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2   komputodo   2022 Mar 5, 9:03pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Why I think Russia will lose

Lose exactly what? Lets see....lets get the people fighting in a small country....fuck it all up...all the infrastructure...then get them in debt with the IMF to rebuild (basically own them)....sounds like no matter what happens, Ukraine is gonna get fucked up
4   Patrick   2022 Mar 5, 9:26pm  

Just going by the propaganda in the Western press, I suspect Russia is winning.
5   clambo   2022 Mar 5, 10:02pm  

The Russians aren’t doing so great and they are losing momentum.

The Russian conscripts are not that motivated to fight, while the Ukrainians are defending their freedom.

The west has the money to send anti aircraft missiles and anti tank missiles by the thousands, guns by the tens of thousands.

Over time Russia can win but at a huge cost economically as well as politically.

Russia is like the girlfriend you trusted; she was not from the best background but she was trying to improve herself and you thought she made a lot of progress.
Then you come back to your place to find she got her friends to help her steal your shit, and later you realize she bought a ton of shit from Amazon with your credit card.
6   Patrick   2022 Mar 5, 10:09pm  

clambo says
the Ukrainians are defending their freedom

Freedom? Ukraine is just as much a mafia state as Russia, maybe more so.

Independence of the country from Russia maybe, but I don't think any Ukrainian soldier believes he is defending freedom.
7   Ceffer   2022 Mar 5, 10:12pm  

I can't believe that anybody would think Russia won't achieve its immediate goals. Maybe they will just pass on the criminal enterprises to their own oligarchs instead of the Globalist puppet politicians. However, they will have the tiny issue of ongoing, entrenched insurgencies to deal with in the long run, bleeding off resources and creating a chronic headache.

Obama sent those pallets of cash out to launder through Iran and Ukraine, to be directed back to our own country to destroy it and overthrow our election process. It does not appear that Biden has that free pass to our military or our funds. Without the laundering, we may get some health back with our own money not being used against us.

An interesting question is how actually will Russia use all the wonderful blackmail documentation they will acquire against the Globalists from Ukraine? My guess is there will be no juicy National Enquirer ultimate reveals. Putin is intelligence, and those blackmails will be far more useful in bringing favorable treatment from the sociopathic creeps who want to remain in power. Suddenly, MSM will be celebrating 'Russia Heritage Week' and all kinds of smarmy, ingratiating lies will be issuing from Auntie Lindsey and ilk instead of life threats to Putin.
The blackmail leverage will just shift from the Satanic Globalists to the Russians.
8   BayArea   2022 Mar 6, 3:33am  

The mainstream media reports make it look like Ukraine is kicking ass.

My initial impression is this probably is a lie and they are sharing selective pictures/videos, reporting on what they would like to see happen.
9   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Mar 6, 3:46am  

clambo says
Russia is like the girlfriend you trusted;

There was a girl, tall and thin
With scabbed yellow skin
Outside a rest stop I won't soon forget
She was digging at a rash
Trying to deal for some cash
Saying, "Baby, I'm clean and I'm wet"
I just kept pacing by
Swattin' through the flies
And her stench, rancid and stout
While she stood there cryin' "Please!"
With her fist between her knees
And the sores drainin' 'round her mouth
10   clambo   2022 Mar 6, 4:30am  

From Ukraine perspective they are free from the Soviet/Russian domination, so they are defending their freedom.

I bet we would feel as free in Ukraine as in California; I doubt the Ukraine government tries to replace local workers with an invasion of unwashed poor from other countries at least.
11   Bd6r   2022 Mar 6, 5:32am  

Patrick says
Freedom? Ukraine is just as much a mafia state as Russia, maybe more so.

It is difference between being ruled by local crooks vs foreign. Think which one is preferred...
12   gabbar   2022 Mar 6, 5:52am  

Patrick says
Just going by the propaganda in the Western press, I suspect Russia is winning.

13   Tenpoundbass   2022 Mar 6, 6:17am  

We're not just picking a bad time to go to war, We've picked a very bad person to lead us there.
14   Booger   2022 Mar 6, 6:32am  

If Ukraine wins do they get Crimea back and Russians living there expelled?
15   Robert Sproul   2022 Mar 6, 6:40am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
There was a girl, tall and thin
With scabbed yellow skin
Outside a rest stop I won't soon forget
She was digging at a rash

16   Bd6r   2022 Mar 6, 10:58am  

Booger says
If Ukraine wins do they get Crimea back and Russians living there expelled?

Expulsion will not be out of question according to E European traditions.
17   komputodo   2022 Mar 6, 2:15pm  

HunterTits says
Ha. Where are these weapons? How are they getting in?

Perhaps Amazon drone delivery? Uber eats?
18   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 6, 2:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says
We're not just picking a bad time to go to war, We've picked a very bad person to lead us there.

Except it was not our choice that's why it's happening now and not in 2017-20. The two allied fucks - Putler and Xitler - could smell weakness even
if it wasn't telegraphed by number of well-known blunders (oil&gas, AFG, etc).
19   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Mar 6, 2:56pm  

Tenpoundbass says
We're not just picking a bad time to go to war, We've picked a very bad person to lead us there.

