The problem with Socialism

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2010 Sep 23, 11:39am   53,743 views  392 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The problem with socialism is that you always run out of someone else's money." Socialist Europe is collapsing under its own weight after years of attempting to provide something for just about everyone. Socialized retirement systems (like our own SS) are nothing other than glorified Ponzi schemes, with more and more new payers needed to fund the ever growing number of retirees. Our own SS is bankrupt. Every administration since LBJ has removed the annual surplus, applied it to general fund spending (on average, $300 Billion annually), and replaced those funds with worthless, IOUs ... special T-bonds that cannot be sold on the open market.

Is the following a preview of what is coming to the USA?


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74   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 9:43am  

kentm says

In this case the government is the only system in our society thats capable of being impartial because profit is not a motive, and that the real need is for public accountability.

Pure fantasy. As long as government is made up of human beings, it will never be impartial. As far as "public accountability" is concerned, how did that accountability work out for the "hundreds of billions worth of fraud" that Obama himself said took place in just Medicaid and Medicare alone? The fact is; there is an awful lot that goes on in government that the taxpayers not only don't know about, but the numerous obstacles to finding out real, factual information make finding anything substantial almost insurmountable.

75   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 10:00am  

The problem with anti-socialists is, they'd like to abolish all social safety nets, and preferably murder any "weak" elements. The lame, the old, anyone who can't pull the plow every day. Usually they couch this as putting them on the ice floe, or letting them "sink or swim" but the distinction is without a difference. That's the endpoint of being against socialism.

76   kentm   2010 Oct 1, 10:09am  

> Pure fantasy. As long as government...

I said "capable of being impartial". Business by design is never capable of it. Ever notice how corporations have manged to teach us to call each other not "human beings" but "consumers". A virus is a consumer, I'm capable of more. Are you?

> how did that accountability work out for the “hundreds of billions worth of fraud” that Obama himself said took place in just Medicaid and Medicare alone?

Probably the same way it worked out for the millions looted via Enron etc... and anyway private business is a HUGE part of medicare/aid... As I said, accountability and oversight is necessary, and in that I mean in both public and private.

You sound like a kid who was beaten up in a sandbox once and is now devoted to denying other kids the fun of playing in the sand.

Anyway, this has been a bit more fun than the usual exchange but its time to go meet my friends for pizza and you're making me sad.

I look forward to those points...

77   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 1, 10:30am  

Vicente says

The problem with anti-socialists is, they’d like to abolish all social safety nets, and preferably murder any “weak” elements. The lame, the old, anyone who can’t pull the plow every day.

Interesting comment. Is that why euthanasia, abortion (is the innocent baby ... sorry ... "fetus" a "weak element?) etc. is so popular in socialist societies? Judging from history, I think you need to remove the "anti" in front of your "anti-socialists" quote.

78   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 11:05am  

I'm not aware that euthanasia and abortion are socialist inventions. I suppose you classify the ancient peoples as socialists though. We all refer to the Eskimo leaving Granny on the ice, but it predates the Inuit. Ditto for abortion which is hardly a modern invention. In Numbers 5:18 in the Bible seems like it's talking about an abortificant being given to a woman. Modern anti-socialists are far too cowardly for outright euthanasia though, they prefer to hide behind "survival of the fittest" language instead and promulgate a system that ensures medical care goes mostly to the "fittest".

79   Vicente   2010 Oct 1, 11:44am  

Man I love anti-socialists, for instance they don't like socialist public fire stations. They'd prefer a house burn down because the resident hadn't paid fees in advance:


80   Â¥   2010 Oct 1, 12:31pm  

Vicente says

Modern anti-socialists are far too cowardly for outright euthanasia though, they prefer to hide behind “survival of the fittest” language instead and promulgate a system that ensures medical care goes mostly to the “fittest”.

"devil take the hindmost" is their ethos

81   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 12:40pm  

Honest Abe says

At least I know...

You and I both know our economy and our government are seriously messed up. The difference is you think you have all the answers. And you repeatedly claim one overly simplistic mantra, that it's the fault of liberals and their policies. You know,... the policies that might not benefit your corporate overlords.

