NPR Lied Today, Further Undermining Their Credibility

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2016 Nov 16, 8:35pm   13,375 views  71 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

NPR today claimed that racist violence increased after Trump's election, but gave no examples at all of any actual violence by Trump supporters. In fact, essentially all violence both before and after the election has been by leftists who are upset about the election.

There are plenty of specific examples of Trump supporters being attacked, but very few if any examples of the reverse, and the most prominent one is now admitted to be a lie:



And for 100 more:


NPR should be ashamed of itself for lying to manipulate the gullible public, but apparently they are so in love with their unquestionable dogma that they have no shame anymore.

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29   Blurtman   2016 Nov 17, 7:26am  

Patrick says

NPR should be ashamed of itsel

They've gone down the tubes ever since Congress threatened their funding. Their coverage of the financial crisis and fraud was terribly watered down.

30   Blurtman   2016 Nov 17, 7:29am  

bob2356 says

Patrick sees trump supporters as the victims of racist violence.

Please cite proof of this claim. Here is Patrick's exact quote: "In fact, essentially all violence both before and after the election has been by leftists who are upset about the election." There is no mention of racist violence.

31   Patrick   2016 Nov 17, 7:47am  

Rew says

Oh, and there WILL be a rise of leftist violence in the country as well. Unquestionably.

I like how you provide one line and ignore all the specific attacks against Trump supporters.

Blurtman says

Please cite proof of this claim.

Please try wearing a Trump hat and see what happens to you.

32   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 7:48am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

libertarian dark money machine

Do tell us more.

Then there is Bob's agenda that everything is illogical except his blather

Why would anyone tell you more? Waiting for world peace is a more productive use of time. If something isn't written on mises.org it doesn't exist for you.

Where do you think Mises, Rothbard, and Hayek came from anyway? If it wasn't for Rockefeller/Fertig/Volker libertarian money sponsorship and LeFevre's Freedom school teaching Mises ideas no one would have ever heard of Mises. Mises never had a job in his life, he lived off of sponsorships of the libertarian elite. If Charles Koch, father to David and Bill the brothers, hadn't funded the Freedom school and turned it into Rampart College no one would have ever heard of Mises. The Volker fund paid for ALL of the printing and distribution of Hayek's books, including distributing them to every library in the country. Most of the publications of the libertarian movement were paid for by the Volker fund. None were commercially viable.

Pretty interesting that the most anti government libertarian ultra wealthy almost all originally made their fortunes from the government. Also interesting they are only against the government when it doesn't profit them. When Bush took office the fossil fuel industry, including Koch industries, made billions in government subsidies and tax breaks from Cheney's energy bill. When the Koch brothers were losing millions a day on the stock market crash in 2008 they turned their entire political machine to making sure the bank bailout bill passed.

Pretty typical of the libertarian value system. All government spending is wasteful except what I get. As the number one libertarian boot licking apologist feel free to go ahead take a shot at explaining how this libertarian "logic" works. I'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting. After that feel free to talk about where the libertarian money comes from and why it doesn't influence all the people involved. They are just objective scholars writing objective work. Sure, right. Here's a very short overview on a very tiny amount of the money involved. http://www.economicpopulist.org/content/mr-anonymous-and-not-so-spontaneous-birth-libertarian-movement

33   Patrick   2016 Nov 17, 7:51am  

Rew says

You can see multiple individual reports

You see reports only of people who said they thought someone might feel uncomfortable around someone who looked like they might possibly be a Trump supporter. In other words, bullshit reports.

But on the other side, you see over and over that actual Trump supporters are being physically beaten by the liberal tolerant left.

Happened in a highschool right near me: https://patrick.net/Leftist+violence+arrives+in+high+schools

The opposite has not happened. The right does not attack Hillary supporters.

34   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 8:05am  

Blurtman says

bob2356 says

Patrick sees trump supporters as the victims of racist violence.

Please cite proof of this claim. Here is Patrick's exact quote: "In fact, essentially all violence both before and after the election has been by leftists who are upset about the election."

You forgot the sentence before that.

Patrick says

NPR today claimed that racist violence increased after Trump's election, but gave no examples at all of any actual violence by Trump supporters.

and the sentence after that

Patrick says

There are plenty of specific examples of Trump supporters being attacked,

He is talking about examples of trump supporters being attacked as part of racist violence increase. Maybe it's just poor wording but the way it reads trump supporters are victims of racist violence. That's bullshit. Political violence isn't racist. If patrick just is talking about political violence then why bring up the NPR quote at all. One of these contradicts the other.

Patrick very conveniently left out the article supporting his post. I haven seen any NPR article that says racial violence increased. I have seen one a couple days ago that said incidents increased.

35   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 17, 8:07am  

NPR: National Public Radio Or National Propaganda Radio?


Not biting the hand that feeds you

As they say, “follow the money”, and researching the NPR money trail leads to some interesting places.

