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I do have a complimentary subscription to him for the next week, but that article is not paywalled. Shows up in full at https://www.kunstler.com/p/climate-jeezus-taketh-away
It does end with an ellipsis (...) so that makes it look like there's more, but there isn't.
I refused to be richwicks' Google bitch when there was nothing stopping him from looking it up if it were so damn important to him. Same logic here.
DOGEWontAmountToShit says
Why doesn’t it make sense? They owe the lender. It’s between the homeowner and their insurance company. But, if the lender knew insurance lapsed or ended, they should have called the loan.
You'll get a bunch of bull shit calls from people that paid your debt off and try to scare you, collectors. Don't sign for any certified mail EVER, even if you are up to date on everything. They can send a regular letter. Answer with hello, never say yes or your name on a phone call.
If I pay on my house no one can touch it.
You'll get a bunch of bull shit calls from people that paid your debt off and try to scare you, collectors. Don't sign for any certified mail EVER, even if you are up to date on everything. They can send a regular letter. Answer with hello, never say yes or your name on a phone call.
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What was Lahaina 2.0?