By corporate overlords, I mean the entities that indirectly or directly pay the people who have conned you and programmed you with all of your anti liberal hysteria.

82   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 12:49pm  

Honest Abe says

Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

In the case of Chrysler back in the early 80s, and GM in 2008, definitely. IF they hadn't bailed GM out, Ford might have been gone too, because of the supply chain failing (due to all the money GM owed them - I know Ray disagrees about Ford, but we had that argument before. I and others showed him quotes right and left, and data, but he put his fingers in his ears and said, "I can't hear you la la la la la la la la la la." And then he repeated a few more times that the government didn't bail Ford out).

The best proof was the price of Ford's stock, and Fords suppliers stock before the government bailed GM out.

So, yeah, I guess when American car companies are totally back up and doing great, you and Ray can talk about how there shouldn't be any American car companies anymore, except for the branches of Toyota, Honda, Hyunda, etc.

Honest Abe says

Do you think forcing taxpayers to maintain a failing business is the proper function of our government?

Another way of framing it:

I thank my government for making such an excellent investment on my behalf. Thank goodness they were able to do it. Not just for the awesome financial return it will provide, but also because I like the continued existence of american car manufacturers.

84   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 1:52pm  


85   marcus   2010 Oct 1, 1:56pm  

There aren't all that many cool cars under $30K anymore. I have to say, this is a very cool car. Although to be honest, I don't know anything more than how it looks.

86   Â¥   2010 Oct 1, 2:33pm  

^ as a Miata owner I approve :) It was getting so hot here I actually pulled the hardtop off this August, first time since 2002 I've driven with the top down.

87   nope   2010 Oct 1, 6:12pm  

Honest Abe says

I don’t have the time necessary (I’m at work). So I’ll just start out with three:
(1) Put an immediate cap on all spending.

I agree. Lets start with the military.

(2) Stop inflating and devaluing the dollar.

Already done.

(3) Privatize failing government programs.

Already done. Why do you think there are so many mercenaries being employed in Afghanistan?

88   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 2, 1:35am  

marcus says

I know Ray disagrees about Ford, but we had that argument before. I and others showed him quotes right and left, and data, but he put his fingers in his ears and said, “I can’t hear you la la la la la la la la la la.” And then he repeated a few more times that the government didn’t bail Ford out).

The Gray Lady disagrees with Marcus. One Lib source against another Lib source. Who is right? The New York Times or Marcus? LOL


89   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 2, 1:36am  

marcus says

So, yeah, I guess when American car companies are totally back up and doing great, you and Ray can talk about how there shouldn’t be any American car companies anymore, except for the branches of Toyota, Honda, Hyunda, etc.

Never said that and neither did Abe, so the question is, why are you lying?

90   bob2356   2010 Oct 2, 5:07am  

Honest Abe says

The federal government has no business being in the railroad/people transportation business (Amtrak)

Interesting, should the government also get out of subsidizing the highway and air travel business? How about the internet business? How about electricity? Or is it only the things you don't personally use that the government should get out of?

91   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 2, 6:56am  

Kevin - OMG, what factual information do you have that shows the government is NOT inflating our currency and devaluing the dollar? There is no such information. and you are simply WRONG.

Next, what factual information do you have that shows the government is privatizing failing government businesses?

You simply don't understand the difference between "privatize"and "socialize". Why not look them up? I also recommend you go to these sites: Dollar Collapse and 321 Gold. Look around and read a variety of the posts - you'll learn a lot.

BoB - "Centralization of the means of TRANSPORTATION in the hands of the State" is part of the COMMUNIST MANEFISTO. How can you denounce communism and support it at the same time? I know the answer - you sir, and those like you, support socialism, communism, the nanny state, soft tyranny, the road to serfdom, and government control of everything.

If you owned a rental house that lost money each and every month wouldn't you want to sell the house to end the losses? Or are you just stupid?

