The Real Estate Experts Thread

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2006 Sep 30, 1:20am   10,633 views  122 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I am not a professional in the real estate industry. Neither are the other regular authors. But, we have many regular commenters who are. And we probably have many more readers who've yet to post that are as well.

This is your thread. Anyone who makes their living in real estate, regardless of function, the floor is yours.

The rest of us: here is our chance to ask how things work and learn. Unless you are an industry pro, please refrain from changing the topic (you can use the previous thread still for OT discussions).

--Randy H


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57   FormerAptBroker   2006 Oct 1, 11:58pm  

OO Says:

> FAB, Who is collecting my mortgage payment
> check every month?

Odds are it is a big (multi- billion) servicing shop that may not even be owned by the bank or mortgage company that originated the loan.

> Does it mean that my mortgage loan company
> simply becomes a payment collection machine?

Most mortgage companies sell the loan “and” the servicing to a third party (who may continue to service in the name of the loan originator).

> Who will foreclose my property if one day
> I decide not to pay?

This depends on the details of the master servicing agreement, but most loans are transferred from the primary servicer to a “special” servicer in the event of default who will foreclose. The guys and gals running the special servicing shops are some of the toughest battle scarred people in the business and you don’t want to mess with them…

> Currently only my name is on the loan, while
> my wife and I both hold the title.

Take a look at your loan documents since you may have had to get lender OK to change the ownership.

> I am wondering
> if something happens to me, will my wife get to
> keep the house without repaying the loan?

The people holding any loan you have at the time of your death will be able to go after the assets of your estate in court, but odds are that your home loan is secured by a note and deed of trust and the lender will just foreclose if your wife does not make the payments. Take a look at the loan docs since if there may be clauses that makes the loan due on the sale of the property or your death…

P.S. Don’t buy “mortgage death insurance” since on average the insurance that pays off home loans at death is some of the most expensive insurance out there (just buy more term life insurance)…

58   Randy H   2006 Oct 2, 2:28am  

Term life insurance is the most cost effective method to insure against death of a spouse when it comes to mortgage. It's not that expensive to get a policy well in excess of the mortgage balance for young/mid-age people in reasonably good health.

The only thing I can add to mortgage/servicing/etc is that major lending banks do often take on prime direct mortgage debt. For example, many people may have found that every mortgage they take, or every refi they do, keeps ending up somewhere like Wells Fargo. This may be because you fall into prime status and the bank's primary risk is prepayment-risk, not default risk. I think most of these banks service the loans themselves, but I'm not certain about that.

59   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 3:55am  

"a little froth but nothing substantial"

George, even a 10% drop in median from peak would be a disaster given our methods of finance these days. It seems that the entire REIC is structured only for appreciation. With no contingent plans otherwise, everyone from the Fed on down to the newest (and most leveraged) homeowner can now only hope and pray it's not going to be as bad as they're starting to suspect.

I don't want to speak for others but I personally have never really put all that much weight on the "re-set" itself. Oh I know I mention it regularly b/c it seems to be something that data driven people seem to connect w/readily. Even if homeowners didn't feel stressed out and overstretched to make their payments, they know the jig is up!

Without the promise and potential (and implied guarantee) of never ceasing appreciation the wheels would/will come off with or without higher rates/payments. Just as it made nothing but sense for most Americans to leverage to the "9's" on the way up, it will just as quickly dawn on us that being overleveraged to the hilt doesn't make sense when home prices are flat (let alone in a freefall).

Besides, as Americans we've grown tired of real estate. It's consumed our every waking moment for at least the last 8 to 10 years! We'll downsize, re-trench and move on to what ever it is that comes next.

Bagholders are furiously trying to re-ignite our passion with incentives and the promise of continued access to free/cheap money but to no avail. In the end the HB will will fall victim to it's own excess. (I mean success).

60   surfer-x   2006 Oct 2, 3:57am  

Can you refi if your, whoops I meant the note holders, house has dropped in price? Can you are Mr. McBoomer and you bought your 996 with a cash out refi, and now your appraised value of the house is less than what you owe, can you refi?

Well yes you can with the magic of the -% loan.

