Tucker Putin Interview

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2024 Feb 6, 11:50am   14,348 views  248 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Is going to be uploaded at TuckerCarlson.com and will be posted to X/Twitter soon with Elon promising not to censor or otherwise interfere with the reach.


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3   WookieMan   2024 Feb 6, 1:20pm  

Eh, I hate translated interviews without knowing the language. I've yet to see Putin even attempt broken english. Hard to believe what the translator is saying to the interviewer and what the translator is saying to the interviewee.

I'm glad Tucker is doing it, but don't we already know what Russia is doing anyway? They want a physical land bridge, hoped they could take over the country and that failed. So now they're fighting an entrenched defensive, attrition war for land they really didn't need. We'll see. Maybe it will be a compelling interview. I doubt it and is just publicity for Tucker.
4   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 2:16pm  


He is logical and calm. He plainly expresses that he does not view the United States or her People as his enemy, but rather the corrupt establishment who have taken over the United States. Then it hit me. Putin is an enemy of the Deep State.

Once you realize this, and start viewing all the world events from this perspective, everything starts to click. What if Russia are telling the truth? What if the US/NATO are the bad guys?

Lol, ya think?
5   socal2   2024 Feb 6, 2:39pm  

Patrick says

What if Russia are telling the truth? What if the US/NATO are the bad guys?

FFS. What fucking truth? That Russia didn't illegally invade Ukraine and get hundreds of thousands of human beings killed and grievously wounded?

Sure hope Tucker actually asks some hard hitting questions and does not suck up like he does with McGreggor, Andrew Tate and his latest interview with Trump that didn't press him at all on his COVID policies.
6   WookieMan   2024 Feb 6, 2:59pm  

socal2 says

Patrick says

What if Russia are telling the truth? What if the US/NATO are the bad guys?

FFS. What fucking truth? That Russia didn't illegally invade Ukraine and get hundreds of thousands of human beings killed and grievously wounded?

Sure hope Tucker actually asks some hard hitting questions and does not suck up like he does with McGreggor, Andrew Tate and his latest interview with Trump that didn't press him at all on his COVID policies.

It will be softball questions that are pre planned. Don't know Russian, so who the fuck knows what they even saying/translating.

I like Tucker, but he went from a cushy job at Fox to having to fend for himself. He's interviewing people that get him clicks. That's his NEW job. I wouldn't trust the authenticity of any of it. I'm full blown anecdotal at this point. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. Especially with AI and what you can do with video now.

Russia could have always bought the land for far cheaper than the current outcome. They thought they could get the entire country and screwed up. They should have just bought the land. Now they've created a demographic nightmare for decades.
7   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 6, 3:08pm  

WookieMan says

. I've yet to see Putin even attempt broken english.

This isn't AI, it's an old video from years ago. 100% real.

"Fats" Putin sings "Blueberry Hill"
8   WookieMan   2024 Feb 6, 3:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

WookieMan says

. I've yet to see Putin even attempt broken english.

This isn't AI, it's an old video from years ago. 100% real.

"Fats" Putin sings "Blueberry Hill"

Eh, that's like saying I know German because of Du Hast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3q8Od5qJio

Singing is a different animal over knowing the language. He has an interpreter every time.

Another example: Ritchie Valens. We all know this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Coy8Hoa1DNw

I'm talking speaking. Lost in translation isn't a term for a reason. One of the languages is a 2nd for the interpreter. Love 'em but I don't even understand half the English that comes out of the mouths of Southern Americans.
9   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 6, 3:41pm  

Putin speaks multiple languages, but I believe English isn't one.

In any case, does Biden or Obama speak Russian? Or French? Or Mandarin?

He's the President of Russia, not the UK, US, Jamaica, or Australia.
10   WookieMan   2024 Feb 6, 4:03pm  

AmericanKulak says

Putin speaks multiple languages, but I believe English isn't one.

In any case, does Biden or Obama speak Russian? Or French? Or Mandarin?

