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This study examines the performance of disease modeling during the covid-19 pandemic, and its associated effects upon the public health measures adopted to mitigate its course. Specific attention is given to the failure of the Imperial College model, which severely overstated mortality in 189 out of 189 countries under both its "do nothing" and "mitigation" models, and 170 out of 189 countries under its extreme "suppression" model. The Covid-19 policy response is analyzed as a failure in central planning, with specific attention to the public health dimensions of the same. Public health is identified both historically and in the present day as being acutely susceptible to knowledge problems, which in turn foster the conditions for a public choice trap that causes proposed policy measures to become ineffectual or even counterproductive in disease mitigation.
The Covid-19 policy response is analyzed as a failure in central planning,
While the world’s focus has shifted towards Ukraine, inflation, gun control, and abortion (the most dependable of distractions), one little news gremlin is enjoying its time in the shadows: the inefficiency of COVID-19 vaccines. Let’s look at how badly COVID-19 vaccines are doing around the world, shall we?
A research paper found that people who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine had a lower rate of suffering a severe case of the virus amidst the pandemic.
The article, which has been uploaded to the preprint server ResearchGate, relied on data from over 18,500 respondents across 175 countries. Analysis revealed that individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19 reported fewer instances of hospitalization in comparison to their vaccinated counterparts.
Pfizer Tells the FDA "We Don't Have a Complete Understanding of the Way the Vaccine Works"
It's time to stop the mandates, the passports, the inoculation of children, all of it.
In our latest video “Dispelling the Myth of A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” we reveal shocking truths using Ontario’s own public health data. A proper analysis of this data shows that the vaccine mandates have completely failed to control COVID-19 case growth and that the fully vaccinated are contracting COVID-19 at higher rates than the unvaccinated. Even more, it shows that hospital capacity is being stretched by the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated. And to top it all off it provides definitive proof that the pandemic has been over since early March 2021 when the death counts due to COVID-19 became negligible.
This means that the government has been unjustly extending emergency measures and limiting the freedoms of Ontarians for almost a full year!
It's Official! CDC and UK government data reveal the COVID vaccines do not prevent cases, transmission, severe illness or deaths
So what DO they do, and WHY are we using them?
Meryl Nass
Yes, Virginia, forcing HCW who were previously infected with Wuhan strain to take three doses of the mRNA vaccine actually pretty much destroyed their ability to mount a potent immune response against Omicron.
The data concerning SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccine safety and effectiveness are coming in fast and furious. Time for a news roundup.
Omicron BA.5 Prefers Hypervaccinated Masking West Germans, Avoids the Former DDR
Vaccine failure in one map
Pull It Off the Market: 40,000 Deaths Is Unacceptably High
Dr. Peter McCullough: "Typical standard for any biologic product is 50 deaths. Pull it off the market; something's gone wrong. 50. Not 40,000!"
This Is Not up for Debate: On a Clear and Convincing Basis, These Vaccines Are Causing Death
The Bradford Hill Criteria for Causality Confirm
- Is there a large signal? Yes, 13,388 American deaths in VAERS.
- Is there a temporal association? Yes. 80% of these deaths occur within a week. 50% will occur within a couple of days.
- Is it internally consistent? Are there near-misses? Yes. Blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, and so on.
- Is it externally consistent? Yes. Record life insurance deaths and a record number of athletes dying on the field.
- Do randomized trials affirm? Yes. More deaths in Pfizer's vaccine group than in the placebo.
Snake Oil: the most vaxxed country in Europe now has its worst COVID outcomes
Are those two things related?
Jordan Schachtel
5 hr ago
Virtually every single adult in Portugal has taken at least two doses of “miracle cure” COVID vaccine, with the vast majority “boosted” as well. Yet this month, the most vaxxed country in Europe has consistently reported its worst outcomes.
Twitter avatar for @theportugalnews
The Portugal News
Portugal remains the European Union country with the most new cases of Covid-19 per million inhabitants in the last seven days and is second in the world.
#COVID19 #health #SARSCoV2 #portugalnews
Portugal EU country with the most new Covid-19 cases
Portugal remains the European Union (EU) country with the most new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection per million inhabitants in the last seven days and is second in the world in this indicator.
