The problem with Socialism

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2010 Sep 23, 11:39am   53,744 views  392 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The problem with socialism is that you always run out of someone else's money." Socialist Europe is collapsing under its own weight after years of attempting to provide something for just about everyone. Socialized retirement systems (like our own SS) are nothing other than glorified Ponzi schemes, with more and more new payers needed to fund the ever growing number of retirees. Our own SS is bankrupt. Every administration since LBJ has removed the annual surplus, applied it to general fund spending (on average, $300 Billion annually), and replaced those funds with worthless, IOUs ... special T-bonds that cannot be sold on the open market.

Is the following a preview of what is coming to the USA?


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51   kentm   2010 Sep 29, 5:07pm  

Honest Abe says

Where did you go to school?

You know, I'd like, at this point, to know a bit more about YOU, Abe Sapien.

How old are you, roughly? Where do you live? What was your occupation? and your pops? Tell me and I'll share mine back.

52   Honest Abe   2010 Sep 30, 8:42am  

Apparently not many on this site understand that America is crumbling around you. Apparently you agree with the course of action our "wise" representatives have chosen. Apparently you support the notion that a debt and spending problem can be cured with more debt and more spending. Apparently you are in denial. Denial is willful and deliberate ignorance.

I know what you don't. You choose not to learn. So be it.

53   Vicente   2010 Sep 30, 9:43am  

Every day people wake and start a new day. Babies are born. Crops are brought in. Cows milked. Ventures formed. Old hurts forgiven. New relationships start.

Consider that perhaps the sucking whirlpool of decay and blackness, exists in your mind. I had a friend I eventually eased away from, because for them everything was crumbling every day, and who wants to listen to griping every day of their lives? Not me.

Some folks in 1930's thought the world was going to hell, and would only end with the Rapture. It didn't.

54   kentm   2010 Sep 30, 9:58am  

Honest Abe says

So be it.

Does that mean to imply that we won't see any more posts from you? Great.

If America, the great bastion of Capitalism, is crumbling and the socialist nightmares like Canada and Norway are doing very well, well what do you conclude? That you might at the very least begin to look at some of the reasons for their stability?

Obama is not the solution, but near as I can tell your solutions are the problem. This country could benefit greatly from an open discussion about socialism...

Here's an article for you in parting:

The Dismantling of Civilized Society
By David Michael Green, a professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York.

some highlights:

"In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan presented America with a set of economic lies so transparent that even a monster like George H. W. Bush called them "voodoo economics""...

"This week Republicans once again have issued a manifesto calling for slashing taxes on billionaires and cutting deficits, all at the same time. And once again they will win big electoral landslide victories in November despite that patent idiocy. Or perhaps because of it."

"On the one hand, I don't blame Americans for voting for the party that isn't the Democratic Party this fall. Obama and crew are miserable failures,"

"And second, because 'the alternative' to the Democrats are the very folks who put us in these crises to start with, and they are now explicitly devoted to making conditions even worse for ordinary Americans."

"Perhaps their lies are more plausible because they have promised to cut spending. It's just that there are two little caveats they hope you won't notice. First, that they somehow miraculously fail to specify in advance of the election what they intend to cut. ...that what they are proposing is to mathematics what a dropped object falling upward would be to physics?"

55   marcus   2010 Sep 30, 1:59pm  

Honest Abe says

left leaning democrats, liberals, progressives and socialists put government first and foremost. Apparently they believe government can solve all of societies real and perceived problems. What they conveniently forget is that government doesn’t create wealth, it only confiscates it. In other words to provide for some, government must take (by force) from others. Ultimately people become unwilling pawns in the government’s game of dominance and control. That doesn’t sound like “freedom” does it? Could that be the reason so many Amreicans are so angry now?

I don't believe this guy is a real person. It's someone just trying to piss people off with one straw man after another. Abe has no realistic solutions, and his obsessive focus is social spending which isn't even significant unless you include social security and Medicare.

I don't think he's real because it's impossible for someone to be simultaneously so arrogant and and at the same time so stupid. All I hear is bluster, ego and ignorance.

56   nope   2010 Sep 30, 4:02pm  

kentm says

If America, the great bastion of Capitalism, is crumbling and the socialist nightmares like Canada and Norway are doing very well, well what do you conclude?

Now wait there a second.

Canada and the US *DO NOT* have a system that is very different. They spend money on health care, we spend it on the military. The basic, fundamental models are more or less identical. Canada pays for their spending with high taxes, and the US pays for it by borrowing it from China. Unemployment rates are similar (US is currently higher, but historically canada's is much much higher). Canada has less debt, and lower per capita GDP.