What you cannot accept is the fact that honest, hardworking taxpayers should NOT BE FORCED by the government to support ANY failing business. Government force - against the will of the people - is tyranny.

92   marcus   2010 Oct 2, 7:34am  

RayAmerica says

The Gray Lady disagrees with Marcus. One Lib source against another Lib source. Who is right? The New York Times or Marcus? LOL

Wow, you found an article about Ford. You've gotten pretty good with this whole internet usage Ray.

I'm not going to repeat an argument we had before. Besides for you arguing is all about not hearing what the other person says anyway.

RayAmerica says

Never said that and neither did Abe, so the question is, why are you lying?

Not going to try to help you understand how logic works either. You've made it quite clear that it's not your thing. But for the other readers:

When Abe and Ray object to government temporarily involving itself in business, including bailouts of Chrysler and GM, this is no different than saying that you don't want any American car companies to exist anymore.

93   RayAmerica   2010 Oct 2, 8:08am  

marcus says

When Abe and Ray object to government temporarily involving itself in business, including bailouts of Chrysler and GM, this is no different than saying that you don’t want any American car companies to exist anymore.

Funny little thing I noticed; you didn't include "Ford" in your bailout comment. I guess you're beginning to see the light. There's hope for everyone. LOL !

94   nope   2010 Oct 2, 8:09am  

Honest Abe says

Kevin - OMG, what factual information do you have that shows the government is NOT inflating our currency and devaluing the dollar? There is no such information. and you are simply WRONG.
Next, what factual information do you have that shows the government is privatizing failing government businesses?
You simply don’t understand the difference between “privatize”and “socialize”. Why not look them up? I also recommend you go to these sites: Dollar Collapse and 321 Gold. Look around and read a variety of the posts - you’ll learn a lot.
BoB - “Centralization of the means of TRANSPORTATION in the hands of the State” is part of the COMMUNIST MANEFISTO. How can you denounce communism and support it at the same time? I know the answer - you sir, and those like you, support socialism, communism, the nanny state, soft tyranny, the road to serfdom, and government control of everything.
If you owned a rental house that lost money each and every month wouldn’t you want to sell the house to end the losses? Or are you just stupid?
What you cannot accept is the fact that honest, hardworking taxpayers should NOT BE FORCED by the government to support ANY failing business. Government force - against the will of the people - is tyranny.

Inflation is near zero right now.

Most medicare and military spending goes to private companies.
Socialism is government ownership of resources. You can argue that our ownership of gm is socialist. Paying privat military contractors is not socialism, its just fucked up.

95   nope   2010 Oct 2, 8:13am  

Oh, and I do agree that the corporate welfare that we give to military contractors and health care providers in the form of medicare I outrageous.

Its absurd to cry foul over loans made to gm while ignoring the trillions going to defense contractors and doctors though.

96   marcus   2010 Oct 2, 9:41am  

RayAmerica says

Funny little thing I noticed; you didn’t include “Ford” in your bailout comment

I never said that the government bailed Ford out. I only said that Ford very likely would have gone under if the government hadn't bailed out GM and the parts suppliers. This is common knowledge that is accepted by all. Note I didn't say Ford definitely would have gone under. That can't be known. Only that there is a very good chance that it would have.

This was argued to death in another thread. Actually I and others made the case. Ray just repeated over and over that the government didn't bail out Ford. He never did, and probably won't now address whether or not the bailout indirectly may have saved Ford.

97   elliemae   2010 Oct 2, 4:19pm  


It is clear.

We need to know what you're smoking so that we can see your "clarity." It's not so clear when we're sober.

98   Vicente   2010 Oct 2, 5:30pm  


It is clear.
The time for the end of this experiment in stalinism to end is long past.
Cut taxes to zero.
Dismiss all government workers.
Plant potatoes.

I like the cut of your jib. Promoting potatoes is the clincher.


99   nope   2010 Oct 2, 7:32pm  


It is clear.
The time for the end of this experiment in stalinism to end is long past.
Cut taxes to zero.
Dismiss all government workers.
Plant potatoes.

