Is the Fed trying to prick the bubble?

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2005 Oct 17, 10:05am   45,587 views  442 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I suspect the Fed is behind much of the stories about reconsidering mortgage interest deduction. (If they were really serious about it, they would stop deductions on interest for second (and third…) homes. I think this is basically a made up story, trying to inject a little caution into potential homebuyers who have trouble reading the writing on the wall.



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92   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 5, 4:45pm  

You also have to find a way to maintain the excitement long enough to finish what you started. Now that’s the hard part
Need to limber the fingers up.

To bad this isn't the Huh?-thread...oh the fun that' could've been had!

Nice discussions on art/writing. It's good exposure...my mind's stuck with tech/science too much. I'd like to see Jamie's blog, too. I've also tried to register just for posting to the blogspot blogs & found that it wanted me to create my own blog site.

SQT, I know you won't read this tonight, but I noticed you mention fantasy novels, and that you're writing something fantasy-detective hybrid. Sound good! Did you ever read Stephen R. Donaldson? I like reading his books when I was a kid (along with the usual tolkien, and some others I can't remeber). More recently, I've read a lot of Neil Stephenson. Ever read anything by him?

93   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 5, 4:46pm  

Oops that NeAl Stephenson.

94   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 5, 5:13pm  

SQT, regarding Stephenson. Probably more male-oriented...but IMO his best book is Cryptonomicon which is sort of sci-fi computer-geek type stuff...not exactly sci-fi...it's something that could take place today (or more likely ~1999 at peak of dot.bomb). It also is neat in that it switches back & forth between stories taking place "today" and during WWII, with the characters in the "today" story being related to thos in the WWII story.

His recent work...which I'm just now finishing, is a trio of 800-900 page books that are very hard reading. I don't know if they're just not that good, or if I'm too mentally lazy to read them. The story *should* be interesting...at least it's about interesting things. It takes place in ~1600's & has character's such as Isaac Newton and Willhelm Leibniz in it. It's about many things...including the beginnings of currency and world trade (think "dutch east-india trading company", etc.). Mostly the books focus on behind the scenes players that manipulate the kings, queens, dukes & duchesses...including one particularly powerful character...a women who's economic prowess & market manipulation skills are way ahead of her time. Well, something to look for.
Didn't I read once that you liked the John Sandford "prey" novels?

95   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 5, 5:17pm  

hmmmm...let's see... how about Marion Zimmer Bradley...Mists of Avalaon. Wow I can't believe I remember that.

96   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 5, 8:12pm  

Jamie Says:

Yeah, what’s up with that, SJ Jim? Is this because of the illness? Or because you feel like you should like, have a social life outside your computer or something? Getting too good for us shed dwellers?

Oops, almost forgot! Answers in order:
I don't know; to some extent; that's debatable; definitely not.
Well, another factor is the ongoing recovery from a 3rd saga w/my ex-fiance (disengaged 18 months ago). Funny thing is, I can't tell if I read this blog more when I'm anxiety-ridden or more when I'm not...but there is definitely some sort of correlation. Yeah, I think I should go to bed now :)

97   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 12:41am  

"Thanks for the encouragement. I’m not sure how good it is. But I figure if I can just get in the habit of writing something, maybe I’ll develop a flow or sort of figure it out as I go along. It’s harder than you’d think it would be, so I’m still sort of just limping along. "

SQT, even getting a few pages a day done is great! You have a two-year-old at home with you, and another child too! Having a contract deadline makes all the difference in my productivity. I can only get so much done at night and during naps, so my daughter also goes to preschool for 3 hours a day so that I have some uninterrupted work time (she doesn't nap consistently so I can't rely on that for work time). If it weren't for preschool, I'd be lucky to get a few pages a day done.

And trust me, I don't get 10 pages a day done unless I'm in the groove with a work in progress. Getting started is soooo hard, and there are days when I write very slowly while trying to get to know the characters.

I just give myself permission to write crap, because like Jack said, 90% of the inspiration is in revisions. Or something like that. I figure I can always fix it later, and many times what I think is crap turns out to be fine later when I re-read it.

You have to find the pace that's right for you, not anyone else. I know full-time writers who only get a few pages a day done.