* Lockheed Martin

From an article at socialscience.com titled Campaign to make NPR accountable for representing Lockheed-Martin over the people i found the following:

NPR: “We never forget who we’re working for”

Millions of dollars from Lockheed-Martin, Wal-Mart, big oil

On October 26, 2002, over 100,000 people came to the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. to protest U.S. foreign policy, mainly the coming attack on Iraq. Organizers and those on the ground said there were over 200,000 people. UPI, Washington Post, and L.A. Times all estimated that over 100,000 rallied. Meanwhile, on National Public Radio, Nancy Marshall was on the scene, and reported, “I’d say there were fewer than ten thousand.”

She also reported that protesters agreed with Bush that “we need to do something in Iraq.” Thousands of protest signs (see below) with slogans along the lines of “Regime Change in U.S.” and “Stop U.S. terror,” clearly showed that the majority of protesters think “we need to do something” in the United States, not Iraq. Its also hard to imagine that she actually found a protester who said they would support U.S. to “ratchet up sanctions.”

Following is a transcript of the audio file:

This is NPR, National Public Radio. Support for WAMU is provided by Lockheed Martin. Bringing criminals to justice is more important than ever. Advanced systems developed by Lockheed Martin help Federal agents get the job done faster. Lockheed Martin: we never forget who we’re working for.

This made me wonder about the kind of reporting NPR has done on Lockheed Martin in the past, so i headed back to their website. As you can see for yourself, NPR appears to have almost nothing negative to say about one of the largest defense contractors on the planet which, considering Lockheed helps fund NPR and/or its affiliates, is not at all surprising.

* George Soros

On May 24, 2011, NPR published an article titled Worthy Cause, Controversial Funding Source where it admitted that NPR accepted 1.8 million in funding from the Open Society Foundations which is funded by George Soros (real name Schwartz):

But the organization made a judgment last fall that taps into that credibility account. The decision was to take $1.8 million from the Open Society Foundations. It’s funded by left-leaning billionaire financier-philanthropist George Soros, who made his fortune in hedge funds and currency speculation.

More on George Soros in episode 113 of the Corbett Report, Meet George Soros and in this video on YouTube.

* Wal-Mart

From a New York Times article titled Wal-Mart Tries to Shine Its Image by Supporting Public Broadcasting, we read:

Neither Wal-Mart nor NPR would reveal what it pays as an NPR sponsor. The contract began Feb. 16 and extends until January. Total corporate financing is expected to reach $30 million this year, Ms. Lawhorn said. As part of its NPR arrangement, Wal-Mart is described several ways when it is mentioned as an underwriter on the air. The descriptions include the following: “Wal-Mart. Providing jobs and opportunities for millions of Americans of all ages and all walks of life.” Another says the company is “bringing communities job opportunities, goods and services and support for neighborhood programs.”

NPR has received letters and e-mail messages from listeners since the Wal-Mart underwriting information began to be broadcast. One listener wrote: “What a disappointment! Maybe next it will be Halliburton .” […]

Wal-Mart is one of the reasons why so many have lost their jobs. Ever find anything in Wal-Mart that is made in the U.S.? It takes only one person to buy a product, but often hundreds to make it and those jobs are primarily in China.

* McDonald’s

From an article titled The Spirit of Tom Paine by Stephen Lendman we read:

The situation is no better at National Public Radio (NPR) that long ago abandoned the public trust it was sworn to uphold when it was founded in 1970 as in independent, private, non-profit member organization of public radio stations in the country. It’s as tainted and corrupted as its television counterpart and now also gets a substantial proportion of its funding from corporate donors demanding influence, like the kind a $225 million behest can buy. That’s the amount gotten from the estate of the late Joan Kroc, widow of Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s Corporation that never needs to worry about an unfriendly report on NPR’s airwaves no matter how egregious its behavior, and there’s plenty of it to reveal that stays suppressed in all the major media including on NPR, the “peoples’ radio.”

Despite its mandate to be unbiased and serve the public interest, NPR steers clear of that in its one-sided kind of “journalism.” It’s careful to shy away from all controversial topics that may be sensitive to corporate interests that include those providing it funding support or might wish to like Archer Daniels Midland, Monsanto and Walmart that already do. It’s also “respectful” of whichever party is in power with Republican administrations getting special deference as they were from 1994 until the Democrats took control of the Congress in the November, 2006 mid-term elections. Even George Bush’s most extreme transgressions can’t get NPR’s ire up enough to report accurately on them.

That’s made even clearer when it’s known what kind of man it has in charge – current president and CEO Kevin Klose. Like the CPB during the Tomlinson tenure, so too is NPR run by a man who used to be the director of all major worldwide US government propaganda dissemination broadcast media including VOA, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, Worldnet Television and the anti-Castro Radio/TV Marti. And like Tomlinson, it made him an ideal choice for a comparable job at NPR, the “peoples’ radio,” that like the “peoples’ television” and its flagship Lehrer News Hour, never met a US-instigated war it didn’t love, support and report endless supportive propaganda about while suppressing all news unfriendly to the US empire and its business interests.

