Hashtag - Take the Knee

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2017 Sep 25, 7:02am   7,419 views  44 comments

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There’s a lot to complain about in this deranged Republic — if it even still is one — but the burdens of being a multimillionaire football player would not be at the top of my list. Personally, I find it a little peculiar that we have to play the national anthem before any sporting event. All it really shows is how insecure we are as a nation that we have to display our love of country in this obsessive manner. Same with congressmen and their stupid flag lapel pins, or the flag in front of Denny’s chain restaurant. Are eaters of the “lumberjack slam” so disoriented when they leave the place that they need to be reminded what country they’re in? “Oh, look hon, were in the USA after all….”

What burns my ass is seeing baseball players in camo uniforms, as if they were an extension of the US military. What’s up with that? Is San Diego suddenly a theater of war? And why do US soldiers need to wear camo uniforms when shopping for eyeglasses? There used to be a distinction between battle dress and what you wore the rest of the time, even during a world war. And why on earth is it necessary to fly Air Force fighter jets over the stadium before the Super Bowl? Who authorizes the spend for that? Who are we trying to scare?

Of course, this new gale of ill-feeling stirred up by our intemperate president, the Golden Golem of Greatness, is driven by the oceanic currents of racial animus that are drowning the country more ruinously than the recent spate of hurricanes. The #Take the Knee campaign was already there, and getting hotter, even before Mr. Trump chimed in. At least he didn’t issue the usual sort of vapid nostrum about “diversity” and all of us getting along. In his blunt, blundering way, he may force the nation to clarify exactly what the beef is.

Surely it’s not about the woes of professional athletes. They are representing the grievances of a different realm in black America, perhaps the places they came from, the city ghettos or the rural backwaters of Dixieland, or maybe even boring black suburbs like Prince George County, Maryland. And the lingering question, to be equally blunt, is: how much is non-black America keeping black America down?

Full Article: http://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/take-the-knee/

#Politics #TakeTheKnee #Race #WhatDividesUs

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23   Dan8267   2017 Sep 27, 8:11am  

Fucking White Male says
#1. courts don't initiate prosecution

Judges and prosecutors most certainly do protect criminal cops and terrorists. They have throughout American history. You are whitewashing our history and that is unpatriotic.

Fucking White Male says
#2. Cops who commit crimes are in fact prosecuted(and convicted).

Empirical false. There are countless examples. I have cited plenty of them.

Fucking White Male says
#3. Very very few cops murder and rape.

Even if true, this is irrelevant. Very few men murder and rape, but those who do should be prosecuted. That is the entire point of the protest.

Furthermore, almost every cop conspires to obstruct justice and harbor these felons. It's called the blue wall of silence. This makes them all guilty of a crime. It is no different than thwarting the CIA efforts to stop a terrorist attack. If you do shit like that, you are guilty. Conspiracy is a damn serious crime and should be.

Fucking White Male says
#4. I'm not convinced NFL players taking a knee are protesting any of the above, nor am I convinced they understand what I just posted or why.

What you believe is irrelevant. I sincerely doubt anything would convince you anyway.

The fact is that the protesters have very explicitly explained the message of their protest. Cops need to stop committing murder, rape, and terrorism, and the courts need to prosecute cops who commit crimes. It's that fucking simple. Anyone who condemns these protests had better give a damn good reason why that statement is wrong or they reveal themselves as anti-American bigots who don't give a shit about their fellow Americans. Such people deserve zero respect. The NFL players are protesting the grave injustices being inflicted on one in eight Americans. If you have any patriotism, one in eight Americans being forced to suffer like this would upset you and these protests would not.
24   Dan8267   2017 Sep 27, 1:01pm  

FortWayne says
White lives don't matter movement keeps going, liberal hatred has no limits

Conservatives rape babies to death. FortWayne, if you are going to lie why stop at ludicrous?
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 28, 10:10am  

Kaepernick's first example of Police Brutality was that Cops receive their contracted salary while a use of force situation is being investigated, and they haven't been charged with any crime. What Injustice!

At the time Kaepernick was interviewed in late August 2016, a ("White-passing")Hispanic Cop named Jeronimo Yanez in Minnesota had just shot a Black Man with the Spanish surname of Castille, who didn't obey instructions, acted erratically, and said he had a firearm (which he did). Later, THC was found in his bloodstream. The cop was eventually cleared, much to the rage of Kaepernick and the Anti-American AltLeft radicals.

PS THC while driving = DWI. The perp also had his family in the car.

Everybody should be put on unpaid leave until their government employer clears them of not following policy or YOU HATE BLACKS!
26   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 10:23am  

anonymous says
but the burdens of being a multimillionaire football player would not be at the top of my list.

