New evidence that the CIA killed Kennedy?

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2022 Dec 16, 10:49am   16,415 views  125 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen hints several places that recently released files, though still heavily redacted for some reason, show that the CIA did in fact have a hand in killing Kennedy.

Anyone have details?

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1   Patrick   2022 Dec 17, 3:37pm  


CIA of murdering his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, and described the killing as a “successful coup d’état” that America “has never recovered” from.

Kennedy was responding after The National Archives just released thousands of the never-disclosed JFK documents.

But not all of them were released despite 50 years passing since his death.

Around 3% of the JFK documents are still being withheld from the public.

The release consists of 13,173 documents relating to the official investigation into the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy.

Historians will be pouring over the documents looking for answers.

2   RC2006   2022 Dec 17, 5:14pm  

This is just like Epstein, we all know shadow goverment did it. Also the same decade we lost control.
3   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 17, 5:16pm  

Patrick says

Historians will be pouring over the documents looking for answers.

If they need to pour over these highly redacted government documents in order to find answers, they aren't very good historians.
4   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Dec 17, 6:47pm  

I'm not sure how you could kill a US president without the CIA being involved. That being said, Greene's opinion has no basis in facts. This stuff has been researched for a long time. If you really want answers, I think there are better sources already out there. Most likely the assassination was related to his bungling defense matters. It definitely had nothing to do with Kennedy being some kind of savior.
5   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 17, 8:23pm  

30 years ago, Stone made a movie postulating that a bunch of fags killed Kennedy. The Establishment didn't care one wit about Stone portraying the primary patsies and organizers as Gay, but the very notion that the Glorious Bureaucracy would ever get up to such a thing.
7   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Dec 18, 12:38am  

The whole fake mystery about Kennedy assassination was created by the US gubmint to cover up the fact that he was killed by the KGB and thus avoid the need to do their duty and respond to what was basically an act of war. Osvald was clearly recruited by the KGB while he was living in the USSR and ordered to do what he did. End of story, finita la comedia. Occam's razor.
8   richwicks   2022 Dec 18, 2:27am  

RayAmerica says

Patrick says

Historians will be pouring over the documents looking for answers.

If they need to pour over these highly redacted government documents in order to find answers, they aren't very good historians.

Haha! NOW you're learning!

There are very few good historians. Most of them are just propagandists.

You want a mindfuck? Read David Irving's works, the ones BEFORE he was excommunicated.


What got him in trouble is when he started realizing that some of the history of WWII was just propaganda. There WAS a holocaust, but nobody has really reported accurately on it. MILLIONS did die, but not 6 million Jews. There were no extermination camps, but they were slave labor camps, and people not suitable to be slaves WERE exterminated. Much of the holocaust, which was a terrible thing, has been drastically over-exaggerated.

The idea that there was no holocaust is nonsense, but the idea there were extermination camps is also nonsense.
9   richwicks   2022 Dec 18, 2:29am  

NuttBoxer says

I'm not sure how you could kill a US president without the CIA being involved. That being said, Greene's opinion has no basis in facts. This stuff has been researched for a long time. If you really want answers, I think there are better sources already out there. Most likely the assassination was related to his bungling defense matters. It definitely had nothing to do with Kennedy being some kind of savior.

You're right, JFK was no savior.

Multiple forces were involved in his murder. One is that JFK was adamant that Israel not become a nuclear power. I think the real problem JFK presented is he was working against the MIC. He was proposing peace solutions all over the place, not only with the USSR, but with the Middle East as well.
10   richwicks   2022 Dec 18, 2:32am  

Hugh_Mongous says

The whole fake mystery about Kennedy assassination was created by the US gubmint to cover up the fact that he was killed by the KGB and thus avoid the need to do their duty and respond to what was basically an act of war. Osvald was clearly recruited by the KGB while he was living in the USSR and ordered to do what he did. End of story, finita la comedia. Occam's razor.

What would be the incentive of the KGB be to do this?

The US government went out of their way to frame Oswald as a KGB asset, when really, he was a CIA asset.
11   DD214   2022 Dec 18, 7:06am  

I shouted out
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

13   Ceffer   2022 Dec 18, 9:54am  

All they will release is their various manufactured confettis of disinformation, redaction and misdirection. Everything that is pertinent has been shredded a long time ago. Anyone who needed to be murdered were murdered a long time ago.
14   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Dec 18, 9:55am  

Patrick says

they pushed us into ukraine war, middke east arab springs, leveled syria, etc…. theres never a war we aren’t involved into
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Dec 19, 2:08pm  

Hugh_Mongous says

The whole fake mystery about Kennedy assassination was created by the US gubmint to cover up the fact that he was killed by the KGB and thus avoid the need to do their duty and respond to what was basically an act of war. Osvald was clearly recruited by the KGB while he was living in the USSR and ordered to do what he did. End of story, finita la comedia. Occam's razor.

Then why delay the Warren Commission report for so long(like the 9/11 report)? Why do we clearly see the agent who would have protected Kennedy arguing about being called away from his post as the motorcade takes off? Why don't the trajectory and even direction of the bullet wounds match?