Is there ever a good tine to go to war?
20   latitude38   2022 Mar 6, 3:39pm  

Komputodo says “ lose exactly what? Exactly ! The invasion contrary to MSM is not about taking over UKR .So we must examine the aim (s) of RU . Hunter Tits says “ where are these weapons how are they getting in. “ many of the weapons at UKR disposal are not only left over from RU stockpiles but Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $5.4 billion in total assistance to Ukraine, including security and non-security assistance. In addition, the United States provided three sovereign loan guarantees totaling $3 billion .Last year US gave est 680M in aid both security and non security this doesn’t include the 10 Bil that Biden pledged or the 12 Bil that the pentagon pledged . As far as RU taking weapons from UKR highly doubtful since RU is recognized to have the best weapons in the world . The planes from Poland that Biden says are being given to UKR are old MIG jets that will be replaced by US w/F-16’s . RU is now taking out airfields and other means of transporting additional weapons from entering UKR but most of the damage we hear about to RU tanks and convoys are done by a new electric drone “The Ukrainian military is using “game-changing” drones that can carry 3kg of explosives and hit targets up to 30 miles behind enemy lines, The Times of London reported. Eugene Bulatsev, an engineer with the Ukrainian designer UA-Dynamics, told the outlet that the “game-changing” Punisher drones had completed up to 60 “successful” missions since the Russian invasion began. “This is the cheapest and easiest way to deliver a punch from a long distance, without risking civilian lives,”

21   Tenpoundbass   2022 Mar 6, 4:23pm  

For the record folks, no there wont be any war. The Muloch Obiden administration is hell bent on gas lighting Putin to Nuke Florida. That's the extent they would go to, to get rid of DeSantis.

You folks need to reflect just how much you really hate that guy, vs how far are you willing to take your network induced fake outrage.

Burning down the house to get rid of the rat, is now turning into sinking the ship to get rid of mosquitos.
22   HeadSet   2022 Mar 6, 6:19pm  

latitude38 says
“The Ukrainian military is using “game-changing” drones that can carry 3kg of explosives and hit targets up to 30 miles behind enemy lines,

Sounds like a game changer for future wars as well. This means poor countries can compete with rich countries that can afford tanks and attack helos.
23   komputodo   2022 Mar 6, 8:37pm  

HeadSet says
This means poor countries can compete with rich countries that can afford tanks and attack helos.

Yeah because rich countries have no defense for that. Plus no drones....they only have tanks and helos
24   zzyzzx   2022 Mar 7, 6:37am  

HunterTits says
Ha. Where are these weapons? How are they getting in?

Just what I thought.

Flown in or overland from Poland.
25   clambo   2022 Mar 7, 12:55pm  

I guess since Biden stole the election we should get Mexico or Canada to invade (or both: classic pincer attack); we can then get honest rule again.
26   Bitcoin   2022 Mar 8, 7:17am  

Beautiful. Thats what I hope for:

"Ukraine says more 20,000 foreign volunteers want to join special unit to combat Russian forces"


pick those Russian's apart one tank at a time.
27   clambo   2022 Mar 8, 7:27am  

You can thank Putin for your shitty 401K results this year.
The cost of everything is now going up, in addition to rents already going up.
The consumers will have less money to spend=lower profits=stocks can’t rise.

Putin is evil and I didn’t get my opinion from the lamestream media, rather observation of his behavior.
28   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 8, 7:48am  

clambo says
You can thank Putin for your shitty 401K results this year.
The cost of everything is now going up, in addition to rents already going up.
The consumers will have less money to spend=lower profits=stocks can’t rise.

Putin is evil and I didn’t get my opinion from the lamestream media, rather observation of his behavior.

"But he was provoked! Ukraine's 800 tanks and 40 jets was an existantial threat to Russia who only has 10,000 tanks and 400+ jets (and some nuclear warheads but who's counting).An all-out attack and full-blown occupation of Russia by Ukraine was imminent!"
29   komputodo   2022 Mar 8, 7:51am  

Patrick says
Freedom? Ukraine is just as much a mafia state as Russia, maybe more so.

I think you could realistically change "russia" in your sentence to a more familiar country
30   komputodo   2022 Mar 8, 7:54am  

clambo says
You can thank Putin for your shitty 401K results this year.

Thats funny....you are saying if the west didnt go all in against Russia, all this shit would have happened? BTW, you can blame the stock market manipulators for the poor 401ks..No selloff, no drop in prices
31   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 8, 7:55am  

Patrick says
clambo says
the Ukrainians are defending their freedom

Freedom? Ukraine is just as much a mafia state as Russia, maybe more so.

Independence of the country from Russia maybe, but I don't think any Ukrainian soldier believes he is defending freedom.

