Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   451,251 views  4,356 comments

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2370   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 10:54am  


Have you forgotten our Ukraine project (Let’s you and him fight)? The idea was to bleed Russia dry because, you know… Russia! (They meddle in our elections… they collude with Trump… they tamper with our hopes and dreams….) It was years in the making, impeccably gamed-out in the State Department’s sub-basement. Secret Agent Man Hunter Biden, the then vice-president’s son, was even installed in the dark heart of Ukraine’s power center to… to do what, exactly? Never mind, because what secret agent men do is… secret!

The Ukraine bear trap was supposed to put Russia out-of-business for the foreseeable future. Didn’t work out. The crowning act of boobery was our demolition of the Nord Stream natgas pipelines, which had the predictable effect of putting our NATO allies out-of-business, while Russia turned around and found other customers for its gas. ...

So, let’s face it: Ukraine flopped. The main result of the Ukraine project is that it destroyed the tiny shred of what was left of America’s reputation for acting the global hegemon. In fact, Ukraine revealed that Russia has better weapons than we have (China, too) and that, given the emergence of hypersonic missiles, our gazillion-dollar aircraft carrier fleets are as obsolete as Roman triremes and liburnae. So, what’s our Plan B for defending Taiwan? (Hint: there is none.)

What’s next? Western Europe, facing its own collapse, will turn on America and refuse to continue pretending it can help out in Ukraine. NATO falls apart. (What to do with those vacant office buildings and idle employees?) Europe will have enough problems with its cratering industries and banking system. It may even be obvious to a few heads-of-state that the best outcome is to simply allow Russia to pacify and demilitarize the age-old borderland. After all, for the rolling decades since World War Two, Ukraine was not a problem for anyone until America made it one.
2371   socal2   2023 Jun 5, 12:40pm  

Patrick says

So, let’s face it: Ukraine flopped. The main result of the Ukraine project is that it destroyed the tiny shred of what was left of America’s reputation for acting the global hegemon. In fact, Ukraine revealed that Russia has better weapons than we have (China, too) and that, given the emergence of hypersonic missiles, our gazillion-dollar aircraft carrier fleets are as obsolete as Roman triremes and liburnae. So, what’s our Plan B for defending Taiwan? (Hint: there is none.)

Just alternate universes! Makes me question all of Kunstler's musings going forward.

There is alot of uncertainty in this war, but to categorically claim that Ukraine flopped is retarded. Did anyone really think 15 months ago that Russia would have to do major mobilizations and burn through their Wagner prisoners to occupy and defend less land than they had back in March 2022?

Just watch all the propagandists on Russian TV. They sure as shit don't think Ukraine flopped. Prigozhin is saying that Ukraine's military is stronger and more united now than it was before the war.
2372   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 12:49pm  

socal2 says

There is alot of uncertainty in this war, but to categorically claim that Ukraine flopped is retarded. Did anyone really think 15 months ago that Russia would have to do major mobilizations and burn through their Wagner prisoners to occupy and defend less land than they had back in March 2022?

I predicted it would be a war of attrition before the war began:


The point of this war isn't to win it, it's to drain resources of the other side. The US, for some STUPID reason thinks that Russia needs "money" and in particular "American money". Russia thinks that the US and Europe need raw materials, food, and energy and will suffer shortages of them now matter how much "money" they have because of 40 years of neglect of infrastructures.

Gee, who will turn out to be right?

The MIC doesn't give a shit, they are making TONS of money off from war profiteering. They want the war to go on forever themselves. IF it destroys this nation? Well, they won't consider it their fault.

In truth, I don't even know if the Neocons who started this shit show particularly care about the nation. These are the same assholes that engineered 9/11 and wrote that incredibly stupid paper called "Rebuilding America's Defenses". It's really hard to tell if they are just fucking liars, are if they actually believe all their own bullshit. If they do believe their bullshit, they are insane.


You have complete lunatics running the country, and they're obviously lunatics, it's very easy to show they are. Nobody cares. Nobody listens. I guess the country does deserve to fail.
2373   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 12:57pm  


Fucking "superpower", with "second military in the world" over which amoebas like McGregor and his disciples are pissing their collective bed every night can't fucking close airspace over the capital and fucking Kremlin in particilar and from what - fucking slow and noisy drones. Nothing has changed since 1987 when Mattias Rust landed a Cessna-172 (a Cessna, Karl!) on Red fucking Square. Muahahahaha!

