Pence walks out of Colts Game

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2017 Oct 8, 2:10pm   10,566 views  52 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

"Don't worry, we'll pick up the Milenials. They're all about Social Justice!"

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Oct 8, 2:56pm  

We live in a time and place where "Conservative Pundits" expect the VP to do shut up and do or say nothing at a nationally televised event where the Flag, Anthem disrespected.

Let that sink in.
2   Patrick   2017 Oct 8, 3:10pm  

I think the VP was right to do it, even if planned.
3   Patrick   2017 Oct 8, 3:40pm  

The unity of the country is at stake when the media is 24/7 about identity politics of various divisive subgroups.

We will die as a country without unity.

No unity, no United States.
4   FortWayne   2017 Oct 8, 6:04pm  

Good man.
5   anonymous   2017 Oct 8, 6:06pm  

NFL games are not the place for NFL players to protest!

NFL games are for Freedom loving small government Politicians to spend taxpayer money, to protest Americans protesting!!

I thought y’all were done watching the NFL, in protest?
6   MrMagic   2017 Oct 8, 6:14pm  

anonymous says
Nice use of taxpayers money to sent Pence & family to Indy for the weekend

Yep, almost as good as the taxpayers paying for Obama and the Wookie flying to NY to have a dinner date.
8   Booger   2017 Oct 8, 6:33pm  

I'm not going to sit around and watch millionaires pout because they lost an election.
9   FortWayne   2017 Oct 8, 7:05pm  

Got your point AF
10   anonymous   2017 Oct 8, 7:10pm  

God knows, that’s why the quadruple post.
11   Shaman   2017 Oct 8, 7:15pm  

His Muslim girlfriend yanked that leash HARD! Kaepernick might be working out like a demon to get in football shape, but as long as he's dating her, stirring up trouble, and riling football fans, he's pissing in his own wheaties.

But hey, I'm sure his next gig as a club bouncer will really make all that practice worthwhile!
12   justme   2017 Oct 8, 10:53pm  

Here is the real question: Does an employer (NFL) have the right to demand that its employees (Football players) must agree with the employer's (or their customers) political views? Does an employer therefor have the right to demand that their employees stand for the national anthem, rather than kneel in respect for the national anthem?

I think employers should have no such right, whether NFL or McDonalds or any other employer. The NFL player's union should take this case to the supreme court, and get a ruling that NO employer may demand from its employees that they express a certain form of political opinion. That way, the deranged fans that demand political submission from their teams/players/employees would be seen for what they are: Intolerant bullies.
13   Ceffer   2017 Oct 8, 11:11pm  

He was late for a savage ASS! FUCKING! by Putin's viscount, a guy from Kazakhstan with no eyes who is led around by a rabid basset hound named Guldana that shows up every afternoon to sodomize Pence and remind him who is in charge.

Pence only left because after all the savage sodomizing, he couldn't completely stand up for the anthem, either.
14   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 8, 11:31pm  

OK! CLASS! Sit down,shut your mouths & pay attention.
A man kneels when proposing to a woman,out of respect & honor..
Kneeling is sign of respect in religions.Catholics genuflect
When one is knighted by a Monarch.

"The custom of genuflecting, as a sign of respect and even of service, arose out of the honor given to medieval kings. In modern times, when the folded flag of a fallen veteran is offered to the family, the presenting officer will go down on his left knee, if the recipient is seated."

Fuck Mike Pence & any Republican that think they are to good to kneel before our country,flag & anthem.
It's their ego that keeps them from kneeling or they just too lazy to make the effort.

It's a sad state of affairs when people pay big bucks to watch grown ass men play a game & get paid more than minimum wage.Shallow minds have to be entertained.
15   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 8, 11:42pm  

How many Republican stayed & watched the game?
How many groups of Rep/Con/Nazis at homes didn't stand in silence for the National Anthem?
Hypocritical Loser America Haters!
16   komputodo   2017 Oct 9, 7:29am  

justme says
The NFL player's union should take this case to the supreme court, and get a ruling that NO employer may demand from its employees that they express a certain form of political opinion. That way, the deranged fans that demand political submission from their teams/players/employees would be seen for what they are: Intolerant bullies.

