Epstein List Delayed

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2024 Jan 2, 7:20pm   4,202 views  99 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Rudy W. Giuliani
🚨 BREAKING NEWS: The Jeffrey Epstein Client List is now delayed until at least Jan. 22 after the court grants Jane Doe 107’s request for a 30-day extension claiming a "risk of physical harm in her country."

Yikes. It may never come out. Expect more of this.https://x.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1742380130486321587?s=20

Can't be Gislaine, she's in prison. Who? I'd say Kamala, but she's in DC.

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51   Onvacation   2024 Aug 25, 9:05am  

HeadSet says

Not Trump.

I know. I find it amusing that they put Trump first on that list.
56   WookieMan   2024 Sep 23, 5:15pm  

List doesn't matter guys. Not gonna keep beating this horse dead. There's no proof that anyone even went to the island. No runway on the island. They took boats. Yes a helipad, even then they don't have to have a passenger manifesto from STT. It's a territory. No customs involved. You just get off the plane and go on your merry way.

If you've flown domestically on a private plane there's nothing. You just get on. No one could prove anything. Public can't get on the island.

Got to get over the fact you'll ever get to what happened on that island. Bad things likely. But you'll never get a list or people charged.
57   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Sep 23, 11:20pm  

WookieMan says

There's no proof that anyone even went to the island.


WookieMan says

runway on the island.

Helipad. And the Lolita Express (and it's flights were) real.

58   WookieMan   2024 Sep 24, 4:47am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

WookieMan says

runway on the island.

Helipad. And the Lolita Express (and it's flights were) real.

Yes. They landed at STT. An international airport that has to report those things. A chopper or boat takes off to the island nothing has to be reported. It's impossible to prove without Epstein alive because he's the witness.

There's no runway in that image and it's easy enough to land a helicopter almost anywhere without trees. Doesn't change they land at STT and could fly or boat over there. They just have to give ATC intentions, not destination to fly VFR. There's no customs. You get off the plane and go on your way. No way you could land a business jet on that island having been around it. Shit St. John, USVI doesn't have a landing strip. 2nd biggest USVI.

The list doesn't matter. They flew to STT. They could have gone to the Westin on St. John or other hotels or villas and Epstein just gave them a ride. We'll never know. Until someone that was abused there comes forward, it's a lost dream of people on the list getting charged. Was the perfect setup. All the victims are likely dead anyway. Tie some concrete to them and drop them 20 miles into the Caribbean. Evidence gone. Maxwell is the biggest conundrum why she's still alive. She did everything is my theory. She sees Epstein dead and refuses to talk. She seems stone cold bitch level. So she might live.
60   WookieMan   2024 Sep 29, 6:02pm  

The_Deplorable says

This would be interesting. Still wouldn't prove anything though. Epstein Island is iron clad. Nothing will come of it ever. Diddy is different. I don't think he's all that intelligent. I was a teen when his music was big. As a musician, it was shit.

This is along the lines of Weinstein. He was just a puppet and played along to make millions. Who was pulling the strings on a retard? That's the bigger question. Just because he was famous doesn't mean other famous people want to hang out with him. There's another ring leader that we'll never find out about. Blackmail is a bitch. Again though it doesn't mean people that hung with him did anything wrong. I don't like him, but innocent until proven guilty.
61   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 29, 6:54pm  

I'm not even paying attention to Diddy.

It's just another Epstein List we'll never see.
62   Ceffer   2024 Sep 29, 7:02pm  

It depends on who got the blackmail goods and will they release them. Epstein was closed tight as a drum. You knew that when the FBI was going over that island that nothing was going to get out, every 'reveal' was peripheral to the official organs, it all became top top secret. Whether Diddy becomes Epstein Redux remains to be seen. Of course, there are intimations that Epstein himself may ultimately appear to give testimony later, it's all very weirding.

They are implying that the Diddy stuff cannot be buried in the same way, but I guess we'll see. Seeing KamalaToe's pornos would be a blast.
63   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 29, 7:06pm  

The FIB has that list for themselves, as does the CIA.
64   WookieMan   2024 Sep 30, 5:32am  

Ceffer says

They are implying that the Diddy stuff cannot be buried in the same way, but I guess we'll see. Seeing KamalaToe's pornos would be a blast.