I would like to point out that a commercial airliner her the headquarters of the Department of Defense on 9/11 in Washington DC which is the most highly restricted airspace in the United States.

Of course, I think this was intended to happen. I think that was a false flag.
2374   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 12:59pm  

WookieMan says

Both sides are. This has been the most unreported war I've witnessed in my lifetime.

Oh come, no it isn't. We're at war with Syria, did you know that? How about Yemen and Somalia? We were at war in Afghanistan for 20 years, I remember trying to find out ANY information about what was going on there in 2013 and 2014, I wasn't even certain the war was going on.

This happens all the time. Out of sight, out of mind.
2375   Ceffer   2023 Jun 5, 1:54pm  

There are obviously a lot of consumers of concierge propaganda, set out in a buffet to accommodate wishful thinking requirements.

Ukraine is a walking zombie that doesn't know it's dead yet, animated by extreme Western outpatient care. Any other conclusion is, or should be, embarrassing to the promulgator.
2377   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 6, 9:00am  

"I love the smell
of phosphorus in the morning....":

2378   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 6, 9:06am  

So apparently some dam was blown up, not clear by whom as Ukraine had it on their list of last resort things to do. May line up with a report Ukraine's big offensive was stopped dead in it's tracks...
2382   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 7, 10:52am  

“If you have a neck wound, you have 90 seconds to put on a tourniquet, told the group of soldiers in a training ground in Kharkiv Oblast near the Russian border this week. “Or you will likely die.”

Yeah, tighten that torniquet around your neck wound real tight. Make sure your carotid arteries have firm pressure on them.
2383   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 10:34am  

The money laundering continues even now.
2384   Ceffer   2023 Jun 9, 11:32am  

Estimated over two thirds to three fourths of the 'weapons' wind up on the black market? Biden et alia. selling the weapons for kickbacks?
Benjamin Fulford says that Zelensky was giving positions around Bakhmut to the Wagner force because he is funneling slavs into the charnel houses for the Khazarian Mafia Chabad faction in Ukraine, and Wagner is also KM controlled.

An interviewer put it up to Z that he was implicated in the slaughter, and Z freaked out. Fulford says this is why Z is afraid to go back to his Nazi buddies in Ukraine, who may have figured it out, and why Wagner was deprived of ammunition, because Russia was shocked as well by the one way slaughter.
2385   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 9, 11:42am  

Patrick says

If you studied Russian military history, the Russian army is famous for scorched earth when retreating. One of the reasons why hates Russians is that they periodically burn down everyone's house when retreating. In this case they flooded instead of burning (and the Soviets destroyed this dam in WW2 as they were retreating).


Second world war: Dnieper dam blown up by Russians – archive, 1941

Stalin’s secret police blew up the dam in an attempt to slow the advance of Nazi German troops as they swept through Soviet-era Ukraine

The destruction of the Dnieper dam, which fed the most powerful hydroelectric plant in Europe and took eight years to complete, is the most spectacular act of destruction in Russia since the burning of Moscow in 1812.

The dam supplied power to large agricultural and industrial areas on both sides of the Dnieper, and was an outstanding symbol of Soviet industrial civilization.
2386   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 12:09am  

Not to mention the rumors of Z (originally Russian) padding his options by providing Russian military with strategic information about troops and placements. Oh, well it's only a big pile of dead Slavs and mercenaries. On the bright side, the dead mean there are lots of organs to sell, women to enslave, and children to move into the child trafficking markets.

2387   socal2   2023 Jun 11, 9:12am  

I think the coming few weeks will be decisive one way or the other.

This is a pretty impressive drone video showing Ukrainians rolling up close to a Russian trench with Humvees and clearing it out with infantry.

2388   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 1:27pm  

"SORCHA 6/11: "Gaslighted Into Oblivion America Forced To Believe Ukraine Is Winning, Trump Is Guilty And Biden Is Innocent""
Choose your buffet of propaganda poison with gaslight dressing?