Norway is interesting, but hardly something you can model on. They have a state-owned oil monopoly that keeps unemployment low and provides lots of domestic income. You might as well compare the US with Saudi Arabia. Countries without that oil reserve, like France or Germany, have to find other means to pay the bills.

When Norway runs out of oil, they'll be in the same position as any other wealthy European country, all of which have problems easily comparable to those of the US.

57   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 1:33am  

marcus says

Abe has no realistic solutions, and his obsessive focus is social spending which isn’t even significant unless you include social security and Medicare.

Have you ever considered the amount of money that is spent, i.e. wasted, on the administrative end of "social spending?" The federal government is the nation's biggest employer, by far, and that doesn't even include the military. In fact, all governments in the USA (city, county, state) employ a huge "work" force that is mainly unproductive and yet receive high salaries and benefits for doing next to nothing. I think that's what Abe and other conservatives on this site complain about; the incredible size and waste that constitutes "government" in all its forms.

Years ago during my idealistic and naïve youth I worked for a consumer protection agency on the local government level. I also served several years as the supervisor of that department. I could probably write a book about the waste that I observed everywhere I looked. Since then, the number of employees has almost doubled and the salaries have sky rocketed! I am totally convinced, having observed it first hand, that there is nothing on planet earth that is more wasteful than government. Why liberals think the expansion of government is a good thing is something that continues to amaze me.

58   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 1, 3:50am  

Ray, I read and re-read the last two sentences of your post which is a great summary of reality. Liberals, rather than control spending, prefer to control people.

59   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 3:58am  

I told you before the number of people on government payrolls hasn't 'sky-rocketed, it hasn't increased since around 1965. What has sky-rocketed is the number of 'contract' employees on gov payroll, which means PRIVATE companies, which means when you attack the government based on employment rolls you're attacking private companies, which means I have no idea WTF you're talking about other than I think you're confused.

This is actually kind of how I picture you:
> In fact, all governments in the USA
I see we've finally hit at the REAL reason the US economy is in terrible straights - its not the speculative bets and constant leveraging on non-existent financial inventions, its not the excessive military spending, its not the bubble minded build and bust mentality of companies who place short term profit over long term growth & stability, its not the accounting tricks meant to cover years of poor financial policy decisions... its the guys who work at the DMV. Brilliant.

> Waste on social spending...
It depends on what you mean by waste. Is it your aim that EVERY single facet of every single everything in gov services be a gigantic profit generating machine?

In the same vein, have you noticed the latest Republican offering for a budget? It basically comes down to this: "Let the sick and stupid idiots huddle and die in fear while the country burns around them." I'm paraphrasing. By "Sick & stupid idiots" and "them" I mean, you, me and everyone in the US who isn't in the top 5 percent. Is that your ideal?

60   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 4:00am  

Kevin says

Now wait there a second.

Canada and the US *DO NOT* have a system that is very different.

Everything you quoted are points that amount to VERY radical differences. Other difference include pretty radical perspectives on regulation and oversight...

Canada's taxes aren't actually all that much higher, and particularly so when you factor in such things that they get for their taxes such as Healthcare, a decent public education system.

61   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 1, 4:13am  

Marcus, I'm stupid? At least I know there is no such thing as a "free lunch". At least I know there are consequences to excess spending. At least I understand the law of unintended consequences. At least I know how excess regulations strangle employers and kill jobs. At least I understand a fiat currency ultimately isn't worth the paper its printed on. At least I know 2 + 2 = 4. All that makes me a LOT smarter than YOU.

And FYI, I have 30 or 40 realistic solutions to our countries problems. You won't want to hear them, however, because they require responsible actions from our trustworthy politicians. And by your posts, I can tell you are at least as responsible as our trustworthy politicians, hahaha.

62   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 4:21am  

marcus says

I don’t think he’s real because it’s impossible for someone to be simultaneously so arrogant and and at the same time so stupid. All I hear is bluster, ego and ignorance.

I think I agree, 100 percent.

63   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 4:23am  

Honest Abe says

And FYI, I have 30 or 40 realistic solutions to our countries problems.

Please, post them!

64   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 1, 4:47am  

I don't have the time necessary (I'm at work). So I'll just start out with three:

(1) Put an immediate cap on all spending.

(2) Stop inflating and devaluing the dollar.

(3) Privatize failing government programs.

65   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 5:08am  

Thanks, I'm looking forward to the rest of them.

Please define "failing".

66   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 1, 5:23am  

Failing = more expense than income. The end result is the loss is forced upon the taxpayer, again and again and again. Clear examples are Amtrak and Fanny Mae.

(I'm still at work)

67   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 5:34am  

OK, but I have to point out that by this definition the entire military budget is counted as "failing", you are aware of that, yes?