I think if you ever met Occam, he'd likely skin you with that razor...
17   Patrick   2022 Dec 20, 10:43pm  

Now that I think about it, I bet the files that are still withheld document LBJ's agreement with the CIA to murder Kennedy.

LBJ had the most to gain, and they did it on his turf in Texas.
18   Ceffer   2022 Dec 20, 10:49pm  

Allen Dulles oversaw the fraudulent Warren Report. I'm sure he gave the members ample signaling that Kennedy wasn't the only one being assassinated and they had better tuck in and do what they were told. Warren report considered no evidence, only selected witness testimony.
20   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 1:03pm  

The JFK Assassination was an 'intelligence' operation that included many, in key positions, inside the U. S. Government. IMO, it wasn't just the CIA, it included the FBI along with (possibly) elements of the Israeli Mossad. Just a little information on that connection: JFK was committed to nuclear non-proliferation, and he was determined to not allow Israel obtain Nuclear weapons. David Ben Gurion and JFK met in New York City just months prior to JFK's murder, where, during a heated conversation, JFK threatened to send in "U. S. Commandos" into Israel in order to dismantle their nuclear labs and facilities. Obviously, Ben Gurion was furious. Could this have provided the impetus to
Assassinate JFK? It certainly seems plausible.

Another little footnote: Italians did not run the so-called "Mafia" in those days. The main man that they all answered to was *Meyer Lansky, a vicious killer, who, along with "Lucky" Luciano, constructed the 'National Crime Syndicate,' of which Lansky served as its head. Lansky controlled the highly lucrative casino, narcotics and vice rackets in Cuba (along with Las Vegas, London and the Bahamas). Interesting too is the fact that Jack Ruby (real name, Jack Rubinstein) performed the contract hit on the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald, which prevented him from ever having his day in court.

* Meyer Lansky (and his partner, Ben 'Bugsy'Siegel) was a devoted Zionist, who played a significant role in the formation of the State of Israel by supplying weapons, along with
significant amounts of cash that was obtained through their life-long criminal activities.
21   Booger   2022 Dec 26, 1:36pm  

Patrick says

Now that I think about it, I bet the files that are still withheld document LBJ's agreement with the CIA to murder Kennedy.

LBJ had the most to gain, and they did it on his turf in Texas.

Especially since LBJ was terrible and possibly worse than Biden or Obama
22   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 2:17pm  

Patrick says

Now that I think about it, I bet the files that are still withheld document LBJ's agreement with the CIA to murder Kennedy.

There is no possible chance that any document exists that links LBJ to Kennedy's Assassination. All parties involved have many layers between them and the crime, providing
them with plausible deniability.

What's probably in the files that they do not want to ever release is the connection between Oswald and the Intelligence communities. Prior to Oswald's 'defection' to the USSR, he had the highest security clearance available for a non-officer in the military. Throughout his brief life, after returning to America, his persona was created in order to make him appear to be, one day, a Castro supporter, and the next, to be protesting AGAINST Cuba. Strange. It gets even stranger.

Oswald had documented connections to known operatives in the Intelligence community, such as FBI agent Guy Banister. Banister's business 'front' was located in the midst of an area that was occupied by known intelligence agents and agencies, such as highly secretive U. S. Naval Intelligence. Why was this 'lone loser' connected to Guy Banister? Oswald was also a 'close friend' of George de Mohrenschildt, an "informer" for the CIA. How strange is that? de Mohrenschildt's attorney had been in contact with House Assassination Committee investigators regarding his client's personal connections with Oswald and had stated that his client was 'willing to cooperate.' Just prior to House investigators meeting with de Mohrenschildt, he conveniently committed suicide via a shotgun blast to the head.

Even the Paines, from whom Oswald and his wife 'rented' an apartment from, had connections to the Intelligence community.

IMO, THESE (and others that connect Oswald to U. S. Intelligence) are the ones that they will NEVER release. Why? Because it will prove that the patsy Oswald was not a 'lone gunman nut,' but was created, by Intelligence, to appear to be what he wasn't ... the Assassin of JFK.
23   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 2:35pm  

RayAmerica says

What's probably in the files that they do not want to ever release is the connection between Oswald and the Intelligence communities. Prior to Oswald's 'defection' to the USSR, he had the highest security clearance available for a non-officer in the military. Throughout his brief life, after returning to America, his persona was created in order to make him appear to be, one day, a Castro supporter, and the next, to be protesting AGAINST Cuba. Strange. It gets even stranger.

That and he was a radar operator at Atsugi while being tested in the Russian language. Both his assigned occupation, which required skill and a security clearance, plus his training in Russian indicate he was considered a highly intelligent and trusted individual. And likely a prime CIA recruit.

When Oswald arrived in Russia, his Russian was so good that people thought he was from Minsk, probably the accent of his CIA trainer back in the States. I believe that White Russians he hung out with in Texas, probably his handlers, were also from that part.

The Warren Commission would have you believe Oswald trained himself so fluently on his own with some books and listening to some "Learn Russian Today" Records on 45 in his spare time in the barracks. No way. There are people who study a foreign language for their entire term at University who have difficulty with a fluid conversation at least initially, and almost none that speak it flawlessly with a secondary city's accent learning formally for 4 years, much less in their spare time as a hobby.