2389   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 11, 2:10pm  

Ceffer says

"SORCHA 6/11: "Gaslighted Into Oblivion America Forced To Believe Ukraine Is Winning, Trump Is Guilty And Biden Is Innocent""
Choose your buffet of propaganda poison with gaslight dressing?

how are we different from ussr? oh, we got gay pride! rest is fucking same
2391   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 7:41pm  

I think "massive losses" is the Ukranian Army's middle name. Why they don't just shoot their commanders and raise the white flag and run over to Russia, I don't know.


2392   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 7:44pm  

I can tell you, no matter what the election fraud KommieKunts try, even in California the vast majority of the State outside of the feral, degraded cities will NOT give up their guns.

2393   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 10:46pm  

About that myth that seized Russian assets in Western banks were financing the Ukraine war against them? Apparently, it was a good investment for Russia:


https://youtu.be/sPT89tf-pMo Sorry for Bad Tube, Pat.
2394   socal2   2023 Jun 12, 9:17am  

Russian "barrier squad" killing fleeing Russian soldiers?

2395   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 12:14pm  

Ceffer says

Why they don't just shoot their commanders and raise the white flag and run over to Russia, I don't know.

If that happened, you would never hear about it.
2397   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 12, 6:15pm  

Ukraine is fucked, military industrial complex is profiting big. they spill blood, we profit. i’m looking at my own government and just think we are ran by satanic fucks who just hid their true colors in the past. used to be a morally right nation, maybe it was all an illusion.
2399   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 7:29pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

used to be a morally right nation, maybe it was all an illusion.

This is what I think too.

We are taught our nation has morals, this is to disadvantage us. I can't count the number of times I was surprised to see corruption and criminality in the government go unpunished. It used to be, just to give the ILLUSION we were a moral nation. Not anymore.

2400   PeopleUnited   2023 Jun 12, 8:18pm  

Supposedly all these photos are from Hunters laptop. Who takes all these weird photos? And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?
2401   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 8:54pm  

PeopleUnited says

Supposedly all these photos are from Hunters laptop. Who takes all these weird photos? And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?

A complete criminal that wants to record his exploits and knows he is above the law does.

When I say the government is a mafia, I'm not exaggerating in any way. How much more obvious can it get? Americans should have overthrown these assholes 20 years ago, but they just live in denial. "Oh, he has a drug problem. And a prostitute problem. Those prostitutes look awfully young. POOR POOR MAN! Aww, he's just a poor lost soul!!!!"

He's a thug.

He's a complete criminal, and unless he does something really outrageous, nothing will happen to him, and maybe nothing will happen to him even if he does something outrageous. We've been tolerating this shit for 40 years. Why don't celebrities caught high on cocaine ever get arrested?

The dual standard isn't new. People just deny it.

Drug test the fucking congress, I bet 90% would fail.
2402   Onvacation   2023 Jun 12, 10:06pm  

PeopleUnited says

Who takes all these weird photos? And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?

Crackheads and they ho's.
2403   HeadSet   2023 Jun 13, 7:22am  

Onvacation says

And what kind of idiot stores embarrassing photos of themselves on their laptop?

Hunter takes pride in what most would consider embarrassing. He is proud of how he looks in those panties and proud of the orgies with underage girls. Even thinks his crack pipe is cool. That laptop is like his trophy shelf.
2404   socal2   2023 Jun 13, 8:32am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Ukraine is fucked, military industrial complex is profiting big. they spill blood, we profit. i’m looking at my own government and just think we are ran by satanic fucks who just hid their true colors in the past. used to be a morally right nation, maybe it was all an illusion.

Respectfully, I think the persecution of Trump has radicalized and broken the brains of alot of people.

In today's bizarro world, it is "morally right" for Russia to illegally invade its sovereign neighbors and get hundreds of thousands of people killed in their cock-up of a war.

Whereas it is "satanic" for the US and the rest of the free world to provide weapons and financial support for Ukraine to defend itself from an illegal invader?

