indigenous   2016 Sep 11, 5:15pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

You and 0% of history professors.... that is one real stupid statement, but not the dumbest one today on pat.net

This from someone who got his degree from Bazerkly...

19   HEY YOU   2016 Sep 11, 5:35pm  

indigenous says

Chronically sick fucks like FDR are a red flag. He created the great depression and had his hand in creating WW 2 according to Herbert Hoover's memoirs.

I can now point out that one person can create a disaster.

G.W.Bush is responsible for 9/11 injuries & death & the slaughter of ~ 4500 servicemen in the LIE of WMD.
This kind of pretzel logic makes one look stupid.
Bush alone is not responsible. It's all the Rep/Cons in the administration & fucking useless Republicans voters.

Wonder if the fucking useless Democratic voters that might elect Hillary,will take credit for what she screws up?

I might need psychiatric help. Everyone,but me, knows that voters aren't responsible after an election.

Just realized that "Herbert Hoover's memoirs" are the final source of all knowledge.

20   indigenous   2016 Sep 11, 5:44pm  

Apparently I have to remind you that every war in the last 100 years, save one, was started by a democrat!

21   missing   2016 Sep 11, 5:53pm  

HEY YOU says

Bush alone is not responsible. It's all the Rep/Cons in the administration & fucking useless Republicans voters.

And the democrats in congress and the senate who did not oppose Bush, and the democrat voters who keep voting for them ("the lesser evil"), and the accomplice media, and all the flag waving idiots who don't realize that they live in oligarchy.

22   GNL   2016 Sep 11, 5:57pm  

HydroCabron says

No person with a medical condition - like, say, polio - could possibly defeat enemies like Hitler and Imperial Japan.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

There's a difference between someone's neurological disorder and someone's physical abilities.

23   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 11, 6:11pm  

Trump up to 29% on the betting odds. He was as low as 18 just a few weeks ago.

Still a dog, but less so as we get closer to the debates.

24   AllTruth   2016 Sep 11, 7:08pm  

Patrick, I love you (bromance + I think you're a righteous, honest dude) -

- having a free speech forum, in an era of "safe zones" and "microaggressions" and "social justice warrior" bullshit is a virtue of and to your site.

25   indigenous   2016 Sep 11, 7:11pm  

AllTruth says

having a free speech forum, in an era of "safe zones" and "microaggressions" and "social justice warrior" bullshit is a virtue of and to your site.

Yes but it is very triggering poor Wogster et.al might not be able to cope...

27   AllTruth   2016 Sep 11, 7:24pm  

Hillary will next appear in a wheelchair, with a plaid blanket covering her limp legs, which will bare metal bracing, and blame her condition on laryngitis.

28   mell   2016 Sep 11, 7:37pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

Voting on "judgment and temperment" and you are voting for Drump? HAHAHAHAHA! STUPID post of the day! Fortfucktardwhine and ironmansuckof will have a hard time topping you on that one!

To be fair Trump's bad judgement and temperament is mainly a social media meme of people who don't know him the least bit. You'd think that a person that has been in the media and tabloids for so many years would have revealed any severe deficiencies, yet there is as much praise for him (if not more) than negative press and hardly anything tangible against him. Furthermore presidents used to be deemed fit when they actually were decisive and strong, as compared to those who cannot take a risk or criticism. It's only recently that with the advent of political correctness and SJW's that no politician can say anything honest or direct anymore without consulting their PR agents and watering down any words of substance to the standard, almost lawyer-like rhetoric that must not offend anybody. And I think the people have begun to see this, not only in the US but also in Europe (or even Russia, the Philippines etc.) as you can see by the huge wins of parties that speak their mind and those of their people rather than engaging in standard politician doublespeak gobbledigook that everybody has gotten tired to listen to. Whether you may call it the renaissance of honesty or the the return of the simpletons doesn't matter, the effect is real and growing.

29   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 11, 11:53pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

dodgerfanjohn says

there are definite benefits to watching a guy spouting off about how others are dumbfucks while he's the most refined connoisseur of trollbait on the forum.

you better go look up connoisseur dumbass....

The use of the term was entirely accurate, if not a bit bombastic.