He's black. Unless mixed and raised by white parent(s) I don't think he can bury this at all. It got R Kelly. Diddy is likely going to jail. The question is are there participants of these parties that could have charges on them?

Epstein had the perfect setup. No one came to the island since it can't be tracked. He also likely didn't die either.

Diddy has videos of the parties that the public can and has seen. Big difference. I don't believe I've seen a video of anything from Little St. James on the island itself.
73   WookieMan   2024 Nov 23, 1:30am  

I'll pulverize this dead horse. The list comes out. YOU CAN'T CHARGE ANYONE WITH ANYTHING. You need evidence. Flying on a jet and landing in St. Thomas isn't a crime. There's no runway on Little Saint James. They hop on boats that require no passenger manifest and head over to the island probably fucking whatever they want on a yacht during the short trip. And then fuck on the island.

Trump, JD, the soon to be new AG can't do a damn thing. I technically would be on the list, I just didn't fly on his plane or fuck minors. Anyone that went to St. Thomas is a suspect technically. Good luck with that investigation. They landed at STT and got off a plane. You can't just assume they were there fucking minors illegally. Maybe we get a full list, nothing will come of it.
74   PeopleUnited   2024 Nov 23, 7:53am  

Supposedly there are photos/videos of the perps. That is what a blackmail scheme is. So there is, or at least was evidence. It’s time the world knows who was blackmailed and why.
75   WookieMan   2024 Nov 23, 8:58am  

PeopleUnited says

Supposedly there are photos/videos of the perps. That is what a blackmail scheme is. So there is, or at least was evidence. It’s time the world knows who was blackmailed and why.

There's not. When he got caught it was all wiped when they took it out the door. EPM. Any hard drive taken is useless.

Also I don't think he's dead. He created an atmosphere to fuck underage women and likely boys. He had an exit plan after being caught in the early 2000's. The data is already in some far away place. Any drives were wiped when they walked out any door on the property.

I'll say it again, flight logs mean nothing. There's no runway on Little St. James. There's not enough space. It was boat and VFR flight not needing passenger documentation for choppers. I'd guess most took boats as there's ZERO trail on that. The flight list is useless as evidence as they could have gone to the Ritz, Westin on St. John or private house. So they could have stayed at those places as an alibi and still had their fun. It just takes a receipt and they have the money.

Nothing will come of this, ever. I know the area like the back of my hand from being a frequent visitor. You'll get the list and no one will be charged. I'd bet money on this.
76   Booger   2024 Nov 23, 4:23pm  

Hillary Clinton says she will leave the United States if Donald Trump releases the Epstein Client List.
77   WookieMan   2024 Nov 23, 6:47pm  

Booger says

Hillary Clinton says she will leave the United States if Donald Trump releases the Epstein Client List.

Why is she even talking to the media? She's irrelevant at this point. I call bull shit even though I really really dislike Hillary.

And where is she leaving to? There's extradition agreements with most countries. The ones that don't have 'em with the US are not places you'd want to live. This seems like a load of BS. I want Hillary in jail and Bill, but at some point chasing something that's not obtainable is a waste of time.
78   HeadSet   2024 Nov 23, 7:38pm  

WookieMan says

And where is she leaving to?

I believe Booger was making a joke.
79   WookieMan   2024 Nov 24, 3:26am  

HeadSet says

WookieMan says

And where is she leaving to?

I believe Booger was making a joke.

I actually don't think so, though he could clarify. Clintons clearly had a tight connection with Epstein. They have the means to get high end property in countries that don't extradite. Every country has its yuppie gated community zone even in Africa. Or offshore islands.

Hillary and Bill at their age won't do well in prison. Political aspirations are over. No way to know, but the wealthy if they did something illegal all have a backup plan. Younger guys like SBF fucked his backup plan, but older wealth knows how to get out of the country.

