Get comfortable until Spring '08 (Bay Area)

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2007 Sep 11, 8:30am   54,683 views  262 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I know other markets have already started correcting at a healthy clip. Others might even be nearing the end of the cycle. But much of coastal California, and especially the San Francisco Bay Area, have barely begun to see the downward hill in residential real estate prices.

It is my current opinion that nothing significant will break in prices -- and I mean significant -- until next Spring. In fact, I really don't expect the nicer areas of the Bay to start going down meaningfully until early Summer, '08.

My reasoning is that everyone who can, by any means possible, will hang on until next Spring's "selling season". They're being told by a lot of pretend "professionals" that they should hold out, that by next Spring the storm will be over and they'll get their price, or better.

There will, of course, be plenty of foreclosures and the sporadic forced-sales (divorce, job change, etc.), and some of those may be good deals on prices, but they'll be very hard to come by, in my estimation. Agents are doing everything they can to hide the real sales prices of those deals with some agencies outright not reporting those sales to the CAR statistics because they don't qualify as "standard sales". Foreclosures may not even be priced all that attractively. A lot of banks are still trying to figure out what to do with their growing inventory of houses on their balance sheets. Right now banks aren't really in a position to start marking down hard assets, and they don't have enough inventory to make a material difference yet anyway.

Cometh the Spring I expect that prices will be right around where they are today, maybe a few points lower, but nothing major. On the ground we'll all see the same old houses sitting there, or relisted, for the same prices they left off at after the Summer of '07. Then the real fun begins, as I finally expect by the end of Spring a number of sellers will capitulate and take their lumps. Once price cuts really start, then it should turn into more competitive pricing by sellers, each trying to out maneuver the other as they all chase each other down the market.

I should briefly qualify what I mean by "lower prices". I mean price cuts from the true peak, which given your specific area should be anywhere from Q4-2005 to Q4-2006, even Q1-2007 for a few super prime areas. Fantasy wishing prices listed between your area's peak and today are nonsense, and cuts off of those prices are essentially not cuts at all. Assume the price is listed at your area's peak price, and ignore any goofball premium some real estate party latecomer tried to squeeze out of the waning days. For example, there's a home here in Mill Valley the current owners bought the end of 2005 for $1.895mm, which they listed the Summer of 2007 for $2.45mm. In my mind, that home peaked at $1.895mm, and is at best likely to sell again for around $1.48mm, the price a nearly identical home on the block sold for in early 2005.

--Randy H


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201   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 12:35am  

I talked with a guy yesterday that owned up to having to do a short sale on an inv. prop. in PHX in 2006. He said what made it almost impossible to sell was that builders were offering TEN % comm! Times (for realtors) were tough enough as is so why attempt selling an overpriced existing home for a 3% comm. when you can sell a NEW lower priced POS for 10 (and in some cases TWELVE %) as George so astutely predictaed over a year ago?

Even in defeat, it looks like builders are still calling the shots.

202   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 12:39am  

Actually, George "predicted" it. :(

203   SP   2007 Sep 13, 1:01am  

Glen said:
if the deduction is allowed then the opera house gets $400 dollars which would otherwise go to the treasury (if there were no charitable deductions allowed). This $400 could be used to lower the overall tax rate, or to balance the budget, or to pay for *democratically* selected priorities (via gov’t spending).

Firstly, I don't share your faith in the government as an effective steward of those $400. The overall tax rate could be lowered far more effectively by shrinking the government and getting it out of places it does not belong. Ditto for balancing the budget. The majority of government officials I have dealt with have struck me as singularly inept, indifferent and undeserving of their paycheck - so while I agree that your idea sounds noble on the surface, I don't believe it works in practice.

Secondly, "democratically selected spending priorities", directed by corrupt politicians is hardly going to improve matters. Forcing citizens to cough up more taxes so the government can decide where to spend it is just an extortion racket. No, thank you.


204   SP   2007 Sep 13, 1:09am  

Glen said:
My objection to the charitable deduction is that it is a hidden subsidy.

One could describe most social programs (section 8, welfare, food-stamps) run by the government as open subsidies.

You're really advocating increased government confiscation of private earnings to fund social programs. This reduces the incentive to work, and increases the incentive to hide private assets rather than put them to effective use. I have witnessed first hand _exactly_ this outcome in several countries.


