The American Party Platform

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2021 Jan 7, 11:04pm   1,942 views  67 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (55)   💰tip   ignore  

We ourselves must stand on the street corners and distribute this document. We ourselves must email it to friends and relatives. We have no other voice in this age of tech oligarchy and censorship. No one will fight for us but ourselves.

We are done with both Democrats and Republicans because both have proven themselves irredeemably corrupt, bought and paid for by a small wealthy elite like Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates, and the Walton family of Walmart, who grow ever wealthier at our expense while shutting down legitimate peaceful political commentary. The stock market reaches new highs for the few while the many see their small businesses crushed by a well-orchestrated hysteria. It is the best of times for them and the worst of times for us.

Big businesses are joining together to discriminate against conservatives to protect themselves from popular outrage. When they scapegoat conservatives, they deflect attention from themselves and what they have done to America.

Billionaires have allied themselves with gravely mistaken people of the left to defeat the interests of all working people.

Every person on the left believes they just survived the parallel to the rise of Nazism in Germany and they defeated it. What they have actually defeated is a popular uprising against the tyranny of a small elite. They themselves will also suffer the consequences of that tyranny.

The left believes that all Republicans are white racists.They feel empowered to live out their Civil Rights warrior fantasies. They imagine themselves toppling Jim Crow and the Confederacy and the Nazi army in one swoop. Yet every powerful authority is on their side, Wall Street, the media, academia, and now government. "When the media is on your side, you are NOT the resistance." They don't wonder for a single moment why Wall Street donates and supports them. They don't see themselves as silencing conservative speech. The see themselves as eradicating violence, terrorism, racism and hate from the internet. They are gleeful that conservative working people are vulnerable and scared of our voice being suppressed. They imagine we are the people in old 1950's photos angrily shouting at black school children. We are not human to them. We are symbols of what they feel morally driven to remove from the world. They carry and nurture old high school resentments and project them onto conservatives.

The left conflates the America which defeated the Nazis with the Nazis themselves. This is as wrong as it is possible to be.

The most powerful people who own and influence technology see us the same way, and it is not a coincidence that their suppression serves their business interests very well. We aren't customers, or users, or people with real lives and families and small businesses. We are a problem to be solved. They've been trying to figure out how for years and finally can do it through outright censorship.

Free market ideals no longer work is because all markets are controlled by fewer and fewer people who dominate all options. There is nowhere else to go. And those oligarchs are ideologically driven to eradicate all sources of "hate" from society, which conveniently coincides with removing any threat to their absolute power. It's a religious crusade. And we conservatives, ordinary people who work for a living, are the target.

We cannot reason with them. They see our pleas for fairness as one would see a segregationist pleading for fairness. They believe - believe - that once we are gone the internet and therefore society will be cleansed, free, peaceful and able to heal. FROM US.

We are not the ones defining our place in this world. We aren't white supremacists or nazis or bigots or violent insurrectionists. But the powerful have segregated society into "good thought" and "bad thought" and their strict and narrow worldview has placed us here.

We are innocent, but it doesn't matter to them. They hate what they IMAGINE we are. They cannot be persuaded otherwise and we have no power even to speak, except in person on the street corner, or by email, or setting up our own small websites. You cannot convince them YOU are a good person wrongly categorized. The only people who have any influence have made up their minds and don't care to change it.

We need a new Civil Rights movement to make it illegal, step by step, to violate our rights. They won't voluntarily stop.They think they are the heroes of the story fighting for the good of humanity.

We must add Political Affiliation to anti-discrimination law in all states. We no longer have the luxury of arguing against the idea of protected classes. We are now a marginalized group. We need to understand that and behave as such. This is a Civil Rights movement. We have to march. They will throw garbage at us and laugh.

If you think you are exempt from this because you didn't vote for Trump or you defend businesses with "they have a right to" censor, then you are not paying attention. YOU do not define your status. Its imposed onto you by the elite and their misguided allies, just like every prior targeted group. You are a minority now. You are targeted for what you believe, for whom you associate with and - to be very clear - for your very existence. You cannot change that fact. This has been applied to you by the people with power.

