Get ready for Censorship like Mad

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2022 Feb 23, 2:58pm   134,669 views  901 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Under the "Russian Operative" excuse.

It's coming, and it will encapsulate the Social Justice Revolution as part of American Canon, so to criticize it will be subject to censorship.

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831   stereotomy   2024 Sep 22, 8:07pm  

It's about Goddamn fucking time.
839   Patrick   2024 Oct 7, 9:57am  


Remember what the Romanians did to Madame Ceaușescu on Christmas day in 1989, when she and her husband Nicolae, erstwhile president of that sore-beset country, just liberated from decades of communist captivity, were summarily tried by a provisional court after attempting to flee. I’ll tell you: they trussed the two of them up like a couple of Carpathian wild hogs (Sus scrofa), and hauled them before a firing squad. Which is not exactly to say that the United States is like Romania, but that such things happen surprisingly in formerly quiescent places. The people hated her as much, perhaps even more, than her despot husband. Just sayin’.

Why exactly Hillary Clinton would be dumb enough to come out on every news channel and Internet site on Gawd’s green earth to declare the end of free speech throughout Western Civ might remain one of those abiding mysteries of history. Bad timing doesn’t begin to explain it. What does explain it is the psychotic desperation of her party now that the days to election dwindle down and the pathetic figure they “nominated” stumbles from one campaign blunder to the next, and the whole sick crew behind her entertains dark visions of courtrooms and prison cells — including, by the way, her cohort in nation-wrecking Barack Obama, who could be liable to charges such as conspiracy to commit sedition, or even a higher crime, if the election goes the wrong way for him. You might suppose they are fighting for their very lives without being accused of exaggeration.
844   Ceffer   2024 Oct 10, 11:58am  

They don't really care what you believe, as long as it is lies. If you believe in THEIR lies, it's frosting on the cake.
846   Patrick   2024 Oct 12, 5:44pm  


Questioning the Global Pandemic-Response Structure

Read my 9 July 2021 post that Blogger deleted on 11 October 2024

Below is the full text of my short now-deleted post, and related images

Censorship and deplatforming are characteristics of a totalitarian state

(I have been permanently deplatformed from several main professional and scientific venues, and my work has been extensively deleted from YouTube, Facebook, and scientific journals and media — for being objective about Covid-period measures and vaccines — not to mention regular “fact checking” and personal attacks.)

Title: Questioning the Global Pandemic-Response Structure


COVID, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, SARS...

Objective harm analysis proves that the "pandemic" global-response structure should be dismantled.

The said structure is a political instrument for globalism, colonialism, and publicly-funded Pharma mega profits, disconnected from reality for viral respiratory diseases.

The pandemic responses have been unjustified and harmful disasters.

Furthermore, looking at all-cause mortality by time (by day, week or month), across all nations with seasonal winter-burden deaths, since WWII, the declared "pandemics" are not statistically different from the "non-pandemics", which is a hard scientific fact.

I conclude that "pandemic" is a fictitious phenomenon, a word used to instill fear and to manipulate for power and profit.

Denis Rancourt 9 July 2021

Related suggested reading: 'Virus Mania' book by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein

850   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 12:35pm  


Tennessee Star @TheTNStar Oct 18

Executive Director of @FFO_Freedom @MikeBenzCyber describes to @michaelpleahy how online censorship can be uprooted, free speech restored, if Trump is elected president.

854   Patrick   2024 Oct 27, 9:05am  


German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck calls for a comprehensive internet censorship programme to stop people disagreeing with him

Ten days ago, the German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck appeared at a meeting of the German Council on Foreign Relations, where he spoke on “competitiveness, climate protection and polarisation.” There, he spent a lot of time explaining that Europe really needs to do something about the fact that people can say whatever they want on the internet:

I won’t make a secret of the fact that I believe this unregulated form of social media is no longer acceptable. ...
859   Patrick   2024 Nov 2, 3:16pm  


Facebook Expected to Win Favor with Biden White House by Censoring Hunter’s Laptop Story, Internal Emails Show

According to a new report from Congress, Facebook censored the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 to help the Democrats win the election.

The effort was revealed in a new report from the House Judiciary’s Committee on the Weaponization of Government.

For months before the 2020 election, the FBI had warned social media companies like Facebook to expect Russian propaganda targeting the Biden family.

The FBI’s “pre-bunking” influenced Big Tech companies to censor the New York Post’s legitimate reporting about Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, according to the report.

Starting in early 2020, the FBI held over 30 meetings to warn social media companies about a foreign influence operation targeting Hunter Biden and his ties to the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings. ...

Facebook’s then-vice president of global affairs Nick Clegg wrote that the company’s response to the Post’s reporting would impact Facebook’s relationship with a hypothetical Biden administration.

