Tucker Putin Interview

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2024 Feb 6, 11:50am   14,360 views  248 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Is going to be uploaded at TuckerCarlson.com and will be posted to X/Twitter soon with Elon promising not to censor or otherwise interfere with the reach.


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137   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 10, 12:25pm  

What we have is a Middle East going up in smoke because dumbasses like Kerry refuse to see actually want everytime we loosen sanctions and release money to Iran, the Ayatollahs and IRGC send much of it to their 3H club of proxies (Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah).

Ukraine is a conflict that Cold War holdovers created.

We're running out of essentials like 155mm and we're responding to dirt cheap Russian ordinance with expensive missile systems. Houthis are attacking us with obsolete cheap systems, we're retaliating ineffectually with tip of the spear extra-expensive ordinance.

"Exhaust the enemy by striking with cheap shit, while he responds with his expensive systems. Use his MIC's greed against him."

The solution to Iran is easy: kill IRGC top leaders outside Iran and make them tremble with fear every time they leave their own country to help their proxies. Iran was using Obama's palettes of cash to terrorize Iraq through proxies. We killed Suleimani and the Iranians stopped cold in their tracks and did nothing of note for the rest of the Trump Administration.
138   GNL   2024 Feb 10, 1:00pm  

WookieMan says

You think their nukes work? lol.

Riddle me this, Wookie...How come the US has never attacked a nuclear power? Why does the US only go after tiny 3rd world shit holes? And even then, they eventually give up and run? I admit, we pounded Iraq the first time around...with the help of almost the entire world.

Why does the US put so much effort into not allowing Iran or any other "our enemies" who don't want DEE Mockeracy?
139   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 10, 1:14pm  

Iran is full of whackos who want the Mahdi back. Iranian Influencers leave out the part where Iran is controlled by the fanatical IRGC who thinks the more chaos they create, the faster the Mahdi will emerge from the Holy Well of Qom

While having their propaganda accuse their enemies of trying to hasten the Apocalypse of John.
140   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Feb 10, 1:17pm  

GNL says

And even then, they eventually give up and run?

Rules of engagement. Much of the time my dad was flying around Vietnam during the war he was only allowed to blow up egg plant fields. No reason to send our troops anywhere anymore unless/until that is waved. Puts our troops in a disadvantage.

Incidentally, we should have probably not engaged in any wars post Korea except for maybe beating back Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Maybe not even that.
141   AD   2024 Feb 10, 1:35pm  

AmericanKulak says

Iran is full of whackos who want the Mahdi back.

Look at the uproar leading to the Islamic revolution there in 1979. So now advance forward from 1979, and you wonder what percentage of the population is militant there compared to 1979.

And also if you were to give a militant score with a 100 being assigned to the year 1979, what would be the militant score for Iran in 2024 ?

142   mell   2024 Feb 10, 2:04pm  

WookieMan says

Dude, Putin and Russia don't have the capabilities to even take out a land neighbor. They've lost major ships in a non-naval war. You think their nukes work? lol. Against Ukraine with old Western munitions. The war is a joke Putin will just keep throwing prisoners at.

Of course they work. Why would he use them though, not only making Ukraine unusable but also stirring up a global nuke war. He actually wants to use crimea and donbass so he'll keep throwing military at it of which he has enough. And he's winning. Fact is 1st and 2nd world are quickly fusing together with the 1st world losing ground and the 2nd world gaining. Russia has been doing quite well under Putin.
143   Ceffer   2024 Feb 10, 2:32pm  

When you can take pride in your leadership:
144   Ceffer   2024 Feb 10, 4:53pm  

The Satanic Inversion Lie is now presumptive for all Western leaders and particularly ours. Great way to give complete credibility to your so called 'enemies', you scum sucking shitbirds.

145   GNL   2024 Feb 10, 5:16pm  

Ceffer says

The Satanic Inversion Lie is now presumptive for all Western leaders and particularly ours. Great way to give complete credibility to your so called 'enemies', you scum sucking shitbirds.

He should have added Wookie to the poll. Sorry Wookie, I just had to. If you were on it, I'd have voted for you. :)
146   AD   2024 Feb 10, 5:53pm  

The problem is that Putin leaves out the Soviet history.

Putin does have a hard-on for the tsars like Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, but looks at Stalin as some prodigal or illegitimate son.

Its as if Putin is erasing Lenin to Khrushchev (and Josef Stalin) as Josef Stalin erased the royal families going back to Peter the Great.

Seems like Putin remembers more the other Josef as in Josef Mengele than Josef Stalin. I guess that is the convenient way of ignoring the other Holocaust called the Holomodor.

