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1   Ceffer   2018 Sep 30, 12:53pm  

Truth, fiction, who gives a rat's ass as long as the libby hordes eat it up. A little white or gray perjury is fine when the ends justify the means.
2   marcus   2018 Sep 30, 1:01pm  

Anyone else get a kick out of TPB's preoccupation with dishonesty on the left, that is considering our current President's relationship with the truth (and reality for that matter) as well as TPBs general motif of operation on
3   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 30, 1:11pm  

marcus says
Anyone else get a kick out of TPB's preoccupation with dishonesty on the left,

6   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 30, 1:15pm

If Christine Ford’s ‘Memories’ Were Recovered Through Hypnosis They Are Not Admissible in Court – Would Be Thrown Out

9   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 30, 1:17pm  

marcus says
Anyone else get a kick out of TPB's preoccupation with dishonesty on the left, that is considering our current President's relationship with the truth (and reality for that matter) as well as TPBs general motif of operation on

Notice that TPB uses specific examples, allowing others to either agree or disagree.

You should try being as good as TPB, and show an example of Trump's relationship with the truth.
10   marcus   2018 Sep 30, 1:30pm  

CBOEtrader says
You should try being as good as TPB, and show an example of Trump's relationship with the truth.

I've cited thousands of examples.

AS for TPB, I've pointed out his lies for years.

There's one in the meme above. "All of her 4 witnesses disavow her claim." She referred to 3 of the four as being in the home, not as being witnesses. The fourth is Mark Judge. None of them disavowed the claim. They only stated that they were unaware that it happened if it did. MEanwhile Judge is in hiding for some reason.

By the way, I'm not arguing in favor of Ford's claim. I'm glad there is an FBI investigation. Hopefully it looks into all three claims, and more generally tries to find out whether Kavvanau was a dirtbag in his youth. Normally, I wouldn't think that going back to behavior in college is appropriate for most jobs, but SCOTUS is a little unique.

I'm open to the possibility that this is a desperate "the ends justify the means'" move on the part of democrats. Not saying that I think it's okay, but only that I understand it, if that's what's happening. In the same way that I understand the Republicans preventing Obama from appont a SCUTUS in his last year.
11   rdm   2018 Sep 30, 1:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Lie number (God knows) second front door was put there in 2008 not 2012 for an illegal business out of Christine Ford's home.

In this case why not let the FBI do their job rather than blindly believing some idiot's posts on the net?
12   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 30, 1:37pm  

No matter when it was installed I don't get the connection between a second front door and whatever "trauma" she has allegedly suffered. Is it meant to be an additional escape route in case that Kavanaugh guy decides to robe up in his SCOTUS outfit and come to finish raping her in her own house? Why escaping through back door or garage is not an option? Bizzare shit.
14   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 30, 2:05pm

By any standard of truth, fairness, classical liberalism, evidence, and facts, Dr. Ford is not only not credible, she is nothing close to credible.

Let me count the ways…

She has aligned herself with the far-left.
She straight-up lied about being afraid to fly.
She said she wanted anonymity but continually reached out to the far-left Washington Post.
Her polygraph is a farce.
Her story has been carefully weaved into a Kafka-esque nightmare no man (even with detailed calendars) can ever escape from.
Every single one of her witnesses refutes her story — has no memory of the gathering in question or says it doesn’t happen, and this includes a lifelong friend.
Her team was so desperate to have The Woman Who Wants Anonymity to testify publicly, they turned down the opportunity to have her questioned in private at her home in California — and then lied about it.
Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012 also refute here tale, even as the media and Democrats try to gaslight us into believing the opposite. Ford originally claimed four boys tried to rape her when she was in her late teens in the mid-eighties. Now she says it was one rapist and one bystander when she was 15 in the early eighties.
Ford refused to give her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the statement she wrote out in her farce of a polygraph test, Ford crossed out “early 80’s” so it would only read “80’s.”
Ford told the Committee the “primary impact” of the event occurred during the “four years after” it happened. She goes on to say, “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in College. When I was 17 I went off to college, I had a very hard time.” Note how she skips over two whole years, her junior and senior years in high school; the two school years directly after the attack (unless it did indeed happen in her late teens).
To later confirm the event did in fact happen in 1982, Ford told the Committee she was able to pin it down to 1982 because she remembered she did not yet have her drivers’ license. But… she also says she doesn’t remember how she got to or from the house party, so how does she know she didn’t drive herself?
Ford also used Mark Judge’s Safeway job to confirm the 1982 timeline. She testified she saw him working there 6-8 weeks after the attack. She could not yet drive, so her mother drove her there, but for some bizarre reason Ford and her mother entered the Safeway using different doors. (And now mom can’t confirm this happened!)
Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”
In summation: On top of all four of her own witnesses refuting her allegations against Kavanaugh, so too do the notes taken by her own therapist. (Margot Cleveland’s tweet thread was indispensable for much of this — you will want to read it all.)
Dr. Ford’s allegations are not only not credible — they are ludicrous, a joke…

