The Explanation For All Our Problems

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2011 Sep 28, 9:51am   56,557 views  187 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The reason for the recent Congressional attacks on the US Post office were not obvious to me until I saw this list of all-time biggest bribes to Congress:


Look at these numbers:

19 United Parcel Service $24,667,293
32 FedEx Corp $17,741,022

That's $42 million in bribes paid by private industries that would profit hugely by eliminating your low-cost option for mail. They can certainly make that money back 10 times over if they just prevent you from having that low-cost government option.

Now look at the opposing bribes:

24 National Assn of Letter Carriers $22,188,393
52 American Postal Workers Union $13,669,853

Only $36 million. Post Office loses! That's the way our corrupt system works right now. The biggest bribers get the laws made in their favor, and that forces YOU the defenseless consumer to pay whatever fees, prices, or premiums the biggest briber wants, by law!

The US Post Office is self-funding and does not use tax money.

This is exactly analogous to private health insurance lobbyists killing the government option for health insurance. And you suffer for that already, via much higher costs for health care which go to pay for CEO bonuses and stockholder profits. Look at numbers 14, 35, 45, 78, 79, 80

And these bribes are the reason that the housing market is such a disaster! Look at numbers 4, 20, 22, 25, 46, 61, 102, 129.

And it's why your cellphone bills are among the highest in the world for worse service than in other countries. Look at numbers 3 and 37.

The solution is publicly funded campaigns so that Congressmen don't have to take those bribes to get re-elected.

A ban on all private campaign donations would also be a huge help.


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171   mdovell   2011 Oct 5, 12:12am  

I am surprised it hasn't been brought up but some of the post office is already outsourced. Stamps.com allows people to print stamps from home for packages and letters etc.

Even with just stamps you can buy stamps in supermarkets and drug stores..so the outright demand for post offices (not the whole service..just post offices) is being drained from all around.

Yes there are some things that legally must be sent in the mail (census, certified letters, court orders, jury duty notices). But for everything else it is a hard argument either with technology or competition.

Yesterday Apple's announcement was kinda minor..but they announced that iphone users will be able to send cards to one another.
Card company american greetings dropped 6% on that news

If people really want to "save" the post office the answer is really simple. Send more mail..much more mail. If you want a cheap hobby by all means take up shortwave. When you receive signal you can request what is called a QSL. It is normally a card but varies dramatically. Even countries we don't have relationships often times will send materials back.

172   hackmaster   2011 Oct 7, 7:49am  

Just read an interesting piece about USPS being in the red only because it has been bailing out the Federal Government:


So using the USPS more won't help it from going broke. It's the Federal Gov't and stupid accounting practices (if the article above has any credence) that is the root of the Post Office's problems.

173   FortWayne   2011 Nov 27, 12:33pm  

our government at it's finest moment.

174   EastCoastBubbleBoy   2011 Nov 28, 4:39am  

Bear Stern was near the bottom of the list, so far as the large investment banks go. They were 'allowed' to go under by the PTB. Coincidence?

175   zzyzzx   2013 Dec 20, 10:03pm  

I had a CD at Wells Fargo but hated them so much that I moved it to a small bank when it came due.

Then Wells bought that small bank, so my CD was back at Wells again.

So when it came due again, I moved it to another small bank, and again Wells bought the bank and it was back at Wells again.

So I've moved my money out of Wells yet again.

I give you an A+ for your efforts!

176   hrhjuliet   2013 Dec 26, 4:52pm  

You know, I think this is an accurate if over-simplified summary of the political opinions in the US:

* The right thinks that the free market should handle everything.

* The left wants to protect labor rights.

* Corporations hate both the free market and labor rights. They both cut into monopoly profits.

So if corporations can just get the right and left to destroy each other, corporations will rule America! Or has it already happened?

Nailed it.

177   EInvestor   2013 Dec 27, 3:04am  

Lazy and stupid people just don't get it and waste their lives and then complain about other people's success which is their failure ! It's very simple ! Live within your means and work hard and smart ! Fruits will come to you. Just try it ! Make immediate sacrifices for long term benefits.

178   marcus   2013 Dec 27, 3:14am  

EInvestor says

Make immediate sacrifices for long term benefits.

Yes, and say your prayers. You won't be rewarded in this life, but there is a heaven waiting for you in the next.

179   hrhjuliet   2013 Dec 27, 4:09am  

marcus says

EInvestor says

Make immediate sacrifices for long term benefits.

Yes, and say your prayers. You won't be rewarded in this life, but there is a heaven waiting for you in the next.

I feel this market really does punish the hardworking dual income family who saves and sacrifices.

180   FortWayne   2013 Dec 27, 6:22am  

marcus says

WAit. Aren't you the same moron who wants to see public worker unions ended

Yes. Because we shouldn't go from one set of masters to another. Whats the difference if instead of being enslaved by corporate masters, people are enslaved by union masters. Same shit, different name.