You know who else planted potatoes? The soviets.

Real capitalists subsist entirely on meat slaughtered with our own bare hands.

100   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 3, 1:04am  

I've been on both sides of the fence. I grew up in a strictly democratic family. My father was a union rep. for Chrysler Corp. I was a union member and government employee for close to 10 years...UNTIL I CAME TO MY SENSES.

Big "Government", centralized planning, liberal "mentality", socialized insecurity, the nanny state, mis-alocation of resources, theft by inflation, massive financial irresponsibility, over-regulation of whats becoming every aspect of our lives doesn't paint a very pretty picture for America's future.

It has destroyed our currency, caused massive national debt, decimiated peoples wealth and savings, created road-blocks to competition, crushed peoples confidence in our politicians...and a whole lot more. 1984 - here we come.

101   marcus   2010 Oct 3, 2:20am  

Honest Abe says

I’ve been on both sides of the fence

But you're all about bias, not intelligent analysis. Otherwise you would be aware of how far your fence has moved to the right. And you wouldn't need to fit all the complexities and all the problems into one simplistic: uh liberals bad, uh uh republicans good. Me angry.

103   elliemae   2010 Oct 3, 2:24am  

marcus says

uh liberals bad, uh uh republicans good. Me angry.

ummmmmmm, freedom fries!

104   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 3, 3:44am  

Marcus, you got some of my points correct. Lib's, democrats, socialists, progressives, communists, nanny staters, the "its not fair" crowd, the "lets spend America into oblivion" crowd , the "lets level the playing field" crowd, the "forget opportunity - lets make the results equal for everyone" crowd = bad. Republicans = not much better. Freedom and liberty = GOOD.

In America we've evolved from the two party system into the TWO PARTY - ONE PARTY system. In other words, there's not much difference between them. One is terrible for our freedom and liberty, the other one is not much better. The servent has become the master. And big, massive, parasitic, interventionist, empire building, ever growing government is not the answer. It getting pretty obvious that its the problem.

Ron Paul.com
Its not the corporations that are the problem. Its the government which allows and encourages it. The government wants the corruption to continue to get the "payola" in order to win elections. Follow the money.

105   marcus   2010 Oct 3, 6:19am  

Honest Abe says

in America we’ve evolved from the two party system into the TWO PARTY - ONE PARTY system. In other words, there’s not much difference between them.

I agree. Where we disagree is on which party is worse. Your constant anti liberal message misses the point that republicans are far worse. They will spend just as much or more (with SLIGHTLY different priorities) but they will endlessly take care of the rich and corporations at the expense of future generations.

Abe, I just get tired of a message about liberals that is a lie. Okay, so liberals are more socially conscious. It's a difference in priorities, and it's not that significant.

Tell me this Abe. Hypothetical question: If the only choice is between tax and spend versus borrow and spend, where the spending is for the same amount (for the sake of argument say that the spending is on the same things (I know that's asking too much that you let go of that for a minute)),

Then which would you prefer ?

Which would be better for our future ?

Which would be more likely to motivate getting spending under control ?

I would argue tax and spend is better than borrow and spend. And furthermore, I would argue that if it is very progressive, with high incomes taxed much more than they are now, then we would magically get spending under control.

(please notice there are no straw men here, just a simple logical question, please dont answer with all the bs about how I am for a nanny state. that's changing the subject and it's a lie)

106   marcus   2010 Oct 3, 6:29am  

Why don't we temporarily take the top tax rate up to about 60% until spending is brought under control. Bring the tax rates back down when we are running true surplussed again.

Most of the people who impact spending decisions are in the higher tax brackets.

If we did this single thing, and also some very serious campaign finance reform, I say America could be truly great again.

If we were (or are) a real democracy, then this should be possible.

107   Bap33   2010 Oct 3, 7:13am  

all things the same, tax and spend is better than borrow and spend.

taxes used to transfer wealth to unproductive/lazy/unlucky people, is bad

taxes used to buy big guns and bullets to protect all Americans, is good

108   Vicente   2010 Oct 3, 8:31am  

Kevin says

You know who else planted potatoes?