I think you're wrong on this one. Their elections are pretty solid and they don't have any of the shit we (and Russia, btw) have: no mail-in ballots, no same-day registration, very strict voter ID requirements, no multi-day voting, etc. Their first revolution in 2004 was basically a revolt against voting shenanigans like that. Now you vote in person on the election day or you don't vote at all. If you want to vote outside of your usual polling place you need to jump through many hoops in advance and your name will be crossed out in the regular location.
32   komputodo   2022 Mar 8, 7:55am  

Putin is evil and I didn’t get my opinion from the lamestream media, rather observation of his behavior.

You've been hangin out with him?
33   Shaman   2022 Mar 8, 8:20am  

The globalists are committed to reducing human population drastically. Covid/vax was just the opening salvo against humanity. Next could be a “small nuclear war” as called for in the HuffPo a couple weeks ago to “reduce global warming.” And reduce a few hundred million people to ash, of course. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

Biden and the war hawks pushed Russia into this war with their relentlessly aggressive policies of NATO expansion, threats, and meddling. They knew what would trigger the war and what would de-escalate it, and they chose to trigger it.

Do not trust your government, and especially do not trust the oligarchs of the WEF. They want you dead.

At this point I am seriously concerned about WWIII and nuclear fallout.
34   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 8, 8:23am  

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity will defeat the Russians!
35   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 8, 8:39am  

komputodo says
Putin is evil and I didn’t get my opinion from the lamestream media, rather observation of his behavior.

You've been hangin out with him?

Fabricating quotes now? That's a new low, but not really surprising from Putler's knob polishers.
37   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 Mar 8, 8:45am  

Patrick says
Just going by the propaganda in the Western press, I suspect Russia is winning.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Russian soldier. Would your moral compass have you feeling good about bombing your neighbor unprovoked? Killing children ect. Now put yourself in the shoes of a Ukrainian being attacked ? It’s obvious who is gonna fight harder and dirtier.

You see through western media propaganda … do you think Russian soldiers can’t see through Putin’s propaganda?

I do think a bunch of Ukrainians will die needlessly. I’m personally more a fan of sneaky ruthless assassinations. If I were the Ukrainian president I woulda welcomed Putin in with open arms… had a nice meet and greet and planned a sneaky assassination of Putin when his guard was down. Game of thrones style red wedding shit.

Probably better to make it look like an accident though.. To not ensure nuclear annihilation.
38   stereotomy   2022 Mar 8, 8:51am  

clambo says
You can thank Putin for your shitty 401K results this year.

I dunno - gold is kissing $2060, not to mention oil >$125. So far, Vlad is my hero for portfolio appreciation.

EDIT: Where is @RobberBaronScum? I feel like I'm pinch hitting for him.
39   clambo   2022 Mar 8, 9:37am  

I’m a little surprised that some people are blaming the USA and NATO for “provoking” Putin.

After the collapse of the evil empire, the countries which gained independence sought guarantees from Putin the dictator.

Ukraine has been guaranteed its sovereignty by Putin in exchange for Ukraine removing nuclear weapons.

The idea that Ukraine seeking further alliances to protect itself from Putin somehow “provoked” him is absurd.

Re: “stock market manipulation” This is impossible but a popular belief.

I’m also a little bit surprised by the comments that Ukraine is so corrupt it deserves to be invaded; maybe we should invade Mexico and “fix” the corruption down there?

Maybe Mexico should invade the USA since our last election was a fraud?

Your expenses are going up and your net worth is going down because of the mad ambition of a former Soviet Union KGB spy.

Putin saw the opportunity when Biden said publicly that the USA would do nothing to defend Ukraine, in addition to observing the senility and general stupidity Biden shows regularly.

Putin also picked winter to make Europe think twice about acting to defend Ukraine; he knows he can turn off their heat and electricity. Putin knows he can let Russians suffer sanctions for longer than Europe can suffer cold.
40   Shaman   2022 Mar 8, 10:03am  

Putin just gave terms for ending the war now.
1)Ukraine recognizes Crimea as a separate territory (it has been since 2003).
2)Ukraine recognizes Donbas and (the other breakaway republic) as independent of Ukraine.
3)Ukraine pledges not to join NATO.

Zelensky called these unworkable.
Even as his Capitol city is under siege and likely to fall soon.

One has to wonder whom Zelensky is working for? Do you think such political objectives as Putin is demanding as important to the average Ukrainian who is getting bombed and killed and displaced by this war? Why are these abstract objectives so important to Zelensky?

The answer lies in his origin story.
1)actor, played “the President” in a Ukrainian tv show.
2)in 2015, the WEF financed a coup which wrested power from Ukraine’s democratically elected government in an insurrection. A real one, not J6 hysteria.
3)The successful coup leaders which included a lot of literal Nazis placed Zelensky on the throne.

SO he’s working for the World Economic Forum, not his people. That’s why he wanted this war and wants it to continue.
41   Bitcoin   2022 Mar 8, 10:06am  

Shaman says
Putin just gave terms for ending the war now.

Nobody gives a fuck about Putin anymore. This guy's done. They will lose the war badly and the world will see the beginning of the end for Russia.

Economy is fucked, Putin is fucked, oligarchs are fucked. Ukraine will join Nato after the russians are kicked out. Done.

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