America's Sheriff gets pardon from the Donald

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2017 Aug 25, 5:06pm   10,790 views  48 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Said he would

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9   Booger   2017 Aug 25, 6:33pm  

Obama pardons drug dealers, Trump pardons a sheriff.

10   lostand confused   2017 Aug 25, 6:33pm  

Rew says

Celebrating a Sheriff found in violation of the 4th and 14th, and given direct court order to stop, and did not. Trump is no law and order 'President'. Red meat to the base.

This is Today:

—Transgender troop ban

—Pardons Arpaio

—Gorka resigns

—N.K. missiles

—Mueller on Flynn and Manafort

—Hurricane Harvey - now a Cat. 4

—Charlottesville - shots fired, police did nothing

Thanks for the laugh-you are posting less.

11   Rew   2017 Aug 25, 6:35pm  

Locally there isn't many in judicial and law enforcement circles with anything good to say about Sheriff Arpaio.

Remember Arpaio is one of the first of the "Birthers".

13   Rew   2017 Aug 25, 6:37pm  

Booger says

Obama pardons drug dealers, Trump pardons a sheriff.

You need to dig deeper on those crimes and likely convictions.

lostand confused says

you are posting less.

Unfortunately, there are better places to find information and discussions.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 25, 6:39pm  

Sheriff of a State bordering with a 99% Latino country, and he aggressively turns back illegal immigrants from that country. Horrible!

Couldn't he find the .0005% of Irishmen who cross the Mexican border and turn them back, the racist!

15   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 25, 6:39pm  

Rew says

—Mueller on Flynn and Manafort

I waiting for Mueller on Trump & family.
How many state crimes might be uncovered in Blue states that won't pardon any of the convicted?

16   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 25, 6:40pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Sheriff of a State bordering with a 99% Latino country, and he aggressively turns back illegal immigrants from that country. Horrible!

Any Republicans employ any illegals?

17   mell   2017 Aug 25, 6:53pm  

God job - promise kept! I'm sure everybody living in a border-town is very happy about this development, and the sour grapes are mostly coming from smug leftoid-villes such as Marin and SF. Let's move the border next to Marin City and within a few days they'd suddenly all support the Arpaios of this nation, after fortifying their fortresses Zuckerfuck style. Love the smell of triggering in the morning!

18   Strategist   2017 Aug 25, 7:35pm  

Rew says

—Hurricane Harvey - now a Cat. 4

Damn Trump. It's all his fault.

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Sheriff of a State bordering with a 99% Latino country, and he aggressively turns back illegal immigrants from that country. Horrible!

Couldn't he find the .0005% of Irishmen who cross the Mexican border and turn them back, the racist!

The Irish are always too drunk to take our jobs. What harm can they do?

19   FortWayne   2017 Aug 25, 9:29pm  

Booger says

Obama pardons drug dealers, Trump pardons a sheriff.

very well said.

20   Patrick   2017 Aug 25, 9:45pm  

Here are all of Obama's pardons:


I wish there were reasons given for the pardons.

21   mell   2017 Aug 25, 10:16pm  

The news are full of the word "controversial" with everything Trump does, another retarded leftoidism. Of course everything is controversial, that's the nature of mankind, to have discourse and controversies and disagreements. The opposite would be a 1984 groupthink dystopia. So controversial = good for dialectic discourse and discovery.

22   Ceffer   2017 Aug 25, 11:00pm  

Pardoning Arpaio was they only way they could keep Trump from pardoning John Wayne Gacy posthumously for cleaning up the male prostitute mess.

23   steverbeaver   2017 Aug 26, 12:58am  

It was a good decision and a lesson in good leadership.

24   Blurtman   2017 Aug 26, 4:07am  

What race was he accused of profiling? Hispanic ad Latino are not races.

25   Shaman   2017 Aug 26, 6:08am  

Arpaio represents Trump's most loyal fan base. There was never any way he wasn't going to pardon him. As a political statement, it's also a giant fuck-you to Leftists and globalists who oppose him on everything. He revs up his fans and pisses off the people who will never ever be happy with anything he does. Win-win!

26   Booger   2017 Aug 26, 6:35am  


What AMERICA! wants to see is Arpaio walking the streets of Tuscon packing M134 and shredding wetbacks in the name of FREE!dom

I would pay to watch this.

27   bob2356   2017 Aug 26, 7:29am  

A duly elected officer of the court sworn to uphold the law willfully disobeys a court order. You idiots think it's a good thing that the president pardons him? Unbelievable. So the bottom line here is cops should just ignore any laws they don't want to bother to follow. No need for courts or judges or juries. One more step on a very slippery slope Propaganda really works.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) a prominent Protestant pastor outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler who spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

28   Strategist   2017 Aug 26, 8:19am  

bob2356 says

A duly elected officer of the court sworn to uphold the law willfully disobeys a court order. You idiots think it's a good thing that the president pardons him? Unbelievable.

