Is the Fed trying to prick the bubble?

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2005 Oct 17, 10:05am   45,590 views  442 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I suspect the Fed is behind much of the stories about reconsidering mortgage interest deduction. (If they were really serious about it, they would stop deductions on interest for second (and third…) homes. I think this is basically a made up story, trying to inject a little caution into potential homebuyers who have trouble reading the writing on the wall.



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360   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:07pm  

Must have been nice to spend a decade raging on art. Did you always want to be an artist? Like from the time you were young? When did you figure out that's what you were?

361   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:07pm  

Leave it where? Under your pillow? On the curb?

362   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:08pm  

In a house? On a train? In a tree? Oops, sorry, lapsed into Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham.

363   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:09pm  

Sam let me be! I do not like green eggs and ham! I do not like it sam I am!

364   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:11pm  

Oops again. Excuse the random Dr Suess.

365   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:12pm  

Very cool that you found your thing. Or if it's the thing that fucks you up...maybe not? But it has to be. Even if it makes you crazy, it has to be better than not creating....right?

366   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:14pm  

Re not really a person in high school, just doing time. Great way to describe it. I could never take art classes at my crappy high school because all the headbanger kids took them because they liked to draw dragons and shit. But I was also just doing time, in utter misery. Hating life. I am so glad to not be a kid anymore.

367   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:15pm  

Anyway, the headbanger kids ruined any and all classes they were in so I took the hard classes just to get away from them and ended up taking higher math and crap that I was lost in, LOL.

368   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:16pm  

Well keep talking about this later. I've gotta go for now.

369   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:18pm  

I'm trying to picture you just letting people sit, LOL. Pretty funny. Not really self indulgent, just being true to yourself. Wish I could say that!

370   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:19pm  

I know what you mean. Well adjusted is such a relative thing anyway. Are all the well adjusted people really well adjusted? NOOOOOOO! They are just not aware of how fucked up they are.

371   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:20pm  

Hmm, that sounded harsh. Must be all the coffee.

372   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:21pm  

If I learn to play to lose, I'll win? Hmmm, must give this some thought.

Well, creatively I did make a kind of play to lose decision last week, I think... With my agent's prodding, anyway.

373   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:23pm  

I DO lIKe iT!

374   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:23pm  

HAHAAA my psycho typing looks more psycho than your psycho typing!

375   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:25pm  

I don't know if she's the right agent ...we'll see. I've only been wiht her a year after firing my first agent of three years which was horrid and crazy stressful. Agent relationships are so much like marriage, except you don't get to date them to try them out first.

Anyway, the next month should be pretty telling as to whether she's the right agent or not.

376   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:26pm  

Yeah that was some pretty psycho typing. Okay you win.

377   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 2:27pm  

Gotta go for now. Later!

378   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:52pm  

Hey you guys are being all chatty and stuff.

379   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:52pm  

That's my new thing. I add "and stuff" to the end of every statement. I like that it makes me sound stupid.

380   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:53pm  

I really should go to sleep now. Just wanted to see if SQT ever appeared. Hope you're feeling better soon SQT!

381   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:54pm  

No way can read the last two hundred posts to see what you've been chatting about...

382   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:55pm  

I know I know I'm late. :-( I really do need to go. I've got five zillion email messages to catch up on. Oh, and sleep. I should sleep! Did I say that yet?

383   Jamie   2005 Nov 13, 3:55pm  

Ciao my peeps! I love saying that. I'm sick, I know.

384   Jamie   2005 Nov 14, 7:39am  

Hmmm, the fed prick thread is quiet. Not even a hissing sound from the air leaking out?

385   Jamie   2005 Nov 14, 2:07pm  

How are you feeling today SQT? I hope better!

newsfreak, I believe the appeal of trolls is just the sound of the word "troll." Oh and it also makes me picture those weird little hairy troll dolls that have long hair.

Jack is absent today. Jaaa-aaack? He must be all SPHUH'd out still. As am I.

386   Jamie   2005 Nov 14, 2:23pm  

Yes, I may have gone a bit overboard with the caffeine yesterday. I crashed mid-morning today, well nearly crashed, just all of a sudden felt incredibly tired.

Are your kids sick too? That's the worst, when you're all sick, but you can't lie around and be sick because you have to take care of them. But then, I guess sometimes it's actually worse if you want to lie around and they have lots of energy.

387   Jamie   2005 Nov 14, 2:27pm  

Oh and Jack, I'm supposed to beg you to post on my blog again. So pleeeeaaase go on over there and rant some more about your panty preferences in the presence of my mom. Please! Really, that's such a fun scenario. LOL.

388   Peter P   2005 Nov 14, 6:35pm  

I’m probably going to bed soon, the cough is creeping up on me and I feel rest is a good idea.

Try honey with chamomile tea.

389   Jamie   2005 Nov 15, 5:34am  

Congrats on the house, newsfreak!