Enough bickering over philosophical nuances. You are a marginalized minority now. The first step is adding Political Affiliation to anti-discrimination and hate crime laws because the left targets us for physical violence.

We must create the legal framework to force businesses and corporations to defend their discrimination policies. Force them to second guess themselves. We can do this at the state level first. We just need a solid foundation to force their hand legally. Their discrimination and open bigotry will not stop until it is illegal and enforced to stop. You will not shame them into acting ethically or fairly.

We must stop treating the internet as a novelty that we do not truly need to function. We must have an internet bill of rights, legal rights protecting all people from censorship and banning for who they are or what they believe. This is a new world.

Again, the traditional free market arguments no longer apply. Businesses are behaving collectively to discriminate against a single group in order to protect themselves from popular outrage. You are now in that group. Your entire online life. Your ability to communicate. Your bank account. Your job. Your healthcare. Your access to the world.

Its not "just Twitter." Your life can be taken from you for nothing more than a photo or an association. You cannot compete with such power. People who believe that your politics place you in a category deserving of discrimination and violence CONTROL your life right now. Understand this.

It is time to relentlessly, legally, fight back and spread this message. We don't like to do this. It is time consuming and awkward. But its our only option to regain our liberty.

Every act of injustice against us must be treated like Rosa Parks did, refusing to sit in the back of the bus any longer. I cannot repeat this enough. The powerful left WILL NOT voluntarily stop this crusade. We must use all legal efforts now to overwhelm them with lawsuits and legal challenges to stop all of the forms of discrimination they feel entitled to now, especially discrimination by Political Affiliation.

This is real. We are dying as they export our jobs and then vilify us to justify our impoverishment. As we die so that the few can get much richer, we are slandered and blamed for racism we do not possess.

We have no representation in government, only the elite does. The elite is well defined in "Who Rules America" by G. William Domhoff.

The elite owns almost everything. We own almost nothing. They whip the political left into a frenzy of bigotry and violent intolerance, burning down small stores.

The left does not understand that what they defeated is the working class, for the benefit of billionaires.

Our question for every policy should be: "Is this good for working Americans, those who live by their own labor?"

The two effects of Democrat/Republican uniparty rule that we most object to are:

1. Mass outsourcing of US jobs to China and other poor countries to profit billionaires like Bezos and the Walton family.
2. Mass insourcing of illegal aliens to drive down US wages yet further, again to benefit business owners at the expense of American workers.

There are three prerequisites for our existence as a viable party:

First, we need the police and the military on our side. They understand tradition and honor and are themselves working Americans. If they obey the elite unquestioningly, then we lose without ever getting started. Protest marches will be in imprisonable offense, deliberately conflated with rioting. Do you know anyone in the police or military? Please send them this document.

Second, we need absolute election integrity and transparency, which we cannot have without the support of the police and military. We should adopt the Israeli voting system everywhere by national law, even if it takes a Constitutional amendment. We need a clear paper trail for each ballot and a clear chain of human manual counting inspected by members of all parties. No voting machines should be used, ever, as they are easily corrupted. All absentee ballots should be strictly limited to medical need and military service, and explicitly applied for. There should never again be ballot spam, not even during a pandemic, as there was in 2020. All voters must personally show government issued photo voter ID from an office which checked US citizenship. It is insane that one needs photo ID to buy a beer, but not to vote. Election integrity is good for working Americans. It is the oligarchs and coastal elite who need an obscure and easily gamed voting system, since they are in the minority. We are the large majority.

Third, we need to run our own websites and each of us personally advertise them to others, so that everyone knows that they have an alternative to the lapdog mainstream media who report whatever distorted view the elite pay them to report, suppressing all other views shamelessly. All mainstream media lies us into war over and over for the benefit of the elite. The lies about Iraq carried by all of the MSM are proof enough. The New York Times is guilty of war mongering. We will ruthlessly document the pervasive MSM propaganda against labor and against peace and unity. Every newspaper has a business section, but none of them have a labor section.

We do not use Google, Facebook, or Twitter for anything, ever. Our party websites will forbid Google from indexing them or accessing them at all. The tech companies are against ordinary working people and without mercy or understanding. Their services are NOT free. You pay dearly with your privacy, and the information they quietly collect WILL be used against you. Every large asymmetry in power causes corruption. They have extreme levels of power and have become exactly as evil as they claimed not to be. We will organize our own study groups and protests personally, via email if necessary. We will write our slogans and meeting information in chalk on the streets. We will run for office.