Color me shocked that a 13th grade teacher couldn't figure that out. Least of all one that's spouting out about everyone else being a dumbass.

30   justme   2016 Sep 12, 12:34am  

The race is not over -- if Hillary has to drop out then BERNIE IS BACK! Nothing could be more exciting than that.

31   bob2356   2016 Sep 12, 4:52am  

mell says

You'd think that a person that has been in the media and tabloids for so many years would have revealed any severe deficiencies,

He has revealed severe deficiencies many times. It's been reported many, many times. Trumpbots somehow can't see any of it.

32   lostand confused   2016 Sep 12, 5:34am  

justme says

The race is not over -- if Hillary has to drop out then BERNIE IS BACK! Nothing could be more exciting than tha

Yup, I think trump will win with Hilalry. With bernie-I think Bernie has a very, very good chance. he excites his base. If only he was not a socialist, i would consider him. I am more for trump, because at some point Immigration has to stop until Americans can get back on their feet. Even liberal icon FDR knew this and immigration stopped to a crawl. Today's dumb lefties are like 2nd or 3rd generation wealthy heirs. They never worked hard for the fortune/lifestyle, everything has been handed tot hem and so they sit atop their pedestals wanting to do some good for everyone-thinking the well will never dry out.
I think they are the racists/bigots-because they are coming from the belief that they are oh so superior and nothing can go wrong. Trump/rightists/disaffected know there is no difference between a mexican , an Indian or a Chinese and an American-they are just competition for limited jobs/resources. It is like attending a job interview against 50 people-do what you have to -to get it. We are going downwards-highest debt in the world, a barely crawling economy, millions of jobs being offshored or filled out by foreign labor-at some point somebody has to put a stop to it or we sink to the lowest common denominator. The day we default on our debt and can't pay welfare-will be the day the left wakes up. Nothing can go on for ever-either we stop and change or go down.

33   Y   2016 Sep 12, 5:52am  

He didn't. He sat on his wheelchaired ass while MacArthur and Eisenhower defeated the axis powers...

HydroCabron says

No person with a medical condition - like, say, polio - could possibly defeat enemies like Hitler and Imperial Japan.

34   Y   2016 Sep 12, 5:55am  

It's humorous to see SMIWTDAs stick his foot in his mouth post after post.
Humor is good for a forum...

rando says

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

... a complete Dumbfuck like you. ... you ignorant sack of shit.

There are definitely downsides to having this forum unmoderated.

35   Y   2016 Sep 12, 5:59am  

FDR fucked the millennials.
If we didn't have social security we would not be technically insolvent at this point in time...

indigenous says

Bullshit Cabron, the point is that this is a red flag that is common with these type people, i.e. sociopaths, think FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Dick Cheney.

36   Y   2016 Sep 12, 6:02am  

Libby teacher unions filled with a cacophony of ND's...

Ironman says

Roberta hides HIS neurological disorder, how else can he stay employed as a 13th grade teacher.

37   lostand confused   2016 Sep 12, 6:05am  

Ranina ranina says

Libby teacher unions filled with a cacophony of ND's

So what if their ancestors were union soldiers who died freeing the blacks-are they saying they are sorry about freeing the blacks?

38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 12, 7:01am  

At least he admits in his analysis that there is no rational reason for his predicted shift, and that any shift toward Trump to get him elected would be based on feelings. That dovetails nicely with the personalities who support Trump on this board. Incidentally, Scott Adams claims that it is irrational to be rational, because it doesn't lead to happiness. He's an interesting fella.

Adams is a guy who's spent his life and earned his fortune making people feel better about not being an engineer or a manager*, his support of Trump and Trumpkins is predictable.

*His marginally funny cartoons also make some engineers feel a little less responsibility for any stupid shit that happens at the office, so it's an equal opportunity 'what me worry' guilt reducer.

39   Blurtman   2016 Sep 12, 7:32am  

lostand confused says

With bernie-I think Bernie has a very, very good chance. he excites his base.

Yup. You won't see Hillary backers on the fence, or not voting for Bernie. I am pro-Bernie, but won't be voting for Hillary. Hopefully no one will be shortly.

40   HEY YOU   2016 Sep 12, 8:17am  

The race is not over until STUPID REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS cast their votes.

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