June 20th 2022
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Once thought to be the best positioned nation in Europe to deal with future bouts with the coronavirus, a nuclear bomb of reality has hit Lisbon.
Out of all the countries in Europe, “Portugal has experienced the most dramatic wave,” The Guardian reports. “With infections per million remaining at a seven-day average of 2,043 on Monday – the second highest new case rate in the world.”
It appears the “miracle cure” vaccines have not only not failed to curb the COVID issue, but has potentially made it worse.
bottom line:
it is the vaccines driving covid evolution and superspread and they are failing faster by the day.
the reported cases data is masking this, but the magnitude of what’s starting to happen will be too big to hide from the general public much longer.
when you’re quad vaxxed and on your fifth round of covid and it feels worse than your fourth, even the stalwart “trust the experts” crowd starts to notice…
this may be a bumpier summer than many were planning.
Virtually every single adult in Portugal has taken at least two doses of “miracle cure” COVID
Replying to @kylenabecker
“More troubling, vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer’s trial were more likely to get severely ill with Covid than those who received a placebo,” WSJ notes. “Pfizer claimed most severe cases weren’t ‘clinically significant,’ whatever that means…”
The pivotal clinical trial for the @pfizer #Covid vaccine shows it does nothing to reduce the overall risk of death.
15 patients who received the vaccine died; 14 who received placebo died.
The end.
The trial blind is broken now. This is all the data we will ever have.
Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh?
“Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3 percent … irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning. Similar results were found in sub-group analyses for those ≥50 years of age,” Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad, with Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, and colleagues said after studying long-term natural immunity in unvaccinated people.
higher vaccine rates associated with greater rise in hospitalization
if vaccines work to stop severe outcomes, then why aren't they working?
are covid vaccines the superspread vector for omicron?
it's really starting to look that way
el gato malo
Jul 19
i’ve spoken quite a lot about why leaky vaccines drive viral evolution to select for vaccine advantage. rolling out non-sterilizing vaccines is is terrible idea. it’s like only taking half your course of antibiotics and then wondering why MRSA is suddenly everywhere. it’s just a selector for resistance and advantage. the basic mechanism is really very simple: antigens that were recessive become dominant in order to evade the fixated immune response generated by an inoculant that did not work to stop colonization, carriage, and contagion.
this is the simple, predictable, and inevitable outcome of herd level antigenic fixation whereby most people are all locked into the same increasingly ineffective immune response and fail to generate new responses when faced with novel pathogens. this gets called OAS/hoskins effect. ...
we saw the canary in the covid mine in the UK where risk rates were blowing out and even as they switched to “3 dose boosted” to measure relative effect, the fact that risk rates were not only higher in the vaxxed than unvaxxed, but rising fast over time became unavoidable.
notoriously, this led the UK to discontinue reporting of this series. it appeared they suddenly did not want to talk about this anymore. but it’s cropping up everywhere. ...
all of this is strongly consistent with the idea that we have a much milder variant that is still producing a greater number of severe outcomes because the case count is so much higher and this case count is being driven by the vaccinated, not the unvaxxed. their risk ratio for catching covid looks to be 3-5X higher.
The German government just admitted that 1 in 5,000 Covid shots cause “serious side effects.” That’s obviously low - but even so it translates into 110,000 seriously injured people in the United States alone…
A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.
The German government just admitted that 1 in 5,000 Covid shots cause “serious side effects.” That’s obviously low - but even so it translates into 110,000 seriously injured people in the United States alone…
Hugh Osmond
The problem for vaccines now is that everyone can see all around them that vaccinated people seem to be getting covid just as often and no less seriously than people who aren't jabbed. So vaccine and public health credibility is in tatters from evidence in front of people's eyes
Jul 20, 2022
Steve #No to Global Control.
Replying to @hughosmond
Sadly I see a lot of people I know who have a bad case of confirmation bias when it comes to the Covid vaccines they have taken.
Any issues/reactions they have are attributed to anything else. And they cling onto the fallacy that their problems could have been much worse if....
Untitled Retriever
Absolutely this. Friends and family members are getting sick in various ways (some serious) - and they won’t even consider the mere possibility of it being because of the vx. I don’t dare mention it because everyone seems to think I’m a lunatic. Baffled.
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