Walmart has been the greatest source of devastation small town America has ever seen, except perhaps for Amazon. Their efficiencies came with staggering human cost to middle America. Jeff Bezos and all of the Walton family became billionaires, but a million small retail stores closed on small main streets.

We reject and shame all who place illegal immigrants above our own poorest citizens, because they show not the slightest sympathy for our own. Black Americans suffer the most from illegal immigration, yet their opinion on illegal immigration is never asked or reported. We are against illegal immigration and for the actual enforcement of our laws. Illegal immigrants, however desperate they may be, steal jobs from our own poorest American citizens, those who need jobs the most. Only those whose jobs are not threatened by illegal immigration support it.

Anyone who employs an illegal alien must go to federal prison for at least one year. The employers of illegals are traitors, impoverishing Americans to enrich themselves.

We demand an end to all H1B and all similar visas unless the incoming worker is paid at least twice as much as an American would be for the same job. The program exists to make tech oligarchs richer at the expense of Americans who could do those jobs. There is no shortage of American skilled labor. There is only a shortage of labor who can be threatened with deportation by oligarchs if they make any demands. Illegal immigrants also make good servants to the rich because they committed a crime to come here and can be therefore be threatened with exposure. Americans DO want those jobs at fair wages, just not at illegal immigrant wages.

We support high taxes on non-productive "rent seeking", where "rent seeking" does not mean the rent on a house, but the attempt to get something for nothing, taking it from working people without creating anything of value. Regulatory capture is an example of rent seeking, where paid lobbyists bribe Congressmen to defeat the free market and to disadvantage small businesses. You can simply look at the a list of the largest lobbyists in DC to know who is corrupting our laws. See https://www.opensecrets.org/

We support zero tax on income from labor. Zero income tax on salaries and hourly wages! The only income tax should be on income which is not from salaried or hourly labor, such as interest, dividends, and capital gains - money derived from the work of other people. The elite make almost all of their money from capital gains. Why should a doctor pay much a much higher tax rate than a billionaire who lives from capital gains? Our tax system is an unfair regressive disgrace.

When there is no tax on labor, working people will have more money to spend, and the economy will boom. When the rich get more money, they just throw it on their pile in the basement and the economy stagnates. They do not need more money for "investment." There is too much money washing around at near-zero interest rates with nowhere to invest it because demand is choked by the impoverishment of labor.

Your boss and yourself are always in conflict over wages. This is necessarily so, because if you get more in wages, the owners get less in profit. And if working people get their jobs outsourced to countries with no unions and minimal labor and pollution laws, or have to compete with illegally imported labor, then stockholders unfairly benefit at the expense of labor. We support a good profit for businesses as a way of creating jobs, as long as those jobs are fairly paid.

It is in the interest of Bezos/Biden/China that the US working class fights each other with manufactured left/right tribalism so that we cannot unify to stop outsourcing and to raise wages for labor.

Borders define every country. Without borders, we have no country and are mere slaves to global capital. We are for strong, visible, physical borders, because those borders project the jobs of millions of the poorest working Americans from illegal competition that drives down wages and protect American jobs from cheap goods made in countries without pollution or labor laws.

We believe that to end racism, we must STOP TALKING ABOUT IT as Morgan Freeman asserted in an interview with Mike Wallace. The obsession with "racism" serves to divide us so that we can be ruled by the elite that owns both sides of the Democrat/Republican uniparty. False accusations of racism keep working people fruitlessly fighting each other instead of the elite who are outsourcing their jobs and insourcing illegal competition.

We believe in The Melting Pot. Our grandparents understood that downplaying our different origins is the way to national unity, and not praising deliberately divisive diversity. We are for unity as working Americans of all origins, with no divisions. We are the large majority! We are against divisive diversity for its own sake, which deliberately weakens the unity of labor and classifies people into little buckets not of their own choosing. We gladly accept and are for all Americans regardless of background. We seek to minimize our differences, not inflame them.