So far as its known, however, Mr. Klose hasn’t been accused of the kinds of activities attributed to his former CPB counterpart, staying free from the taint that forced Mr. Tomlinson to resign. That aside, it’s had no positive impact on NPR’s programming that’s just as committed as PBS to serving the interests of wealth and power feeding it while ignoring the public trust despite the considerable funding it gets from that source from frequent on-air fund-raising efforts it has no right or justification asking for.

* The list goes on

The sponsor lists, as provided by NPR, are full of high-profile, multi-national corporations and other powerful and influential entities. Following is a small sample from their 2008 Annual Reports and Donor Lists (edited list, does not include all sponsors):

$1 million+

General Motors Corporation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Progressive Casualty Insurance Company
Prudential Financial
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
$500,000 – $999,999

Constellation Energy Group
Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation
Vanguard Group
$250,000 – $499,999

Alliance for Climate Protection
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Overture Films
Universal Pictures
Warner Home Video
100,000 – $249,999

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
FX Networks
Hyatt Corporation
Intel Corporation
Johnson Controls
Lindamood-Bell Learning Systems
Paramount Home Entertainment
Paramount Pictures
Philips Healthcare
U.S. Bank
In the same document in the FY08 INSTITUTIONAL & CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS & PUBLIC SECTOR GRANTS section, we find (edited list, does not include all sponsors):

$500,000 – $1 million

American Jewish World Service
The Annenberg Foundation
Corporation for Public Broadcasting*
$250,000 – $499,999

Carnegie Corporation of New York*
Department of Education
Skoll Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation*
$100,000 – $249,000

Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
The Ford Foundation
NASDAQ Educational Foundation
Public Telecommunications
Facilities Program – U.S. Department of Commerce
The (*) indicates a multi-year grant.

* One hand washes the other

People affiliated with NPR have made substantial contributions to a number of political parties and organizations including the Brookings Institution, a major Washington think-tank financed in part by the Department of Defense, Pfizer, Microsoft, the Ford foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Nathaniel Rothschild, a laundry list of insurance companies, the governments of Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Qatar and other nations, GE, Exxon Mobile, Chevron, Citibank, Bank of America and other banks, the US Agency for International Development, Walmart and ALCOA just to name a few (there are apparently at least 156 donors in all). Members of the Brookings Institution have donated to political parties including George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, John Kerry, John McCain, the Democratic National Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.


In 1983 NPR had some trouble which led to a Congressional investigation (i haven’t investigated what the hub-bub was all about). Wikipedia tells us the following:

NPR suffered an almost fatal setback in 1983 when efforts to expand services created a deficit of nearly US$7 million. After a Congressional investigation and the resignation of NPR’s president, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting agreed to lend the network money to stave off bankruptcy.

At this point i think it is abundantly clear that the U.S. government is in a very advantageous position to influence NPR. However, lets continue.

In a Wikipedia section titled ‘Criticism’, we find the following:

Allegations of conservative bias

In a December 2005 column run by NPR ombudsman and former Vice President Jeffrey Dvorkin, allegations that NPR relies heavily on conservative think-tanks[21] were denied. In his column, Dvorkin listed the number of times NPR had cited experts from conservative and liberal think tanks in the previous year as evidence. However, according to MediaMatters, a progressive media group, the numbers he reported indicate an overwhelmingly conservative bias. His own tally showed that 63% of NPR experts from think tanks came from right-leaning organizations while only 37% came from left-leaning organizations.[22]

In 2003, some critics accused NPR of being supportive of the invasion of Iraq.[23][24]

Allegations of liberal bias

A study conducted by researchers at UCLA and the University of Missouri found that while NPR is “often cited by conservatives as an egregious example of a liberal news outlet”, “[b]y our estimate, NPR hardly differs from the average mainstream news outlet. Its score is approximately equal to those of Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report and its score is slightly more conservative than The Washington Post’s.”[25] It did find NPR to be more liberal than the average U.S. voter of the time of the study and more conservative than the average U.S. Democrat of the time. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a progressive media watchdog group,[26] also disputes the claim of a liberal bias.[27]


* Anne Garrels

Anne Garrels is an NPR foreign correspondent. From Wikipedia we learn the following about her:

Anne Garrels (born July 2, 1951) is a foreign correspondent for National Public Radio in the United States. She was one of the few Western journalists who remained in Baghdad and reported live during the 2003 Iraq War. Shortly after her return from Iraq, she published Naked in Baghdad (ISBN 0-374-52903-5), a memoir of her time covering the events surrounding the invasion. She has since returned to Iraq several times for NPR. She was an embedded reporter with the U.S. Marines during the November 2004 attack on Fallujah, and, on November 10, 2004, was the reporter who first reported information, soon refuted, that the Marines had found a “store of sarin nerve gas” during the attack [1]. Garrels’ experience in Fallujah is partially described in Lieutenant Colonel Jay Kopelman’s book From Bagdad, With Love, which chronicles a Marine unit’s adoption of a stray Iraqi puppy (ISBN 1-59228-980-0).[1] She also covered the January 2005 national elections for an interim government, as well as constitutional referendum and the December 2005 elections for the first full term Iraqi government. As sectarian violence swept much of central Iraq Garrels continued to report from Baghdad, Najaf and Basra.

