by Peter P ➕follow (2) 💰tip ignore
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What’s Singapore’s stance on drugs? They’re pretty harsh aren’t they?
They are...
The funniest thing about stripey cats is when you wet them the stripes go away. One of the most amusing things I've ever seen. Wet orange cat has no stripes. Wet silver tabby turns into a salt/pepper pattern when wet. It's part of my dissertation work, "On the effects of moisture on the North American Domestic Medium hair feline".
“If a man does not choose feely between good and evil, then he is neither good nor evilâ€
Law enforcement is more than a form of punishment. It is also a form of deterrence. Whether someone is good or evil is irrelevant IMO.
If we use caning and execution more widely, the prison over-crowding problem will be solved and funds can be put into good uses.
If we use caning and execution more widely, the prison over-crowding problem will be solved and funds can be put into good uses.
Wow Peter, I didn't know you had it in you.
I'm not making any judgements, sometimes what works is harsh, but necessary.
If we use caning and execution more widely, the prison over-crowding problem will be solved and funds can be put into good uses.
Only if done in public. Way back when I was in elementary school if you were sent to the Principles office he had the option of paddling you. Our Principle had one arm and word on the street was the strength from the missing arm went into the remaining one. Needless to say, you avoided a trip to his office at all costs.
Let the caning begin.
I went to school in Oregon for awhile and they called a paddling a "hacking." Most kids were afraid of that punishment. Since they are no longer allowed, kids don't have any fear left. Now it's the teachers who are afraid. IMO
Very true….The roles have reversed….The kids can do just about anything they want and if the teacher lays a hand on them, major lawsuit.
How about they hold them for six months….and force them to use the drugs they deal in large quantities and if they live, let them go….They won’t last very long!
Good idea!
Wow Peter, I didn’t know you had it in you.
I just think that being kind to the criminals is being cruel to the people.
I just think that being kind to the criminals is being cruel to the people.
You're right. I think all pedophiles should be shot the day they are convicted.
You’re right. I think all pedophiles should be shot the day they are convicted.
I agree.
That wouldn’t be good enough for them! I have some good ideas for what we can do with them, but some of you might get offended or grossed out if I discussed it.
Nah. We are civilized people. The judicial system should not engage in torture or forms of execution that cause excessive pain.
Most kids were afraid of that punishment. Since they are no longer allowed, kids don’t have any fear left. Now it’s the teachers who are afraid. IMO
I had a 5th grade principal who would paddle quite liberally, too. The problem was she would only paddle black kids and catholic kids (the bad kids according to the majority where i grew up). ...Oh, nostalgia. How things were certainly better back then.
How about they hold them for six months….and force them to use the drugs they deal in large quantities and if they live, let them go….They won’t last very long!
Good idea!
Sometimes people do make mistakes and recover to be highly responsible, contributing citizens. I'm glad you guys weren't in charge when I made my "youthful mistakes". Amazingly, I ended up ok despite having never been executed, publicly caned, or force-fed toxic quantities of narcotics.
I ended up ok
Ahem, Randy, I think this might be debated
True enough. My mother-in-law would readily agree.
I had a 5th grade principal who would paddle quite liberally, too. The problem was she would only paddle black kids and catholic kids (the bad kids according to the majority where i grew up). …Oh, nostalgia. How things were certainly better back then.
Good points. But I still don't think being overly liberal is working either. I'm all for a happy medium, whatever that is.
Good points. But I still don’t think being overly liberal is working either. I’m all for a happy medium, whatever that is.
I agree. I'm just insisting if the solutions were really so simple we'd already have implemented them. The problem isn't figuring out how to dish out deterrence, or scare/educate/illustrate the negatives. The problem is defining who, when, where, and how much. I tremble to think of the "elders" where I grew up making these decisions without some oversight. The Taliban look tame compared to those bigoted, ignorant crackers. (and any oversight you'd force on them they'd cry "you're too liberal" about)
.and if you still did that and you got caught… what? You end up dying from your own poison…..
Just because you were wrong about mutivariate sensitivities in linear systems doesn't mean you have to proclaim my death sentence. LOL
For one thing, they should at the very least be castrated!
We agree on something, see! I would add that we should carefully study these monsters to figure out if we can prevent or screen it out in the future. My preferred method of investigation would be invasive physiological brain tissue study, without the use of anesthesia.