So you're of the opinion that if the supreme court rules that it's ok for the players to protest like they are doing, the fans that are now against it will return and all will be well again?
18   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 8:08am  

komputodo says
justme says
The NFL player's union should take this case to the supreme court, and get a ruling that NO employer may demand from its employees that they express a certain form of political opinion. That way, the deranged fans that demand political submission from their teams/players/employees would be seen for what they are: Intolerant bullies.

So you're of the opinion that if the supreme court rules that it's ok for the players to protest like they are doing, the fans that are now against it will return and all will be well again?

Did any fans actually leave?
19   Y   2017 Oct 9, 8:24am  

This would be true whether he knelt or not
zzyzzx says
20   Y   2017 Oct 9, 8:24am  

If you can only hit 20% of your 5 yd passes then you generally suck
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Oct 9, 8:39am  

justme says
Here is the real question: Does an employer (NFL) have the right to demand that its employees (Football players) must agree with the employer's (or their customers) political views? Does an employer therefor have the right to demand that their employees stand for the national anthem, rather than kneel in respect for the national anthem?

Should a McDonald's employee be fined, suspended, or fired for wearing an "I love ISIS" button right next to her "Double Bacon for 39 Cents!" button?

Should an Actor be let go from an Winnebago's ad campaign after tweeting "Fuck the US Army, Oppressor of Filipinos!"

Can a waitress be fired from Bob's Big Boy for chanting "Meat is Murder" as she places hamburgers in front of customers?

Many of the same people saying "NFL player have the right to kneel!" were the same ones wringing their hands about Tebow praying in the End Zone, worried that Football was "Endorsing Religion".

Tebow is the reason the NFL banned messages on Eyeblacks.

I think you should have Freedom of Speech everywhere. But that has to apply to working class people as well, not just pampered athletic millionaires.
22   justme   2017 Oct 9, 9:08am  

komputodo says
So you're of the opinion that if the supreme court rules that it's ok for the players to protest like they are doing, the fans that are now against it will return and all will be well again?

Just making up shit, are we? I did not say anything about the fans. Fans may or may not choose to attend or watch. But if SCOTUS rules that players cannot be forced to express their respect for the national anthem in a certain way, perhaps all these fans will back down and let the players choose their own expression of respect.

And if the fans do not approve, one might ask the appropriate question: Why do so many NFL fans hate the constitution? Why do so many NFL fans hate freedom?
23   bob2356   2017 Oct 9, 9:11am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
The kneeling for the national anthem and flag, however, isn't punished.

That means the owners agree with the players. They can fire players for not representing the company just like any other employer. Free speech doesn't apply to private employment. Never has. .

TwoScoopsMcGee says

I think you should have Freedom of Speech everywhere.

The supreme court disagrees with you. Maybe you should bring it to their attention.
24   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 9:11am  

I think you should have Freedom of Speech everywhere. But that has to apply to working class people as well, not just pampered athletic millionaires.


So then what exactly is your gripe?

Or do you even know anymore?

All Great Americans should be protesting Pence for attempting to subvert our Constitution and The Flag by mixing religion with politics.

Quit your SJWing, it’s pathetic
25   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 9:31am  

It’s nice to see that pretty much all Americans disapprove of the Trump/Pence GOP stunt.

Those idiots thought that they would draw support for this publicity stunt, where they attempt to harm Americans and our economy. Not today, Failed Losers! Take that crap to North Korea where it belongs.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Oct 9, 9:35am  

errc says

So then what exactly is your gripe?

Or do you even know anymore?

Do you think a McDonald's Cashier who tells each customer: "Thank You, and think about all the cows you murdered!" is not going to be fired?
27   justme   2017 Oct 9, 9:39am  

Does freedom of speech include the right not to speak? I think so.

Does the constitution therefore disallow employers from compelling employees to speak or express certain political views? Again, I think so.