He's the President of Russia, not the UK, US, Jamaica, or Australia.

I get your point. No leader can know every language. English is pretty important though in the modern world. Spanish is a big deal here in the states. Mandarin would probably be 2nd if you can learn it. For now at least.

I'm kind of being the learn English mother fucker guy. Most of Europe, if not all can speak English to an intelligible level. Singing a song and speaking it somewhat fluently are completely different.

I've done enough Spanish I could slow talk my way with a Mexican and they'd understand me. Just seems weird Putin has no/little English to speak. A running buddy is a flat out Mexican. His English sucks, but I can 100% understand him. I don't know it seems like a 70 year old man should have picked up on some english at some point? Right?
11   Ceffer   2024 Feb 6, 4:42pm  

Will Putin reveal when he plans to bomb Switzerland and the Vatican?
12   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 6, 6:19pm  

AmericanKulak says

Is going to be uploaded at TuckerCarlson.com and will be posted to X/Twitter soon with Elon promising not to censor or otherwise interfere with the reach.

Why would he interfere? Honey pots work best when the target is unaware(see Carlson and Musk fans).
13   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 6, 6:23pm  

Apparently Putin CAN Speak German and English, but does not speak it often in public. Perhaps for political reasons:

John Kerry speaks Fluent French from his snobby expensive elite Boston Brahmin Prep School, but chooses never to speak it on camera, because it makes him seem more like the snob he is.
14   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 6:44pm  

socal2 says

That Russia didn't illegally invade Ukraine and get hundreds of thousands of human beings killed and grievously wounded?

@socal2 So you're saying that Russia was not justified in invading Ukraine, right?

We both agree that starting wars is bad.

My point is that the US would not tolerate Russian control over Mexico, so why should we expect Russia to tolerate US control over Ukraine?

Nothing against you personally.
15   socal2   2024 Feb 6, 7:15pm  

Patrick says

My point is that the US would not tolerate Russian control over Mexico, so why should we expect Russia to tolerate US control over Ukraine?

What does "US control" over Ukraine look like and how is it so negative to Russia that it required a massive WWII invasion getting hundreds of thousands of human beings killed? What was the existential threat to Russia that requires this level of massive violence? Before the war, Russia had pretty good and normal economic relations with the world and had Europe locked in with oil and gas exports for years to come.

I can see Russia continuing to do in Ukraine what the US did in South/Central America supporting right-wing political parties, coups and throwing money around. But Russia went in big and fucked it all up.

This brazen atrocity by Russia only worked if they could have quickly toppled Kiev and wrapped it up in a few weeks like they did with Georgia and Crimea. But Russia fucked it up and are now stuck in a stalemate meat grinder getting thousands more killed every month with very little to show over the last 1.5 years of useless attacking.

Russia (just like Hamas) and their apologists need to understand that their military/terrorist offensives failed and they are prolonging the suffering on both sides by continuing the fight.
16   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 6, 7:19pm  

I am very much looking forward to this interview, but with some reservations, mainly, regarding Tucker Carlson's safety. Incensed that Carlson is giving Putin a 'platform,' Neo-Con spokesman and psychopath William Crystal has questioned whether or not we ought to allow Carlson back into our country, implying of course that he is some kind of dangerous traitor. Crystal no doubt is expressing the sentiments of the New World Order crowd.

There is a concerted attempt to crush Russia, and it's being orchestrated by the same evil cabal that is planning the elimination of sovereign states, along with the destruction of individual freedoms and liberties. If you don't believe that, just listen to the anti-Russia rhetoric coming from the World Economic Forum. A powerful, nuclear armed, independent Russia stands as a roadblock to the New World Order. IMO, a large European War just might be in the offing if things continue to deteriorate for Ukraine.
17   GNL   2024 Feb 6, 7:32pm  

WookieMan says

I'm full blown anecdotal at this point. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. Especially with AI and what you can do with video now.