Garrels graduated from Harvard University’s Radcliffe College in 1972. Before joining NPR in 1988, Garrels was the NBC News correspondent at the U.S. State Department. Prior to that, Garrels worked at ABC News in a variety of positions over the course of ten years. She served three years as Moscow bureau chief and correspondent until she was expelled in 1982. She was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in 1998. She is a member of the board of the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Garrels is married to J. Vinton Lawrence,[2] one of two CIA paramilitary officers from their famed Special Activities Division stationed in Laos in the early 1960s, working with the Hmong tribesman and the CIA-owned airline Air America.[3] [4] [5] Garrels and Lawrence live in Connecticut. [2] Lawrence’s letters to Garrels during her time in Baghdad, Iraq, during the 2003 U.S. invasion of that country, are included in her book, Naked in Baghdad (ISBN 0-374-52903-5).

On October 26, 2007 NPR aired a story by Garrels that was mainly based on information extracted via torture.[6] Garrels herself described the victims as “blood-soaked” and “sobbing”, but used the information anyway, despite the fact that information obtained this way is notoriously unreliable. NPR received many comments about this and on November 1 aired a followup in which Garrels tried to justify her actions.[7] Her justifications apparently did nothing to quiet the anger of the listening audience because the NPR Ombudsman sent out an additional email to listeners. This email quoted many listeners’ complaints and said that listeners “want Garrels to come home”. However, the email ended by saying she would be going back to Iraq.

Garrels conducted an interview with Tahir Younis, an Iraqi driver and translator in 2006 regarding the war. The article is titled Life, Death and Trust in Iraq and is published on the NPR website. Following is an interesting exchange between the two:

GARRELS: When we were working together during the war, did you trust me?

Mr. TAHIR YOUNIS (Translator and Driver): Anne, it was difficult because, in general, yes. But I get some instruction to collect some information about you. You are an American intelligence

GARRELS: That’s what they told you?

Mr. YOUNIS: Yeah. From CIA. To monitoring you and to watching you.

I cannot find any other references to this transcript that provides any more detail. Younis’ statement, “You are an American intelligence” is key to understand the exchange. Was it edited? Did the sentence end there? The exchange is interesting but the context is unclear; is Younis stating that Garrels is CIA, or that the CIA requested he surveil her? If the latter is the case then i think it might be interesting to ask why the CIA would ask an Iraqi driver to monitor the wife of a former CIA officer.

It is my personal opinion is that Garrels is likely working for the CIA in some capacity based on the following:

Her husband is a former CIA officer
The CIA’s close-knit relationship with the media is no secret
As a journalist and foreign correspondent working for NPR i would think the CIA would be quite interested in using her to influence public opinion to support their agenda, especially among the middle class and baby-boomers, the core NPR audience. I think her discredited story regarding the sarin gas, general sympathy for the occupation, military embedded role and reliance on testimony from torture victims all point in this direction.
Although not conclusive, the statement by Tahir Younis could easily be interpreted as possible evidence of a CIA association.
* John A. Herrmann Jr.

From a 2003 post by “billbuckhead” in the Democratic Underground forum topic titled Operation Mockingbird? Check NPR”s President-CEO and Chairman of the Board i found this interesting information:


Thu Oct-16-03 10:23 PM

Response to Reply #8

9. Operation Mockingbird?Check NPR”s President-CEO and Chairman of the Board

Kevin Klose

President and CEO

Kevin Klose is President and Chief Executive Officer for NPR (National Public Radio), America’s premier non-profit news and cultural radio programming service, with more than 730 stations and a weekly audience of nearly 22 million listeners nationwide.

A former editor, and national and foreign correspondent with The Washington Post, Klose is an award-winning author and international broadcasting executive. Prior to joining NPR in December 1998, Klose served successively as Director of U.S. International Broadcasting, overseeing the U.S. Government’s global radio and television news services (1997-98); and President of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), broadcasting to Central Europe and the former Soviet Union (1994-97). Klose first joined RFE/RL in 1992 as Director of Radio Liberty, broadcasting to the former Soviet Union in its national languages.


John A. Herrmann, Jr.

Managing Director, Global Investment Bank at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co

John A. Herrmann, Jr. is a managing director of the Global Investment Bank sector of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. He advises corporations and financial sponsors throughout the world on merger and acquisition strategies and execution.

