In 2016, the number of bots/comp gen content approached 30% of all internet traffic. Now algos, not follows, determine what creators get seen and their ad revenue. So basically the internet is one big psyop fake run by computers, mostly for disseminating SPAM.
Why I am downloading as many books and articles as I can. It's amazing how many links on alternative information go into a void splash page rather than the pertinent articles, and it seems to be getting worse. They are slowly taking down what they don't want to be seen.
Also, articles should be republished as screen captures as much as possible rather than text. Text can be rapidly scanned and censored, but they don't seem to have caught up with pictured text so much yet.
The algos redirecting traffic is getting worse and worse.
It's actually HARDER now to find precisely what you want. In 2010 almost any search engine, you could look up something specific, and get what you wanted.
Especially now that "Followers" have been subsumed to the allmighty algo.