Mortgage Strike To Protest Paulson $700 Billion Theft

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2008 Sep 24, 12:40pm   24,985 views  277 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


One patrick.net reader suggested a simple antidote to Treasury Secretary Paulson's proposed theft of $700 billion from taxpayers: a mortgage strike.

Since Paulson is trying to steal more than $5,000 from every taxpayer and give it to the banks that blew all their money on bad mortgages, the obvious response from each mortgage-holding taxpayer should be a refusal to pay at least $5,000 of their mortgage.

Such a mortgage strike should start exactly when Paulson's $700 billion theft starts, and should continue until his theft is exactly nullified. The banks that wasted their money should fail. Customer accounts should be protected up to the promised FDIC limit of $100,000 per account, but there is no public obligation to protect foolish bankers from their own mistakes.

If Paulson's theft passes Congress in the face of nearly unanimous public shock and disapproval, then it is clear that representative democracy has failed and the strike is justified.

Such a failure of representative democracy would also mean that it is time to ammend the Constitution to entirely eliminate our corruptable Congress and establish direct democracy, with web-based, non-anonymous, verifiable voting by the public on all legislation. We do not need representatives who do not represent us.



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89   FuzzyMath   2008 Sep 25, 11:25pm  

TOB that video of the protest is amazing. If only for half a day, this is the first time I've been proud of the country I live in for years.

Keep it up people.

90   SP   2008 Sep 25, 11:39pm  

OO Says:
for small amount buy locally, find a coin dealer that has been in business for many years.

Any names of such, near the "fortress"?

91   SP   2008 Sep 25, 11:41pm  

Paul Says:
Whoooo Hooooo - ME TOO!!!!! I hated those ads; Good ridden s.

And I heard ads for Wamu CDs on the AM radio on the way to work - late yesterday morning. Literally like a couple of hours before they went under.

92   OO   2008 Sep 25, 11:43pm  

Mish International Monetary Inc
1154 University Dve
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650 324 9110

they are also authorized dealer for Perth Mint, that's why I consider them reputable. Perth Mint is doing the legwork to make sure they are not flight-by-night type.

93   Richmond   2008 Sep 25, 11:50pm  

Love the "no banker left behind" photo (WCBS).

94   PermaRenter   2008 Sep 26, 12:12am  

I will be voting REPUBLICAN since they are blocking bailout.

95   justme   2008 Sep 26, 12:14am  

Whoooo Hooooo indeed. I think those words should never come out of the mouth of any man. They are barely passable as an indication of girlish enthusiasm. Those ads were below pathetic.

96   justme   2008 Sep 26, 12:22am  

When all is said and done, I think one of the more interesting outcomes of the housing bubble will be that we learn how significant the concept of short selling is to the financial markets. If we look at the last few days, there has been a huge amount of "bad" news, but the market had been relatively stable. I think it is fair to say that Paulson and Bernanke and Cox achieved the effect that they desired when they enacted the "799+" short-selling ban.

97   sa   2008 Sep 26, 12:27am  

Democrats what to pass bill without Republicans.

Two leading Senate Democrats said Congress will eventually pass a Wall Street rescue plan, and blamed House Republicans and presidential candidate John McCain for derailing an agreement on Thursday.

"We're going ot get this done—and stay in session long enough to get it done," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters. "The time is now, for House Republicans to come to the negotiating table and for presidential politics to leave the negotiating table."

Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committe who appeared with Reid, also pledged to hammer out an agreement.

Can they be any more stupid? Or are they posturing to do this as insurance for a market crash without actually coming through with it?

98   justme   2008 Sep 26, 12:37am  


I'm 100% sure we should do a variant of what the Swedes did: Offer to take a preferred equity position in any institution that requires additional capital in order to realize losses on mortgage-based assets..

The institution must use the capital to make a write-down of the specific impaired assets, and can then dispose of the assets to private investors on the open market, or hold them, a they see fit.

The price of preferred shares should be determined by some function of the market value on AND around the date of asset disposal (and/or writedown), details TBD. Of course, safeguards against price manipulations around those dates must also be enacted.

The key is to align tax-payer interest as a stakeholder with the regular shareholder interest, and the management interest. That is the only way to get the desired outcome, which is to protect the taxpayer downside and to participate in the upside. In short, the bailout should take the form of an INVESTMENT for a RETURN.

Note: I'm not talking about the type of "aligning management and shareholder interest" which is doublespeak for "handing out lot of options and restricted stock to management". :-)

99   cb   2008 Sep 26, 12:39am  

I think it is fair to say that Paulson and Bernanke and Cox achieved the effect that they desired when they enacted the “799+” short-selling ban

The shorts are just scapegoats, you need shorts to maintain a good equilibrium for the price of the stocks. The market is "stable" because the bail-out is priced in already. If the bailout does not passed, market will tank even with no shorts.