I do think this time there will be people that flee the country. Especially older politicians. This isn't Trumps first rodeo now. Get shot at and another human dies at your rally. That's life changing for anyone of any party that has a soul. That's how serious this has gotten. Bill and Hillary leaving wouldn't be a shock at all.
80   PeopleUnited   2024 Nov 24, 8:04am  

WookieMan says

There's not. When he got caught it was all wiped when they took it out the door. EPM. Any hard drive taken is useless.

Let’s be clear about something here. Epstein is the patsy. He took the fall so that the perpetrators of the blackmail scheme could continue their operations under a new patsy. But the evidence is not lost, it remains hidden. Perhaps our government won’t allow the evidence to see light of day because they are in on it, or compromised themselves. But the evidence of who was blackmailed and why is hidden, not lost.
81   WookieMan   2024 Nov 24, 8:55am  

PeopleUnited says

But the evidence is not lost, it remains hidden. Perhaps our government won’t allow the evidence to see light of day because they are in on it, or compromised themselves. But the evidence of who was blackmailed and why is hidden, not lost.

It could be stored on my computer right now and I'm getting paid $5M/mo. No chance the government would find it. Our government is incompetent at most levels.

My point is that I understand he is a patsy. No evidence will ever be found to bring forth a accurate list and they get charged for fucking kids. 100% fact and you can call me out if I'm wrong. The Caribbean is the wild east. Think Pablo Escobar bringing in blow to the US. You can own islands and do what you want.

That's what Epstein did. There's not proof anyone went to the island. A sex slave is a he/she versus he/she argument. The video is gone. The Feds don't have it and will never be able to track it down. As sick as it is, as I've said probably the most brilliant criminal setup I've ever known of. Epstein is probably not dead either.
82   The_Deplorable   2024 Nov 24, 1:41pm  

WookieMan says

"Hillary Clinton says she will leave the United States if Donald Trump
releases the Epstein Client List... And where is she leaving to?"

I suggest Somalia where crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health issues,
kidnapping, piracy, and lack of civility is the norm.
83   stereotomy   2024 Nov 24, 3:11pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"Hillary Clinton says she will leave the United States if Donald Trump
releases the Epstein Client List... And where is she leaving to?"

I suggest Somalia where crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health issues,
kidnapping, piracy, and lack of civility is the norm.

It's Haiti, where the Clinton Foundation set up the child sex-trafficking ring after the hurricaine.
85   WookieMan   2024 Dec 1, 5:06pm  

The_Deplorable says


Nothing will happen with Epstein. Diddy is a different story I haven't fully researched. Diddy is not deep state and just partied recklessly. Epstein created cover. Nothing will come of that, but Diddy will be interesting.
86   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 6:05pm  

The sacrosanct Epstein file is due to the presence of the Euro bloodline types and British dracos amongst the guests (aka the real rulers and ultra ultra trillionaires).

Diddy as far as can be determined was mostly a Mockingbird Epstein type operation for blackmail-able Hollywood and entertainment celebrities, all of whom are expendable and fungible whorehouse wall paper. Diddy might drag a few politicians and officials into his net, but they, too, are expendables.
90   WookieMan   2024 Dec 16, 7:26pm  

God damn, I can't state this 50 times over. Nothing will come of an Epstein list. They flew into St. Thomas, not his island. There's no runway. No one can prove anyone was at the island unless the FBI got video evidence and even then it would have to be evidence of sexual acts that are provable and somehow minors. Not happening.

You guys that keep posting on this topic are delusional. I'm not a criminal, but I know the area. No one will ever have charges brought against them. Ever. Trump is not doing a thing. No one is. They can't prove anything that would hold up to a jury trial. No chick or guy or whatever they were fucking has ever stepped forward.

It's a dead end. You can just claim you went to a rich buddies house and give that address on St. Thomas or St. John. Boom, an alibi. Clinton would be harder with SS duty, but he has the right to tell them to stand down. That's proof of nothing though. I'm getting on a boat and gonna cruise around. Unless you enter BVI waters you're free to do what you want with no passport.

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