You'd see it better if you were outside the box.

181   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 27, 6:47am  

EastCoastBubbleBoy says

Bear Stern was near the bottom of the list, so far as the large investment banks go. They were 'allowed' to go under by the PTB. Coincidence?

Bear's 500m call triggered LTCM's collapse, which cost a lot of people money.
When their turn came they were kicked off the cliff with naked shorts.
It is and amazing story (of predatory criminality):
“On Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, somebody – nobody knows who – made one of the craziest bets Wall Street has ever seen. The mystery figure spent $1.7 million on a series of options, gambling that shares in the venerable investment bank Bear Stearns would lose more than half of their value in nine days or less. It was madness – “like buying 1.7 million lottery tickets,” according to one financial analyst.”
Bear’s stock would have to drop by more than half in a matter of days for the mystery figure to make a profit. And that is what happened.
As Taibbi explains, “the very next day, March 12, Bear went into a free fall…Whoever bought those options on March 11th woke up on the morning of March 17th having made 159 times his money, or roughly $270 million. This trader was either the luckiest guy in the world, the smartest son of a bitch ever or…Or what?”

182   marcus   2013 Dec 27, 8:55am  

FortWayne says

You'd see it better if you were outside the box.

If you saw something real, you would be able to explain it without resorting to weird hyperbolic phrases about "union thugs" or the "union bosses" only interested in themselves. Whenever you share your view it's more than a little obvious that you know nothing about unions other than the most cliche negative aspects, which are all things that can be dealt with and reformed.

The ultimate fact is that without collective bargaining, public workers get screwed and it lends itself to workers in general being exploited worse. Because public sector jobs are simply part of a bigger market of jobs.

What you are arguing for for is all jobs paying less, and this trend towards what you call a form of slavery, getting worse. You're just too thick to realize it.

183   Automan Empire   2013 Dec 27, 10:44am  

FortWayne says

Yes. Because we shouldn't go from one set of masters to another. Whats the
difference if instead of being enslaved by corporate masters, people are
enslaved by union masters. Same shit, different name.

There are men who sincerely believe that "ALL women are either bitches or whores, or both!" Imagine the women they interact with longer than 10 seconds, with that self-fulfilling prophecy at play.

Seriously, though- comparing corporate interests (in the interest of the corporation and its management only at the expense of the workers) and union interests (working in favor of workers) is ridiculous on the face of it, even given that there are many corrupt self-serving unions out there, and also some genuinely caring, giving corporations.

There was a time when I was quite anti-union for the usual reasons as a competent earner in my own right. Given the concentration of wealth and ascent of American oligarchy, I think unions are very much needed again today. This presupposes unions genuinely concerned with workers not themselves, of course.

184   Robert Sproul   2013 Dec 27, 12:04pm  

Automan Empire says

and also some genuinely caring, giving corporations.

I don't agree with this point. They "care" or "give" as part of a marketing, or tax advantaging gambit. They are Green, or philanthropic, or whatever, to position in the public's perception. Catch a C suite executive breaching his fiduciary duty by "caring" without an explanation of the financial benefit and he has pulled the rip-cord on his Golden Parachute.

185   Reality   2013 Dec 27, 12:10pm  

Automan Empire says

Seriously, though- comparing corporate interests (in the interest of the corporation and its management only at the expense of the workers) and union interests (working in favor of workers) is ridiculous on the face of it, even given that there are many corrupt self-serving unions out there, and also some genuinely caring, giving corporations.

Unions are also corporations. Union members are clients of a corporate entity called "the union." It's just like warehouse memberships like Costco membership, except the unions makes you pay the membership due even if you do not wish to be a member.

186   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 27, 2:58pm  

by eliminating your low-cost option for mail.

you cant be serious, given the much wider cheaper alternatives available ?

i mean really ? but a used durable Laptop for under $100 or cheap tablet and use public wifi to send and receive emails..

put the old dying horse to rest for gods sake... poor think is in pain !

The US Post Office is self-funding and does not use tax money.

Oh ! say it aint so Joe.. LOL! and where does the cash to cover deficit spending come from .. or will come from ?

"which mandated $5.5 billion per year to be paid into an account to pre-fund retiree health-care, 75 years into the future, a requirement unique among organizations and businesses in the U.S"

" The USPS lost US$ 15.9 billion in 2012, and its revenue was US$ 65.2 billion."

187   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 27, 3:02pm  

And it's why your cellphone bills are among the highest in the world for worse service than in other countries. Look at numbers 3 and 37.

did you consider foreign telecoms are govt owned and thus subsided by tax dollars.

seriously, are their telecom equipment cheaper than ours ? operators paid less ?

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