But you're so sure that Russia is in shambles. Did you go and see for yourself? How would you even be able to measure it? Doesn't Russia lie and cook their books just like the US and China do? The truth is whatever you want to believe it is at this point in history.
18   GNL   2024 Feb 6, 7:36pm  

socal2 says

What does "US control" over Ukraine look like and how is it so negative to Russia that it required a massive WWII invasion getting hundreds of thousands of human beings killed? What was the existential threat to Russia that requires this level of massive violence?

That is not for you or America to determine. Yet, what exactly do you think NATO is? Can any part of the world put their foot down against the US or is that forbidden and writen into stone somewhere?
19   socal2   2024 Feb 6, 7:45pm  

GNL says

That is not for you or America to determine.

Nor is it up to Russia to determine who runs Ukraine.

Certainly not worth hundreds of thousands of deaths (and counting).

Russia needs to lick its wounds and admit that their invasion failed and go back home. Tough pill to swallow - but America has eaten some crow in recent years with our departures from Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia will get over it. Life moves on.
20   GNL   2024 Feb 6, 8:06pm  

socal2 says

Nor is it up to Russia to determine who runs Ukraine.

I guess it's up to the US? Why weren't you speaking out in 2014?
21   WookieMan   2024 Feb 6, 9:40pm  

GNL says

WookieMan says

I'm full blown anecdotal at this point. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen. Especially with AI and what you can do with video now.

But you're so sure that Russia is in shambles. Did you go and see for yourself? How would you even be able to measure it? Doesn't Russia lie and cook their books just like the US and China do? The truth is whatever you want to believe it is at this point in history.

It is. Again, anecdotal from people I actually trust and personally know that have been there. Get your own sources, I know what I know and I trust it. Russia is in shit shape. I have a sister in law that lives in Germany. I know people that have been to Russia recently. As much as you can trust the media, Russia is a paper tiger. I know more details.

I'm a strange cat. I have info and knowledge that most don't know. I'm not about to dox myself. I'm 95% correct on most things I post. So it's why it's rare I make predictions. TurtleDove was one for example. There are a lot more I don't post. I was right on that one and my comments were posted in media. Russia is in bad shape. Again, the oligarchs will walk away fine. Your common Russian is without power and money. Our border crisis is laughable compared to what Russia is dealing with over the next 5-10 years.
22   mell   2024 Feb 7, 8:18am  

Russia has been continuously improving since Putin took the helm, part of why he is so popular. Even last year the economy grew by a couple percent and will continue to do so. It's probably about a 2nd world country overall now, similar to the US power grid, but on an overall scale. They have enough energy to export to continue their path to 1st world, they surely won't decline.
23   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 9:18am  


We begin today’s post with one of the most remarkable developments yet in one of the most remarkable years on record — and we’re just two months in — when yesterday, Tucker Carlson broke radio silence and from the roof of his Moscow hotel, with Red Square visible off in the distance over his left shoulder, ended the first controversy over his Russian trip by admitting he was, in fact, in town to interview the world’s most hated person, public enemy number one, war criminal and real-life Emmanuel Goldstein, you know him, you hate him, President Vladimir Putin.

Tucker’s short message may have ended the controversy over who he planned to interview, but it launched a brand-new controversy over whether it was the worst disaster that ever happened including Hiroshima, Pompeii, and that skinny guy dressed like a girl who Bud Lite put on its beer bottles that one time.

Most Americans have not heard a single word from the Russian president since our Proxy War with Russia began. Their delicate brains have been tenderly protected from the evil magical spells that would surely emanate from even an interpreted version of a Putin speech. And since nobody has heard from him, and because everyone assumes there we have a free media in this country, most people believe Putin has remained silent all this time.

Don’t worry, CIA. America is ready to hear Russia’s side. We can judge for ourselves whether it’s propaganda or whether Putin makes any good points. If he lies, you can point it out to us after. Maybe try publishing an official CIA statement this time, instead of using a fake news media cutout, we’ll respect you more for it.