Why wouldn't you short the financials when they are leveraged 30-1, seems like easy money until they changed rules in the middle of the game. When the dollar goes, they can add more rules restricting commodities and gold, etc.

100   cb   2008 Sep 26, 12:45am  


Jerry Howard, CEO of the National Association of Home Builders, said the Wall Street bailout is crucial, even though he doesn't believe it will solve the credit crunch that was hitting his members before the crisis started.

For this reason, Howard said as soon as Congress returns to work from its upcoming recess, his trade group will be asking for another package of between $40 billion and $90 billion directed towards the housing market.

Pigs will fly if they get this money, but then again, anything can happen will these crooks from Washington.

101   OO   2008 Sep 26, 12:51am  

well, I think the anger and resistance we've seen on financial blogs is not representative of the general American people. The D and R must have their internal polling to gauge the inclination of their constituents.

Main street of course dislikes Wall Street, but they are not aware of how badly they are screwed by the latter. i actually think the opposition you are seeing so far are from a self-selective group of people who tend to make more than proportional share of voices than silent mass. Most Americans simply don't care.

Remember that Ron Paul was a sensation on youtube, and if youtube viewers were representative of the general public, he would have won by a huge margin? Most Americans don't even know about Ron Paul. Guess what, US has a broadband penetration rate of less than 20%, ranking 16th in the world, so most people actually don't watch youtube.

This is just a posturing game for both parties to appeal to those swing state.

102   justme   2008 Sep 26, 12:52am  


You may notice that I am not disagreeing with you. I simply stated that for Bernanke/Paulson/Cox, the short ban has had the intended effect. I did not express a judgment that it was the right thing to do.

103   justme   2008 Sep 26, 1:02am  

Why haven't we seen any jokes along the lines of "Snoopy McCain ejected out of his campaign jet and parachuted to the relative safety of his Capitol Hill office, after going down in flames during an intense dogfight with Baron von Obama".

Perhaps it is a little too strong of a joke to apply to a war hero, but it seems like an obvious one in retrospect.

104   justme   2008 Sep 26, 1:05am  

or something along the lines of

"McCain bailed out of his campaign jet airplane to seek refuge in the relative safety of his congressional office"

105   justme   2008 Sep 26, 1:11am  


I saw some tv interviews where elected officials referred to a surge of phone calls from constituents that oppose the bailout.

It may be that constituents support bailout , but in another form, with lots of safeguards.

106   OO   2008 Sep 26, 1:14am  


Letterman ripped McCain apart on his show

107   HeadSet   2008 Sep 26, 1:20am  

StuckInBA says:

If there is no car loan available, prices of cars will come down to a level where people can afford it with cash.

Correct! Or at least cars will be affordable at the new wage rates with 20% down and 3 year loans.

108   justme   2008 Sep 26, 1:20am  

The Top 10 list on Letterman was very funny.

109   Peter P   2008 Sep 26, 1:30am  

Capitulation breeds fear first, then optimism with a new sense of direction.

We ain't going to see optimism for a long, long time.

OO. is Mish International Monetary Inc related to our beloved Mish Shedlock?

110   Peter P   2008 Sep 26, 1:33am  

Correct! Or at least cars will be affordable at the new wage rates with 20% down and 3 year loans.

Or there will be fewer Bimmers on the road. Or people will keep their cars for longer.

Cars manufacturers cannot sell cars at loss forever.

112   HeadSet   2008 Sep 26, 1:38am  

NuttyNeutron says:

You will probably not keep your job when the next election comes around if you go against the wishes of the people of Ohio.

I would love to see that. Imagine that, during the next election cycle, we see senators and reps who voted for the bailout gatting blasted for it. The ones who voted "nay" will use their nay vote as strong campaign material. The "aye" voting senators/reps will talk about how they were lied to, mis-informed by Bush, etc.

But then, are we holding responsible the senators/reps who voted to abdicate thier Constitutional power to declare war and thus hand that power to the president?

113   StuckInBA   2008 Sep 26, 1:40am  


I think this time, the outrage is definitely more than simply blogs like these. People who bought recently are bitter. People who haven't bought yet are bitter because of assault on their savings. People who have been prudent are bitter. People who have lost their homes are bitter. Who is left to feel apathy ? You are wrong on this.

So wall street executives who receive million dollar bonuses AND a bailout on top of it - are perfect target for their anger. Rightly or wrongly.

A senator mentioned on CNN that 99% of the mails they are receiving are strongly against the bailout.

This has spread way beyond the blogs. People are discussing this at water cooler. Only feeling I have seen is of outrage.

The bailout may still get approval from congress. But when the congressmen initially started, they wanted to bask in the glory of being some sort of savior role. Now they are completely taken aback by the reaction and trying to readjust the course.

I haven't seen this kind of grassroot level campaign in a long time.