If you're going to start a thread on this, at least be honest about it. Nobody is kneeling because of the burdens of being a football player.
28   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 11:00am  

zzyzzx says

1. The take a knee protests aren't about free speech. They are about public awareness of crimes by cops and the courts obstruction of justice, both of which are worthy causes.
2. It's not the Confederate flag. It's the Confederate battle flag which only became popular in the South when the KKK adopted it as a symbol of continuing the Civil War to bring back slavery and to murder Americans.
3. Football players are free to wave the KKK flag. The public is free to express outrage over the despicable endorsement of slavery behind the intention of the adoption of that flag. See (2).
4. There is nothing despicable being endorsed by the take a knee protest. The objections are solely because some assholes would rather innocent Americans be raped and murdered than admit that a shameful injustice is being routinely practice against one in eight Americans. Such people are nationalist scumbags, not patriots. They clearly have no empathy for their fellow Americans.
5. The only honorable response to the take a knee protest is admiration for taking a stand against a terrible injustice.

Would you like to continue this debate? I can go on for hours.
29   FortWayne   2017 Sep 28, 11:05am  

You are pathetic Dan
30   WookieMan   2017 Sep 28, 11:07am  

Dan8267 says
The NFL player's message is "Cops need to stop committing murder, rape, and terrorism, and the courts need to prosecute cops who commit crimes.". This is the one and ONLY message the NFL players are sending. If you hear anything else, that's a problem with you listening to the message, not a problem with what they are saying.

I really can't dumb it down any more than that. If you still don't understand the message, then you are choosing not to understand it.

Was this Kaepernik's original message, yes. The message this past Sunday and Monday had nothing to do with his message though. It was about Trump being an idiot and saying a divisive thing. It was a direct response to Trump this past weekend. To say otherwise is disingenuous. Trump doesn't say a word about it and there's just the usual 1 maybe 2 guys on a team kneeling.

Everyone was kneeling because Trump said you should be fired for speaking your mind at your place of work. While technically what Trump said could happen legally and was NOT an assault on actual free speech rights, (team firing a player for kneeling) the response was just a big middle finger to Trump by the players. That's all it was. If you know of any professional athletes, I'd guess 80% of them would tell you what I just said.
31   anonymous   2017 Sep 28, 11:20am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Kaepernick's first example of Police Brutality was that Cops receive their contracted salary while a use of force situation is being investigated, and they haven't been charged with any crime. What Injustice!

At the time Kaepernick was interviewed in late August 2016, a ("White-passing")Hispanic Cop named Jeronimo Yanez in Minnesota had just shot a Black Man with the Spanish surname of Castille, who didn't obey instructions, acted erratically, and said he had a firearm (which he did). Later, THC was found in his bloodstream. The cop was eventually cleared, much to the rage of Kaepernick and the Anti-American AltLeft radicals.

PS THC while driving = DWI. The perp also had his family in the car.

Everybody should be put on unpaid leave until their government employer clears them of not following policy or YOU HATE BLACKS!

Holy crap! Always respected your opinion, and figured you for pretty honest and intelligent, but after reading this post, I think you're a disgusting piece of shit. I root for your comeuppance
32   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 1:26pm  

FortWayne says
You are pathetic Dan

Coming from you that's a compliment. It's like being insulted by an active KKK member.
33   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 1:28pm  

WookieMan says
It was about Trump being an idiot and saying a divisive thing. It was a direct response to Trump this past weekend. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

It is well within reason for an NFL player to continue the message that we must stop terrorism from cops by condemning a divisive idiot who is attempting to undermine that message.
34   deepcgi   2017 Sep 28, 1:51pm  

The Take-the-Knee, Antifa, Black Lives Matter movements all feel very bought and paid for to me.

When I see this overwhelming media coverage that basically has zero impact on the One-Percent, I just picture the Elite of the Elite giving silent commands and the masses obeying, regardless of which side they choose. As long as they choose one of the two sides and not the front or back, or top or bottom.

As for me, in my lifetime, I have seen multi-multiculturalism explode in the United States along with the population. It’s the greatest sociology experiment in the history of society. There is inevitable friction, of course. Age old cultures forced to be neighbors. Apartment 108 hates the odd smells coming from apartment 109 every evening at dinner time. 110 hates the primal screaming coming from 109 every time there’s a football game on.

But all-in-all, I think we are doing well. We are all growing to share in the common culture of the information age. Like watching Houstonians of every stripe sharing in rebuilding their neighborhoods after Hairy Harvey. It’s a beautiful thing (not that the media notices).