These are serious questions, and should be taken seriously. Freedom is not, and should not be, a popularity contest.
28   justme   2017 Oct 9, 9:53am  

me123 says
So your employer would be OK with you hanging ISIS flags and Antifa flags all over where his paying customers will see them?

No, you disingenuous dumbass. We are talking about the right of employees not to have to be compelled to express the political views of their employers.
29   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 9:53am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
errc says

So then what exactly is your gripe?

Or do you even know anymore?

Do you think a McDonald's Cashier who tells each customer: "Thank You, and think about all the cows you murdered!" is not going to be fired?

That’s up to McDonalds. I’m thinking that the manager would have a talk with them, and if it continued, they would be let go.

Now answer my question
30   justme   2017 Oct 9, 9:59am  

me123 says
So your employer would be OK with you hanging ISIS flags and Antifa flags all over where his paying customers will see them?

No, you disingenous person. We are talking about the right of employees not to have to be compelled to express the political views of their employers.

(move to paraphrase, your honor. Someone thought my response was uncivil, apparently)
31   justme   2017 Oct 9, 10:01am  

@Patrick, waah my comments are disappearing and I can't even find them in the uncivil comment jail. What up with that?

UPDATE: I just discovered that when I add a comment on a page that is full, then the comment will spill to the next page, BUT refresh does not get me to the new page. That might also be a bug, I have never experienced that before.
32   Patrick   2017 Oct 9, 10:06am  

Thanks for telling me! Did you get an email saying it was marked uncivil?
33   justme   2017 Oct 9, 10:19am  

@Patrick, no email received, the problem is something else, see update above.
34   komputodo   2017 Oct 9, 10:29am  

errc says
It’s nice to see that pretty much all Americans disapprove of the Trump/Pence GOP stunt.

I would think that the 300 mil americans could give a crap about the 1000 or so that actually comment on this stuff.
35   komputodo   2017 Oct 9, 10:32am  

bob2356 says
The kneeling for the national anthem and flag, however, isn't punished.

That means the owners agree with the players.

Umm, I think not. All it means is that the owners know that by punishing the players, it will harm themselves even more. It's all about self interest like everything else in the world.
36   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 11:04am  

Ouch. Take it easy on these special snowflakes, they are unstable
37   justme   2017 Oct 9, 11:16am  

me123 says
When employees are on company time and being paid, they are required to follow the guidelines and wishes of the company, as they are a reflection of that company.

Let's use the shorthand (1) to designate the above statement by me123. Statement (1) is balderdash. No company (in the US) can legally require or compel employees to follow the company's POLITICAL wishes. If you think that is allowed in the US, then to you have lost your mind. If you WANT (1) to be true, then you are the worst kind of totalitarian fascist. Why do you hate freedom so much?

If (1) were true, a company could even prescribe who you vote for in elections. If we were a banana republic with no individual rights, the following memo might land in your inbox:

MEMO to all employees: Every year, on election days, mandatory overtime is in effect during voting hours. You may visit voting stations during that time, but since you are on company time and pay, you are instructed to vote for candidate X. No vacation or personal time off will be granted on election days. Employees that do not follow instructions are subject to dismissal.
38   anonymous   2017 Oct 9, 11:17am  

Why don't these grown overpaid men neal in neighborhoods where people are being killed every day. This crap is a bunch of bull crap so please get the hell up off of your knee unless you really want to make a difference. You're always fighting a damn cause but can't fix a damn thing. I'm not impressed at all... I'd walk the hell off as well... Don't blame others for bad choices in your life and stop letting damn white rich liberals make everyone a damn victim. You're a victim of your self if you don't have a damn education. Hell, I'm Native American and sick of this same stupid ass excuses as for the most part a damn white man is not your problem except for the ones who hand out the lazy welfare....
39   justme   2017 Oct 9, 1:12pm  

Wowee wow-wow. The right-wing snowflakes really are having a meltdown today. Faced with logic and proper analogies, they are left speechless.
40   MrMagic   2017 Oct 9, 1:55pm  

justme says
Faced with logic


Maybe they should use helicopters with bright spotlights..

Or, if the cops can show up and shoot an unarmed, wait, make that a armed guy.

Yep, logic.

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