205   SP   2007 Sep 13, 1:12am  

Glen said:
when the government allows a charitable deduction (which also has the effect of depleting the treasury) no one seems to care how the money is spent. It is no longer seen as “our” money.

And very rightly so. It is not "our" money, and "we" cannot presume authority on where it should be donated.


206   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 1:17am  

The Portland Opera has been on life support for years. If it weren't for Harry Merlo (Pavoratti's drinking buddy here in town) it would've have died a quiet death long ago. I constantly get hit up to "support" it. I say, if there is THAT little demand... let it go. There are many dead arts, with P's passing this may be just one more. Sorry.

207   skibum   2007 Sep 13, 1:17am  


I have to disagree to some extent on the arts and accessibility to "the masses" wrt performing arts in particular. Museums and the like are easy enough - waive admission for children or those without means to pay. On the other hand, in the US, symphonies, dance and opera have had a horrible track record of providing cheap venues for those who can't afford $200/ticket for nosebleed seats where you can't even make out the fat face on some large soprano pretending to be a dainty Cho-Cho San. This is changing slowly (NYC Opera free concerts, concerts in the park type affairs), but it's mostly just lip service. A big part of the problem is operating budgets. Not only are there production costs, costs of maintaining the venue, but an orchestra of 108 players in a major city averages over $100k/year salary each (they're unionized). I think they deserve it, but it does add up.

Europe is a totally different animal. Not only are the arts more or less completely state-funded, but every little podunk village has a symphony of their own. They offer very cheap student seats (if you travel as an American student you can take advantage of this), and it's much more ingrained into the fabric of their society. In the US, performing arts have become an almost irrelevant subculture that caters to the wealthy who like to use concerts, performances and especially fundraising galas as socializing events/tax deductions.

I say this from personal observation, as someone who would like to go more often if it didn't require a MEW every time I wanted to see a concert.

208   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 1:22am  

That and you can see the Blue Oyster Cult for $25.

209   skibum   2007 Sep 13, 1:25am  

@Randy H,

I'll add one theory for why the HBs have been surprisingly sticky with lowering prices. They can't afford to piss off current owners, especially ones who bought recently. Imagine buying your nice cookie cutter tract home in some mega Centex development, only to find out 2 months after painting the walls and splurging on Pottery Barn that the "next phase" in the development is selling identical units to yours, less $50K. There are already stories of lawsuits from pissed off owners about this very fact. The added vulnerability of the HBs, as opposed to re-sellers, is that they invariably keep building the exact same house over and over again in each development, so comps are REALLY easy to make. There's no getting around that comparison.

Hence, all the efforts to cut everything BUT the price (free swimming pools, free third garage, free pergraniteel, closing costs covered, pay your taxes and HOA fees for a year, blah blah blah). But the sucker knife catcher doesn't realize how financially it's a losing proposition, as you still have to pay the mortgage on a still too high basis.

210   SP   2007 Sep 13, 1:25am  

skibum said:
seats where you can’t even make out the fat face on some large soprano

I know an opera singer very well and have seen her face up close, and trust me, you're better off sitting further back. :-)

In the US, performing arts have become an almost irrelevant subculture that caters to the wealthy who like to use concerts, performances and especially fundraising galas as socializing events/tax deductions.

This is true only of the big-name performances. There are still community-supported (i.e. private contributions) events in the parks in many cities. The problem is that while the middle-class aren't willing to pony up the measly $10-20 per month to support a local arts group that runs a public theater for free in the local park. Instead, they post nonsense on blogs about how great it would be if the government could take "our" money from the rich to pay for it. :-)


211   skibum   2007 Sep 13, 1:32am  

That and you can see the Blue Oyster Cult for $25.

Did I mention that a few years back, a friend was driving across country, stopped for dinner at a strip mall somewhere in Nebraska, and randomly saw BOC playing at the roadhouse venue there?

Hey man, "Don't fear the reaper."

212   Randy H   2007 Sep 13, 1:32am  

In the US, performing arts have become an almost irrelevant subculture that caters to the wealthy who like to use concerts, performances and especially fundraising galas as socializing events/tax deductions.

Agreed. My wife and I long ago stopped attending opera, theater and such not because of the costs, even though the price seemed to rise by the hour. We quit because the folks in attendance weren't our type of people. We don't mix with the "cultured elite" very well, which suits me just fine. I cannot imagine living my life concerned about the minutia they'd carry on about.