61   Randy H   2006 Oct 2, 3:58am  


In that hypothetical case -- the perfect soft landing -- the "system", as it were, will absorb the foreclosures and recycle those assets back into the market efficiently. The losses from defaults will fall within the spreads charged by the subprime lenders, and the buyers of MBS' will be happy with continued high returns they're earning on their "junk bonds".

Supply and demand won't really affect much of anything overall, because real-estate is not liquid. You can't move houses (well, most houses). Some micro markets will have gluts where overbuilding occurred. Maybe even some larger areas like Las Vegas suburbs. Some prime areas would have shortages in a soft landing, as fence-sitting prime buyers come back into the market only to find not enough houses for sale at an affordable price.

But overall, supply & demand will be as it always has been. I am not a believer in any of the arguments that the fundamentals of either supply or demand have changed. In fact, the only thing that has changed substantially is short-term demand, caused by the bubble.

62   astrid   2006 Oct 2, 4:08am  


I'm convinced that a soft landing is impossible to execute unless there is high (but not too high) inflation and a boost of productivity due to technology innovation/heretofore hidden capital investments.

Without continual appreciation observed in the last couple years, buying right now is just too expensive compared to renting. There will be very few buyers compared to an average market because the bull market sucked most of those buyers into buying already, tighter lending standards, no more bank of mom and dad for young buyers and an awareness that buying home is not a sure thing.

And those same forces that keep out new buyers also push in many sellers. (Investors who counted on rapid appreciation, people who overbought housing, people who were pressured into buying subpar property by the frantic 2002-2005 market).

I think the lower/entry end will be hit very very hard. This portion got the greatest inflation relative to their underlying value (by yuppies who wanted to buy cheap, young people getting in on the ladder, flippers who wanted to "spread" their risks into multiple cheap properties, poor people whose desire to own gets them over their heads).

63   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 4:25am  


I remember watching David Letterman just before the US hosted our first World Cup. "You know, now matter where I go, now matter who I talk to, virtually NO ONE is talking about the World Cup!

Top 10 ways to spark interest in World Cup!

and #1 is: "Have Madonna inflate the ball!"

Well, no matter where I go virtually NO ONE is talking about RE! Not even realtors are talking about real estate! They seem to be more focused on what their "next" career is going to be!

Seriously, other than this blog I don't know ANYONE that's talking (let alone seriously talking) about real estate? If I didn't check this blog most days I wouldn't even know real estate existed. It's fallen off the radar completely and I imagine by Thanksgiving the only time it will come up is when friends and relatives ask you what you're doing about torching your POS?

*Not a professional opinion.

64   HARM   2006 Oct 2, 5:44am  

HidingintheBronx Says:

September 30th, 2006 at 8:17 pm

i want a big boomer t-shirt. someone should start a cafe-press (or whatever) line.

Hiding (and other interested parties),

Patrick and I are actively working on doing just that (creating a Cafe Press store for Patrick.net). Unfortunately, I am in the middle of moving (to another sad, pathetic rental), so I do not have internet access at home for a few days, nor will I have much time until we're settled. I expect to have some t-shirts up within a couple of weeks, though.

Stay tuned...

65   astrid   2006 Oct 2, 5:46am  


Please create bumper stickers too, for the extra brave and/or well insured.

66   HARM   2006 Oct 2, 6:10am  


:lol: Will do!

67   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 8:35am  

I was just curious. How many words can you come up with from "Price Reduced"

Here's just a few I came up with.


oh, and toast

See what fun words you can come up with!

68   surfer-x   2006 Oct 2, 9:07am  

Steve, wow, to call that chick an idiot really does a disservice to idiots.

69   Randy H   2006 Oct 2, 9:18am  

I guess winning Trump's little show didn't do much for her career after all.

Isn't Trump a billionaire? Oh wait. Perhaps that was a bubble too.

Hey Kendra! How does one win that show and not know the difference between a STOCK MARKET and the REAL ESTATE MARKET???? It drives me to distraction! Maybe that's why they call it "The Apprentice". Keep at it kiddo, and you'll become a Journeyman before you know it.

