I Was Thinking to Myself This Could Be Heaven or This Could Be Hell

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2005 Oct 31, 1:59pm   72,207 views  451 comments

by matt_walsh   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Two years after signing a lease with a landlord who intended to never sell, he is selling.

I have to choose whether to buy this 3 bdr / 1.5ba, 1450 sq ft house in San Carlos for $888k or rent elsewhere. Here's my analysis...

I would put down $250k, financing $638k. At ~6.125%, my P&I comes out to $3,877. Property tax is around $928 for a total of $4805.

But I can deduct the mortgage interest of $3256. CA + Federal tax is 42%...so I save $1368 (and I already itemize, so it's not as if I lose the standard deduction). That brings me down to $3437.

Then comes something I can't calculate properly...I'd like to deduct the property tax, but I think I'm again in AMT hell this year...maybe someone can help. If I could deduct property tax, it would save my another $390 a month, bringing me down to $3047. Let's go with this for now.

Now if I think that the house won't lose value, I can look at it this way...of the P&I, $620 goes to principal. So that means my 'down the toilet' money comes out to $2427 a month. Renting anywhere on the peninsula in a comparable house is this much or maybe a bit more.

And at this point I'd say 'why not?', except for one thing...the opportunity cost on the $250k downpayment. Even with, say 5% after taxes, that's $1000 a month. Or put another way, if I rent for $2500 / mo, I really only pay $1500.

So then, let's assume I keep the house for 6 years and have to pay a 6% realtor commission. If I figure 5% savings rate, comparable rent of $2500 and $1054 opty cost on my $250k downpayment, it tells me that the house will need to sell for $1,076,000 to break even, or go up by roughly 21% (3.5% per year). If I assume no AMT deduction, I'll need to sell for $1,111,000 - required appreciation of 4.1% a year.

For fun, let's say that the proposed tax change limiting CA mortgage deductions to ~$350k comes into play. It actually makes less of a difference than you would think, at least for me. One one hand, my interest deduction goes down from $1368 to $750. But I can then deduct my state tax. Net, break even sales price becomes $1,130,000; appreciation of 27% or 4.5% a year.

Or, put another way, if the house does not go up in value, it will cost me around $260,000. If it dropped a mere 20%, it would cost me around $420,000.

I'm left with one (financial) reason to buy...inflation. Does anyone see an inflation scenario that makes this make sense to do?

Can you guys check my math?


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118   OO   2005 Nov 2, 9:00am  

Not really. When BA price comes back to normal, people will come back again. We are complaining about price, not about anything else. There are many places in America that you have plenty of things to complain about, even if the price is good.

119   Jamie   2005 Nov 2, 9:06am  

"can’t deal with the “flat as a pancake” sprawling plain."

Ahhh, yes, I've seen that sprawling plain where telephone poles count as scenery. :-)

"But one thing you need to bear in mind, once you move to Texas, you are almost forever locked out of the CA realty market,"

Well, sadly, we're already locked out of the CA real estate market since we've never owned a house (we move too frequently and didn't want to be out-of-state landlords), so unless there is a very significant correction, we could only live here as renters.

I research different areas trying to find some place that will suit us when it's time to stay in one place--if CA isn't affordable for us at that time, probably in a few more years. Mostly, it's a depressing search. I really love California.

120   OO   2005 Nov 2, 9:24am  


I think you should continue renting, wait for the market to correct, and then come in. CA actually has a lot of inventory, if you are in the BA, just drive east, rows and rows of new houses are being built with nobody to occupy them. Right now they are selling for 600-800K, but in a year or two, I can easily see them slashed to 50% the current price. I am not sure if you are targeting the established neighborhoods, but it is definitely a myth that we are running out of land!

If you plunge in any property now, be it in Austin, Seattle or portland, your cash is translated into an inflated property which is bound to lose value later. The revenge of the renters will come, be patient. Why not keep taking advantage of the landlords who are bearing negative cashflow every month as you rent?

The correct way to build equity is not to buy, but to pay whatever is the least for your own living while investing the rest in income-generating asset. Buying a home right now is called an equity-destruction event.

121   Jamie   2005 Nov 2, 9:57am  

"I think you should continue renting, wait for the market to correct, and then come in."

This is our plan.