It seems that in the early 90s the scene was different, in Chicago at least. Since we don't have cultured backgrounds, that's where we started attending performing arts. And I remember then that most in attendance weren't socialites, save for a few older folks sitting in the best seats.

213   skibum   2007 Sep 13, 1:34am  

I'm all for the in-the-park concerts, but the truth is, acoustically the symphony and opera is a vastly superior experience in an acoustically good concert hall (Davies is NOT one of them).

214   astrid   2007 Sep 13, 1:42am  

My concert going and CD buying dollars goes to indie music outfits. That's were the creativity is. I don't think many common people would willingly sit through a dance performance or opera performance, even if the ticket was $5/each.

215   DJM   2007 Sep 13, 1:46am  

"On a similar note, don’t mid-Westerners ever get sick of chipping in on Bay Area housing?"

O puh-lease! Take another look at who pays the taxes in this country - yep, it's the "working rich", people with high incomes that live in places like the B.A. I think California gets back 70 cents on every dollar we send to the Feds...

216   Allah   2007 Sep 13, 1:50am  



I'm going to make this one post to put this whole sticky argument to rest.

When I said that prices would lose their stickiness, the argument is that while they may be sticky for a while (because of their own internal logic), they will eventually break and prices will collapse. Once some of the sellers decide to cut their price, driving comps down in the area, I believe others will panic and cut as well.

This is my prediction; you can disagree with it if you want (that's what these discussion forums are here for), but don't call it childish or retarded and threaten to kick me out accusing me of being a troll just because YOU don't agree with it. When it happens in your area; like it is already starting to happen in my area RIGHT NOW, make sure you have a good apology for me.

On a side note, just the fact that you modified Shiller's chart to reflect prices falling sharply, doesn't reflect stickiness at all; it's a total contradiction on your part.

217   astrid   2007 Sep 13, 1:52am  

I'm all for supporting creative endeavors, but I agree with Glen. I think they should flourish or die without IRS involvement. I'm in favor of direct government grants to artists and writers, but the charity donation racket is mostly about the middle class subsidizing the tastes of the rich. Most middle class people can't afford to donate enough to justify a charitable donation writeoff, why should the rich get that?

218   Glen   2007 Sep 13, 1:53am  

SFWoman & SP:

My point was not to criticize the performing arts (or even televangelists for that matter). My point is simply that a deduction is the flip side of a subsidy. Just as the government subsidizes homeowners by allowing a mortgage interest deduction, the government subsidizes televangelists and performing arts by permitting a tax deduction for contributions to their organizations.

Again, I am not saying that people shouldn't contribute. Give all you want! But why should I pay more taxes so that you can give *extra* money to the "Hour of Power"? If you itemize deductions and you are in the 40% bracket, then your $600 after tax contribution becomes a $1000 contribution. If I do not itemize (because I rent) then my $600 contribution remains a $600 contribution. Does this make any sense? Why should only itemizers get this benefit of directing their charitable money?

How is this any different than the government takes my money to pay for your opera house? The one way that it is different is that it is hidden from view.

There is a federal bureacracy tasked with figuring out what constitutes a "religious, scientific or educational organization." As Randy points out, there are a lot of hucksters calling themselves religious organizations who seem to pass muster under But this is hidden from view.

The charitable deduction makes people feel good. But it is bad tax policy. It is indirect, attenuated, available only to itemizers and not subject to public scrutiny.

As with the mortgage interest deduction, it is sold to voters because it doesn't *seem* like it is causing everyone else to pay more taxes. But the truth is that it inevitably does. (Unless you believe in free lunches.)

And by the way, this has nothing to do with my personal charitable preferences. I feel the same way whether we are talking about the opera, the "hour of power," the Red Cross, or whatever else. My wife works for a nonprofit and if the charitable deduction were eliminated she might not have a job. But this does not change my views on this issue.

219   Randy H   2007 Sep 13, 2:06am  

I've posted before, but in case anyone is interested in learning about the real economics behind price stickiness in real estate markets, a reasonably thorough piece of analysis exists on the subject. Warning, it's a technical read with stochastic and GARCH quantitative discussions.