98   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 12:51am  

"I get drained just teaching alot of times."

I was a student teacher for one semester and found it to be the most draining thing I've ever done. But I'm very introverted and interacting with other people drains me--so interacting with over a hundred kids a day left me nearly comatose at the end of the day.

It's great that you can be both an instructor and a painter, Jack.

99   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 12:54am  

Wow, you guys were chatty last night. I missed an interesting conversation! And now it's taking way too long trying to read through it!

I fell asleep watching Seven Samurai, damn it. It was a good movie--I was just too tired. Yes, it's a classic Japanese film. It's not really a fight movie, more of an epic or something. It was the inspiration for The Magnificent Seven (?), I think.

100   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 1:00am  

"I’d like to see Jamie’s blog, too."

I don't mean to be cryptic. I was just hesitant to toss the last bit of my privacy. :-P Since you and newfreak have both asked, here is a link to the blog: http://tinyurl.com/8ctrt

There's nothing exciting about it. Just me blabbering about nothing.

101   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 1:03am  

There were more posts I want to reply to above, but my quick morning email check has already turned into a two hour event.

102   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 1:04am  


103   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:10am  

Did I miss a Mr. Wrong/Newsfreak meltdown? What happened?

You're moving to PA, newsfreak? Why do you think it's a bad time to buy there? Is it in one of the major metro areas? I looked at housing in some more rural/suburban parts of PA recently because of a suggestion that we might have to move there (doubt it), and it seemed pretty stable/affordable to me.

104   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:14am  

"And I can’t send poems out to publish if we are ever moving, the snail mail is a joke I won’t get into if you move."

Do you have someone else's address you can use? Someone trustworthy who isn't moving? This is what I used to do--I used my parents address if I knew we were moving soon and I needed to submit something. And yes, I've submitted poetry before and know it can take years to hear back. ;-) Luckily my parents never move. Also I use a permanent email address that never changes when we move, for submissions and such.

105   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:17am  

"So it’s sort of a huh-blog? A jabberwocky-blog?"

LOL, it's sort of a head up my ass blog. I think writers just keep blogs for other writers to read. I keep mine mainly because I wanted a way to make my website more interactive and give readers a reason to visit it regularly.

106   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:19am  

Jack, thanks for the compliments on my pink dress. I guess I don't dress like an introvert, but then introversion is not all of who I am. And yes the award ceremony/conference is the one time of year when I get to have fun playing dress-up.

107   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:23am  

Re: teaching, I think it's good to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. That's part of the reason teaching appealed to me. I would probably find it much less draining if it were my own class. One of my best friends is a teacher and she always told me that student teaching is three times as hard as the actual job--there's the inexperience, working in someone else's class, always being watched and critiqued, etc.

I really respect and admire teachers, because it's just one of the most challenging jobs out there, and it can encompass your whole life if you let it.

108   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:26am  

SQT, fusions of different genres is becoming more and more popular. I think your idea sounds intriguing and unique.

Re: feeling like an imitator, I think that's just part of the process. When I first started out, I had no idea who I was as a writer (part of the downside of starting in college), and I spent years immitating other writers before I found my own writing voice. Some people find their voice very quickly...but I wasn't one of them. :-)

109   Jamie   2005 Nov 6, 7:29am  

"Teaching is tough. I found I couldn’t teach and comfortably raise a family at the same time because teaching is so draining."

Yes, I can totally see how this would be the case. I found it very telling, in a book I had years ago about award-winning teachers in America, that so many of them didn't have families of their own. They were just teachers--that's all they could be and do the job that well. Not that that's the case for everyone--I"m sure many successful teachers manage to have both, but thinking back on my own high school years, many of the most committed teachers I had were single, didn't have kids, or were divorced. :-/

110   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 1:44am  

Thanks, but I don't want an apology. It would surely be loaded with an air of superiority. :-P

111   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 5:10am  

SQT, I agree, and you have every right to be pissed. I'm sorry for not noticing in the first place how one-sided the deleting was.

I don't want to stir the shit over there any more though. I'm trying to be nicey-nice so I'm not accused of being a hysterical over-emotional female any more, LOL.