SQT, I hope the hair cut went well for your little wrecking ball. I dread those. I keep thinking I should learn to cut my son's hair myself, but then there was this unfortunate incident years ago with me, my husband, a pair of electric clippers, and a few unexpected bald spots, and well, I've never had the courage to try again. I'm still humiliated thinking about how his barber must have laughed when he told her I'd tried to cut his hair.

Jack, like I said, you are welcome to post on my blog. Go ahead! Just stop ranting about panties, LOL! Or you'll risk getting into a bizarre conversation with my mother.

390   Jamie   2005 Nov 15, 5:36am  

I'm in a weird funk, unable to get much writing done. But I must get much writing done, or face scrambling and hating myself later. So, I'm off face the void, as Jack so aptly calls it.

391   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:14am  

"But did you see where ScottC waxed into Chaucer?"

LOL, oooh, I missed this, will have to go investigate. He's usually so busy sounding like a brainwashed Rich Dad Poor Dad groupie that I tune out his posts. Bad me.

392   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:16am  

SQT, yes, my vacation seems to have thrown us out of our groove! But I'm totally loving talking to you on my blog, BTW. It's fun because then I don't have to feel guilty about talking nonsense, like I do here (yes, yes, I still feel guilty about going off topic here...3000 posts later, LOL)

Newsfreak, you need to come post some poetry on my blog or something so we can recreate the community there. Heh.

393   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:21am  

Jack, what kind of volunteer stuff is keeping you busy? I checked out that Readymade magazine, looks interesting. I like that found fruit project. My husband is trying to start something similar with found palm trees in our yard, but nobody wants them, and they're hard as hell to transplant. So we have a ton of bizarrely placed ones growing in the garden, that will someday take over the yard and uproot the house or at least block all sunlight from entering these dark little rooms. This house was designed during a bad spell in the eighties when some dumbass must have thought it was an innocative, conservation-minded idea to build houses that prevent light from coming in. But he neglected to consider the mental health of the people who would later have to live in the dungeon. Argh. This is another reason I stay outside as much as I can.

394   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 3:24am  



395   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 5:00am  

Hey newsfreak, I guess the moon could be doing some funky stuff, but I dunno... I hope you manage to stay well, and good luck with that move. I sympathize sooooo much. We used to have two cats, and we had to move from CA to Virginia in two cars, so, one cat in each car. Cats just don't travel well (I hate how the get in hotel rooms and get inside the box springs and won't come out).

But we accidentally got separated in the Colorado mountains after a tire blow-out on my car (and some bikers stopping to "help out"), and my husband and I have such opposite thought processes (this was before cell phones) that we couldn't begin to figure out where the other might have gone. We were trying to put ourselves in the other's head and couldn't do it, so I wandered around the mountains crying and eventually ended up in Denver, hysterical by that point with a cat wedged under my front seat and I hadn't eaten all day. My husband meanwhile had given up on looking for me, LOL, and just headed for Kansas, while I was calling everywhere I could think of to figure out where he might be.

Eventually, by him getting in touch with my mother, and my calling her about ten times and leaving hysterical messages on her answering machine, I found out where he was going, in the middle of freaking Kansas, and headed there. but I was like 6 hours behind him by that point, so I rolled in to the motel around 1AM so freaked out, tired, and hungry I could hardly stand up, and my cat was too scared to come out from under the car seat.

I was still a kid then. Nowadays I'd handle myself a lot better and just get in the damn car and drive without worrying about it, but back then... I still don't have a single good feeling about Colorado! I'm sure you'll have better luck.

396   Jamie   2005 Nov 16, 5:00am  

Wow, that WAS a long story. Must be the moon!

397   Peter P   2005 Nov 16, 5:22pm  

Is the party really over?

Party on! There is no thread bubble! Comments will come in through the end of this decade!

398   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 7:25am  

Jack, thank you for sharing the story about your sister and the organization you help out with. I"m sorry your sister has had to go through all that. It's really great of you to contribute your time there.

I read (well, listened to the unabridged audiobook) an amazing book about a brother and his relationship with his sister who had, I believe, schitzophrenia. The mental illness is never named in the book, but, anyway, she had some serious problems...heard voices that commanded her to do things, and would freeze up on different poses for long periods of time. It was called The Memory of Running. I could send you the audio book if you're ever interested in listening to it (Well first I have to find it!), because I think it's a book you'd enjoy. The reader of the audio version was excellent as well.

399   Jamie   2005 Nov 17, 8:33am  

SQT, I'm wondering if we should try to plan a real blog get-together sometime with the holidays coming up. Any chance you'd be able to drive out for such an event? I would need you there as my fellow Cali girl bubble blogger. Newsfreak, I'm assuming you'll be moving by then though?

We're actually going to be in San Francisco next weekend, but hopefully also for Christmas as well.

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