Before coming to J.P. Morgan Chase, Herrmann was a co-founder and served for years as senior managing director in the merger and acquisition department of Lehman Brothers.

Herrmann is currently a member of the NPR board of directors and the president of the NPR Foundation. Also, he is a member of the Yale University Council and former chairman of its Committee on Development, a member of the board of trustees of the Jewish Board of Family & Children’s Services, and trustee of the Steep Rock Association.

Herrmann received his B.A. from Yale in 1957 and an M.B.A. from Harvard in 1961.

The link the poster gives is an index page containing the names of people at NPR. The name Herrmann is curiously absent from that page but a short bio is still available on the NPR website, though it has been edited. The page does not mention him as being a board member though the breadcrumb navigation at the top of his page reads ‘About NPR >People at NPR’. He is listed as a trustee in NPR’s 2008 Annual Reports and Donor Lists . He is also listed as a board member at Wikipedia:

Public Members of the Board

Carol A. Cartwright; President, Kent State University
John A. Herrmann, Jr.; Vice Chairman, Lincoln International
Howard H. Stevenson; Chair of the Board, NPR; Sarofim-Rock Professor of Business Administration at Harvard University
Lyle Logan; Senior Vice President, Personal Financial Services
Eduardo A. Hauser; Chief Executive Officer, DailyMe, Inc. Daily Me
* Kevin Klose

Klose is another controversial character who was president and CEO of NPR. From Wikipedia:

Kevin Klose (b. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 1, 1940[1]) is a journalist, author, broadcast executive, and academic administrator, currently serving as the dean of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, College Park.[2] He was, until September 2008, the president of National Public Radio (NPR), the United States’ largest nonprofit radio outlet for news and cultural programming. He served in this position beginning in December 1998, and also served as the organization’s chief executive officer from 1998 to 1999.[1][2] He was also a member of NPR’s corporate Board of Directors, and a Trustee of the NPR Foundation.[3]

Klose grew up in Red Hook, New York. His parents, Woody and Virginia Taylor Klose, were radio producers and writers during the 1930s and 1940s.

Prior to his tenure at National Public Radio, Klose was for 25 years an editor and reporter at The Washington Post. From 1994 to 1997, he served as president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).

Some criticized the choice of Kevin Klose to be the head of NPR because he “used to be the director of all major worldwide US government propaganda dissemination broadcast media including VOA, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, Worldnet Television and the anti-Castro Radio/TV Marti.” [3]

Klose is a graduate of Harvard University, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, in 1962. He has authored five books. He serves on the Advisory Board of the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy.

He lives in Washington, D.C.

A 1999 article from the Sonic.net titled NPR’S PROPAGANDA CZAR/CEO also talks about Kevin Klose:

In a move roughly akin to the ACLU hiring a CIA director for its president, National Public Radio named the czar of American broadcast agitprop as its CEO. Kevin Klose has been director of the US International Broadcasting Bureau, which runs or coordinates all major American broadcast propaganda, including the Voice of America and Radio Marti. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia operate under the oversight of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the same body that supervises IBB. Kevin Klose was president of Radio FreeEurope/Radio Liberty from 1992 to 1997. Prior to that, he worked for many years for the Washington Post.

The choice raises new questions about the independence from government influence of the public radio network, which is already tied by purse-strings to Washington and has shown considerable deference to the White House in its coverage of the Clinton scandals.

This is not the first time American media and propaganda have been seamlessly joined. In 1976, the president of the CIA-connected Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty was former CBS president Sig Mickelson. Ironically, one of the few journalists who raised questions about the relationship of the media and the CIA–to the detriment of his career at CBS–was Daniel Schorr, now at NPR. Carl Bernstein, in a contemporary article in “Rolling Stone, “estimated that 400 American journalists had been tied to the CIA at one point or another, including such well-known media figures as the Alsop brothers, C.L. Sulzberger of the”New York Times,” and Philip Graham of the “Washington Post.” Later the “New York Times” reported that the CIA had owned or subsidized more than 50 newspapers, news services, radio stations, and periodicals, mostly overseas.

And, says “NameBase Newsline,” at least 22 American news organizations employed CIA assets, and “nearly a dozen American publishing houses printed some of the more than 1,000 books that had been produced or subsidized by the CIA. When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its media agents what to write, William Colby replied, ‘Oh, sure, all the time.'”

With the bad press, American intelligence began becoming more subtle. As one CIA asset, Gloria Steinem, said, “The CIA’s big mistake was not supplanting itself with private funds fast enough.” One of the results of an increasing sophistication was the creation in 1973 of a Board for International Broadcasting to obscure any CIA control of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

But all this is history and largely forgotten even in media circles. Thus, it is not surprising that there have been signs the Washington inner party is feeling its oats again. In 1996, the Council on Foreign Relations suggested that the CIA be allowed once more to use journalists and clergy as cover for its operations. As “NameBase Newsline” points out, “For 70 years, [the CFR has] rarely recommended anything that has not become policy.”