I did not know that. I thought a key element of Stalinist purges was starvation.
But these people apparently liked potatoes too:

potato masher

109   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 4, 11:00am  

Well, it's clear the lower income, under-educated, indentured voters tend to believe the mainstream media and liberal bias. The dependent class, do-gooders, liberals and the like haven't learned to read between the lies, nor do they want to. It might stop their socialistic, dependent, government "do it for me - because I can't do it for myself" agenda.

I used to be a dues paying, unionized, lazy, democratic government worker...for nearly 10 years...until I wised up. I invested a lot of time reading, talking, listening, comparing, analyzing. The lessons in "The Millionaire Next Door", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Secret" "The Richest Man in Babylon" all support opportunity, self-reliance, personal responsibility, living within one's means, having a positive attitude of gratitude, and the like.

It became pretty clear, pretty quick that the positive things I learned were the exact opposite of what government teaches...which is dependency, loss of freedom, privatizing profits but socializing losses, reckless fiscal policy, class warfare, thought crimes, theft by inflation, larger government, new taxes, more union support, more affirmative action, more abortion, less oil, less free enterprise, more predatory lawyers, producers get penalized, new government bureaucracies with new government Czars, more liberal judges, loss of individual rights, more welfare, more job-killing business regulation, decreased productivity, more bad changes.

In other words: Have less - pay more. All for the common good, of course. No one with even half a brain would support that kind of vision for America - unless you're either a socialist - or brain damaged. And there you have it.

110   elliemae   2010 Oct 4, 12:30pm  

Honest Abe says

Well, it’s clear the lower income, under-educated, indentured voters tend to believe the mainstream media and liberal bias. The dependent class, do-gooders, liberals and the like haven’t learned to read between the lies, nor do they want to. It might stop their socialistic, dependent, government “do it for me - because I can’t do it for myself” agenda.

Let's leave my family out of this, young man!

111   nope   2010 Oct 4, 1:02pm  

Honest Abe says

Well, it’s clear the lower income, under-educated, indentured voters tend to believe the mainstream media and liberal bias. The dependent class, do-gooders, liberals and the like haven’t learned to read between the lies, nor do they want to. It might stop their socialistic, dependent, government “do it for me - because I can’t do it for myself” agenda.
I used to be a dues paying, unionized, lazy, democratic government worker…for nearly 10 years…until I wised up. I invested a lot of time reading, talking, listening, comparing, analyzing. The lessons in “The Millionaire Next Door”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Secret” “The Richest Man in Babylon” all support opportunity, self-reliance, personal responsibility, living within one’s means, having a positive attitude of gratitude, and the like.
It became pretty clear, pretty quick that the positive things I learned were the exact opposite of what government teaches…which is dependency, loss of freedom, privatizing profits but socializing losses, reckless fiscal policy, class warfare, thought crimes, theft by inflation, larger government, new taxes, more union support, more affirmative action, more abortion, less oil, less free enterprise, more predatory lawyers, producers get penalized, new government bureaucracies with new government Czars, more liberal judges, loss of individual rights, more welfare, more job-killing business regulation, decreased productivity, more bad changes.
In other words: Have less - pay more. All for the common good, of course. No one with even half a brain would support that kind of vision for America - unless you’re either a socialist - or brain damaged. And there you have it.

Anyone who takes advice from the secret is beyond hope.

112   marcus   2010 Oct 4, 1:08pm  

Abe. You and the Tea party were a match made in heaven.

113   Honest Abe   2010 Oct 4, 2:20pm  

Elliemae, hahaha - thats a good one. Actually I was thinking about one of my relatives. BTW, you're not related to Fanniemae, are you?

Marcus - you said "anyone who takes advice from the secret is beyond hope". Really? Some of the concepts in The Secret are very similar to those of "The Power of Positive Thinking", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Magic of Thinking Big", "Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do", and many others. But being the liberal that you are you wouldn't know anything about those things. No problem, I understand, it simply defines who you are. Yuck.

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