"Right now they are selling for 600-800K, but in a year or two, I can easily see them slashed to 50% the current price."

I agree, I can see the outlying areas becoming affordable again pretty soon.

"I am not sure if you are targeting the established neighborhoods,"

Yep, it will depend on where my husband finds work, but I know he left his heart in SF. ;-)

122   Peter P   2005 Nov 2, 10:46am  

Hey HubbaBubba, where is that Groove Sushi? I could not find it.

123   Peter P   2005 Nov 2, 11:06am  

What is Groove Sushi?


Is everybody on this board excited that Disney’s ‘Chicken Little’ is coming to a theater near you!?! I know I am!

I do not like Disney. Moreover, I prefer duck over chicken. Do not let your government regulate duck farms and/or foie gras production!

124   Peter P   2005 Nov 2, 11:10am  

BTW, foie gras is supposed to be from geese. How come it is so difficult to find goose meat products (other than canned ones)?

I think the constitution should be amended to guarantee culinary freedom and liberty against unreasonable food regulations.

125   Peter P   2005 Nov 2, 11:23am  

How about butter-fish marinara?

126   Allah   2005 Nov 2, 12:23pm  

"Thats the problem with moving out of the NYC metro area. Once I leave I am done, and can’t get back in. That I would think keeps alot of people on LI"

I don't see anything so great about LI.............the only reason why I haven't left is because I eventually want to buy a house, I am renting pretty cheaply right now....I don't see the point of leaving just to rent again.....my next move will be a house. I have some family over here, but that won't stop me from leaving. When I do buy a house, I am not so sure I'm going to want to stay here even after a correction.......I mean the cost of living itself is so high over here and it's getting so crowded. So we have nice beaches over here, I don't go to the beaches much anyhow. There are so many up and coming areas that I can bring up a family without stuggling......... I mean the taxes alone are so damn high...and by the time my children grow up, are they going to be able to stay? I mean I would rather live closer to my children than my siblings.

127   Allah   2005 Nov 2, 12:31pm  

"I say- nah-they’ll just continue to outsource."

Yes....they will continue to outsource...but some jobs cannot be moved overseas. They will realize that they can save so much more money and maximize their profits by moving certain parts of the operation to cheaper areas. Don't forget, when fewer young technical people can afford to live in a high tech area, these companies will have a hard time finding new talent....this is another reason I am not sure I want to stay on LI.

128   Allah   2005 Nov 2, 12:44pm  

I remember the president of Computer Associates siad "There certainly are cheaper places to hire than LI".

129   Jamie   2005 Nov 2, 1:26pm  

" cant resist… wait. Yes. I can."

Jack, such restraint! So unlike you!

130   OO   2005 Nov 2, 2:43pm  

Let me be the devil's advocate.

Most people/economists believe that our Helicopter Drop Bernanke will stop the interest hike at around 4.5-4.75% and probably start cutting to avoid recession. If this is true, how will this affect the housing market?

131   OO   2005 Nov 2, 3:59pm  


let me further develop my devilish streak :-)

Will 4.75% really be enough to pop the bubble? See, our new chief is targeting the inflation as measured by the core rate, and as long as oil remains below 60, or even slips to 50, then the inflation number will go back to around 2.5% (whether you believe this is the true inflation rate is entirely up for debate).

The percentage of NAAFL loans didn't go drastically up until 2004. Most people have a 3-5 rate locked in, which means the effect of higher interest won't be felt until 2007 onwards. So, does it mean housing will continue to go up until 2007? Or have we already exhausted all buying power in the market at this point? You know, as long as there are people with $$$ sitting at the sideline, you can't say the buying power is exhausted, and most likely this cash rich investor will jump in out of desperation or frustration.

So let's say our Bernanke chief keeps the rate constant once he reaches 4.75%, does that mean our housing bubble can still hang on for another 2-3 years? Will there be any other events that will prompt the RE bubble to pop aside from the rates?

132   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 2, 5:56pm  

I think inflation pressures due to recent energy cost spikes will not finish working their way into the CPI numbers until perhaps the end of the year or later. This sentiment may be reflected by recent Fed speak, which has recently mentioned, for the first time. 5.5% as an upper limit to the desired "neutral" funds rate.