We are fighting the disease of "wokeness" which is spread through schools and universities to our children so that they turn against their own country to benefit the elite. We love our country and demand that every historical statue torn down by rioters be replaced by the city that failed to protect it. It is our history.

We are for a mandatory course in gun training for every adult citizen. The existence of the First Amendment depends on the Second Amendment. This was true in 1776 and remains true today. The elite are terrified that common people have guns. It is the biggest threat to their absolute power over us.

All banks and payment systems must be absolutely forbidden from banning financial access based on politics. This is a Civil Rights issue!

No employee should ever be fired for political speech or political activity, and it must be made a serious crime to refuse to hire anyone based on their political beliefs or political speech. This is a Civil Rights issue!

We are for personal responsibility. The government is not responsible for taking care of us. We are responsible for ourselves.

We are for an absolute ban on dual citizenship, because dual citizenship always creates conflicting loyalties. You are American or you are not. There must be zero ambiguity. China does not allow dual citizenship because they understand its harm.

We are against outsourcing and globalization, which drives down our wages to benefit our disloyal elite. We import cheap goods from China to make Bezos and the Walton family ever richer, at the expense of American wages. Eventually, no worker will be able to afford even the Chinese goods. They have made us dependent on China even for basic antibiotics. When America is a smoking ruin, those billionaires who ruined it will flee like rats and find other countries to destroy with outsourcing. They have already proven themselves disloyal to America a billion times over.

We are anti-Communist. Communism is a failed ideology that has always resulted in mass shortages and frequently in mass death. We praise those who start their own businesses which create good paying jobs.

We are pro-capitalism but opposed to the existence of billionaires. There is a limit to all things. No one needs that much money. If you have one billion dollars, congratulations, you won. Now leave some opportunity for others! All assets above $1B should be taxed and distributed to the public each year, not to government, which will waste it.

Billionaires become political forces unto themselves, buying influence and destroying democracy to preserve their position. It is in our interest to have many more separate capitalists competing for workers in any market. This is a far better solution than even collective bargaining is.

Our economy has become like a softball game where one side demands to win because it's their softball.

There is no free market, capitalism, or competition anymore when the winners can rewrite the rules to favor themselves.

By limiting the maximum wealth to $1B, we also give very wealthy people a motive to maintain the value of the dollar, which is constantly debased at the expense of the poor. This limit must never creep downward nor upward, but always be fixed at exactly one billion US dollars.

We are anti-lobbyist. Lobbyists are working against the people and for the elite in all cases. No government employee should ever be allowed to lobby during or after public service. Violations should be strictly punished. We must never even speak to any lobbyist or be seen socializing with them.

We are pro-business as a source of jobs. Small businesses should be encouraged by undoing the laws hobbling them, though large business also has an important role to play in creating jobs.

We are against personal debt, except as necessary to start a business. Debt is slavery, used to control you and order you about at the threat of being evicted from your home. All debt subsidies drive up prices, costing you much more for education and for a house, in order to benefit banks, realtors, and universities, which are groups with power, and not you.

We are against copyright longer than 20 years. There should be no "renewals." Copyright enforcement is practice for political censorship, telling you what you can and cannot say and hunting down those who say the "wrong" thing online. Twenty years is long enough to profit from any creative work, just as it is now for patents. Copyright law was corrupted via lobbyists specifically to benefit the Disney Corporation.

We are socially conservative. We are strongly for the traditional family, a married father and mother living with their own biological children. This family is our source of national stability and prosperity. We believe in motherhood, and yes, apple pie.

We demand short and simple laws in clear ordinary language that the majority of citizens can read and understand, not 5,500 page monstrosities of pork and obfuscation. We demand that all legislators read every word of every law before voting on it.

We are pro-military as domestic defense, and against foreign war, which happens only to profit the elite.

We are for cheap medical insurance outside of an employer, so that ordinary people can start small businesses. There should be no insurance premium tax break for employers alone! We must also prohibit the AMA from preventing doctors from offering services directly or in small groups.

We are for published medical prices and an open market in medical care in non-emergencies so that people can shop to drive down prices, and for price limits for emergency care. All non-emergency must should present a bill in advance of treatment and get it signed, or they provider is owed nothing.