But I digress. It is probably safe to say Tucker’s upcoming interview is simultaneously the most anticipated interview in decades (at least) and at the same time is also the most feared and hated interview ever anticipated to be published since Satan held a post-eviction press conference right outside the Garden of Eden.

Rather than recap the long, deplorable list of hysterical fake news journalists wailing and flinging rhetorical feces over the very idea of Tucker’s interview — we don’t even NEED to see it! — how dare he! — I’ll show you instead this famous clip of Putin owning a delusional NBC journalist who interviewed him in 2021, before the Proxy War:


... Fox fired Tucker for criticizing election integrity and exposing the Democrats’ January 6th witch hunt. Now, less than a year after involuntarily becoming a free agent, Tucker is now moments away from airing an interview the entire world will watch, racking up numbers that are could rocket beyond anything seen before in history. Tucker’s website will undoubtedly be swamped by new visitors. Who knows whether this will be enough to replace the income the commenter lost along with his prime-time reporting contract, but it is sure to be significant.

Whatever else it might be, the Putin interview is a masterful marketing move, both by Tucker and by Elon Musk, whose Twitter platform is providing Tucker an unfiltered place to publish his interview (and advertise his show). And the potential effect or influence on the Proxy War debate cannot possibly be estimated. It could be nothing but it could be massive, which is the reason why the corporate media is terrified.
24   RWSGFY   2024 Feb 7, 10:28am  

Might as well make a fun night out of it:

Must drink vodka, of course, and not that Polish potato-based variety.
25   Ceffer   2024 Feb 7, 10:53am  

"Putin strangles Tucker live on air and stuffs polonium up his asshole for asking uncomfortable questions about Ukraine. Tucker crawls from interview room, bleeding from his orifices, crying 'All the Putin haters were right! How could I have bee so foolish! Damn Trump and his sheenanigans. And now, I die.'"
26   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 12:08pm  


Putin: ‘Biden Is Not Running the United States – Just a Facade’ ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly declared that the United States is being run behind the scenes by an unelected deep state.

In his upcoming interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin spoke openly about the “forces” that control America.

According to Putin, the American people are being misled into believing that Democrat President Joe Biden is running the country.

However, the Russian leader asserts that this is “just a facade.”

“President Joe Biden is not running the United States,” Putin reportedly told Carlson, according to AFP.

“The same forces which have always run it,” he continued, per reports.

“You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power.

“That is who we have to deal with.

“Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.”
27   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 3:08pm  

Some of the interview:


Posted on February 6, 2024 by State of the Nation

In a stunning turn of events, renowned journalist Tucker Carlson has embarked on a mission of historic proportions. With the fate of Ukraine and the world hanging in the balance, Carlson has arrived in Moscow, Russia, determined to interview none other than President Vladimir Putin. Can this audacious move be the key to ending the war in Ukraine and preventing the looming catastrophe of World War Three? Read on to delve into this gripping tale of courage, journalism, and the quest for peace.

Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

TUCKER: What would you tell the people running America?

PUTIN: Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don’t want war. We’re ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. This is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours.

TUCKER: Would you visit Washington?

PUTIN: Yes, of course. I’ve been to the United States Before. I enjoy visiting and have met with every president except Joe Biden. If invited I would go. Yes.

TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We’re convinced he is not running the country. Let’s say we have good sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: Do you think Joe Biden won fair and square?

PUTIN: I would rather not get into domestic American politics but will say my embassy reported your southern border was better run than that 2020 election. (chuckles)

TUCKER: One poll in America shows you more popular than Biden – any reaction?

PUTIN: (laughs) I don’t know if that should be taken seriously but Russian ideals have support. We believe in traditional values; marriage is between a man and a woman: men are men and women are women.

TUCKER: Who would you like to see as the next president of the United States?

PUTIN: Once again it is not for us to say or get involved. Contrary to longstanding accusations we do not meddle in your elections. We don’t need to because the same people end up running things anyway.

TUCKER: Why did you invade Ukraine?