I for one think we should keep our collective eye focused on the powdered wig wearing string pullers.
35   Booger   2017 Sep 28, 1:58pm  

Since the NFL is against Trump, I think that Confederate flags and tranny cheerleaders (queerleaders?) are the way to take down the NFL.
37   FortWayne   2017 Sep 28, 2:20pm  

Glad it made you feel better

Dan8267 says
FortWayne says
You are pathetic Dan

Coming from you that's a compliment. It's like being insulted by an active KKK member.
38   WookieMan   2017 Sep 28, 2:45pm  

Dan8267 says
It is well within reason for an NFL player to continue the message that we must stop terrorism from cops by condemning a divisive idiot who is attempting to undermine that message.

You're giving too many people too much credit here.

1 - You assume that most NFL players even know the underlying issue Kaepernick was kneeling for. Most the these guys have family members and acquaintances that are actual police officers. They are wealthy and while they may have dealt with police in the past, most don't give a flying fuck. Hell many were probably protected by the police and their college prior to the NFL. They are the 1% and until you've experienced that life you have no idea what these guys think. Even the last guy on the roster is part of the 1%. While the 1% generally needs to spread the wealth a little better, to claim you know what these guys were protesting given their station in life is, again, disingenuous. Unless you're pulling in $500k plus a year, have an employer that will generally take care of most needs, you really don't have any idea what these guys think.

2 - You seriously think Trump is intelligent enough that his remarks were in an effort to undermine Kaepernick's protest? You're seriously delusional if you think that. Trump is about smart enough to know who his base is. While I think he brought more negative feelings towards himself then positive, his goal was to give his jingoistic base patriotism through the left's protest. He directly referenced the flag and national anthem. Yes he referenced kneeling as well. But his main point was you're not patriotic if you kneel during the anthem. I'm not sure how you link what Trump said, directly to Kaepernick's protest at all, outside of the act of kneeling. That's about it. Give me some evidence to refute what I just said and I'll reconsider. Trump was pandering to nationalistic, NFL crazies, that's all. Politics, you know.
39   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 11:42pm  

WookieMan says
You seriously think Trump is intelligent enough that his remarks were in an effort to undermine Kaepernick's protest?

Given how stupid a third of Americans are, it doesn't take much intelligence to undermine the truth. Case examples: Fox News and Breitbart.
40   WookieMan   2017 Sep 29, 10:00am  

Dan8267 says
Given how stupid a third of Americans are, it doesn't take much intelligence to undermine the truth. Case examples: Fox News and Breitbart.

I'll give you that. It's probably closer to 50% though.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 29, 10:31am  

Again, the Free Speech doesn't Fly against an organization that has fined, prevented, or prohibited players from:

* Wearing 9/11 Remembrance Sneakers
* Wanting to wear a decal for the 5 Dallas Cops assassinated by an AltLeft terrorist.
* Celebrating a few seconds too long in the End Zone
* Saying "Dammit" in an interview. Once.
* Using Breast Cancer Awareness Eyeblack
* Flipping the Bird.
* Smoking marijuana, even in the off-season in a state where it is LEGAL.

The NFL has disciplined and told Players they will be disciplined for all of these specific things. Which include shit they do off the field in their own time. The NFL must stop insulting people's intelligence with crappy Propaganda by telling them the NFL Billionaires support Free Speech generally. They clearly and factually do not.
43   RecentCost   2018 Jul 28, 9:28am  

anonymous says

What burns my ass is seeing baseball players in camo uniforms, as if they were an extension of the US military. What’s up with that? Is San Diego suddenly a theater of war? And why do US soldiers need to wear camo uniforms when shopping for eyeglasses? There used to be a distinction between battle dress and what you wore the rest of the time, even during a world war. And why on earth is it necessary to fly Air Force fighter jets over the stadium before the Super Bowl? Who authorizes the spend for that? Who are we trying to scare?

Supporting the military is a simple PR win for any organization. Easy thing to rally around and try to bring the country together.

It's lazy marketing and patriotic at best, it's helping recruit new soldiers and pandering to the public at worst. Anyone who has a problem with this sort of thing is probably a bitter asshole, and that's ok.
44   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jul 28, 9:40am  

I've hated NFL football since I was a kid, I don't think I have actually sat through 3 whole NFL games in my life. And they were all Super bowl parties, and I was probably the one Cooking and taking short orders.
IT would be the only useful thing the Commie Left fuckwads ever done was ruin the once great institution of American football and the heritage of the NFL.
History will love you bastards for it, and I don't think people rush to the polls to vote those commie haters in. If you can't stand for America then what fucking good are you to the American voter and our Republic?

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