150   WookieMan   2024 Feb 10, 8:22pm  

Some of you guys are cute. It's funny you have no clue what is going on. If Putin was in a position of power he'd never taken the Tucker interview.

It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future. Their nukes don't work. Would have been done by now. I'm embarrassed for you guys how obvious this is. I don't like Biden. I don't like Ukraine. These are just factual observations of the situation. I don't hate Russia. I don't care. That hemisphere can die and I wouldn't even notice. I'm not sure how much clearer I can be.
151   GNL   2024 Feb 10, 8:56pm  

WookieMan says

Some of you guys are cute. It's funny you have no clue what is going on. If Putin was in a position of power he'd never taken the Tucker interview.

It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future. Their nukes don't work. Would have been done by now. I'm embarrassed for you guys how obvious this is. I don't like Biden. I don't like Ukraine. These are just factual observations of the situation. I don't hate Russia. I don't care. That hemisphere can die and I wouldn't even notice. I'm not sure how much clearer I can be.

Hahaha, why do you feel the need to tell us you don't care? Seriously, is America even in a postition of power? The whole world is a stage, no? I don't think anyone here thinks Putin is some kind of savior.

"Their nukes don't work". LMAO.
152   Eman   2024 Feb 10, 10:27pm  

WookieMan says

Some of you guys are cute. It's funny you have no clue what is going on. If Putin was in a position of power he'd never taken the Tucker interview.

It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future. Their nukes don't work. Would have been done by now. I'm embarrassed for you guys how obvious this is. I don't like Biden. I don't like Ukraine. These are just factual observations of the situation. I don't hate Russia. I don't care. That hemisphere can die and I wouldn't even notice. I'm not sure how much clearer I can be.

Putin wants peace. Why do the US and NATO keep funding Ukraine to fight this war? Why doesn’t Ukraine settle?
153   AD   2024 Feb 10, 10:41pm  

Eman says

Putin wants peace. Why do the US keeps funding Ukraine to fight this war? Why don’t Ukraine settle?

Putin needs to put what he wants in writing. Putin said he wanted Ukraine to not join NATO. And I don't think Ukraine as well as NATO trusts Putin as far as him saying Russia can provide security for Ukraine.

So I don't see Ukraine disarming as Putin wants. It had a military before Putin invaded Crimea.

Bring in UN peace keepers and observes in eastern Ukraine as part of cease fire.

154   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 10, 10:45pm  

WookieMan says
"It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future."

If that is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? No Answer!
156   richwicks   2024 Feb 11, 1:14am  

Eman says

I guess some of the Ukrainians have spoken. They actually believe Putin and asked Zelenskyy to resign. He appears to be a puppet for the US.


Appears to be?
157   WookieMan   2024 Feb 11, 1:17am  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says
"It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future."

If that is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? No Answer!

How come Russia has lost multiple naval assets in a non-water war and had a bridge blown up? Running a great shit show is all I'll say about Crimea. Eastern Ukraine is a Russian defensive war where the land is currently useless. Congrats on holding land you can't do much with under constant artillery fire?? Mines? "Winning"

Does anyone actually read up on what is happening with this war? Does anyone not know what happens in this region when there's a war?

Eman says

Putin wants peace. Why do the US and NATO keep funding Ukraine to fight this war? Why doesn’t Ukraine settle?

No he doesn't. The man is a liar just as much as Biden has dementia. We are at war with Russia. They always have had expansionist tactics since the USSR days. Besides the oil/gas in the ground they have some of the shittiest land on the planet. No different then Canada where everyone lives at the border. They don't want to have to import much of their food. Average Russians are poorer than the poorest in the US. They want more farmable land and that's Ukraine. Then Poland. Then who knows what else.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about this. This was a long time coming and that's what NATO was for. At the end of the day I'd like to just be 100% out of that hemisphere completely. It's a shit hole. It will always be in conflict. Always has been. All the world wars have been over there. The Western hemisphere has been generally peaceful for 150 years with minor skirmishes. We should be giving zero shits about any of it. I'm just giving a factual thought on what is happening. Sorry if you're Russian. Knowing the ones I know you're likely a loser.
158   GNL   2024 Feb 11, 3:50am  

Eman's a Russian loser?
159   mell   2024 Feb 11, 7:07am  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says

"It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future."

If that is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? No Answer!

Yeah, he got exactly what he set out to do. Looks like winning to me
161   Onvacation   2024 Feb 11, 8:19am  

WookieMan says

Their nukes don't work.