PUTIN: Did we invade or were we invaded? Look at the history. Look at the people living there. Historically it’s we who were invaded and are simply fighting back now. The lands and people are Russian and we will have again what was always ours.

TUCKER: How will you feel if Trump won again?

PUTIN: We had good relations when Mr. Trump was president. There was no war. Our relations were at a high point. That said nothing is predictable or stays the same. We will have to see.

TUCKER: What do you think of Mr. Zelensky and what would be your message to him?

PUTIN: I remember laughing to his jokes when he was a comedian in Russia. Let’s go back to laughs.

TUCKER: Why is that?

PUTIN: There are strong financial entities in whose interest it is to keep us as adversaries. One of your presidents warned against that. We Russians do not have that problem.

TUCKER: Do you see the United States as an enemy?

PUTIN: No. Categorically no. We were allies in WWII. Russians helped settle Alaska, California and we were in Hawaii too. Our people are not enemies but those in DC are certainly not our friends.

TUCKER: Can you be more specific and name names?

PUTIN: It would be pointless. It is not up to us to solve your domestic issues. Besides, I’m sure you know the names better than us.

TUCKER: So are you saying your adversary is not Joe Biden but the people behind him?

PUTIN: Exactly. Joe Biden may not even be aware of what’s going on. He may not understand the level of sanctions thrown at Russia. Who put those sanctions together? Those are our the adversaries.

TUCKER: Is that why you are championing the BRICS?

PUTIN: The BRICS would exist anyway. It’s a natural reaction to the western trading block. It’s a counterweight. When the dollar is weaponized against states there will be a natural alternative to it. That’s what we want.

TUCKER: Is that why you and Russia have been targeted?

PUTIN: It’s more complicated than that but I’m sure it’s a good part of the reason. Whenever the dollar is endangered, the United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford to have the dollar fail.

TUCKER: But isn’t Russia weaker and more vulnerable economically than the US?

PUTIN: When you look at the size of economies we are small. But few people take into account our vast natural resources. Russia has over $80 trillion in the ground. No country even comes close to us.

TUCKER: What is your opinion of President Biden?

PUTIN: We are convinced he is not running the country. Let’s say we have good sources that confirm that but it’s plain for anyone to see for themselves. The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.

TUCKER: OK. Point well taken but don’t you have the same issues in Russia.

PUTIN: Yes. To a degree. But in Russia those interests are more aligned with the thinking of the average Russian man on the street. In the United States, that is not the case. The elites have deserted you.

TUCKER: So who do you think is running the US then?

PUTIN: The same forces which have always run it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.

TUCKER: Thank you for sitting down with us. How is your health? There have been some rumors……

PUTIN: I’m glad to talk to you and through you to the American people. I’m fine. I feel good. Given my years I’m in the best of health but father time.

TUCKER: There have been persistent reports you have cancer?

PUTIN: I assure you those rumors are false. If I had cancer and beat it I would share the good news and the cure with the world.


TUCKER: When you say some fear him are you saying Musk has enemies?

PUTIN: It’s clear to see he has enemies within the United States – the way he was stripped of $50 billion in assets – we would call that being signaled out for special treatment. It’s unfair on the face of it.

TUCKER: Didn’t you fear Musk when he started supplying Ukraine with Starlink gear?

PUTIN: If anyone seriously thinks a few internet dishes can defeat the might of Russia – well what can I say. But no, we did not fear or blame Mr. Musk. The government didn’t give him much choice.

TUCKER: Alot has changed in the world. What’s your opinion of Elon Musk?

PUTIN: We see Mr. Musk as a businessman – a highly successful one. He’s built a great fortune and a huge following. He’s a unique thinker with a force of personality who cannot be bought. Some fear that.

TUCKER: Do you any advice for Elon?

PUTIN: I would say continue on. Do not be intimidated. But if the going ever gets too rough there is Russia. We would gladly open our doors to you. We have welcomed American businessmen before and would value someone of Mr. Musk’s caliber.