LookSmart's FindArticles - Asymmetry in Regional Real House Prices
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Sep-Dec 2006, by Guirguis, Hany,
Vogel, Richard

220   SFWoman   2007 Sep 13, 2:20am  


I think if ALL tax deductions were eliminated I'd be OK, but only the arts seems to be cherry picking to me. Who gets to decide what is a worthwhile charity?

There is a fascinating discussion on KQED right now about the study of people and their brain activity related to their ability to handle ambiguity.

221   Malcolm   2007 Sep 13, 2:42am  

Randy H Says:
September 13th, 2007 at 7:06 am
"Keep in mind that stickiness actually predicts there should be a buildup followed by a rapid breaking loose in price action. "

I think this states it best. I have generally disagreed with the notion of some sort of orderly decline. It never seemed like it would work out that way. I used to roll my eyes when I'd hear someone saying, well I'll just sell when prices start to turn. In a downturn, holding out just compounds the problem for the seller.

222   Malcolm   2007 Sep 13, 2:46am  

SFWoman Says:
September 13th, 2007 at 9:20 am
"I think if ALL tax deductions were eliminated I’d be OK, but only the arts seems to be cherry picking to me. Who gets to decide what is a worthwhile charity?"

Like everything else, it is the free market that decides. The tax code is written in way that it is fairly easy to establish a charitable organization. The government (wisely) doesn't judge them, it leaves that to the general population to determine who gets funding and who doesn't according to individual causes.

223   StuckInBA   2007 Sep 13, 2:47am  

skibum Says:

I’ll add one theory for why the HBs have been surprisingly sticky with lowering prices. They can’t afford to piss off current owners, especially ones who bought recently.

I think the real superglue element in this stickiness was mortgage rates. The mortgage implosion started only this year. Subprime imploded in Feb/March. But the Alt-A/JUmno/Mumbo started only last month ! IT HAS JUST STARTED.

All the while we discussed inherent stickiness in RE and other topics, sheeple (esp in BA) had no problem getting a nice and thick rope to tie around their own neck. Now the factories for creating nylon are shutting down, the rope assemblers and rope salespeople are crying out for help.

224   StuckInBA   2007 Sep 13, 2:50am  

DinOR :

What’s worse is that most people don’t amoritize their loan points correctly either.

Please elaborate ! Loan points need to be amortized ? I thought it was a classic strategy to front-end your mortgage interest tax deduction. (In NORMAL times that is and if you have a large stock options gain etc.)

225   astrid   2007 Sep 13, 2:54am  


Why are charitable entities inherently more deserving of government largess (in the form of tax exemption) than taxable ventures? The vast majority of innovation in the last two hundred years was done by taxable entities, and most of the rest by government funded research. Why do charities deserve more just because they hired tax lawyers to help them squeeze into a particular form?

226   Malcolm   2007 Sep 13, 2:55am  

Nope, you amortize loan points on investment properties. I think it is over the term of the loan, so a 15 year loan is 1/15th of the points each year.

227   Malcolm   2007 Sep 13, 3:01am  

Correct Astrid, innovation comes from commercial (taxable) ventures. Charities are not formed for innovation, they are formed to carry out public purpose functions. Government is basically outsourcing what would be a government function to a quasi (the tax implications are a subsidy) private sector entity. This allows us to judge the performance of the entity by donating to it, or not. Because we live in an open society, the media and other entities can give commentaries about the organization. I think Katrina illustrated the difference in performance between the Red Cross, and FEMA.

228   Randy H   2007 Sep 13, 3:04am  


I used to roll my eyes when I’d hear someone saying, well I’ll just sell when prices start to turn. In a downturn, holding out just compounds the problem for the seller.

Overconfidence bias. Nearly 80% of drivers rate themselves as "significantly above average" when asked. Nearly 100% of drivers doubt they will ever be in a serious accident. Both are examples of irrational, but entirely natural beliefs that directly inform behavior.

I assure you that every single person sitting in a house who has some means to ride it out thinks they will be the last man standing, even if everyone else folds. Enough of this behavior in aggregate seriously affects the market.

And as for foreclosures clearing the market, I am skeptical as to how well this works as a market mechanism. Foreclosures certainly force the price down on the margins, that is undeniable. But housing is not an efficient market, thus prices are not by and large set marginally. The supply curve is "kinked", so foreclosure prices only affect sellers on the same kink of the supply curve. Others will continue to hold out until they either get their price or are forced to sell themselves, either through foreclosure or other means.

