by GreaterNYCDude ➕follow (2) 💰tip ignore
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I'm making a concerted effort to back off the sauce.
For wahts it's worth, I did a Sober January or whatever the trend is earlier this year. Felt better at the end, but didn't loose any weight. Replaced the alcohol with sugar, trading once vice for another.
For wahts it's worth, I did a Sober January or whatever the trend is earlier this year. Felt better at the end, but didn't loose any weight
My consumption goes way up when we go to Las Vegas(4-8 times a year) and on vacation.
Iced tea year round.
Good idea. I found that when I stopped drinking, I did not miss it much. The longer I abstained, the less I missed it and now don't even miss it a bit.
You can do this.
B.A.C.A.H. saysGood idea. I found that when I stopped drinking, I did not miss it much. The longer I abstained, the less I missed it and now don't even miss it a bit.
You can do this.
I wish I could like this ten times.
Same thing with me. The longer I’m off it the less I miss it.
Probably due to my sleep being affected. I may sleep 7 hours, but it's an ineffective sleep that doesn't refresh me.
Very little. While I enjoy it, I find that it ruins the next day for me. Even if I don't drink much (3-4 beers), I'm groggy the next day and lack drive. Probably due to my sleep being affected. I may sleep 7 hours, but it's an ineffective sleep that doesn't refresh me.
Beer is also carb-heavy and I find that I quickly gain weight if I drink it regularly. I prefer rum or whiskey, neat or on the rocks.
I realized that if I start at 5pm, stop around 7-8pm and go to bed around 10pm it doesn't affect my sleep adversely. If I start late and keep drinking up until I go to bed - the sleep is shit. Same with eating, btw: early dinner is where the sweet spot is.
You know what's never given me any problems? Cannabis.
IT'S A WATER SLUBLE METABOLIC POISON! I learned that at UC Berkeley asa a freshman when a couple of chemistry grad students threw a party and used the wrong alcohol. One died, and one was blind, and some were very ill. Ethyl alcohol is no different from what they drank, except that our bodies have metabolic pathways that will detoxify it.
I'm also surprised about the amount of abstinence here on patnet.
Ceffer saysIT'S A WATER SLUBLE METABOLIC POISON! I learned that at UC Berkeley asa a freshman when a couple of chemistry grad students threw a party and used the wrong alcohol. One died, and one was blind, and some were very ill. Ethyl alcohol is no different from what they drank, except that our bodies have metabolic pathways that will detoxify it.
Methanol, CH3OH, will make humans go blind or die. If I recall, one needs to drink less than 7 milliliters to go blind.
This is a pretty sober crowd.
Most people don't drink much, but a few drink a lot. Not sure why it's so clearly exponential like that.
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