His achievement would be a feat even if he spent 2 years full time at the Presido Defense Language Institute doing nothing but language training.

To me, his Russian Language training to the point of near flawlessness in only a few years while he was in the Marines is the biggest red flag of all.
24   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 2:40pm  

They framed their own agent as a patsy sacrificial lamb, without him even suspecting it. Oswald was duped all along.
25   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 2:45pm  

Oh, and since 1957, which plane was flown out of Atsugi Japan?
26   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 2:51pm  

AmericanKulak says

Oh, and since 1957, which plane was flown out of Atsugi Japan?

The Top Secret U-2, which Oswald had clearance to view the photographic material provided by the U-2.
27   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 2:54pm  

In reality, if you want to see how the U. S. Government REALLY operates, study the JFK Assassination, along with its subsequent cover-up. It is also highly revealing when
you witness the ongoing coverup, not only by the Government, but, by the mainstream media.
28   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 2:59pm  

Heh, George De Mohrenschildt (Oswald's Suspected White Russian Nobility Handler) killed himself with a shotgun blast to the head just before the House Committee on Assassinations was set to meet with him.

Months before, he wrote to CIA Director George HW Bush asking for the harassment to stop by the FBI or whomever he had aggravated, that he was an old man and would have never discussed Oswald without permission.
29   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 3:06pm  

RayAmerica says

The Top Secret U-2, which Oswald had clearance to view the photographic material provided by the U-2.


And yeah, I forgot about Oswalds job at Chiles-Russel-Stover or whatever the contractor was that developed and analyzed the U2 film.

Then... he went to work stacking coffee at a warehouse for min wage in NOLA, hahahaha.

"Oh yeah, I had a White Color job in Dallas that paid very well, but I quit to stack coffee in a warehouse in New Orleans, even though I had a kid and a wife to support.
Y'know, like you do"
30   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 3:14pm  

AmericanKulak says

Then... he went to work stacking coffee at a warehouse for min wage in NOLA, hahahaha.

That just so happened to be a company 'owned' by FBI agent Guy Banister!
31   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 3:24pm  


I'm beginning to suspect that you're one of those that the CIA has labeled a 'conspiracy nut.'

By the way, in Hoover's FBI report that he made after his conversation with LBJ, he claimed that the prestine, 'magic bullet' rolled out of JFK's head when they were attempting to
'pump his heart manually,' and 'fell on his stretcher.' Unfortunately, the 'magic bullet' was magically found on a stretcher in which neither JFK, nor Gov. Connally had been on!

I own a copy of Life Magazine that was published just after the Assassination. In it, they explain that JFK's "entry wound in the throat" occurred (believe it or not) because JFK was 'seen turning around and looking up at the 6th. Floor of the Depository building.' They were ALL in on it, including a little known reporter from Texas, Dan Rather, who dutifully 'reported' that he had 'seen' the Zapruder film and it is 'very clear, Kennedy is seen violently being thrown forward after the head shot.'
32   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 26, 3:30pm  

Yep, the media is festooned with CIA/FIB operatives. The Old Yankee Backsliding Class of Wealthy Technocrats who despise Liberty and want to be Euro Autocrats.
33   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 3:59pm  

AmericanKulak says

Yep, the media is festooned with CIA/FIB operatives. The Old Yankee Backsliding Class of Wealthy Technocrats who despise Liberty and want to be Euro Autocrats.

And, it's not just here. A few years ago, a very well known European news broadcaster was being interviewed because he was retiring. During the interview, he let it
slip out that the CIA controls 'most of the media in Europe.' I saw it on Youtube back then, I'm sure it's been erased a long time ago.
34   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 4:42pm  

There were some Bad Tube videos done by a Hollywood reporter and a screenwriter in which they went into a deep dive about Hollywood execs, and they basically concluded that the CIA has become dynastic and that many executive positions were second to fourth generation CIA at this point. Prolly from those secret hand shake societies and all.

Also prolly why Hollywood has become so stale and derivative. Script writers in their 20's who spent their youth shopping on Rodeo Drive and hanging out in restaurants would be long on plagiarizing and short on original, educated or mature thought.
35   RayAmerica   2022 Dec 26, 4:49pm  

German Journalist Dies: Said CIA Controls Major European News
July 7, 2017

European Journalist Who Outed the CIA Control of Media, suddenly Dies

Udo Ulfkotte died last week of a heart attack.

He was most famous for his assertion that the CIA rewarded and punished European journalist depending on the tone of coverage that they gave to the USA, NATO, and especially, the wars being promoted at that time.

36   Onvacation   2022 Dec 26, 4:58pm  

Ceffer says

the CIA has become dynastic and that many executive positions were second to fourth generation CIA at this point.

Inbred and out of touch.
37   Ceffer   2022 Dec 26, 5:32pm  

RayAmerica says

Udo Ulfkotte died last week of a heart attack.

"Udo Ulfkotte was executed by CIA last week." There, fixed it. Never accept benefits from the spooks and then squeal.

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