And foreclosures are slow, even slower during high volume periods, subject to government interventions like bail-outs, temporary moratoriums, and self-administered "restructuring" settlements by lenders. Again, the more foreclosures, the more likely intervention occurs. When i was a kid in the 70s in Ohio many counties extend eviction periods and some Sheriffs departments started refusing to evict, owners or tenants. Eventually this was corrected, but it took over a year and a lot of hubbub. There is an old lady somewhere up in Henry County, Ohio who's been sitting in a long-since foreclosed farmhouse for I think over 5 years now. No one will evict her, and she'll probably be allowed to squat there till she dies. The local bank holds the title, but they know they'll lose half their business if they chase her onto the street. Not everywhere goes like Flint, MI. Lots of little towns dotting the countryside of this land are sticky in their own way.

229   Malcolm   2007 Sep 13, 3:15am  

I accept all of this as factual Randy, but your original conclusion is correct. You can only delay, not prevent the inevitable. The market has all kinds of forces, and kinks, any market has them. Bad weather for a crop type is one. Even looking at it (you almost hint at this model) as a cartel model, sooner or later people have to start undercutting each other, and the seller psychology, can quickly turn to dumping panic.

BTW, while I believe housing behaves like a commodity, this is one area which I further agree with you shows that it is not a true commodity. Mr Fence Sitter doesn't HAVE to buy a house, he has the option of renting it, or even more creative subsitutions, while someone with a car does have to buy gasoline, and does need to buy eggs.

230   Allah   2007 Sep 13, 3:43am  

From the article on sticky prices:

This behavior appears to bear some resonance with the macroeconomic and new Keynesian literature regarding sticky prices and the microfoundations of price rigidities. Blinder (1982), for example, suggests that commodity prices are more likely to be sticky downwards when goods are storable.

When this applies to real estate, it means that if the seller is able to hold off selling the house (goods are storable), prices can be sticky. The key words here are “able to”.

First we have those sheeple that are nearing a rate reset; most of them aren’t even able to lower their price enough to generate interest because of the price they paid (they can’t sell for less than they paid); that would explain their stickiness, but this stickiness expires when the loan resets. When the bank gets the house, they may even hold off on selling it at a colossal loss (their own stickiness), but that will only last until their inventories rise too high and/or the comps come in lower.

Then you have those who have lots of (theoretical) equity in their house; perhaps those who bought before the bubble or just when it was getting started. Many of these people were intoxicated with the forever rising prices and they are convinced that their houses are worth what they think they are; classic denial. Many of them will hold out thinking the market will get better, but some of them will eventually start chopping their prices to find where the buyers start to become interested (this is happening now in my area). When the few buyers (knife catchers) that are out there start to bite, the comps they generate will knock more of the sellers that are in denial back to reality forcing them to cut as well. It kind of creates a strong urgency to cut and run; not too much differently than a stock market crash. This will cause a spiral in prices which breaks out of the sticky logic.

You cannot compare this market to any other in the past because this time there were so many houses built which makes supply incredibly high; add to that the high number of people who will lose their house further increasing supply.

At the same time, prices are so high because they are based on monthly payments at teaser rates using toxic loans that are now becoming non-existent. This causes the demand to be extremely lean (that’s why I say, “Without monopoly money, you can’t pay monopoly prices”); add to that the fear of overpaying and you have a record low demand.

Real house prices appear to exhibit some price rigidity, reacting more readily to positively lagged changes than to negative lagged changes in prices. Homeowners may be reacting to negative market changes by temporarily holding off from listing or releasing for sale existing housing stock. Alternatively, buyers and sellers may simply be adjusting to market conditions, with both sides trying to account for past and future predicted price movements.

This article was published at the end of 2006 at which time sellers in my area seemed to be reluctant to cut their price. It is now 9 months later and school season has begun; in my area, many sellers are cutting their prices 4 or 5 times (or more) in just the past few weeks. There seems to be an urgency for them to get out and based on the inventories, there doesn’t seem to be any urgency to buy. Although this has also to do with the fear of overpaying, I think it is more a liquidity issue from tighter lending standards. The cookie jar of money is running dry and when the sellers all finally acknowledge this (future predicted price movements.), I think the bottom will fall out.