In such an environment, for NPR to hire the head of national broadcast agitpunkt seems more than a little risky to the public.

It is well known that the CIA provided funding for Radio Free Europe up until at least 1972. From Wikipedia:

Relationship with the CIA

RFE/RL received funds from the Central Intelligence Agency until 1972. Since then, it has been funded by regular, open Congressional appropriations through the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) and has received no funds from the CIA.[57] The CIA’s relationship with the radios began to break down in 1967, when Ramparts magazine published an expose claiming that the CIA was channeling funds to civilian organizations. Further investigation into the CIA’s funding activities revealed its connection to both RFE and RL, sparking significant media outrage. Investigations into the legal basis of the relationship jeopardized the existence of both radios, which could not survive without the CIA’s funding.[58]


I think much of the information contained here is highly credible (some from NPR’s own website) and presents serious allegations and conflicts of interest at various levels of NPR, from journalistic to management, thereby calling into question the operating principles and ethics of NPR.

There does not seem to be an overwhelming public presence in National “Public” Radio from any perspective, be it journalistic, funding, or management. In my opinion it simply is not possible to accept massive amounts of funds from government and private interests and remain neutral.

I think the evidence i have gathered here speaks volumes and, in fact, only confirms what i already knew to be true, which is that main stream media, in any form, cannot be trusted. However i certainly encourage others to do their own research.

Resources for further study

Project Censored: Corporate Media Ownership
Who Rules America
They Rule
Refusing to Take Sides, NPR Takes Sides With Torture Deniers
NPR controversies | Wikipedia
NPR Deletes Comments, Says Commenters Are Too Old And Male | The Daily Caller
AP: Soros-Backed Group that SOLD Iran Nuclear Deal DIRECTLY PAID journalists and media outlets – Gave NPR $700,000
How Public Is NPR’s Funding?
No Liberal Bias at NPR — Just Ask NPR

36   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 8:07am  

rando says

Trump supporters are being physically beaten by the liberal tolerant left.

What race is trump supporters? Where is the NPR article?

37   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 17, 8:08am  

Media telling a fib. SAY IT AIN'T SO!

38   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 8:22am  

freespeechforever says

NPR: National Public Radio Or National Propaganda Radio?

The rest of us are smart enough to click on the link. You really don't need to cut and paste the article. Which says pretty much nothing. Wow, NPR has conservative, corporate, and liberal sponsors. What will you discover next, the sun rises in the east? Who do you think sponsors NPR, the tooth fairy? Duh.

I'll be sure to get all my news from breitbart from now on. After all a news agency funded solely by libertarian foundations will be totally objective.

39   Blurtman   2016 Nov 17, 8:35am  

bob2356 says

You forgot the sentence before that

bob2356 says

and the sentence after that

Neither mention race at all. Please examine how your reasoning operates.

40   rdm   2016 Nov 17, 8:39am  

rando says

Please try wearing a Trump hat and see what happens to you.

This is the result of a very divisive election, reaction breeds reaction, left or right they simply react, there is no high ground here. Surely you are not claiming that Trump supporters would not do the same if the shoe were on the other foot and Hillary had won? If so you are a fool. Trump himself, thus far has shown to be a reasonably "good winner" would he have been a good loser? Both Hillary and Obama (essentially his 8 years were up for re-election) have to my mind been gracious losers and that my friends is not an easy thing.

41   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 17, 8:41am  

Hey dipshit Bob - That article not only claims NPR is heavily influenced by corporations' wants', but it is actually has been infiltrated heavily by Government Agencies of the Alphabet Soup variety (NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.).

Reading is fundamental, bob.

42   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 8:43am  

Blurtman says

bob2356 says

You forgot the sentence before that

bob2356 says

and the sentence after that

Neither mention race at all. Please examine how your reasoning operates.

Patrick says

NPR today claimed that racist violence increased after Trump's election

The entire premise of the post is NPR says racist violence is rising then goes into attacks on trump supporters. How hard is the reasoning to work out for you?

43   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 8:44am  

bob2356 says

What race is trump supporters? Where is the NPR article?

He got a few Bob, the Liberal scourge couldn't pollute every minority on the planet with hate and vitriol.
You bastards did miss a few.
But don't be sad. Two out of three aint bad.

44   bob2356   2016 Nov 17, 8:49am  

freespeechforever says

Hey dipshit Bob - That article not only claims NPR is heavily influenced by corporations' wants', but it is actually has been infiltrated heavily by Government Agencies of the Alphabet Soup variety (NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.).

Reading is fundamental, bob.

Yes that public broadcasting network is doing the bidding of it's corporate masters and the very conservative government security agencies while being the lap dog outlet of the liberals. Amazing trick. How in the world do they do it I wonder?

