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No Memory Holes for the Good or the Bad
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s inevitable that we reflect. Although some progress has been made, we remain in limbo - stuck between two entirely different worlds. One minute, we feel inspired and uplifted at gatherings with diverse, freedom-loving groups. Next minute - jarringly - we’re confronted with someone seemingly stepping out of a Dr Who’s tardis, wearing a facemask: "I have to isolate -I just tested positive".
So let’s get some evidence down, explaining some uncomfortable truths: what happened in NZ in the covid era? With some positive experiences too. Many people think ‘we must destroy’ any evidence, avoid accountability. But Margaret Anna Alice reminds us, #mistakeswerenotmade. We refuse to memory hole any of it.
To those people who think that ‘covid is in the past’, I wrote this post recently about how many employers are still, yes today, insisting their staff are ‘fully vaccinated’:
Three years on: workplace discrimination continues against thousands of New Zealanders
Ursula Edgington, PhD
Nov 3
The good news is, although it’s not been announced publicly yet, Health New Zealand have finally announced, >2 years after the ‘vaccine’ mandates were ended, its Pre-Employment criteria of covid jabs is dropped. Health NZ also released it’s Q1 ‘Performance Report’ which contains some concerning details about pharmacies rolling out more jabs, and GPs incentives for jabbing babies, including this quote:
“GPs are paid $40 for every baby who receives their six-week immunisations, and an additional $40 for babies meeting high-needs criteria (Māori, Pacific, Community Services Card, quintile five and rural)” (pg 15)
So unethical policies continue, albeit slightly below the surface. And as I illustrated above, many of the job vacancies requiring covid jabs are within the commercial sector, so this policy change will make little difference for many job-seekers. Especially when the entities supposedly protecting us from discrimination and our rights to informed consent, are silent. As I reported here.
But the evidence of these illegal and unethical policies will not be memory-holed. These documents cannot be shredded into oblivion, no matter how hard some people try to censor the truth...
"A Christmas Message from all of us at Healing the Divide" (2022)
Medical Freedom Singapore, December 23, 2022
IRIS KOH: Hello everyone. A year ago, we, the unvaccinated in Singapore were kicked out of our churches, mosques, and temples because we did not want to take an experimental gene therapy that has not been proven to stop the transmission the virus.[1]
I, like many others in our country were denied of our religious rights and freedom because of unscientific mandates. Unvaccinated Christians could not go to church to celebrate Christmas.
So what did we do? We could only celebrate Christmas in Orchard Road like other Singaporeans, meeting friends and loved ones, enjoying the lights and taking photos.[2] And yet we were surrounded by nearly 20 police officers on the 26th of December coming to intimidate us and preventing us from celebrating Christmas in peace.
[video clip shows Iris Koh and other people wearing both masks and protest T-shirts, surrounded by large numbers of masked police officers]
So why they organize this photo-taking and gathering Orchard Road? You see, the mandates have created a lot of disharmony and division in our families, workplaces, and society. There are many in my community who had quarrels and unhappiness with their family members because they did not want to be vaccinated. And some were even suicidal. They told me they wanted to take their lives as they see no point in living anymore.
I know that Christmas is a very difficult time for those who are having family problems and are struggling. That's why I wanted to meet everyone, and for us, not to feel so depressed, sitting at home, unable to go to church, overseas, restaurants, or the malls.
Sadly, one year on, while the government has officially said that these mandates are advisory, I have known people who are coming to me because they have been terminated from their work being unvaccinated, and others because they do not want to have any more up-to-date vaccines.
This is the truth of what is happening in Singapore in December 2022. When is it going to end? How will these people celebrate their Christmas this year?
Despite this sorry situation, I would like to bring you a message of hope for those who are suffering in silence due to the pandemic.
I am very grateful for the many Singaporeans who have come forward and offering their help in many ways. We have started a good samaritan program in which those who have been injured after the vaccine or felt unwell could come forward to get some nutritional supplements to get back on their feet again.
And there are others who are teaching members of the community other important skills so that they can go and find their own work, employment, or maybe start a businesses, and so forth.
We are also standing by lawyers to assist those who would like to take legal action against their doctors, employers, and so forth.
So if you are feeling oppressed at work or stressed out about the endless vaccines, come and talk to us. Or perhaps you are suffering from injuries after the vaccines that no doctor will acknowledge. I want you to know that you are not alone in this. We are here for you. Yo can reach out to us on our telegram at t dot m e slash healing the divide [t.me/healingthedivide] or visit us on our website: healing the divide dot c c [www.healingthedivide.cc] You can chat with us on the chat bot.
This was our Christmas T-shirt design last year. [she holds up the T-shirt] This one for the adults. It says says, Please protect the kids. Their natural immunity is the best.
And we also have a kid's version. [holds up T-shirt] It says, Please protect me. My natural immunity is the best.
This message still holds true today and will be available on our website, healing the divide dot c c slash immunity [https://healingthedivide.cc/immunity] where we will consolidate other articles about why natural immunity is the best.
We hope to sell these T-shirts so we can raise money for our lawsuits and to continue our work at Healing the Divide.
I want to thank all of you for your support. And being Christmas, I would like to leave you with a verse from the Bible. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Stay hopeful, stay positive because the truth will be pouring out soon.
Have a great Christmas everyone and may the good Lord bless you in everything you do. Merry Christmas.
TEXT ON SCREEN: We dedicate this to the men and women standing up, Saying No and making your voices and your actions count for freedom.
TEXT ON SCREEN Because of you, the world has hope for a better tomorrow.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Stay Strong Everyone. We are Singapore and We Are Awakening.
[2 people are shown holding a placard that says:
I chose bodily autonomy
I chose not to Jab
I did nothing wrong
* Locked out from society
* No Jab, No Job??
Coercion is Not consent ]
[A person holds a placard in front of his face that reads:
My Body, My Choice
Say NO to
Jab or Job! ]
"And not a single person I know, cares."
GNL says
"And not a single person I know, cares."
We care, GNL, we care. "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."
List I wrote 2020-2022: surviving a war of attrition without being arrested, jabbed, or incarcerated as a designated enemy of the state.
Memory-holed: what we endured.
Timeline of events during Emergency powers as experienced/witnessed by Australians, focus on Perth, Western Australia.
Dr. Andrew Robertson presided over mass vaccine injures during ‘covid zero’ then issued mandates.
CHO of Western Australia, former Iraq bioweapons inspector.
Remdesivir and covid protocols in Australian hospitals and globally.
Unjabbed as a minority political dissident group targeted for murder in hospitals.
The Australian government may legally disappear and inject you using force and your family will be silenced.
WA Health Act during Emergency powers legalises kidnap and injections by force - dovetailed with misinformation bill will see families silenced during Emergency powers.
Australia’s domestic medico-legal tyranny structure and Shepherd v The State of South Australia.
The interlocking structure of Australia’s domestic Emergency powers and how citizens are designated enemies of the state.
Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.
2023 article demonstrating that the covid response was a pre-planned miliary operation under the auspices of the US DOD/international treaties - act of war on civilians, not a health event.
Covid democide: a primer.
Covid democide needed a new lexicon so I wrote one. Useful if we ever get to war crimes trials.
Australian democide in progress?
Early article applying Stanton’s stages of genocide (democide) to the actions of the West Australian government.
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And now they want "amnesty".