Sometimes people do make mistakes and recover to be highly responsible, contributing citizens. I’m glad you guys weren’t in charge when I made my “youthful mistakesâ€. Amazingly, I ended up ok despite having never been executed, publicly caned, or force-fed toxic quantities of narcotics.
I understand that, this is why I also think that we must have true rehabilitation programs. Prison is not one of those programs. A kid goes in and a monster comes out. It is a system to breed hardcore criminals.
Other than caning, mandatory social service can be meaningful to both the convict and the society.
They should only be killed if they killed another.
There are non-killing crimes that do more harm to the society.
I do not believe in rehabilitation of hardened criminals, history shows its lack of effectiveness. They haven’t tried my way yet.
"I tremble to think of the “elders†where I grew up making these decisions without some oversight. The Taliban look tame compared to those bigoted, ignorant crackers."
Ditto. There is still such a good ol' boys network in some places, even today, it's scary.
"He has an empty velvet sack, no huevos, so I really don’t know what his problem is."
My cats were neutered too and still wandered away on rare occasions. It's just in their blood, I think. Or maybe it's their version of a midlife crisis.
Prison is not one of those programs. A kid goes in and a monster comes out. It is a system to breed hardcore criminals.
In California more more is spent on prisons than schools. So if you look at it, we're still supporting eduction, just a different sort.
In California more more is spent on prisons than schools. So if you look at it, we’re still supporting eduction, just a different sort.
I propse a prison-less society. Confinement can entirely be replaced with social service, caning, and execution.
Or... at least prisoners should be made to produce mass quantity of plastic crap. No more cheap imports needed!
"Jamie, thanks for the idea, I called the Mrs. and had her put a bowl out. Good idea, perhaps the other panhandling felines will tell him where he can get a hand out."
I really believe they have an underground network, and Mr. Fuchs is sure to get word. ("Yo man, sucka down the streets got free food just sittin out!" "Gotta get me some of that.")
If you get desperate you could also try sprinkling cat nip all around and putting out bowls of water with the food. Free food, free weed, free drink, what cat could resist? Of course, you might be kept up at night by the cat party going on outside, but it will be worth it to get your cat back.
If you get desperate you could also try sprinkling cat nip all around
LOL, they have the biggest catnip bush you've ever seen. Mr. Fuchs (pronounced fooks btw) doesn't really hit the dope, kind of like the cat version of Jack, Georgie on the other hand can't get enough and has the following schedule, wake up, get high, sleep, wake up, eat, get high, sleep, repeat.
He will be back though I am 99 per cent sure.
Thanks Jack, I am embarassingly attached to them. I just dig their style.
Your cat will probably talk to you if he’s temporarily trapped
Jack, right on the money with that one, he would definately yell if trapped. I have been wandering the neighborhood yelling out "FUCHIE, FUCHIE" and then I listen for the jingle jangle jingle of his collar. Orange fucker cat is getting hobbled when he returns, I swear.
I get really overwhelmed and depressed thinking about our criminal justice system. Why do we have such a violent culture to begin with? That's what I always wonder.
When we lived in Europe, we let restaurant owners carry our kid around while we were eating, take him in the back to see the kitchen--whatever. Here if you even touch someone else's kid, you'll probably get strange looks.
There I was always worried about taking walks through the woods or countryside alone with my son, but my German friends acted like I was completely paranoid, because they'd never heard of anything happening to women walking alone in that town.
German hospitals are not all freaked out about people stealing babies, and don't have the security measures we have, because it doesn't happen there.
While were were there, some American kids were dropping rocks off an autobahn overpass and killed a pregnant woman whose car they hit. There was a big uproar when the Germans wanted to prosecute the kids under their system, because it was harsher. Maybe that's part of the problem--we're more concerned about the rights of the accused than we are the rights of the victims?
While were were there, some American kids were dropping rocks off an autobahn overpass and killed a pregnant woman whose car they hit. There was a big uproar when the Germans wanted to prosecute the kids under their system, because it was harsher. Maybe that’s part of the problem–we’re more concerned about the rights of the accused than we are the rights of the victims?
Those kids should be executed and their parents should be caned.
"Those kids should be executed and their parents should be caned."
It was a really awful thing. I agree with you. I couldn't even follow the progress of the story because I found it too painful to hear details. I fully supported them being prosecuted by the Germans, because it was a German citizen they killed, on German land.
You have to put a . in between tinyurl and com
"You have to put a . in between tinyurl and com"
Oh duh. I need a better computer monitor. The cats are too cute. Love the pissed off looks.
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