by GreaterNYCDude ➕follow (2) 💰tip ignore
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You know what's never given me any problems? Cannabis.
IT'S A WATER SLUBLE METABOLIC POISON! I learned that at UC Berkeley asa a freshman when a couple of chemistry grad students threw a party and used the wrong alcohol. One died, and one was blind, and some were very ill. Ethyl alcohol is no different from what they drank, except that our bodies have metabolic pathways that will detoxify it.
I'm also surprised about the amount of abstinence here on patnet.
Ceffer saysIT'S A WATER SLUBLE METABOLIC POISON! I learned that at UC Berkeley asa a freshman when a couple of chemistry grad students threw a party and used the wrong alcohol. One died, and one was blind, and some were very ill. Ethyl alcohol is no different from what they drank, except that our bodies have metabolic pathways that will detoxify it.
Methanol, CH3OH, will make humans go blind or die. If I recall, one needs to drink less than 7 milliliters to go blind.
This is a pretty sober crowd.
Most people don't drink much, but a few drink a lot. Not sure why it's so clearly exponential like that.
I'm also surprised about the amount of abstinence here on patnet. While I slowed down I'll never give it up. Prost!
I think there is a lot of evidence that one or two drinks a day actually lowers your risk of death:
At 4 per day, men have probably negated the benefit. The problem is keeping the level down when it's tempting to have another.
even for kids wine diluted with enough with water is 100 x healthier than sodas or excessive amounts of fruit juices.
And Waitup says
Over time I develop more and more respect for old traditions, because they probably have value. There is a stereotype that "Jews don't drink", but then there is also a religious obligation for Jews to drink a glass of red wine each Friday evening, and another one Saturday evening. And four glasses on Passover, and to get completely blitzed on Purim. And I think they drink a bit on all their holidays actually.
That amount of drinking doesn't seem too harmful for their brain health. Not that this proves anything, just noticing correlations.
That amount of drinking doesn't seem too harmful for their brain health. Not that this proves anything, just noticing correlations.
Patrick saysThat amount of drinking doesn't seem too harmful for their brain health. Not that this proves anything, just noticing correlations.
Trust me, you can drink copious amounts of alcohol and function. My SIL has 6 DUI's and would not be considered an alcoholic as crazy as that sounds. The way you handle alcohol is generally the way that ends with problems in your life that shortens it. At least that's my observation. My BIL is the only one I know where booze is what actually killed him. Anyone else was an accident, though due to alcohol likely.
People used to drink beer and alcohol because the water quality would make them more sick as their piss and shit was just flowing into water sources. None of us would probably be here without alcohol (not sex, water quality). The key is managing what you drink. I think 1-3 drinks daily, especially spread out is no biggie. Size/w...
Covid has honestly opened pandoras box with the medical field.
WookieMan saysCovid has honestly opened pandoras box with the medical field.
This is definitely true. I don't trust any medical mafia studies now that the CDC and FDA and NIH have proven themselves to be horribly and perhaps irredeemably corrupt. They will publish whatever makes the most money for the medical mafia, no matter who it kills.
If you even think about publishing something Pfauci doesn't like, well, then it's "Nice research career you have there, would be a shame if you never got NIH funding again..."
So we are all now forced into regarding the entirely medical field as untrustworthy. We have to go by our own experience, and reason, and knowing for a fact that the motive of medical researchers is to get more funding above all else.
WookieMan saysMy SIL has 6 DUI's
Does she still have a license to drive ?
"Do you think you should drink so much?" "Just two beers, it's good for me." The 'just two beers' mantra is so common as to be a joke in itself.
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