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It's laughable at this point. A vaccine for something that you'd still be able to transmit it to others. Hospitals were never overrun. Worst case they got near capacity, but only because the hospital systems ignored demographic data and didn't build out enough rooms for aging boomers that will be dying at a rapid pace over the next 10-30 years. We're gonna have a lot of deaths coming up.
This isn't a virus problem. It's a mundane flu bug in almost everyone. It's a hospital administrator problem. We've built plenty of elder care and nursing home facilities, but hospital beds for when shit gets serious has been neglected. A virus we "supposedly" knew nothing about breaks out and we were never overrun. And kids were never even a factor early on in hospitals. What in the flying fuck is the point in vaccinating kids for THIS virus?
I'd leave CA if I had kids and unaccompanied children were getting vaccines at school. That's some crazy shit. Even if you don't h...
I have pleaded with parents and while I am trying to keep my compassion and while I hope nothing will happen I'm not sure how much compassion I have left when some of their kids get maimed by their own hands.
You guys did see that WHO redefined “informed consent” to mean parent consent not required?
It’s fucking insane.
Fortwaynemobile saysYou guys did see that WHO redefined “informed consent” to mean parent consent not required?
It’s fucking insane.
It just means the WHO doesn't know the definition of "informed consent". Like Merriam-Webster no longer can properly define the words "vaccine", "pandemic" or "herd immunity".
These assholes don't dictate the meaning of words or phrases.
If they define "red" as "green" and "green" as "red" will you comply?
But at the end of the day it's people, not the place
Anyone think a State AG or governor is going to bring Conspiracy to Commit Murder Charges against the perps?
Does anyone have any faith in our justice system at all?
... or have we arrived at the point of "Take care of it Yourself"?