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soon you'll be called "anti-white"
TBH though, organized pressure from AIPAC may have been the deciding force behind her removal.
TBH though, organized pressure from AIPAC may have been the deciding force behind her removal.
Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar ((DMN) has been accused of accepting bribes from foreign government officials.
Omar was caught accepting a fully paid-for luxury trip to the World Cup from the government of Qatar.
The congresswoman accepted the free trip, despite the country being notorious for human rights abuses. ...
But Omar’s unexplained gift from Qatar isn’t the only free trip behind the allegations of bribes.
Omar also took a trip to Pakistan in 2022 that was funded by its government, according to the Star Tribune.
Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar ((DMN) has been accused of accepting bribes from foreign government officials.
Omar was caught accepting a fully paid-for luxury trip to the World Cup from the government of Qatar.
The congresswoman accepted the free trip, despite the country being notorious for human rights abuses. ...
But Omar’s unexplained gift from Qatar isn’t the only free trip behind the allegations of bribes.
Omar also took a trip to Pakistan in 2022 that was funded by its government, according to the Star Tribune.
Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar ((DMN) has been accused of accepting bribes from foreign government officials.
Omar was caught accepting a fully paid-for luxury trip to the World Cup from the government of Qatar.
The congresswoman accepted the free trip, despite the country being notorious for human rights abuses. ...
But Omar’s unexplained gift from Qatar isn’t the only free trip behind the allegations of bribes.
Omar also took a trip to Pakistan in 2022 that was funded by its government, according to the Star Tribune.
Radical “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been hit with a competitive primary challenge from a popular Minneapolis Democrat.
On Sunday, former Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels announced he will attempt to unseat Omar in the Democrat primary, according to the Associated Press.
Samuels previously challenged Omar in August 2022.
However, Samuels was only narrowly defeated in the race.
He garnered 48.2% support to Omar’s 50.3%.
Samuels called Omar as divisive and believes a more moderate option is needed, according to the AP.
“Our congresswoman has a predilection to divisiveness and conflict,” Samuels told the AP.
“She has frightened the Jewish community,” Samuels told the AP.
He further pointed to a “latent and lurking antisemitic sentiment that always needs discouragement, and always in times of national crisis raises its ugly head." ...
However, Jamaican-born Samuels also received significant endorsement from local officials in Minneapolis.
Interesting speech here from Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who is apparently using her position within our government as a way to push her Somalia-first agenda abroad. This teeters on treason and I'm not exaggerating.
Let's take a listen to her speech which I'll quote below.
My answer to Somalians was that the U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia. We Somalians must have that confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the U.S.
We live in the U.S., pay taxes in the U.S., and have a real voice. The U.S. is a country where one of your daughters is in Congress to represent your interests.
For as long as I am in the U.S. Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, its waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia or others. The U.S. would not dare to support anyone against Somalia to steal our land or oceans. Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system. The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interests. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together we will protect the interests of Somalia.
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;
Eric Holder says
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;
Oh yeah? So are Chuck Schumer and the other Israeli citizens in Congress also under breach of oath?
Chuck is naturalized citizen? News to me.
Chuck is naturalized citizen? News to me.
Is this not correct?
Qatar is already famous from giving bribes. In European Union they bribe everyone official on the top. Scandal has been reviled. Some got arrested.
The growing battle between Ivy League institutions and frustrated alumni is now playing out at Cornell University.
A prominent alumnus and longtime donor is calling for the immediate resignations of Cornell President Martha Pollack and Provost Michael Kotlikoff, arguing the university’s diversity policies have created a “toxic” environment.
Jon Lindseth, an emeritus member of Cornell’s board of trustees, penned an open letter demanding university leaders clean house. Lindseth says he’s dismayed by Cornell’s response to antisemitism and its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies.
There SHOULD be a law banning those with citizenship OR residency in another country from holding any federal elected OR appointed office.
Some coutries would strip a person of their birthright citizenship if said person willingly and actively acquires a foreign one. These are rare though.
I know a retired US Air Force colonel who as a child escaped from Soviet Latvia with his parents. After the USSR fell, the Latvians wanted input from the West on how to set up a military and a government, so this colonel was contacted and took a cabinet appointment from the Latvian president. He served out a term an returned the US. This gentleman was recently courting my widowed mother-in-law and is one of the people we had to notify when my MIL died last month.
Is this not correct? From 2018 but Schumer was in office then.
While we’re at it, can we send these two women to Palestine too?
Thank you.
After two of the members of the far-left progressive “Squad” lost their House primaries, Republicans are now circulating a plan to oust Omar.
If Republicans vote for Omar’s challenger, Don Samuels, on Tuesday in Minnesota’s open primary instead of the Republican, Dalia Al-Aqidi, who is running unopposed, they might be able to defeat her.
In the last primary two years ago, Samuels only lost to Omar by 2,500 votes, so it’s not inconceivable that he would be able to beat her with some Republican support this time.
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