Yes, it was a good thing. Some convictions are not fair or moral regardless of what a law may say. e.g. In the old days it was against the law to harbor a runaway slave. A police officer harbors the slave instead of capturing him. Which idiot thinks that police officer should not receive a Presidential pardon?
Bob, it's time you sat down and did some real thinking.

29   Shaman   2017 Aug 26, 9:19am  

Looks like according to this article: Arpaio's actions were sanctioned unseen Bush II's Department of Homeland Security, but Obama's chiefs rescinded their blessing for him to continue enforcing Federal immigration law.

What is NOT actually in question is whether illegal immigration is against the law. It is and always has been. The question was whether Arpaio's police department had the federal authority to enforce immigration laws. He was accused of "cooperating with immigration authorities."

"Arpaio, the controversial sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes metropolitan Phoenix, has temporarily suspended all his immigration efforts after a federal judge concluded two weeks ago that the sheriff's office had racially profiled Latinos in its patrols, Arpaio spokesman Brandon Jones said." http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/06/07/arizona-sheriff-joe-arpaio-forced-by-court-ruling-to-suspend-immigration.html

So basically a court ruling said that Joe was guilty of racially profiling people for immigration checks. That's rich, considering the overwhelming appearance of illegal immigrants in that area.

Overall, the issue has been a political one, not a legal one. If one POTUS administration made it legal and sanctioned for the sheriff to enforce immigration laws, and another POTUS made it not so legal or sanctioned, then what has changed? Merely the political winds.

Therefore, as the political winds have once again shifted, it makes perfect sense for Trump to pardon the sheriff. It's a line in the sand, a political mile marker. It's MAGA vs the Swamp. To neglect to make this political statement would be to concede to the bully tactics of the swamp monsters.

30   MoneySheep   2017 Aug 26, 11:13am  

No so fast to celebrate.

Arpaio Pardon Would Show Contempt for Constitution, Trump can now be impeached.


31   Tenpoundbass   2017 Aug 26, 11:23am  

The Editors at Bloomberg aren't our Founding Fathers nor the Supreme interpreters of our Constitution.
Get a fucking grip!

32   bob2356   2017 Aug 26, 11:25am  

Strategist says

Yes, it was a good thing. Some convictions are not fair or moral regardless of what a law may say. e.g. In the old days it was against the law to harbor a runaway slave. A police officer harbors the slave instead of capturing him. Which idiot thinks that police officer should not receive a Presidential pardon?

Bob, it's time you sat down and did some real thinking.

Is this a joke? So which group decides which convictions are fair? Want to ask the legal latino community of phoenix if they think the conviction is fair? or is it only what you believe is fair that counts? Since you are projecting into hypothetical nonsense maybe you should project what the owner of the slave thinks is fair.

So the justice system should run on what various groups consider fair no matter what the law or courts say? Time you sat down and did some real thinking.

33   bob2356   2017 Aug 26, 11:33am  

Quigley says

So basically a court ruling said that Joe was guilty of racially profiling people for immigration checks. That's rich, considering the overwhelming appearance of illegal immigrants in that area.

Overall, the issue has been a political one, not a legal one. If one POTUS administration made it legal and sanctioned for the sheriff to enforce immigration laws, and another POTUS made it not so legal or sanctioned, then what has changed? Merely the political winds.

Therefore, as the political winds have once again shifted, it makes perfect sense for Trump to pardon the sheriff. It's a line in the sand, a political mile marker. It's MAGA vs the Swamp. To neglect to make this political statement would be to concede to the bully tactics of the swamp monsters.

You are really confused here. No potus or court ever said it was legal or illegal for the sheriff to enforce immigration laws. A federal court said he couldn't sweep up everyone who looked vaguely latino and check their immigration status. Something that has been ruled on by many courts long before sheriff joe hit the press.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 26, 11:47am  

Patrick says

Here are all of Obama's pardons:


I wish there were reasons given for the pardons.

Obama pardoned FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Riveria who was connected to numerous bloody bombings at attacks, including one in Manhattan that killed 4 people and wounded 63. He was a master bomb maker.

No reason was given. However, the three PR Congressscum, all Democrats, celebrated his release from prison.


35   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 26, 11:49am  

Latino/Hispanic is not a race.

Any more than Anglic or Anglophone is a race.

We don't consider Bob Marley, Jackie Chan, Bono, Liza Manelli, and Bishop Tutu to be equally of some Anglic race.

How about most Bollywood Stars? Many speak English; India was a former colony of Britain, too. Their legal and educational system is very Anglified.

Yet Shakira, Sammy Sosa, Carmen Miranda, Cesar Chavez, Hugo Chavez, and Evo Morales are all of some imaginary Hispanic Meta-race, no matter how Black or Indian they are? Even if they laboriously learned Spanish as school and not in the home? Gimme a break.

There is absolutely no biological or even societal reason to consider Latin/Hispanic a race.

36   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 26, 2:00pm  

" However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense."


37   mell   2017 Aug 26, 2:09pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Latino/Hispanic is not a race.

Any more than Anglic or Anglophone is a race.


38   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 26, 2:22pm  

mell says

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Latino/Hispanic is not a race.