TUCKER: Let’s turn to Trump. First tell me how you feel about the current situation with the likelihood of him being reelected?

PUTIN: It would be a bit strange and out of order but we are well prepared. He has promised to end the fighting in Ukraine and we support that notion.

TUCKER: How could he and you end the war so fast?

PUTIN: For one thing he never insulted us. He has a great respect for Russia. We would start from a position of friendship and trust – then all problems are solvable. We could get it done. Trust me.

TUCKER: Are you referring to Biden calling you a killer?

PUTIN: We have been the recipients of numerous insults and slurs going back a few generations of politicians. Mr. Trump was a refreshing break from that. He is very popular in Russia. Perhaps that won’t do him any good.

TUCKER: Are you in any communication with Trump?

PUTIN: No. Of course not. But should he win again our lines of communication would open up instantly whereas right now we have no dialogue with President Biden.

TUCKER: That’s shocking to me. No one from the White House has been in contact with you?

PUTIN: That’s right. No one has called since we congratulated Mr. Biden on his election victory. It’s puzzling to us that communications are colder now than during the Cold War.

TUCKER: How do you think the 2024 election will go?

PUTIN: We are just observing. It’s our responsibility to be vigilant since it will impact the world. We are hoping the election is carried out in a way where the results can be believed. In Russia we do not have mail in ballots.

TUCKER: Let’s turn to China. What is your relationship like?

PUTIN: President Xi and I are especially close. Russia and China are enjoying good relations as of now which is an obvious asset to us since they are one of our biggest energy partners. We will continue to be friends.

TUCKER: There are accusations China has helped you in the war in Ukraine. Is that true?

PUTIN: That is not something I can discuss. Let’s just say Russia isn’t an isolated power. That strategy has failed. We have more allies and trading partners now than before the war started.

TUCKER: Do you ever contemplate a situation where Russia and China may join forces against the United States?

PUTIN: Do you mean economically or militarily? I would say we want neither. It’s not in our interest to clash with the US because all sides would lose in such a conflict.

TUCKER: Speaking of conflicts, what is your take on the Gaza situation?

PUTIN: It is really unfortunate. The Palestinians are being devastated. Israel is acting in an unconstrained manner. It shows the terrible double standards in the world. Where are the sanctions on Israel?

TUCKER: Is Russia involved in any way especially through your alliance with Iran?

PUTIN: No. Of course not. We do not oppose the existence of Israel but at the same time we support the right of the Palestinians to self-determination. We want to be even-handed.

TUCKER: Are you following what’s happening on the US southern border?

PUTIN: Actually, yes. It’s part of my daily briefing. We Russians find it ironically amusing your Congress will spend billions protecting foreign borders but neglect its own. It’s quite laughable but deadly.

TUCKER: Deadly? How do you mean that?

PUTIN: Deadly serious of course. People are dying daily crossing your border in an uncontrolled way. It is a free-for-all. The world hasn’t seen anything like it in the modern era – reckless for a country to throw itself wide open like that.

TUCKER: Is Russia taking advantage of the border situation in any way?

PUTIN: No. Why should we? We don’t have to do a thing. America is self-destructing. And as Napoleon said, don’t stand in the way of your enemy destroying themselves.

TUCKER: So then you do see America as an enemy?

PUTIN: That was just a saying but the current administration is definitely not a friend.

TUCKER: Can that be changed?

PUTIN: That’s why you have elections.

TUCKER: Thank you again for continuing to engage with me on so many different topics. Can we get even more interesting so to speak?

PUTIN: For sure. I am open to most subjects.

TUCKER: Let’s touch on climate change. It’s still being pushed in the United States and Europe. What’s your position?

PUTIN: Humanity is not even a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. If we can’t harness the energy potential of the planet how can we control the climate?

TUCKER: Are you at least concerned?

PUTIN: I’m more concerned with real issues. Climate change is not one of them. The Earth does a fairly good job of regulating itself. And if Siberia gets a little warmer all the better. More farmland for Russia.

