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but by the end of the Biden admin I think the national debt will be north of $50T. Bold claim, but we have massive structural problems.
Sports teams kind of have to after losing an entire season of revenue from tickets, parking and concessions in stadium. Opening day here in Chicago and Wrigley is at 10k ticketed fans. It's usually a sell out EVERY year even if they suck, which they mostly do.
@Onvacation: "If it is ever proven safe and effective I still won't get it. "
So this doesn't make a lot of sense to me
In some ways, I guess it's kind of like laser eye surgery. You have the risk of going blind. But you can do 1 eye at a time (Still a risk of both eyes blindness). You literally could die from it in some remote possibility (but I'm sure there is 1 anecdote somewhere). And you could have a negative outcome like dry eyes or blurry vision. But you also have the opportunity to make your life better with a pretty low risk.
even if parents want to be stupid about not getting their kids vaccinated.
That said, I honestly think that it's really too bad that even with a healthy mistrust of government, you can't see the benefit both short and long term of participating. Not for any kind of social cohesion or political bullshit either.
And we all still get in cars and ride around despite the fact that a lot of people die because of it.
What's the best answer for coworkers and neighbors asking if you got or when are you going to get vaccinated!
"Give me one short term and one long term benefit of taking an experimental biologic agent?"
Short term benefit - mRNA stimulated antibodies protect you from contracting a virus. Not a maybe virus.. a real virus. studies DO show a highly effective protection from contracting said virus. Do you dispute this?
Long term benefit - reduced population transmitting virus lowers the number of virus replications by billions of times. Each virus replication is an opportunity for mutation to a vaccine(biological agent in your terms) resistant state, AND to a potentially more lethal state. Thus the long term odds of mutation to a more dangerous strain are reduced DRASTICALLY. Again, this is layperson level science, shown and proven, and easily understood... Do you dispute this?
Risk: short term allergic type reactions to a small pct of the population. Probably a very tiny risk of death (as with all vaccines) . Drastically lower chance of death than contracting the virus...
The vaccine/mRNA agent is less risky any way I have looked at it so far.
Look at it this way: your chances of dying from the virus are approximately zero unless you are already beyond normal US life expectancy and/or obese.
Viruses usually evolve to be less lethal so they can stay around longer, see rhino and other common cold viruses.
To me, it seems like a lot of people in science have worked real hard to get something in place to try to help us as the human race.
To me, it seems like a lot of people in science have worked real hard to get something in place to try to help us as the human race.
All we CAN do is try to find out how it spreads, and slow that down, find treatments to prevent it from damaging our bodies if we do get it.. or try to prepare our bodies to fight it when it is encountered
"Give me one short term and one long term benefit of taking an experimental biologic agent?"
Short term benefit - mRNA stimulated antibodies protect you from contracting a virus. Not a maybe virus.. a real virus. studies DO show a highly effective protection from contracting said virus. Do you dispute this?
Im not against vaccines per se.
Onvacation saysIm not against vaccines per se.
Me too. I don't mind normal vaccines.
This one gives me the willies for multiple reasons.
1) There seem to be some cases of the Astra Zenica vaccine causing an "enhanced" immune response.
NEVER take anything that isn't proven to keep you alive. Supplements maybe, but just eat healthy and you'll continue to live. Covid won't kill you.
They don’t want people to be immune to Covid19. They want to sell the vaccine to people and keep them coming back for more shots. And that’s the BEST case scenario that more or less fits the facts: that the government is in bed with big pharma and dedicated to giving them billions of tax dollars in a scheme to make certain people wildly rich. The worst case scenario is that the vaccine is harmful in some systemic way that will reduce human population over time in a significant way. Either decreasing fertility or inducing autoimmune diseases and cancers that kill off many or most of the vaccinated.
He said that him and his wife had their second dose the other day.
They avoid us like the plague now.
joshuatrio saysHe said that him and his wife had their second dose the other day.
They avoid us like the plague now.
It is as if people think getting the jab stops them from spreading the disease, but not from catching it. Since you did not get the jab, you are still toxic to them.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.