Sorry for the long post, but I just had to drop my opinion here. You are free to disagree if you want, this is just my opinion.

231   astrid   2007 Sep 13, 3:47am  


First of all, I'm very wary of government dollars indirectly funding quasi government organizations. It's one thing if the funding is direct and I can expect some accountability (though that is sadly missing in the current administration + congress), quite another to expect me to subsidize someone else's pet project without any real expectation of oversight.

Secondly, I would take Clinton era FEMA over Red Cross. In fact, one of my friends works for a competing blood bank and she thinks very poorly of the Red Cross. Just because something is private sector does not make it an unadulterated good, quite often, the reverse is true. Many charitable trusts run more for the benefit of people running the charity than whatever they claim to be for. In my opinion, that money would be better off in the government coffers or heirs' hands than in hundred year trusts.

232   Glen   2007 Sep 13, 4:02am  

Astrid said:

Many charitable trusts run more for the benefit of people running the charity than whatever they claim to be for. In my opinion, that money would be better off in the government coffers or heirs’ hands than in hundred year trusts.

Exactly. And let's not forget our esteemed institutions of higher learning. The tax status loophole has allowed them to build endowments into the tens of billions of dollars in some cases (even as they continue to jack up tuition at a rate much greater than generalized inflation). Then the fund managers who invest this money end up squandering it by investing in leveraged portfolios of toxic mortgage derivatives. See...it all comes back around to the housing bubble...

Good point about Clinton-era FEMA. Government isn't always or inevitably operated by incompetent and corrupt screw-ups.

233   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 4:07am  



Please to note, all nine criteria must be met in order to be able to write off all of the eligible points in the year paid. Re-fi's (even if on your primary) are generally *not eligible!

2nd. homes (a whole other topic) do *not qualify.

Malcom in theory is correct however how many REP's (real estate partiers) can be bothered with this level of detail?

234   Randy H   2007 Sep 13, 4:09am  


Do you intend to carry on until I cut you off just so you can march around crying about how unfair life is? You're done talking about stickiness, in any form or fashion, on my threads. Whine to someone else if you don't like it, I've had it with your stubbornness. You're too dimwitted to realize all you're doing is describing stickiness over and over and over and over and then authoritatively proclaiming it'll be sticky until it's not sticky, and therefore it isn't sticky. You were wrong dude. Move on. Having an opinion about something you don't understand isn't really an opinion, it's ignorance. Read a little more and copy/paste links a little less and you might learn some as you go.

235   Peter P   2007 Sep 13, 4:23am  

Correct Astrid, innovation comes from commercial (taxable) ventures. Charities are not formed for innovation, they are formed to carry out public purpose functions.

I would never trust anyone who claims to be void of the profit motive.

236   Peter P   2007 Sep 13, 4:27am  

You’re too dimwitted to realize all you’re doing is describing stickiness over and over and over and over and then authoritatively proclaiming it’ll be sticky until it’s not sticky, and therefore it isn’t sticky.

Perhaps he should have some mango sticky rice. That should inject some sense into him. :)

237   DinOR   2007 Sep 13, 4:27am  

One firm I used to work for (back in the day) had a phone number that was (1) digit off from the Portland Opera. Usually it was grandparents calling to see if "we" were still open so they could take the kids to see it one time before it closed for good.

238   skibum   2007 Sep 13, 4:27am  

When I said that prices would lose their stickiness, the argument is that while they may be sticky for a while (because of their own internal logic), they will eventually break and prices will collapse. Once some of the sellers decide to cut their price, driving comps down in the area, I believe others will panic and cut as well.

Allah (and Randy),

I think some of the disagreement is semantic. This statement above is exactly the "stickiness" that Randy is describing - prices stuck for a while, and then sudden lunges downward once in a while. Perhaps a better term than "stickiness" would be "herky-jerkyness."

239   Duke   2007 Sep 13, 4:37am  


I am sure you know this, but just an FYI to everyone else: Props 60 and 90 can possibly allow you to move and keep your prop 13 basis.

240   Bruce   2007 Sep 13, 4:39am  

Randy H,

I like attending recitals or chamber concerts held at college or conservatory campuses. They're pretty much come-as-you-are, the programs are often more interesting and varied, the attendees are generally there for the music, and the performers are usually really fine rather than merely famous.

I do attend opera here, but I know what I'm in for when I do - just as you describe.

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