Even what she does remember is so full of holes you could bounce Brian Stelter through it:

She didn’t hear two very drunk and belligerent boys sneak up on her?
Why was music already on in a room no one was using?
Wouldn’t blasting music ensure someone came upstairs to see what was going on, especially whoever’s house it was? This is completely counter-intuitive to criminal behavior.
After she locked herself in the bathroom, her rapists didn’t try to get at her? Didn’t jiggle the doorknob? Didn’t try to claim they were kidding? All tuned up for a rape, they just gave up and went downstairs laughing like nothing happened?
She remember how many beers she had (only one), but has been wildly inconsistent on the number of people who attended this small gathering, the number of people who were in the room where the assault allegedly happened, and by extension the number of boys who tried to rape her.
She left without telling her best friend?
She left without WARNING her best friend there were two rapists in the house?
No one asked why she was leaving or found it strange enough to ask her the following day why she just vanished from the party?
She can remember how many beers she had (one) but not whose house she was in, how she got home, the date, the place, how many people were there (sometimes it’s 4, or 5 or 6), or anything solid?
She will show the Washington Post her therapist’s note but not the Senate, which represents We the People?
15   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 1, 5:18am  

marcus says
I've cited thousands of examples.

Great. I must have missed it. You should have no problem offering us that one example which you get behind the most.
16   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 1, 5:23am  

marcus says
There's one in the meme above. "All of her 4 witnesses disavow her claim." She referred to 3 of the four as being in the home, not as being witnesses. The fourth is Mark Judge. None of them disavowed the claim. They only stated that they were unaware that it happened if it did. MEanwhile Judge is in hiding for some reason.

Everyone she mentioned including her lifelong friend has said that nothing like that ever happened. Her friend said she never met BK.

marcus says
I'm glad there is an FBI investigation. Hopefully it looks into all three claims

They already have statements from all three. Do you think they will change their statements?

marcus says
and more generally tries to find out whether Kavvanau was a dirtbag in his youth

This is gross behavior from the left. Absolutely disgusting to try to suggest that drinking beer makes someone a rapist. Or making fart jokes makes someone a rapist. The left has gone completely insane, and lost any connection to morals in the process. Very sad, but unfortunately expected from victims of brainwashing.
17   Tenpoundbass   2018 Oct 1, 5:25am  

CBOEtrader says
This is gross behavior from the left. Absolutely disgusting to try to suggest that drinking beer makes someone a rapist. Or making fart jokes makes someone a rapist. The left has gone completely insane, and lost any connection to morals in the process. Very sad, but unfortunately expected from victims of brainwashing.

They have become no fun! They are miserable sad sacks really.
18   Tenpoundbass   2018 Oct 1, 6:33am  

She told the therapist the bogus made up rape charge for a ruse to hide the fact she was an illegal shitlord.
19   Shaman   2018 Oct 1, 8:19am  

The FBI investigation will discredit Ford and possibly recommend criminal perjury charges.
She’s a straight up liar and none of that crap happened.
20   HeadSet   2018 Oct 1, 8:37am  

Quigley says
The FBI investigation will discredit Ford and possibly recommend criminal perjury charges.
She’s a straight up liar and none of that crap happened.

All that will be irrelevant if the primary purpose is accomplished - delaying the vote. If the vote is delayed, the Dems won't care what happens with Ford, and may even claim they were fooled while championing a worthy cause.
21   Shaman   2018 Oct 1, 8:40am  

Delaying the vote? It won’t be delayed enough. The deadline is January 20th, not November 6th.
All this korrupt kangaroo kourt has ensured is that even more voters see the Democrat party for the anti-American rats that they are.
RED WAVE in five weeks!
23   HeadSet   2018 Oct 1, 10:16am  

Delaying the vote? It won’t be delayed enough.