We are against The US Chamber of Commerce, which represents only big business and keeps medical costs high to benefit employers who want you dependent on their tax-advantaged insurance alone, insurance you cannot get yourself unless you pay much more than they do.

We are for publicly funded Congressional campaigns to give everyone the opportunity to get elected without selling out to the elite. We are for limits of two terms for any office, to prevent entrenched corrupt Congressmen from holding onto power.

We are for consensus middle of the road environmental laws, without extremes, always in light of how many jobs will be created or destroyed, and at what wages.

We should treat others as we wish to be treated, and have no predatory trade deals with poor countries.

We prefer to support small farmers over conglomerates.

We should promote this document to college students who have seen their debt explode and job prospects disappear because the corrupt elite has outsourced their jobs and their tuition rose ever higher as a direct result of student loan debt subsidies which benefit banks and university administrators. College students have good impulses, but are then crassly used for the benefit of billionaires.

We do not take donations in cash, ever, because they are a temptation to corruption, and because the billionaires are in control of banks and can freeze or confiscate those accounts by classifying us as "terrorists" even though we are completely non-violent. To make a donation, just pay to set up your own web site where we can converse outside the censorship of Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Or email this document to everyone you know. Or organize local meetings of American Party members. Or run for office yourself! They WILL censor our advertising, but you do not need their advertising platform if you can personally reach enough people through American Party websites.

We have no hierarchy, no central party headquarters. We run on the principles in this document alone. We do not take orders from any central party authority which can be corrupted, or if successful in opposing the billionaires, imprisoned. Our symbol is the American flag. Everyone who says they are a member is thereby a member, as long as they have American citizenship and no other citizenship, and as long as they remain non-violent. We are not violent like the left is. Anyone committing acts of violence is by definition NOT a member of the American Party. The lapdog media will absolutely try to smear us with false accusations over and over and over again. But we all know that they are professional liars.

This is the whole of our platform. Be wary of those who would corrupt it by adding to it. If we remain true to it and relentlessly spread it, we can once again have broad prosperity in America, not only for the few and the political elite. This is our hope.

(Thanks to Chad Felix Greene for much of the wording around liberal psychology.)

Comments 1 - 40 of 67       Last »     Search these comments

1   FarmersWon   2021 Jan 7, 11:21pm  

Support laws:
Tight medical regulation.Looting by hospitals and pharma must stop.
Protect freedom at any cost.
Mandatory courses of gun training to every citizen to teach patriotism,self-defense and US constitution.(Before high school diploma)
Cleanup of "revolving door" between lobbyist and govt.
Commonsense middle of road environment laws.
National fight against cancer and other diseases.
Strong military for self-defense only.
No regime change in foreign countries.
No predatory trade deals with poor countries.
No trade or other treaties with non-democratic countries.
Support human rights in US and everywhere in world.
Strong laws against treason.
More tax incentives to people/NGO to donate money to needy in US or outside.Govt out of business from corrupt aid deals.
100% food and basic shelter security to citizens.
Spend more money of mental health.
Govt support to farmers to produce healthy local food. Break agriculture monopolies.
Reduce litigation by limiting law schools(like medical doctors)
2   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Jan 8, 6:53am  

I've thought for years we need a legit third party... good luck comming up with a platform that your average American will agree to. It needs to be simple and compelling. Take on too many issues at once and you'll loose. Pick one or two of the most important issues that are underrepresented or need change and use that as your starting point.
3   BayArea   2021 Jan 8, 6:56am  

Patrick, these are all so basic in my mind but in our world today would be perceived as extreme.
4   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jan 8, 6:57am  

That's the scariest thing you've ever said.

Tell me one single Labour party anywhere in the world that isn't about ten notches of commie more, than the Commie Squad in Washington.
Name ONE!
5   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 8, 7:24am  

Chris Hedges said some years ago that no meaningful reform could come from either party, the corruption was too entrenched.
I was kind of shocked at the time, but now I think he was entirely correct.
6   joshuatrio   2021 Jan 8, 7:28am  

What's the point when the vote is rigged?
7   krc   2021 Jan 8, 7:28am  

joshuatrio says
What's the point when the vote is rigged?