Any more than Anglic or Anglophone is a race.


Then the right is not racist. They are bigots?
": a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"- Merriam-Webster.com

39   Strategist   2017 Aug 26, 2:24pm  

bob2356 says

Strategist says

Yes, it was a good thing. Some convictions are not fair or moral regardless of what a law may say. e.g. In the old days it was against the law to harbor a runaway slave. A police officer harbors the slave instead of capturing him. Which idiot thinks that police officer should not receive a Presidential pardon?

Bob, it's time you sat down and did some real thinking.

Is this a joke? So which group decides which convictions are fair? Want to ask the legal latino community of phoenix if they think the conviction is fair? or is it only what you believe is fair that counts? Since you are projecting into hypothetical nonsense maybe you should project what the owner of the slave thinks is fair.

So the justice system should run on what various groups consider fair no matter what the law or courts say? Time you sat down and did some real thinking.

Fairness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. No one group decides what is and isn't fair. We go through a system of laws, courts and a possible Presidential pardon.
I don't think it's fair my tax dollars should go as welfare towards able bodied people.
I think taxes are not fair.
I don't think it's fair I should wait in long lines at the airport when I haven't even got a parking ticket in the last 10 years.
I also think it's fair that child molesting priests should be shot.
We all have opinions on what is fair. Like Bill Gates said..."Life is not fair, get used to it"

40   mell   2017 Aug 26, 2:32pm  

HEY YOU says

Then the right is not racist. They are bigots?

": a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"- Merriam-Webster.com

In the bordertowns there is no left nor right, just people who want themselves and their property to be protected from violence and crime. In fact many hispanics or latinos of older generations, same as mediterraneans who immigrated into northern Europe are what you consider "right". To make this about race is the dumbest thing ever and can only be conceived by leftoids living in a 99% white, upper-class area far away from the border.

41   steverbeaver   2017 Aug 26, 2:43pm  

In the bordertowns there is no left nor right, just people who want themselves and their property to be protected from violence and crime. In fact many hispanics or latinos of older generations, same as mediterraneans who immigrated into northern Europe are what you consider "right". To make this about race is the dumbest thing ever and can only be conceived by leftoids living in a 99% white, upper-class area far away from the border.

Correct. I am well acquainted with our Southern border. Let me just say that the stories of crime they bring in are all true. Oh, and many of the Mexicans (illegals and anchor babies, sometimes even 2 gen) are racist assholes who hate White people etc. I have experienced this first-hand. Trump was dead-on with his famous remarks early in his campaign. So for someone like Arpaio to be dragged through the mud... a man who fought that bullshit, WAS BULLSHIT. The "crime" sentence was very clearly political witch-hunt.

42   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 26, 2:45pm  

HEY YOU says

" However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense."

Arpaio was charged in Federal Court for disobeying the demands of a judge to stop profiling people based on their ethnicity, disregarding the fact that most illegals came over the border from the country Arizona borders on.

Interestingly, Bill Clinton like Obama, pardoned many FALN members for no good reason.Hardly a peep was heard from the same people pulling their hair out over Arpaio.

The freedom fighter excuse falls flat when you realize Puerto Rico has had several referendums and has always voted for the status quo on Independence. It's not like violence was the only recourse because the US Government wasn't allowing a vote.

And of course, Bill Clinton pardoned numerous bank fraud and other White Collar Criminals, like Marc Rich, the only connection seeming to be big donations to him and his political party.

43   marcus   2017 Aug 26, 5:03pm  

Tenpoundbass says

America's Sheriff gets pardon from the Donald

You must be so proud !

I'll say this for Trump, he's consistent.

44   marcus   2017 Aug 26, 5:04pm  

Face it, Trump is a troll.

45   GNL   2017 Aug 26, 5:13pm  

marcus says

Tenpoundbass says

America's Sheriff gets pardon from the Donald

You must be so proud !

I'll say this for Trump, he's consistent.


46   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 26, 5:20pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

HEY YOU says

" However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense."

Arpaio was charged in Federal Court for disobeying the demands of a judge to stop profiling people based on their ethnicity, disregarding the fact that most illegals came over the border from the country Arizona borders on.

Interestingly, Bill Clinton like Obama, pardoned many FALN members for no good reason.Hardly a peep was heard from the same people pulling their hair out over Arpaio.

The freedom fighter excuse falls flat when you realize Puerto Rico has had several referendums and has always voted for the status quo on Independence. It's not like violence was the only recourse because the US Government wasn't allowing a vote.

And of course, Bill Clinton pardoned numerous bank fraud and other White Collar Criminals, like Marc Rich, the only connection seeming to be big donations to...

No disagreement here.

Are there state crimes that can be brought against Arpaio?
Accepting a pardon is an acceptance of guilt.
Bring on the civil suits!
Cost Arpaio & the county taxpayers.

48   Strategist   2017 Aug 26, 6:02pm  

marcus says

I love it. Those criminals are in prison, not a holiday resort. The whole country should follow his example. Our crime rate would drop like a rock.

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