“Obviously, our calls on this could colour [sic] the way an incoming Biden administration views us more than almost anything else…” Clegg wrote to Facebook’s Vice President of Global Public Policy Joel Kaplan.

Around the same time, dozens of intelligence agents signed a misleading letter suggesting Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

Joe Biden cited the letter to dismiss the Post’s reporting as bogus during a presidential debate with President Donald Trump.

In a rare mea culpa, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg issued a public apology this year for censoring content about COVID-19 to please the Biden White House.

Zuckerberg also acknowledged the Hunter Biden laptop story was “not Russian disinformation and in retrospect, we should not have demoted the story.”

Zuckerberg participated in the treason of the former "intelligence" officials to defraud the American electorate.
861   Patrick   2024 Nov 3, 5:43pm  


The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Dissent Online

Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize the public against all of us

•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.

•Earlier this year we exposed them. Unfortunately, their abhorrent tactics continue and recently have been aimed towards Angela Wulbrecht RN because she advocated for a patient with a widely publicized vaccine injury.

Correction: billions were spent to silence vaxx dissent online.
866   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 7:31pm  


Medical Journal Censorship Is The Proximate Cause of the Covid Vaccine Catastrophe

Here I document the brazen censoring behaviors of numerous major medical journals attempting to prop up the "safe and effective" narrative despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

... In hindsight, it was a naive idea to put together a special issue on “the use of available drugs in Covid” given that available, repurposed drugs are the Achilles heel of the entire pharmaceutical industry. Although I republished it some months later, the damage to humanity and to my reputation was already done. Good times.

According to the website Retraction Watch, there are currently 450 papers on Covid-19 that have been retracted. The vast majority of retracted Covid-19 papers after the mRNA campaign roll-out had “negative conclusions” and some were even retracted off of pre-print servers.

Know that the stories behind each retraction are nearly identical to my own with ivermectin above. Essentially, a paper with data and/or analysis which concludes grave harms from the mRNA jabs gets submitted, passes peer review, and soon after publication, the editorial team concocts some story of “concerns” with the analysis and retracts it. ...

In regard to the vaccines, one of the earliest and most memorable retractions was the VAERS analysis by Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough showing massively increased rates of myocarditis caused by the Covid jabs. You have to go to the Wayback machine to find it here.

... Another memorable retraction was that of Ronald Kostoff whose aptly titled paper “Why are we vaccinating children against Covid-19?” was retracted by Toxicology Reports after he had the courage to conclude that “there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.” Even worse, he stated publicly that he “fully expected” the criticism and that the “real-world situation is far worse than our best-case scenario.” Whoa. ...

Another light at the end of the tunnel is the famous Cleveland Clinic paper which showed that the more Covid vaccines you received, the more often you got Covid. Recall this damning figure:

867   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 7:11pm  


Stefan Niehoff is a 64 year-old retiree who lives in the small town of Burgpreppach in Lower Franconia. He runs an X account with 1,200 followers, where he occasionally expresses his dissatisfaction with the present state of German politics and with the Greens in particular.

In June 2024, he retweeted this image …

… which appropriates the logo of a popular cosmetic brand to suggest that Robert Habeck, our Green Minister of Economic Affairs, might be a “professional moron.”

Habeck and his associates are notorious for pursuing internet users who share highly illegal content of this nature. They brought Niehoff’s retweet to the attention of authorities, and the Bamberg public prosecutor’s office decided that Niehoff was indeed guilty of a criminal speech offence. The Bamberg District Court then issued an order permitting the police to search Niehoff’s residence and confiscate his electronic devices. ...

Armed with this document, Schweinfurt police showed up at Niehoff’s house at 6:14am yesterday morning and took his tablet. Police later told the press that the raid was one in a series of enforcement actions – part of something called “an action day against cybercrime.” By harassing a lot of cybercriminals all at once, police and prosecutors hope to send a message to the people of Germany that they cannot just retweet anything, and that they may only retweet the right things.

Niehoff is being prosecuted specifically under section 188 of the German Criminal Code, which provides especially stiff penalties for those who dare to “insult” our politicians:

"If an offence of insult … is committed publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating content … against a person involved in the political life of the nation on account of the position that person holds in public life and if the offence is suited to making that person’s public activities substantially more difficult, the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine." ...

That is how much freedom of expression we enjoy here in the best and most democratic Germany of all time.
868   Patrick   2024 Nov 17, 4:46pm  


Bluesky, which has received millions of sign-ups from angry leftists boycotting Elon Musk’s X platform, has admitted that it cannot keep up with the number of moderation and censorship requests from its progressive user base.

Well, to be a truly safe space for "progressives", they should just censor everything all the time. Blank page. Or maybe that's too white.

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