8   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jan 8, 7:29am  

I think the Republican party just pulled a Rome Senate on Trump, because Trump had become the Republican party.
I think they planned this ending since before the impeachment. It's why all of the Republicans went along with it. Be the hero today, knife Caesar in the back over the Election.

I like Trump had been calling for the Trump supporters to take over the Republican party, join it and own it.
Now that most Trump supporters are repulsed, the Republican's have dodged the bullet of them being taken over by American loving Patriots.
They don't care if they will lose elections for the next 4 to 5 election cycles, the GOP is not the MAGA party now.

If Trump continues to whip up his base, it will be for a third party and not the Republican party.
9   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jan 8, 8:02am  

Without fair media coverage, it’s pointless.

Best you can do is move to a state that will stay conservative for as long as possible. Maybe even a very rural location. They’ll still get you eventually but at least you’ll have a few years of peace first.

I’m thinking something like Michael Caines character in Children of Men.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 8, 8:52am  

Ms. Lindsay used Trump to get re-elected, promised a big hearing and action, did nothing, then stabbed him in the back.

If they aren't on "The Good" list, don't vote for them.

"B-b-but, then the dems will take over"

Every Social Justice push of the past 25 years has been enshrined, even though the Republicans controlled the Purse 22 of those 26 years.
11   krc   2021 Jan 8, 9:02am  

Tenpoundbass says
If Trump continues to whip up his base, it will be for a third party and not the Republican party.

That is immensely harder. It is so difficult to get on the ballot as a 3rd party. Better to subvert the rep party. Like Tea Party attempted.
12   HeadSet   2021 Jan 8, 11:42am  

If a third party did gain enough support to be a serious contender, we would see jerks like Lindsey Graham switch parties and become a Democrat. Graham is just a Democrat anyway, assigned to be a 5th column to placate a Republican district and undermine Trump. Recusing himself and allowing the Mueller probe was the highlight of his duty to the Dems. (Actually that was Jeff Sessions, another Dem at heart).

Of course, the first thing we would have to do is get an honest voting system. That means no-mail out ballots, absentee ballots strictly limited and applied for, and voter ID. This may be doable in each individual state, but I have a feeling that is a state were to implement these laws, a "Voting Rights" type act would come out of the PRI controlled Congress and force the states to mail out ballots to anyone on the DMV list.
13   HeadSet   2021 Jan 8, 11:50am  

krc says
Tenpoundbass says
If Trump continues to whip up his base, it will be for a third party and not the Republican party.

That is immensely harder. It is so difficult to get on the ballot as a 3rd party. Better to subvert the rep party. Like Tea Party attempted.

That is exactly what Trump did, he annexed the Republican Party and made it his own. His mistake was not removing all the deepstaters like Romney and Graham, and trusting deepstaters like Barr. The next Trump needs to fire everyone in the executive branch and appoint loyal people. You know, like Obama did.
14   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 8, 11:57am  

HeadSet says
That means no-mail out ballots, absentee ballots strictly limited and applied for, and voter ID.

15   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 12:12pm  

Eric Holder says
HeadSet says
That means no-mail out ballots, absentee ballots strictly limited and applied for, and voter ID.


Let's make it exactly like Israel's system. They know what they're doing.
16   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 12:15pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Without fair media coverage, it’s pointless.

Yes, the Labor Party would need its own media and constantly advertise it so that people know they have an alternative to the corrupt MSM.

I'll add that to the platform above.
17   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 8, 12:19pm  

Patrick says
Let's make it exactly like Israel's system. They know what they're doing.

18   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 9:22pm  

Tenpoundbass says
That's the scariest thing you've ever said.

Tell me one single Labour party anywhere in the world that isn't about ten notches of commie more, than the Commie Squad in Washington.
Name ONE!

@Tenpoundbass This labor party is explicitly capitalist.

Our only limit is that winning is defined at one billion dollars. No one should have more than one billion.
19   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 9:22pm  

joshuatrio says
What's the point when the vote is rigged?

OK, we need anti-voter fraud a second from the top, below support from police and the military, without which we cannot get a fair vote anyway.
20   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 9:25pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Without fair media coverage, it’s pointless.