68   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 6:22am  

kentm says

I told you before the number of people on government payrolls hasn’t ’sky-rocketed, it hasn’t increased since around 1965.

You might find dumber comments posted on Patrick.net, but I doubt it. It's really amazing how libs post such idiotic statements as if they can't be easily proven to be totally false. Nice try Kentm. Too bad those facts just keep getting in your way. LOL


69   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 6:30am  

kentm says

Please define “failing”.

Liberals seem to have a problem with defining simple words. Clinton struggled with "it depends what the meaning of the word "is" is," and "it depends on what is meant by "alone."

Kent .... Put your thinking cap on. Here's a hint to help you on the meaning of the word "failing." It's the opposite of "succeeding."

70   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 6:40am  

Thanks for the link. I assumed 'government' meant Federal. I should have been clearer. Its hard to know what you two mean, you jump around so much in your posts.

...and facts don't "Keep" getting in my way, I don't think you've shown one - aside from the one above - case where something I've posted has been factually incorrect. I'm usually the one who posts links to facts and you're usually the one with broad blanket statements such as "libs post such idiotic statements".

I'll look into getting some numbers on contract vs. public employees if I can get around to it...

So anyway then since we're discussing both Federal AND local governments, case scenario: consider the salary of the mayor of a town. The mayor does not directly 'bring in' any cashflow to justify their salary. Is this considered a 'failing' position?

71   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 6:48am  

RayAmerica says

Kent …. Put your thinking cap on. Here’s a hint to help you on the meaning of the word “failing.” It’s the opposite of “succeeding.”

I could put my thinking cap up my bum and it would help as much with getting to the ideas behind your shifting wordplays and definitions.

I'm trying once again to actually understand what the thought process is behind these continuously angry and aggressive little posts you two make. And when you're talking about something as monstrously broad as "Privatize failing government programs" well then yeah I do need a definition. Because for example is a program considered 'failing' when the program fails to meet its own conceptual mandates or when it fails to meet some arbitrary set of financial standards. Two very different things, right?...

72   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 1, 7:32am  

Kentm, maybe I should have been more specific. Rather than saying "privatize failing government programs", I should have stated "privatize failing government run businesses". The federal government has no business being in the railroad/people transportation business (Amtrak) or in the residential loan business (Fannie Mae) ESPECIALLY (yes I'm screaming) when they continue to lose money.

As a direct consequence, the financially strapped taxpayer is forced to make up the loss by our benevolent government. Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

73   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 9:35am  

Okay, thanks for the definition.

> Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

Well that depends on the benefits provided to society and the degree of effective public oversight and accountability...

For example, personally I think gov is the best solution for heathcare for the simple reason that I think a human being and the quality of their life should not be considered as simply a resource for generating profit. In this context the government is the only system in our society thats capable of being impartial because profit is not a motive, and that the real need is for public accountability.

'Business' exists for one purpose only and thats to generate profit or consolidate capital.

But anyway I'm at work too, so I don't want to go on right now and I don't want to get into a debate until you post more points... I look forward to the rest of your points.

74   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 9:43am  

kentm says

In this case the government is the only system in our society thats capable of being impartial because profit is not a motive, and that the real need is for public accountability.

Pure fantasy. As long as government is made up of human beings, it will never be impartial. As far as "public accountability" is concerned, how did that accountability work out for the "hundreds of billions worth of fraud" that Obama himself said took place in just Medicaid and Medicare alone? The fact is; there is an awful lot that goes on in government that the taxpayers not only don't know about, but the numerous obstacles to finding out real, factual information make finding anything substantial almost insurmountable.

75   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 10:00am  

The problem with anti-socialists is, they'd like to abolish all social safety nets, and preferably murder any "weak" elements. The lame, the old, anyone who can't pull the plow every day. Usually they couch this as putting them on the ice floe, or letting them "sink or swim" but the distinction is without a difference. That's the endpoint of being against socialism.

76   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 10:09am  

> Pure fantasy. As long as government...

I said "capable of being impartial". Business by design is never capable of it. Ever notice how corporations have manged to teach us to call each other not "human beings" but "consumers". A virus is a consumer, I'm capable of more. Are you?

> how did that accountability work out for the “hundreds of billions worth of fraud” that Obama himself said took place in just Medicaid and Medicare alone?

Probably the same way it worked out for the millions looted via Enron etc... and anyway private business is a HUGE part of medicare/aid... As I said, accountability and oversight is necessary, and in that I mean in both public and private.

You sound like a kid who was beaten up in a sandbox once and is now devoted to denying other kids the fun of playing in the sand.

Anyway, this has been a bit more fun than the usual exchange but its time to go meet my friends for pizza and you're making me sad.