70   astrid   2006 Oct 2, 9:27am  

Speaking of Trump. What do you RE professionals think of Trump?

71   Peter P   2006 Oct 2, 9:29am  

I love Trump's buildings.

72   requiem   2006 Oct 2, 9:39am  

Ooh... good question! He seems to be most effective when put in charge of a project, as opposed to doing actual investing. In my mind, the name "Trump" is synonymous with "bankruptcy", but he seems to have enough tenacity to not let little things like that slow him down. Perhaps that episode was an illustration of the "owe a bank 1K$ and you have a problem, owe them 500M$ and they have a problem"?

(Err.. that wasn't meant as an answer, since I'm not a REP.)

/DinOR: "cried puce red"

73   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 9:56am  


I'll take "offers pending lender approval" this is a short sale?

74   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 10:20am  


Again as Glen* shared, would I be able to go down to the bank and a 75k loan to trade cattle futures? HELL NO! (But when it's "secured" by RE then speculation is totally cool) right?

75   Peter P   2006 Oct 2, 10:30am  

Inventory is growing so slowly that I am falling asleep.



76   Peter P   2006 Oct 2, 10:34am  

Again as Glen* shared, would I be able to go down to the bank and a 75k loan to trade cattle futures? HELL NO! (But when it’s “secured” by RE then speculation is totally cool) right?

But you can "buy" $100000 worth of TY for $810. :)


77   FormerAptBroker   2006 Oct 2, 11:07am  

astrid Says:

> Speaking of Trump. What do you RE
> professionals think of Trump?

That he is a pompous ass with bad hair…

It’s hard to fail in life when your Grandfather and Father were both hard working honest guys who create a huge real estate empire and want you to do even better.

Donald learned a lot about real estate and politics from his Dad and Grandfather, and he used their money, connections and reputation to get ahead.

Donald was so focused on real estate that he didn’t pay attention to his Dad and Grandfather when the talked about modesty, family values and how bald guys don’t look that bad…

78   e   2006 Oct 2, 12:07pm  

Inventory is growing so slowly that I am falling asleep.



Congrats on the soft landing San Jose. :(

79   OO   2006 Oct 2, 2:52pm  


thanks for the answer.

80   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 10:48pm  

For those with experience in RESPA/Loan Origination:

My wife's co-worker and our long time friends just met their "new neighbors". Three families living under one roof. It's not immediately clear as to their relationship w/one another but after years of living next door to a couple, they now live next to a parking lot!

We've discussed mortgage fraud (quite a bit of late) and it's possible consequences but what if anything can a 15 year resident do about an obvious infraction like this?

Now I'm quite sure there is only ONE couple listed on the loan documents but THEY MOVED IN as an "instant barrio" from day one! (Btw if you were on the fence about selling this will definitely make the decision for you).

While this may be a daily occurrence in CA, AZ, TX it certainly is a new wrinkle for Oregonians. We see this with regularity when it comes to rentals but who if anyone could this individual go to to seek relief? I've no doubt that these "loan originators" will hide behind Equal Opportunity Lending Laws but come on, this is ridiculous!

I invite any and all advice, lay and professional alike. At this point, anything helps.

81   DinOR   2006 Oct 2, 11:40pm  


Thanks for the input. I guess I hadn't even considered the "health aspect". One of the greatest experiences my family ever had was renting a houseboat up in Idaho. We had younger teenagers with us moored at one of the several islands on Priest Lake and just before sundown some rowdies showed up so we weighed anchor and found another island!

That incident really stayed with me. I've mentioned "neighbors" on a number of occassions and I guess I feel that I make enough compromises in my professional life to have to "work" with people in what little off time I do have.

It would be a shame to have to go to the hassle and expense of setting up some kind of HOA or CC&R to address what should be common decency and as you suggest, common sense! If you need to have 3 families in a 3/2 house maybe coming to Amerika wasn't such a good idea?

82   Michael Holliday   2006 Oct 2, 11:51pm  

I like how at the end of a thread, it's a free-for-all from the topic at hand, ha, ha!

Sh-t's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.

Just scored a new defense-related job. The co. got a five-year contract to work on a special project. Should be able to weather the downturn in the market, since I'll be out of the supply/demand economy for a while.