Yes, we need our own media. That's point number three, behind support of police and the military, and rigorously enforced fair voting.
21   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 9:28pm  

OK, took a lot of suggestions. Thanks!

I want to keep polishing this and making it more compelling.
22   Reality   2021 Jan 8, 11:27pm  

Patrick says
This labor party is explicitly capitalist.

Our only limit is that winning is defined at one billion dollars. No one should have more than one billion.

Very refreshing angle, and indeed makes sense: it is in the labor's interest to have more separate capitalists competing for workers in any market. That is a far better solution (for workers) than even collective bargaining.
23   PeopleUnited   2021 Jan 9, 5:48am  

We need more local control and less state and federal control.

And we don’t need a limit on wealth, it will not limit corruption, collusion or cronyism. Singling out excessive wealth as evil is a fundamental misunderstanding of evil. Wealth is not evil, power is not evil. But using ones power or wealth to impoverish, destroy or enslave is evil. That is what laws should target, not wealth, not even power, but the abuse of wealth or power.
24   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 11:28am  

I disagree about the limit on wealth.

Excessive wealth relative to others is actually evil because:

1. No one personally created more than a billion dollars of value, no matter what they did.
2. No one needs more than a billion dollars for anything. What are they going to do with it, build another chateau?
3. Billionaires become political forces unto themselves, overriding democracy to keep their wealth intact at the expense of working people.
4. A limit on wealth gives the billionaires a motive to keep the value of the dollar high. A deflating dollar is theft from the working class.
25   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 9, 11:31am  

Patrick says
2. No one needs more than a billion dollars for anything. What are they going to do with it, build another chateau?

Elon Mask sees his wealth as a tool to do bold things like colonizing Mars.
26   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 11:34am  

It should not be a personal fortune then. He should create a foundation dedicated to that end and put the money there, where he can no longer use it to build chateaux.
27   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 11:36am  

Reality says
it is in the labor's interest to have more separate capitalists competing for workers in any market. That is a far better solution (for workers) than even collective bargaining.

Thank you @Reality

I'm adding that line to the platform in the OP.

I have to keep polishing this thing to an almost religious document and then go out and get converts. I'm hoping you all will help if it's good enough.
28   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 9, 11:41am  

Patrick says
It should not be a personal fortune then. He should create a foundation dedicated to that end and put the money there, where he can no longer use it to build chateaux.

He doesn't strike me as someone all that into building castles, especially in light of the fact that he sold off all his RE (like Hollywood mansions and that kind of shit). He either realized it doesn't give him any pleasure or bought it solely on advice of some accountant types. I guess the foundation could workif he was to remain the sole person to control it. Otherwise it will quickly deteriorate into another "ran by comittee" enterprise and slow the progress down to a snail's pace, like GMs and Boeings of this world.
29   HeadSet   2021 Jan 9, 12:35pm  

Maybe a two pronged approach. A Labor Party that will siphon off votes from the Dems, and thus allow a re-taken Republican Party to win.
30   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 1:39pm  

HunterTits says
That's the scariest thing you've ever said.

But have you ever heard of a labor party explicitly supporting capitalism like this?
31   Shaman   2021 Jan 9, 2:10pm  

I just don’t see any hope of any election changing anything as long as the oligarchs get to count the votes. They fucked up with their cheating in 2016 and surprising support for Trump over Hillary gave him the win. Basically they underestimated the votes Trump would receive so they weren’t prepared to cheat enough to cancel them. They almost didn’t cheat enough this time either!

Point is: without a surprise, the oligarchy always wins. I don’t see a way out without Revolution, and people aren’t going to do that unless the rulers overplay their hand and make life intolerable for Americans.
32   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 2:21pm  

Shaman says
I just don’t see any hope of any election changing anything as long as the oligarchs get to count the votes.

I agree. Voting integrity is priority number 2, after getting the police and military on our side. Without them, you can't even enforce fair voting.
33   PeopleUnited   2021 Jan 9, 3:48pm  

Patrick says
I disagree about the limit on wealth.