TUCKER: But what would you tell the true believers who’re convinced we’re headed for disaster?

PUTIN: I’d tell them worrying about climate change is like complaining about the weather. If you don’t like the climate, move. If you are worried about the weather, get an umbrella.

TUCKER: Along those lines, how do you see the transgender movement?

PUTIN: It’s interesting to me that all the things which use to be a target of blackmail are now badges of honor. In Russia there are no laws either way but we certainly do not force our children into it.

TUCKER: Russia has been criticized for its ant gay laws and as being unfriendly to LGBTQ+.

PUTIN: We have laws which protect our children. And we do not drape our embassies in rainbow flags. That’s correct. Otherwise we do not interfere in the private lives of adult citizens.

TUCKER: Do you follow American sports? We are about to have the Super Bowl.

PUTIN: In fact, yes. Russia is a great sporting nation. We hosted the Winter Olympics and the World Cup fairly recently. We like all sports.

TUCKER: What do you think of American football?

PUTIN: It’s an interesting sport. But why do you call it football when the ball is almost always played with the hands? It also seems needlessly violent at times.

TUCKER: That’s true. Will you be watching?

PUTIN: The game will not be shown in Russia.

TUCKER: So you won’t get to see Taylor Swift either then?

PUTIN: No. We have been given a reprieve.

TUCKER: Thank you President Putin for your time.
28   mell   2024 Feb 7, 3:32pm  

Patrick says

TUCKER: So you won’t get to see Taylor Swift either then?

PUTIN: No. We have been given a reprieve.

29   casandra   2024 Feb 7, 4:13pm  

Russia is the only country in the world where christians are still running the show.
30   richwicks   2024 Feb 7, 4:53pm  

socal2 says

FFS. What fucking truth? That Russia didn't illegally invade Ukraine and get hundreds of thousands of human beings killed and grievously wounded?

Well the United States shouldn't have legally overthrown Ukraine in 2014 and setup a puppet government which created a civil war in Ukraine that led to direct Russian intervention.
31   richwicks   2024 Feb 7, 5:06pm  

WookieMan says

I like Tucker, but he went from a cushy job at Fox to having to fend for himself.

Look, he worked for Fox. That means he was a willing propagandist for years, and he made millions being a propagandist. He can just retire. He doesn't need money. I don't trust him to have a soul though either. Oliver Stone did a 4 part interview that was 3 hours and 50 minutes long total, years ago.


Why do people wait for some lying piece of shit talking head controlled opposition twat to interview him? Putin is everywhere. He's already made his case, just nobody will spend an OUNCE of effort to know what it is. Oh, spend 2 minutes online to find out? Oh that's too much work.

No matter how fucking easy we make it, people still need it served to them on a silver platter, with a binky, be handed a spork and twisty straw. I'm fed up with it.
32   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Feb 7, 5:25pm  

That transcript has a bunch of quotable lines. Do people think it is legitimate? Seems maybe a bit "on the nose."
34   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 8:18pm  

richwicks says

He can just retire. He doesn't need money.

I think he was born pretty rich.
37   Ceffer   2024 Feb 7, 9:12pm  

Aw, c'mon, Puti-cakes, spit it out. The Swiss Octagon, the Vatican, Chatham House, the Masons, RIIA and the Nazi/Dynastic Corporate-ocracy.

38   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 7, 9:26pm  

OBAMA, who in turn is run by the anti-anti-communist progressives, same since the late 19th.

The same Elizabeth Stanton, Margeret Sanger, Dewey, Donovan, Dulles, etc. types along with their ethno Brooklyn Bolshevik and POC recruits.
39   Ceffer   2024 Feb 7, 10:03pm  

And where would we be without the Mockingbird AI Botswarm headlines against Tucker? Have the efforts to payroll the demonization of Russia from the fiat printing press money mills failed?

40   Ceffer   2024 Feb 7, 10:18pm  

Fake but fun.

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