114   Peter P   2008 Sep 26, 1:42am  

I haven’t seen this kind of grassroot level campaign in a long time.

I hope for divine intervention. Perhaps Ron Paul will win just from the write-ins votes.

115   HeadSet   2008 Sep 26, 1:49am  

Cars manufacturers cannot sell cars at loss forever.

Of course not - the cost of labor/materials to produce those cars will fall. Also, excess profit to dealers, manufacturers, and loan companies will not be propped up by debt. During the height of the cheap gas and house ATM era (circu 2000 - 2006), do you recall the profit Ford made on each F-150 pickup?

116   HeadSet   2008 Sep 26, 1:54am  

But when the congressmen initially started, they wanted to bask in the glory of being some sort of savior role.

I strongly disagree. I believe they were spinning a "savior" role to the public, but the true purpose was paying back the finance industry for all past and future campaign contributions and other related lobbyist perks.

117   FuzzyMath   2008 Sep 26, 2:20am  

If Ron Paul was smart, he would get on the independent ticket right now. I have heard his name more in the past week than when he was running.

Right now, he could probably pull 10% of the total vote.

118   Peter P   2008 Sep 26, 2:28am  

Ron Paul. The only non-clown on the Capital Hill.

119   StuckInBA   2008 Sep 26, 2:39am  

I strongly disagree. I believe they were spinning a “savior” role to the public, but the true purpose was paying back the finance industry for all past and future campaign contributions and other related lobbyist perks.

I don't think we are saying different things. They put on the theater expecting people to appreciate their acting (pun intended), but were completely taken aback by the reaction.

The public this time completely saw through the pretext. The big supporter of the original bailout plan - Barney Frank - was also a champion of Faudie Mac and Phony Mae. Campaign contributions matter, if I have to venture a guess ;-)

120   FuzzyMath   2008 Sep 26, 2:56am  

Harry Reid is a douche. I just watched a press conference with him where he basically said 'we're not going to listen to the voters because we know better than them'.

121   FuzzyMath   2008 Sep 26, 2:58am  

That type of 'I'm God' thinking is what caused this mess in the first place. Trying to control the markets is like trying to control evolution. You will lose.

122   Peter P   2008 Sep 26, 3:06am  

Trying to control the markets is like trying to control evolution.

Absolutely. ;)

We need Ron Paul!!!

123   Brand165   2008 Sep 26, 3:39am  

Before I post this, I just want to say that you should never watch Jim Cramer's TV show. He acts like an assclown on TV, and you should not take him seriously. The shorts on TheStreet.com are massively superior to the dumbed-down entertainment for Joe SixPack.

Cramer was actually pumping GLD on one of his video podcasts. His theory is that you have to assume that the government will succeed in saving the economy. If yes, then the only way out of this vast debt is via strong inflation. If they blow it, then we're facing deflation and ugly social scenarios, in which case the gold will become more valuable anyway.

124   EBGuy   2008 Sep 26, 4:05am  

Hey Brand, just remember you heard it here first. Lets call it the Mish/Schiff Gold Paradox (or maybe TSHTF Gold Price Theory). Hmmm..., maybe it is time to consider the Cramer 'Sell Indicator'.

125   Brand165   2008 Sep 26, 4:15am  

Well, who has more money, Cramer or Mish?

Guys like Nouriel Roubini, Shiller and others appear to be very intelligent, but are they? Probably every viewpoint is represented in the statistical sample; one of them is bound to be right. If they had such strong convictions, did they put their own money behind it and become multi-millionaires? Because a theory without conviction is basically just an idea to kick around while you're drinking beer with your pals.

If Mish has large gold positions, and he knocks it out of the park, then he certainly deserves some respect.

Now Buffett... him I take very seriously indeed.

126   StuckInBA   2008 Sep 26, 4:35am  


I understand what you are saying - but you cannot evaluate economists and investors using the same "who-is-richer" yardstick.

Very few economists have been successful investors. Keynes was an exception, not a norm.

Markets exhibit irrational behavior more often than not. Its very understandable why a logical minded theoretician fails to master them.

A veterinarian who understands anatomy of a horse isn't necessarily a successful rider. These are different skills.

127   Brand165   2008 Sep 26, 5:11am  

Stuck, I think that's a valid point. Traders and economists are different skills. Cramer is really a trader, and even at his peak, he still operated in the trenches on relatively small amounts of stock, commodities and bonds. I do think it's fair to compare him to Mish, CR @ Calculated Risk and any blogger who makes forecasts with the intention of acting upon them. In that respect, I wouldn't equate the bloggers with economists.

128   surfer-x   2008 Sep 26, 5:46am  

I judge them on how beneficial they can be to me.

so how the fuck does that not make you a fucking boomer. I judge them on how they benefit me.

Yeah, go fuck yourself as I am sure you can benefit from that.

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