There is a big gap between being a full on Neocon Globalist warmonger and being a Totalitarian defender Leftist like Noam Chomsky.
2405   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 14, 7:15am  

Another prominent liberator received a proper greeting along with a bunch of his minions:

Ukraine’s counteroffensive has reportedly claimed the life of a Russian general described as one of the army’s “most effective military leaders.”

Major General Sergei Goryachev, Chief of Staff of the 35th Combined Arms Army, was killed Monday in a missile strike in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region, according to pro-Kremlin war reporter Yury Kotyonok. His death fell on Russia Day, the country’s national holiday.

“War takes away the best,” Kotyonok wrote on Telegram on Tuesday. “The army today lost one of the brightest and most effective military leaders, who combined the highest professionalism with personal courage,” he said.

Vladimir Rogov, one of the Russian proxy leaders in the Zaporizhzhia region, also took to Telegram to mourn the loss of Goryachev, expressing his “most sincere condolences” to the general’s family. Pro-Kremlin military bloggers wrote that Goryachev was killed in a Storm Shadow strike along with several other high-ranking Russian officers, though none of their deaths have been confirmed by Russia's Defense Ministry.

“Usually, colonels, lieutenant colonels, and majors who provide activities at headquarters die along with a general,” Ukrainian military expert Mykhailo Zhirokhov told Current Time. “So, such an attack on the command post of the 35th Army before a big offensive is a very serious ticket to success.”

Goryachev appears to be the first Russian general killed this year, and the 10th killed in the course of the war, according to independent Russian media.
2406   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 14, 7:31am  

A fuck who sold his own people to the KGB thugs and went to seek adventure in the a foreign land gets rewarded according to his deeds:

'Great concern' over reported injuries to Chechen commander - Kremlin
Reports that a top Chechen paramilitary commander has been injured are of "great concern", the Kremlin says.

Responding to questions about the health of Adam Delimkhanov, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov urged reporters to wait for "real truthful information".

Earlier, a post from Zvezda TV - which is run by Russia's defence ministry - said Delimkhanov sustained injuries but was alive.

The circumstances remain unclear, and the BBC has been unable to verify the report.

Ukraine considers Delimkhanov to be the head of Chechen volunteer units fighting in Ukraine, and a close ally of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
2407   socal2   2023 Jun 14, 8:05am  


A fuck who sold his own people to the KGB thugs and went to seek adventure in the a foreign land gets rewarded according to his deeds:

Delimkhanov is one of Putin's Muslim Jihadis sent to Ukraine to "de-nazify" Ukraine of their Christians and Jews.
2408   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 11:51am  


Ukraine’s counteroffensive has reportedly claimed the life of a Russian general

That is odd. You never hear about American, British, French, or Soviet generals dying in battle ever, including those huge 20th century land wars and other conflicts. Just one Iranian general who was specifically targeted and tracked for assassination.
2409   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 4:49am  

socal2 says

In today's bizarro world, it is "morally right" for Russia to illegally invade its sovereign neighbors and get hundreds of thousands of people killed in their cock-up of a war.

What are you even bringing morality into it?

Do you want this nation to spend billions of dollars and potentially come into direct conflict with Russia to defend Ukraine? The US created the problem in the first place by overthrowing their government.

You have ZERO control over what Russia does, you have SOME level of control over what YOUR nation does.

So, Russia has attacked Ukraine. What do you propose the US do about this? I think the US should just stay out of it, since it has a 100% success record in that any intervention it's engaged itself in over the last 20 years not only harmed the country in question, but harmed the United States as well.

Ukraine would be better off, if we cut them off. The war would end then within days.

Can we PLEASE stop doing the same thing over and over again knowing that the almost certain conclusion is that NOBODY walks out ahead other than some Offense Contractors?

If Ukraine doesn't win, and I do think it's even REMOTELY possible they can win, all this was for nothing from Ukraine's point of view, not of Russia. Russia I'm certain now has no problem justifying expenses on its military. Congratulations, we have a new arms race if you didn't realize.

I'm so tired of Americans falling for the next war, over and over and over again. Please consider what could have been done to prevent this war. The US won't negotiate with Russia, they wouldn't allow the Minsk Accords to be implemented, they cause a civil war in Ukraine by the coup - but you just complain about the nation you have NO control over. We're bankrupting the nation and for what?

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