The operative word is claims. Reading is fundamental.

45   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 8:51am  

rdm says

Surely you are not claiming that Trump supporters would not do the same if the shoe were on the other foot and Hillary had won?

You are an Idiot, we were prepared to protest a corrupt government not Americans.

If Hillary had won it would have been through Skullduggery.

We would have had a problem with Washington not the voters.

46   Blurtman   2016 Nov 17, 8:56am  

bob2356 says

How hard is the reasoning to work out for you?

Patrick is addressing violence against Trump supporters. You are addressing racist violence. It's that simple. You are making an inference, and then creating a straw man argument around it. Your inference is not proof, and you cannot provide any except to continually defend your assumption.

47   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 17, 8:57am  

Bob said " that public broadcasting network is doing the bidding of it's corporate masters and the very conservative government security agencies while being the lap dog outlet of the liberals. Amazing trick. How in the world do they do it I wonder?

The operative word is claims. Reading is fundamental."


NPR is a tool of globalists!

Do you honestly think multinational corporations (even ones with HQs in U.S.) care anymore about an American than a South Korean or Indian (in India)?

Similarly, corporations & gov't agencies are becoming increasingly interwoven in this "brave, new era," soaking taxpayers in that process.

All humans are fungible now, and viewed and monetizable sources of revenue, by corporations and government agencies!

This goes along with LOSS OF SOVEREIGNTY!!!

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 17, 8:58am  

freespeechforever says

Ramparts magazine published an expose claiming that the CIA was channeling funds to civilian organizations.

David Horowitz, before he ditched leftism in the 80s, by the way.

bob2356 says

Yes that public broadcasting network is doing the bidding of it's corporate masters and the very conservative government security agencies while being the lap dog outlet of the liberals. Amazing trick. How in the world do they do it I wonder?

By peddling the PR of "Private Security Firms" with ties to Ace Tomato Company.

49   ddshutlz   2016 Nov 17, 10:43am  

Can you read this article and STFU! Thank you.

50   HeadSet   2016 Nov 17, 11:39am  

From Clarence Page, a black liberal columnist:

Want to get attention in the Big Apple? Try carrying a big Donald Trump campaign sign through Times Square.
   A network news producer and friend of mine happened to do just that on her way home from the Republican president-elect’s victory speech.
   The people whom she passed on the street didn’t know that she was bringing the sign to give to a friend who collects campaign memorabilia. All they saw was a young African-American woman carrying a Trump sign on the night when many were experiencing the political shock of their lifetime: the unexpected defeat of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton after weeks of leading the polls.
   Fortunately, my friend received nothing more damaging than angry glares and one woman who angrily shouted something anti-Trump.
   More surprising, she said, were the smiles and thumbs-up gestures she received from black people, including a taxi driver, some Amtrak baggage handlers and a hotel doorman “who could have been Hispanic.”
   In short, she said, “I received scorn from white-collar professionals but support from working-class blacks and Hispanics.”
   Ah, congratulations, I told her, you have found some of Trump’s “hidden voters.”

51   Entitlemented   2016 Nov 17, 11:51am  

Rew says

Patrick, I think you tip dangerously toward the conspiracy theory tendencies of the Trumpets now

I am not sure if the Patneter turn the TV on, but there are a couple of people protesting Trumps election.

Again, the media using Propaganda to get us not to look at where the real protests and vandalismerizations are taking place.

52   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Nov 17, 1:13pm  

People still listen to National Proletarian Radio?

If the election proved anything it was:
1. Mainstream media(see NPR) has an agenda other than objective reporting.
2. "Tolerance" and those who preach will beat it into you with a stick.

Thanks to Wikileaks we know most protests were staged and paid for, why would we suspect the situation being any different now? I saw one article where the people protesting weren't even registered voters. Can anyone say "bribery"...

53   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 1:17pm  

YOu're wrong! Poilicy comes from the top.
Part of the anti PC culture will be. "Respect".
You just have to respect people or you will get your ass handed to you. No I don't think Trump will call every Cad that get's his ass handed to him a "Hate Crime" nor do I think people who were defending them selves from spiteful mean hateful Liberals getting in ther face will have to go to Anger Management, and be told why they are bad for being a White Male.

Trump is a Fool Fighter just like me.

54   Peter P   2016 Nov 17, 1:20pm  

HeadSet says

I received scorn from white-collar professionals but support from working-class blacks and Hispanics.

Also, many SMB owners.

55   Rew   2016 Nov 17, 1:23pm  

rando says

You see reports only of people who said

The FBI, Souther Pverty Law, municipality reports, and local police reports don't show people who "feel threatened" they show show verbal, personal physical, and property damaging attack.

57   Rew   2016 Nov 17, 1:40pm  

Tenpoundbass says

You just have to respect people or you will get your ass handed to you.

"Yes sir maser sir. No trubl from us maser sir."

