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Prigozhin is a friend of Putin and Putin doesn't mind the Prigozhin lose cannon.
The_Deplorable says
Prigozhin is a friend of Putin and Putin doesn't mind the Prigozhin lose cannon.
Prigozhin said the Ukrainian army is much bigger and better trained and armed now than it was a year ago when the invasion first started.
Yet you say that Ukraine has no army at all........or that it is greatly reduced from last year?
"Prigozhin said the Ukrainian army is much bigger and better trained and armed now than it was a year ago when the invasion first started."
"Yet you say that Ukraine has no army at all........or that it is greatly reduced from last year?"
Reliable information about the sordid story has been hard to get hold of. But from various news reports I could stitch together it involves a cast of characters not even Hollywood could make up: a baby trading scheme with a now-jailed Native American Indian chief wherein Leavitt purchased a daughter in exchange for a used car, a peyote-fueled gay hypnotherapist — now arrested for abusing hypnotized patients, a bigger-than-life scam to bilk the federal government for funding shipments of live buffalo to Eastern Europe from Native American lands, and the weirdest, timeliest connection of all: Leavitt’s business partner was the former president of, wait for it, Ukraine.
Victor Yuschenko.
Yuschenko wasn’t just any former Ukraine president. He was instrumental in the Deep State-fueled Orange Revolution, which toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected but inconveniently pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych, and ultimately wound up installing actor-qua-war leader Zelenskyy.
For some unexplained reason, after Yuschenko finished assisting the U.S.’s Deep State in overthrowing Yanukovych, he moved on to Utah. The former Ukrainian National Bank President somehow got wrapped up with disgraced baby-trading Utah district attorney David Leavitt, who stands credibly accused of involvement in a large satanic pedophile ring, not to mention the cannibalism thing or the buffalo scam, in which the two partners intended the ship the hapless, wooly animals to Ukraine, and who knows what would happen to the poor beasts once they got there.
Katya, hold the chicken Kyiv! I rubbed my throbbing eyes in disbelief. What did CNN just casually say?
CNN said that the documents the House wants came from UKRAINE. Ukraine, again! And it said Bill Barr got them from Rudy Guiliani before the election. And then Bill Barr buried the incriminating documents under a government buffalo pen in Philadelphia, underneath a stack of cow patties so deep that even now the House is struggling to dig them out of the FBI’s top-secret manure mound.
You’ll remember, I’m sure, the Deep State’s allergic reaction to Trump’s single phone call asking Ukraine for information about Joe Biden’s “activities” there, which lead to Trump Impeachment Circus Number One. They called Trump’s call “election interference.” Kind of like how burying the Hunter Biden laptop story was election interface, but the good kind, but I digress.
I am also sure you will keenly recall Joe Biden’s famous hot-mic brag that he extorted Ukraine into firing its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who was allegedly investigating him for bribery and who knows what else. Maybe cannibalistic pedophile stuff, who knows.
Anyway, who wants to bet that the Ukrainian documents Rudy Guiliani gave Bill Barr came from the fired prosecutor general, then Barr made them disappear, and now Wray is protecting them?
Oh wait, CNN confirmed the Comer document WAS one of Guiliani’s Ukrainian documents...
In other words, it’s starting to look like there is a WHOLE lot more to this Biden Bribery document than was originally advertised.
And how come every time some truly reprehensible crime story appears, there’s aways a link to Ukraine somewhere? Or is it just my imagination?
Have you forgotten our Ukraine project (Let’s you and him fight)? The idea was to bleed Russia dry because, you know… Russia! (They meddle in our elections… they collude with Trump… they tamper with our hopes and dreams….) It was years in the making, impeccably gamed-out in the State Department’s sub-basement. Secret Agent Man Hunter Biden, the then vice-president’s son, was even installed in the dark heart of Ukraine’s power center to… to do what, exactly? Never mind, because what secret agent men do is… secret!
The Ukraine bear trap was supposed to put Russia out-of-business for the foreseeable future. Didn’t work out. The crowning act of boobery was our demolition of the Nord Stream natgas pipelines, which had the predictable effect of putting our NATO allies out-of-business, while Russia turned around and found other customers for its gas. ...
So, let’s face it: Ukraine flopped. The main result of the Ukraine project is that it destroyed the tiny shred of what was left of America’s reputation for acting the global hegemon. In fact, Ukraine revealed that Russia has better weapons than we have (China, too) and that, given the emergence of hypersonic missiles, our gazillion-dollar aircraft carrier fleets are as obsolete as Roman triremes and liburnae. So, what’s our Plan B for defending Taiwan? (Hint: there is none.)
What’s next? Western Europe, facing its own collapse, will turn on America and refuse to continue pretending it can help out in Ukraine. NATO falls apart. (What to do with those vacant office buildings and idle employees?) Europe will have enough problems with its cratering industries and banking system. It may even be obvious to a few heads-of-state that the best outcome is to simply allow Russia to pacify and demilitarize the age-old borderland. After all, for the rolling decades since World War Two, Ukraine was not a problem for anyone until America made it one.
So, let’s face it: Ukraine flopped. The main result of the Ukraine project is that it destroyed the tiny shred of what was left of America’s reputation for acting the global hegemon. In fact, Ukraine revealed that Russia has better weapons than we have (China, too) and that, given the emergence of hypersonic missiles, our gazillion-dollar aircraft carrier fleets are as obsolete as Roman triremes and liburnae. So, what’s our Plan B for defending Taiwan? (Hint: there is none.)
There is alot of uncertainty in this war, but to categorically claim that Ukraine flopped is retarded. Did anyone really think 15 months ago that Russia would have to do major mobilizations and burn through their Wagner prisoners to occupy and defend less land than they had back in March 2022?
Fucking "superpower", with "second military in the world" over which amoebas like McGregor and his disciples are pissing their collective bed every night can't fucking close airspace over the capital and fucking Kremlin in particilar and from what - fucking slow and noisy drones. Nothing has changed since 1987 when Mattias Rust landed a Cessna-172 (a Cessna, Karl!) on Red fucking Square. Muahahahaha!
Both sides are. This has been the most unreported war I've witnessed in my lifetime.
“If you have a neck wound, you have 90 seconds to put on a tourniquet, told the group of soldiers in a training ground in Kharkiv Oblast near the Russian border this week. “Or you will likely die.”
"SORCHA 6/11: "Gaslighted Into Oblivion America Forced To Believe Ukraine Is Winning, Trump Is Guilty And Biden Is Innocent""
Choose your buffet of propaganda poison with gaslight dressing?
Why they don't just shoot their commanders and raise the white flag and run over to Russia, I don't know.
used to be a morally right nation, maybe it was all an illusion.
Supposedly all these photos are from Hunters laptop. Who takes all these weird photos? And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?
Who takes all these weird photos? And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?
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