Sure about that? This extra week gives time for more partisan nutcases to concoct false memories. And that is assuming the Dems do not have already have some waiting in the wings. And the end of the 1 week extension, another accuser may pop up and lead for calls for yet another delay to investigate this new allegation.
24   Ceffer   2018 Oct 1, 10:27am  

They need to put Ford alone in a jail cell with Harvey Weinstein for a month.
25   Tenpoundbass   2018 Oct 1, 10:27am  

HeadSet says
Sure about that? This extra week gives time for more partisan nutcases to concoct false memories. And that is assuming the Dems do not have already have some waiting in the wings. And the end of the 1 week extension, another accuser may pop up and lead for calls for yet another delay to investigate this new allegation.

If Trump put a Mueller or a Rosentein in charge to head up the investigation then I will seriously start to question his abilities.
If the FBI he has put in place are NOT investigating the impetus of the accusations, and investigating the way the whole sham was played out.
Fienstein had the obligation to handle that to the letter of the law. If She is fully investigated on the way it was handled. I'm confident many people that colluded to bare false witness will end up in prison. It is my hope the Liberals will be bemoaning the head investigator in the same fashion Trump supporters are fed up with Mueller. But unlike Mueller there will be plenty of "There" There!
26   HeadSet   2018 Oct 1, 11:35am  

Ceffer says
They need to put Ford alone in a jail cell with Harvey Weinstein for a month.

Um, which one are trying to torture to a confession?
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 1, 11:42am  

marcus says
I've cited thousands of examples.

No, you've linked to ridiculous "Fact Checking" sites.

Pick one or two lies that actually mean something and explain that they're flat out lies, not subject to any other interpretation, not an exaggeration, not an off-the-cuff remark.
28   Ceffer   2018 Oct 1, 11:52am  

You can gag a maggot with Dem Senate behavior, but you can't gag a libby!
29   Shaman   2018 Oct 1, 12:15pm  

Aphroman says
That Trump is in any way responsible for black unemployment is a flat out lie

Prove it.
30   Shaman   2018 Oct 1, 1:19pm  

Logic is not your strong suite. The chart proves nothing. I see black unemployment continuing to trend downward since 2016. This means that Trump policies have continued to facilitate black people becoming employed, rather than having that trend level off at an already low number in 2016 or trend higher as they did when Obama was elected.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 1, 1:22pm  

Aphroman says
That Trump is in any way responsible for black unemployment is a flat out lie

Uhh....It's a fact that Trump has been President when African-American employment has been the lowest on record.
32   bob2356   2018 Oct 1, 1:24pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Pick one or two lies that actually mean something and explain that they're flat out lies, not subject to any other interpretation, not an exaggeration, not an off-the-cuff remark.

ROFLOL. Damn that's good. Everything trump says is off the cuff so no lies are possible in the trumpian universe. Too funny. .

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Uhh....It's a fact that Trump has been President when African-American employment has been the lowest on record.

Today's vocabulary word is trend line. There will be a quiz.
33   Shaman   2018 Oct 1, 2:58pm  

As usual, bob is adding nothing to the discussion but snark. 10-4.
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 1, 3:36pm  

bob2356 says
ROFLOL. Damn that's good. Everything trump says is off the cuff so no lies are possible in the trumpian universe. Too funny. .

A Lie is commonly understood to be a deliberate falsehood, told for the purposes of manipulating the hearer with information you know is not true.

Misspeaking and Misremembering things is not a lie, since there is no intent to mislead.

This is something 7-year olds can differentiate, but not WaPo "Journalists" tendentiously hunting for smears.
36   bob2356   2018 Oct 1, 4:24pm  

Quigley says
As usual, bob is adding nothing to the discussion but snark. 10-4.

That puts me ahead of you in adding to the conversation.
37   bob2356   2018 Oct 1, 4:31pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

A Lie is commonly understood to be a deliberate falsehood, told for the purposes of manipulating the hearer with information you know is not true.

Misspeaking and Misremembering things is not a lie, since there is no intent to mislead.

If you say so dude. So you are saying Trump misspeaks or misremembers 90% of the time. Do you really want to go there? People with alzheimers do better than that. HaHaHaHaHa.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 1, 5:25pm  

bob2356 says
If you say so dude. So you are saying Trump misspeaks or misremembers 90% of the time. Do you really want to go there? People with alzheimers do better than that. HaHaHaHaHa.

I'm sorry for you that another America Last, Fictionalized "It's a small world after all" Corporate Disneyfied Neoliberal didn't win the election. One that endless prattles about how the huge 2000-page multilateral trade deals it negotiates with dozens of multinational company execs and a hundred lawyers just on the US side, is all natural progress that can't be resisted.


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