Excessive wealth relative to others is actually evil because:

1. No one personally created more than a billion dollars of value, no matter what they did.
2. No one needs more than a billion dollars for anything. What are they going to do with it, build another chateau?
3. Billionaires become political forces unto themselves, overriding democracy to keep their wealth intact at the expense of working people.
4. A limit on wealth gives the billionaires a motive to keep the value of the dollar high. A deflating dollar is theft from the working class.

1. Plenty of people have created a billion dollars of value in our lifetimes. Perhaps even Donald Trump.
2. No one needs a billion dollars for anything, oh really. So let’s say I want to create a new sports franchise or found a research institution for high tech biomedical research or aerospace engineering, I guess I am not allowed to do so in “Labor’s” America. I guess I will just build my dream in a country where I can freely do so. Watch the USA fall behind the world as the big fish leave for friendlier waters.
3. George Soros and Xi Jin Ping don’t live in the USA but it seems they are having a bigger influence on our country than even Donald Trump! You cannot stop billionaires from using their influence because they don’t have to live in the USA to wield it. It is foolish to even suggest it. Instead Americans need to be better educated to become wise and savvy in order to defend themselves and their republic from Billionaires propaganda.
4. The limit on wealth could motivate the billionaires to push for a strong dollar, but they don’t have the power to stop the FED. The richest man in the world is not nor ever was Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffet, no matter what some paid media disinformation expert says. Instead it is the real Oligarchs, the Vatican, the queen of England, the Rothschilds, and the other people who don’t want you to even know their name who run the banking cartels that set the value of money and they are behind the scenes running everything. Limiting wealth of Americans is simply barking up the wrong tree.

It is also slippery slope. If our government today tells us that a billion is too much, what is to stop them from saying in the future that a million is too much?

The same argument that the crazy liberals make for banning firearms is that “no one needs weapons of war.” Who are you to tell me what I need? If a person wants 2 billion dollars, or an AR-15 let them do so! This is the USA!!!!

I could go on but this is simply a terrible and self defeating idea. Taxing wealth will not achieve a more perfect union.
34   mell   2021 Jan 9, 4:01pm  

PeopleUnited says
Patrick says
I disagree about the limit on wealth.

Excessive wealth relative to others is actually evil because:

1. No one personally created more than a billion dollars of value, no matter what they did.
2. No one needs more than a billion dollars for anything. What are they going to do with it, build another chateau?
3. Billionaires become political forces unto themselves, overriding democracy to keep their wealth intact at the expense of working people.
4. A limit on wealth gives the billionaires a motive to keep the value of the dollar high. A deflating dollar is theft from the working class.

1. Plenty of people have created a billion dollars of value in our lifetimes. Perhaps even Donald Trump.
2. No one needs a billion dollars for anything, oh really. So let’s say I want to create a new sports franchise or found a research institution for high tech biomedical resea...

I don't see valid counterpoints either. I think a temporary wealth tax to balance budgets is a good tool. To a certain extent it is a zero sum game, so you can't just concentrate 90% of the wealth of a country in a few hands. I wouldn't confiscate it but certainly tax it for imbalances, but only with time limits like for each increase, then it reverts back. The budget needs to be voted and confirmed on each year. Also politicians will be taxed without exemptions as well and can't raise their salaries if the budget is not balanced. Also term limits now.
35   RWSGFY   2021 Jan 9, 7:21pm  

PeopleUnited says
It is also slippery slope. If our government today tells us that a billion is too much, what is to stop them from saying in the future that a million is too much?

Given enough time a billion turns into a million.
36   Patrick   2021 Jan 9, 10:19pm  

No, it will be fixed at one billion forever, never to shift.
37   Patrick   2021 Jan 10, 12:15am  

Say, what would a good symbol for the Labor Party be?

No sickles or hammers.
38   HeadSet   2021 Jan 10, 6:41am  

Labor Party Already exists.

They have some good points, but have the fallacy of placing incredible demands on employers while still allowing unfettered illegal immigration. But they do understand that we cannot burden companies with high labor and pollution cost while allowing offshoring of jobs - "We believe in trading freely with all trading partners who adhere to basic minimum labor and environmental standards."

39   Patrick   2021 Jan 10, 11:30am  

Maybe we need a better name, but Labor is pretty damn good.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 10, 1:16pm  

Popular National Party
Majority Rules Party
General Interest Party
Rally for the Republic

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