I think he is inexperienced and didn't understand the context (or humor) of the comments. Nor did he understand how lenient threadmasters have historically been, especially you (not that you needed leniency--all our comments were harmless, IMO)!

112   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 5:11am  

Oh, and let me join in:

113   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 8:12am  

Just posted there myself, SQT. I'm so glad you posted that stuff, because it made it much easier for me to say what I wanted to say. :-)

I am so sick of this topic. I wish allah would have just let it drop gracefully.

114   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 12:18pm  

Bleh. Now I feel like fucking up all of Matt's threads. Just because.

Maybe I'll go make some muff jokes.

115   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 12:51pm  

Eeeehhhhh, maybe not.

SQT, I'm sorry you took all the heat today. You did good!

116   Jamie   2005 Nov 7, 1:30pm  

I hope he buys the shitbox now.

117   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 7, 5:06pm  

Oops, correction: huh is at 2240, not 2290. But that can change!

118   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 12:18am  

"jack commented on, that picture that says “click to enlarge,” with the small picture showing up…very funny! "

Oh, are you guys talking about the profile picture? That one freaks me out when I click on it--turns me all pixelated like I'm composed of squares.

119   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 12:24am  

"Jamie, I saw your blog. Not enough pictures. It’s very…rosy…or mauve…okay, it’s quite PINK! You should put more pictures."

More pictures of what?! The goat? Allah and the goat?

But my website has more than enough photos, on the about jamie page. None of the goat though.

And what's the problem with pink? It looks good with red and orange. It's the ultimate girly girl color!

120   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 1:27am  

Yeah, yeah, pink *does* have tnose other connotations. They tend not to be the first thing I think of when I use the word though, LOL.

121   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 1:30am  

Okay, I just read through the tangent thread to figure out what I'm supposed to be weighing in on. I would post there, but I'm ambivalent.

I already feel guilty about clogging up the blog with our off-topic stuff even down here in the shed. I think it's fine to keep the tangent thread where it is, because it does have an interesting and relevant topic, but I guess I don't really want to go off on a tangent on it while it's up there on top. ;-)

So I vote to keep it. And now that I think about the deleting issue a bit more, I think deleting all the stuff you talked about last night would send a bad message, after all the controversy over deleting yesterday. I'd just leave it as is. :-)

122   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 1:53am  

LOL, yep, SQT.

I think the tangent thread is a really good thing, now that I've considered it more. No longer ambivalent. It's got an interesting topic, should anyone want to discuss, but it can also serve as a sort of release valve for some of us tangent-prone types. :-)

123   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:24pm  

"I feel bad. I don’t think I jumped in soon enough on the Tangent Thread"

SQT, don't feel badly! He gets too easily distracted by shiny objects and can only talk to one person at a time.

"I think I’m just kind of mentally exhausted from yesterday"

That's how I feel now. So I totally understand.

"can be insufferable. Sometimes I think he’s deliberately obtuse just to annoy the rest of us. "

Um, after his last two comments to me--after I tried to make amends--I have a final opinion which I cannot state in a public forum without fear of deletion (he can go F himself and the goat he rode in on). I am officially ignoring him from here on out. I will NOT acknowledge his comments again.

124   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 8, 2:59pm  

(he can go F himself and the goat he rode in on).
...well then he just has to go play with himself.

The imagery! The horror! Make it stop!

I think that is the overall best solution...not responding. In fact, you two should make it a goal skip his posts...as in don't read 'em at all; it's not worth the "angst". Look, you're talking about being drained by yesterday's conflicts, etc. Who needs that???

125   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 8, 2:59pm  

Huh? : ) = :)

126   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 4:05pm  

Bury the crap...

127   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 4:05pm  

Hide it...

128   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 4:05pm  

Cover it up...

129   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 4:06pm  

LOL I just got a "Sorry you can only post every 15 seconds, slow down cowboy message" from the server.

130   Jamie   2005 Nov 9, 6:18am  

Is the shed thread dead?

131   Jamie   2005 Nov 9, 10:22am  

Aw, come on, don't get all stern with me like that Jack. I mean, unless, you know, that's just your thing. I'm actually starting to like this thread better. The SHED THREAD, that is! It's taking on a certain Pigalle quality. Red velvet curtains, seedy people lurking about...

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