I think I may jump into the Phoenix market in a year or two. Should be bottoming by then. Maybe it will be a longer trend downward...

I did take a trip out to San Jose last week. My old neighborhood is looking shabby. The roads are looking ragged-out. The Bay Area was looking dumpy/third-worldish, overall. Arizona in general, and Phoenix in particular--except for a few--areas looks clean and windswept in comparison.

I guess I'll stay in AZ. The future of the BA looks pretty bleak for the middle class.

:o~~ The Mouse

83   FormerAptBroker   2006 Oct 2, 11:57pm  

Funda Mental (who sounds like a smart guy) Says:

> My wife and I believe that the correction taking place is
> just the beginning of a long overdue drop in housing prices.

Even after reading that “bubbles are for bathtubs” in the article by the good looking 20 something that was Trump’s “apprentice” ;-) …(after reading how dumb she is I’m no longer just guessing that she slept with him to win)…

> The best idea I’ve had so far is a two-pronged strategy.
> 1) Compare cost of renting to owning and see what is
> comfortable for us to afford after tax benefits, etc.

Over the past 30 years in California the cost to “buy” (with a 20% down payment and 30 year fixed rate loan) has been a little less than the typical rent in below average areas and a little above the cost to rent in above average areas (you may also want to build a formula that norms for the “average” 30 year loan rate over a period of time).

> 2) Compare historic ratios of (A) Rents to prices and
> (B) median family incomes to prices and buy when
> these ratios are in line with historic averages.

On average the ratio of home price to household income has been in the 2.5x to 5x range for most of the past 300 (yes, Three hundred years)…

> The help I’d like is in locating a source for Ventura
> County historic data for median rents, median
> incomes, and median home prices. Does anyone know
> where I can get this data?

The best source of the data is census.gov…
There is a lot of data out there, but after a while it becomes easy to find the data you want. I like to drill down to zip code and even smaller census track areas to get the best data. Keep in mind that the income data is very good for the 80% of American’s in the “middle class”. The poorest 10% don’t report much income (or buy homes) and the top 10% (that is almost 25% of California) have complex tax situations and tend to have an AGR at the bottom of their 1040 well under their actual income…

84   DinOR   2006 Oct 3, 12:43am  

"There are fewer people living there right now."

Well thank heaven for little blessings. Last night I overheard a radio ad that said there are over 175K illegals in OR and that would make it our "second largest city"! Isn't it true that tolerating this brand of mortgage fraud only accelerates the problem? Sorry for being behind the learning curve on this one, it's a relatively new issue for OR.

85   DinOR   2006 Oct 3, 1:24am  


Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against working class neighborhoods. Hell, I grew up in one! It was a lot of fun and everybody knew each other.

It was also, from inception a working class neighborhood. It wasn't drug down that way one multiple family conversion at a time. We've been friends w/these folks for a long time. Dayton is an old farming community and has been for over 150 years. Town Square, the whole deal. The greed of MB's writing this paper is selling them down a river for a $1,500 comm. How could they not know what's going on here?

86   astrid   2006 Oct 3, 1:30am  


You might want to tip the INS and get your unhappy neighbors to do the same. Ditto a letter writing campaign to your congressman/local officials. Now is a good time to do this. You live in a suburban area so the politicians probably won't cave to big ag quite as much.

You vote and pay taxes, damn it! And those illegals do not. Demand that officials paid with your tax dollars enforce your laws.

87   surfer-x   2006 Oct 3, 2:08am  

The greed of MB’s writing this paper is selling them down a river for a $1,500 comm. How could they not know what’s going on here?

DinOR, why do you hate Amerika? :)

88   astrid   2006 Oct 3, 2:22am  


If your friends do want to sell, they might want to do some oppo digging on the next door neighbors. If the new neighbors used a buyer's agent, maybe they could use the same person as a seller's agent (and do a 2/4 split between seller's agent and buyer's agent) so they'll sell to the same demographics.

I guess that's some sort of 3rd wave blockbusting.

(Dude, I sound like FAB. My liberal minded college friends would lynch me.)