Do you think our symbol of leadership chosen in the recent election is a good example of how to demonstrate respect?

58   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 2:12pm  

Rew says

"Yes sir maser sir. No trubl from us maser sir."

Always to there with you people. SJW's that is.

60   Rew   2016 Nov 17, 3:20pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Always to there with you people. SJW's that is.

'Liberal cuck' didn't quite fit here huh?

Rew says

Do you think our symbol of leadership chosen in the recent election is a good example of how to demonstrate respect?

No snappy comeback to this?

61   Blurtman   2016 Nov 17, 5:02pm  

Ironman says

How many Trump supporters showed up and protested, got into fights and destroyed property at Clinton rallies???

And then there were all those provocateurs that that low-life Trump hired to infiltrate and disrupt the Clinton rallies. I am glad he lost!

62   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 18, 9:33am  


National Public Radio (NPR) is continuing a campaign to defame Breitbart News as a white nationalist website.

63   Patrick   2016 Nov 18, 9:47am  

Rew says

Patrick, this stuff isn't just words, or verbal in nature ...





You're wrong. Read your articles. All just words, and frequently outright lies because people know that the press and SJWs are desperately looking for some justification for their nearly unhinged level of paranoia.

On the other side, Trump supporters are actually being physically beaten by leftists:


Again, do you dare to simply walk outside in a Trump hat as an experiment? You know damn well you're likely to be physically assaulted and there's your proof that the left is the party of hate.

64   Rew   2016 Nov 18, 11:35am  

So a burned truck, assault and robbery, defacing a garage with a swastika are just words? What about these?


rando says

Again, do you dare to simply walk outside in a Trump hat as an experiment? You know damn well you're likely to be physically assaulted and there's your proof that the left is the party of hate.

You are very right that there would be violence against a MAGA cap wearer. Yes there are lots of incidents of that across the country right now. It isn't right.
But why is this occurring? Because the left are just butthurt losers and violent anti-white racists?

As to the left being the party of hate, I really cannot imagine a greater falsehood. You appear to be mostly all anti-establishment news now. A dangerous place to be Patrick. Seek balance.

Tenpoundbass says


National Public Radio (NPR) is continuing a campaign to defame Breitbart News as a white nationalist website.

Coke Zero is still Coke. Re-brand all you want alt-right, you are still nationalists and white supremacists.

To understand what Breitbart is currently, look at what the current leadership/direction was born of ...

“Andrew’s life mission has been betrayed ... ”
“Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned and undercut [Fields] in order to protect [Lewandowski].”

These are radical right forces ... by any name you want to call it.

65   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 18, 11:44am  

Rew says

Coke Zero is still Coke. Re-brand all you want alt-right, you are still nationalists and white supremacists.

Unlike the Black supremicists that hijacked the NFL and had an openly Black Panthers(The Black-K-K) Parade for the NFL Super Bowl half time show dedicated to our Muslim Ameircan hating white bashing racist President, you mean?

Meh wake me when thre's a real crissis in the world you eight legged moronic freak.

66   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 20, 10:20am  

4 Arrested for Beating Trump Supporter in Chicago. The youths beat the man after a minor fender bender, when he got out to exchange insurance information. They called him derogatory terms for whites, which means they should be charged with hate crimes.


Not on the NYT's long Front Page.

Meanwhile, 2 fake hate crimes at Bowling Green. One student, Eleesha Long, was arrested for making a false report about being attacked by 3 white males.
Another one fake report, by a male, will probably be charged shortly.

67   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Nov 20, 10:37am  

Rew says

You are very right that there would be violence against a MAGA cap wearer. Yes there are lots of incidents of that across the country right now. It isn't right.

But why is this occurring? Because the left are just butthurt losers and violent anti-white racists?

As to the left being the party of hate, I really cannot imagine a greater falsehood. You appear to be mostly all anti-establishment news now. A dangerous place to be Patrick. Seek balance.

Having had multiple close encounters with BLM protests, I can tell you that you are wrong to the point of delusion.

I have to shut up, keep my head down, and not respond to anything said in order to ensure my safety when in close proximity to blm supporters. It is the way...the left is very intolerant and violent....and ALL the BLM supporters are complicit....and its made worse because most incorrectly believe as you do.

68   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 20, 1:18pm  

You won't find balance in Establishment News. Their reporting on everything from the BLM to Russia is outrageously one-sided. They'll put hate crime claims on page one, but hardly ever run a story (or put it up out of sight unless you actively search for it) when it is revealed to be fabricated, even if the person is arrested for filing a false report. They'll never question Hillary's claims to represent gays when she's been anti-gay marriage and a huge recipient of money from Rabidly Anti-Gay (and Anti-Women's Rights) Gulf States. But god forbid Trump make an off-color remark about Blacks 40 years ago, that will be mentioned in every article about race in the Presidential Campaign, but not the dozens of awards and countless donations he's received and given to Blacks..

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