Or are you just bullshitting about things you don't know?
162   Shaman   2024 Feb 11, 8:34am  

Ukraine doesn’t settle with Russia because it’s being paid huge sums by the USA and other NATO countries to forcibly conscript citizens to die with inadequate weapons and almost no training so the Ukrainian oligarchy can continue getting richer.
Why does the USA finance this? It’s to tie up Russian military while we try to kick off a war with Iran. Unfortunately, Iran is being very smart and cagey, refusing to give Biden a decent reason to declare war despite the most heinous provocations Biden and Netanyahu could dream up.
So we need another $60 billion to keep Zelenskyy’s pimp hand strong, his coalition intact, and the people of Ukraine marching to die under Russian guns.

It’s really really really gross and despicable.
But that’s America!
163   Eman   2024 Feb 11, 9:17am  

This is what Robert F Kennedy had to say. Who wants peace and who wants war. It makes sense why the establishment hates Trump so much.

164   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Feb 11, 9:28am  

saw it, was interesting. liked a point P made that we all know. “do you have nothing better to do”. it sure has felt for long time that our priorities ass backwards here.
165   Eman   2024 Feb 11, 9:39am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

saw it, was interesting. liked a point P made that we all know. “do you have nothing better to do”. it sure has felt for long time that our priorities ass backwards here.

While our government has no budget to build the walls along the border. No budget to build houses for our veterans and no budget to build shelter for the homeless.
166   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Feb 11, 10:19am  

WookieMan says

It's funny you have no clue what is going on.

@wookie just pulling your chain here a little but I believe this or something very similar will be written on your grave stone.

(I know; I don't know you want to be cremated or some such lol)
168   REpro   2024 Feb 11, 11:08am  

Eman says

WookieMan says

Some of you guys are cute. It's funny you have no clue what is going on. If Putin was in a position of power he'd never taken the Tucker interview.

It's literal math and data. Russia is fucked for the foreseeable future. Their nukes don't work. Would have been done by now. I'm embarrassed for you guys how obvious this is. I don't like Biden. I don't like Ukraine. These are just factual observations of the situation. I don't hate Russia. I don't care. That hemisphere can die and I wouldn't even notice. I'm not sure how much clearer I can be.

Putin wants peace. Why do the US and NATO keep funding Ukraine to fight this war? Why doesn’t Ukraine settle?

Of course, Putin wants peace as long as his goals are met. Keep Donbas, costal area and Krym officially as Russian territory. There is no other peace.
169   mell   2024 Feb 11, 11:13am  

REpro says

Of course, Putin wants peace as long as his goals are met. Keep Donbas, costal area and Krym officially as Russian territory. There is no other peace.

There was a referendum for Crimea on favor to join Russia, but it was conveniently declared "illegal". Sounds like acceptable terms overall
170   REpro   2024 Feb 11, 11:18am  

Eman says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

saw it, was interesting. liked a point P made that we all know. “do you have nothing better to do”. it sure has felt for long time that our priorities ass backwards here.

While our government has no budget to build the walls along the border. No budget to build houses for our veterans and no budget to build shelter for the homeless.

We can have budget for everything we want. It is just about priorities. Military industry cannot make money if government is building walls, houses for veterans or homeless people. This is how "OUR" democracy works.
171   REpro   2024 Feb 11, 11:23am  

mell says

REpro says

Of course, Putin wants peace as long as his goals are met. Keep Donbas, costal area and Krym officially as Russian territory. There is no other peace.

There was a referendum for Crimea on favor to join Russia, but it was conveniently declared "illegal". Sounds like acceptable terms overall

I remember very well how in Russia or in other communist countries referendums and elections worked. They mastered those events to the max. Results were ALWAYS as expected.
172   mell   2024 Feb 11, 11:33am  

REpro says

I remember very well how in Russia or in other communist countries referendums and elections worked. They mastered those events to the max. Results were ALWAYS as expected.

It was considered without irregularities by those who observed, also it makes sense if you look at the people who live in that region. It was declared illegal for other reasons. The Western referendums certainly aren't better these days, the EU parliament was never elected, they are just dictators. The 2020 election was stolen. Not a fan of putin, but we have no business questioning it.
173   Eman   2024 Feb 11, 1:14pm  

193M views already in a few days. No wonder the MSM hates Tucker and Elon/X

174   AD   2024 Feb 11, 3:45pm  

REpro says

We can have budget for everything we want. It is just about priorities. Military industry cannot make money if government is building walls, houses for veterans or homeless people. This is how "OUR" democracy works.

yep, can still maintain strategic forces like Virginia class nuclear submarines with nuclear cruise missiles and torpedos and prioritize spending ...

they can slow the growth of the pentagon budget to 2% below annual inflation and still maintain readiness

I say also slow growth for other government spending as well to slightly below inflation

that is how you can avoid a debt crisis just like a household slightly reduces spending and deposits the savings into retirement account

176   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 11, 7:19pm  

Eman says

Who the hell uses FB for 'real news' anyway?

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