89   DinOR   2006 Oct 3, 2:28am  

Surfer X,

You're right. What was I thinking? Anyone in Amerika has the God given right to send entire neighborhoods/towns into an uncontrolled tailspin (laws, rules and ethics be damned) in the pursuit of 1,500 bucks.

Lord, when you think about it, the rookie that cattle prodded that loan through probably got half of that and then paid taxes on the $750. Sure, I'll ruin your block for 500 bucks, why not? Again, with me it's not really a racial issue. If it were 3 Swedish/Hungarian/Alien families would any of us feel any better?

90   astrid   2006 Oct 3, 2:32am  


If you have the time, go to where the county keeps its records (call ahead, it might be possible to do this online too) do some digging on the property record for the house. See who owns the house and how many pieces of property this person/corporation owns. This might help you uncover more about the landlord that you can use to your advantage.

If it's owned by a real person (yay!) then you might be in luck. Whoever owns this place is a landlord and acting like a slumlord (McMansion being used as a multiple dwelling like an apartment? lack of bathrooms for number of persons?). From your description, this person may very well be violating some landlord/tenant laws (FAB or Zephyr or Jack, please help!) on the books.

It would be sweet if the scumbag landlord ends up losing his house and the house gets sold (at a much much lower price) to a nice young family.

91   Peter P   2006 Oct 3, 4:03am  

The house was purchased last year, that much I know. I think it may be owned by one of the occupants who may or may not be legal. Lately legal status has not been a barrier to buying.

I really hate the idea of cramping several families into one house. However, being an anti-NIMBYist I have to say that this is a result of not having enough suitable housing units built and sharing ought to be allowed.

92   Randy H   2006 Oct 3, 4:05am  

Foreign residents are allowed to own US real estate, so "immigration status" is not directly relevant to those who do the transaction. I'm not sure if there is a tax-related obligation for the transactors, but that wouldn't really work to prevent illegals anymore than it does native-born tax cheats from buying & selling houses.

I think one problem with enforcing the "maximum number of families" rule has to do with technicalities.

For example, can a city stop a family who adopts 18 troubled teenage children (it happens, I saw a show on some cable channel documenting one such family in Texas)? Certainly there are no enforceable rules, even in tight CCR areas, that can prevent a family from having whatever number of children, either by birth or legal adoption.

How about parents and siblings? And their families? Cousins, aunts, uncles?

There are many non-illegal types who squeeze multiple generations and second-step family into a single home. Everywhere I've ever lived had no code to prevent such situations.

The practical problem is for the city to enforce multiple, non-related families living against code under the same roof. How does the city find out they aren't legitimately related, and how to prove they aren't when they claim otherwise? It's dangerous territory to tread for fear of discrimination claims.

93   Peter P   2006 Oct 3, 4:37am  

The practical problem is for the city to enforce multiple, non-related families living against code under the same roof. How does the city find out they aren’t legitimately related, and how to prove they aren’t when they claim otherwise? It’s dangerous territory to tread for fear of discrimination claims.

We should just disallow street parking altogether. Street parking is dangerous anyway. Garage + driveway should be more than enough.

94   e   2006 Oct 3, 6:36am  

We should just disallow street parking altogether. Street parking is dangerous anyway. Garage + driveway should be more than enough.

How is that possible for a family of 5? Each person has to have their own car in California - it's the law.

And of course the garage has been converted to a bedroom.

95   Peter P   2006 Oct 3, 6:51am  

How is that possible for a family of 5? Each person has to have their own car in California - it’s the law.

A 3-car garage + 2 on the driveway.

There can be metered guest parking on the street.

96   Randy H   2006 Oct 3, 7:05am  

There are many homes, some well over $1M, in the hills of Mill Valley and surrounding towns that have no garage and often barely 1 off-street parking spot. Even this stupid McMansion we're renting has only about 1.5 off-street spots in addition to a 1 car garage.

That the cities didn't have the foresight to enforce proper zoning mandating a minimum amount of off-street parking when these homes were built is not something I'm interested in paying a post-facto price for. Alternatively, there are plenty of very fine CCR communities where off-street parking is strictly prohibited. There are plenty of homes for sale there.

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