I look forward to those points...

77   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 10:30am  

Vicente says

The problem with anti-socialists is, they’d like to abolish all social safety nets, and preferably murder any “weak” elements. The lame, the old, anyone who can’t pull the plow every day.

Interesting comment. Is that why euthanasia, abortion (is the innocent baby ... sorry ... "fetus" a "weak element?) etc. is so popular in socialist societies? Judging from history, I think you need to remove the "anti" in front of your "anti-socialists" quote.

78   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 11:05am  

I'm not aware that euthanasia and abortion are socialist inventions. I suppose you classify the ancient peoples as socialists though. We all refer to the Eskimo leaving Granny on the ice, but it predates the Inuit. Ditto for abortion which is hardly a modern invention. In Numbers 5:18 in the Bible seems like it's talking about an abortificant being given to a woman. Modern anti-socialists are far too cowardly for outright euthanasia though, they prefer to hide behind "survival of the fittest" language instead and promulgate a system that ensures medical care goes mostly to the "fittest".

79   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 11:44am  

Man I love anti-socialists, for instance they don't like socialist public fire stations. They'd prefer a house burn down because the resident hadn't paid fees in advance:


80   Â¥   2010 Oct 1, 12:31pm  

Vicente says

Modern anti-socialists are far too cowardly for outright euthanasia though, they prefer to hide behind “survival of the fittest” language instead and promulgate a system that ensures medical care goes mostly to the “fittest”.

"devil take the hindmost" is their ethos

81   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 12:40pm  

Honest Abe says

At least I know...

You and I both know our economy and our government are seriously messed up. The difference is you think you have all the answers. And you repeatedly claim one overly simplistic mantra, that it's the fault of liberals and their policies. You know,... the policies that might not benefit your corporate overlords.

By corporate overlords, I mean the entities that indirectly or directly pay the people who have conned you and programmed you with all of your anti liberal hysteria.

82   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 12:49pm  

Honest Abe says

Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

In the case of Chrysler back in the early 80s, and GM in 2008, definitely. IF they hadn't bailed GM out, Ford might have been gone too, because of the supply chain failing (due to all the money GM owed them - I know Ray disagrees about Ford, but we had that argument before. I and others showed him quotes right and left, and data, but he put his fingers in his ears and said, "I can't hear you la la la la la la la la la la." And then he repeated a few more times that the government didn't bail Ford out).

The best proof was the price of Ford's stock, and Fords suppliers stock before the government bailed GM out.

So, yeah, I guess when American car companies are totally back up and doing great, you and Ray can talk about how there shouldn't be any American car companies anymore, except for the branches of Toyota, Honda, Hyunda, etc.

Honest Abe says

Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

Another way of framing it:

I thank my government for making such an excellent investment on my behalf. Thank goodness they were able to do it. Not just for the awesome financial return it will provide, but also because I like the continued existence of american car manufacturers.

84   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 1:52pm  


85   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 1:56pm  

There aren't all that many cool cars under $30K anymore. I have to say, this is a very cool car. Although to be honest, I don't know anything more than how it looks.

86   Â¥   2010 Oct 1, 2:33pm  

^ as a Miata owner I approve :) It was getting so hot here I actually pulled the hardtop off this August, first time since 2002 I've driven with the top down.

87   nope   2010 Oct 1, 6:12pm  

Honest Abe says

I don’t have the time necessary (I’m at work). So I’ll just start out with three:
(1) Put an immediate cap on all spending.

I agree. Lets start with the military.

(2) Stop inflating and devaluing the dollar.

Already done.

(3) Privatize failing government programs.

Already done. Why do you think there are so many mercenaries being employed in Afghanistan?

88   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 2, 1:35am  

marcus says

I know Ray disagrees about Ford, but we had that argument before. I and others showed him quotes right and left, and data, but he put his fingers in his ears and said, “I can’t hear you la la la la la la la la la la.” And then he repeated a few more times that the government didn’t bail Ford out).

The Gray Lady disagrees with Marcus. One Lib source against another Lib source. Who is right? The New York Times or Marcus? LOL


89   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 2, 1:36am  

marcus says

So, yeah, I guess when American car companies are totally back up and doing great, you and Ray can talk about how there shouldn’t be any American car companies anymore, except for the branches of Toyota, Honda, Hyunda, etc.

Never said that and neither did Abe, so the question is, why are you lying?

90   bob2356   2010 Oct 2, 5:07am  

Honest Abe says

The federal government has no business being in the railroad/people transportation business (Amtrak)

Interesting, should the government also get out of subsidizing the highway and air travel business? How about the internet business? How about electricity? Or is it only the things you don't personally use that the government should get out of?

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