Not to mention, if bond markets think Fed will stop increasing, or decrease rates, the conundrum might come back in full force, with markets driving down long yields. Currently, I think the yield curve is still relatively flat, with the long end still having a decent amount of ground to make up.

Also, some argue that higher interest rates aren't necessarily requisite for popping this bubble. Even in a low-interest rate environment, the lending industry has had to turn to increasingly "creative" loans for the past 18-24 mos. Remember, home ownership is at very high levels, while at the same time affordability is at very low levels...how much more extreme can it go? Will the lending become even more exotic? Perhaps it will; but recently we've been hearing about the possible onset of tighter lending practices. Plus, irrespective of quasi-regulated lending practices, the global appetite for such high-risk mortgages can't persist forever (or can it???).

And finally...there is the big question of home ATM cashflow. I think it is very hard to foresee the magnitude of the ripple effect due to slowdown in HELOC consumer binging. Big? Small? Nill? A slowdown in house appreciation would cause some decrease in consumer spending (how much? how big could the effect be on the economy? I think highly localized & difficult to predict). Some speculate this could be a big effect, yet others curiously leave it completely out of the equation.

I am curious about consumer spending this holiday season, and here is why:
I see it as a sort of test. That is, even if this current lag is merely a pause in the RE boom, it certainly has gotten a lot of press, right? And possibly spooked quite a few people? Well, I think consumer spending this holiday season might just give us an indication of how fragile, or how robust, the economy is. If there is poor spending this season, than to me that would imply that we are VERY dependent on RE appreciation and the economy is somewhat at the mercy of housing appreciation. If, on the other hand, people spend normally this season, then (A) economy is not very dependent on RE appreciation, (B) nobody pays any attention to media reports of RE bubble bursting, (C) everyone is too addicted to spending money to stop.

***NOTE: when I say "the economy", I realize that certain effects may be localized to bubble-areas, & certain aspects may apply to local economies only.

Well, this is the best I could muster to counter your devlish advocacy. :)

133   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 12:17am  

"(A) economy is not very dependent on RE appreciation, (B) nobody pays any attention to media reports of RE bubble bursting, (C) everyone is too addicted to spending money to stop."

C................always has been, always will be! There is still room on that credit card.

134   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 12:49am  

Well, I think consumer spending this holiday season might just give us an indication of how fragile, or how robust, the economy is. If there is poor spending this season, than to me that would imply that we are VERY dependent on RE appreciation and the economy is somewhat at the mercy of housing appreciation.

Yes, will people draw back spending this holiday, or go on an all-out binge-fest to feel good? I do know that the house-ATM was "hell-locked" at record highs in '04, and appears to be petering out. Once the mainstream realizes that house prices won't keep flying to the moon, there's could be a bit of panicked belt-tightening. But despite the warning signs, if people continue their credit-loose ways, that might suggest the RE mania could continue for a while longer?

Just for fun, a while back I compared some builders stocks against home improvement stocks. It was interesting to observe a relative peak that happens to coincide with the July/Aug RE peak. Nothing definitive, but interesting all the same:


135   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 1:17am  

"Add to above proposal-

will there be
coal in your stocking?
:mrgreen: "

Coal isn't a bad gift....It can heat the house ;)

136   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 1:31am  

"That’s for existing buyers as their 3-1 and 5-1 loans convert over the next few years. For new buyers, how are they supposed to continue to pay higher prices for homes as the interest rates they get are increasing so quickly percentage-wise? Even for risky IO loans, an increase from 4% to 5% is a 25% increase in monthly payments."

Anyone who is buying right now will be darwinized.......The bubble already has popped, but much like sound waves take time to travel so does the air out of the bubble. Sellers are in a handcuffed situation.....Just look at how many houses are for sale.....I have never seen so many in my entire life....and we are approaching winter! Obviously the sellers know their equity is at stake.........The ones that are waiting for spring are going to have a surprise waiting for them, but it won't be spring flowers!

137   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 1:57am  

Update on my sister's home-buying saga:

So there's selling their previous home, a 3 BR 1400 sqft eichler which they had newly landscaped and remodeled the kitchen (viking gas range, deep freeze, granite etc.). It was smallish, but nicely done.

Now they've just bought an 1100 sqft 2BR on a hill, "better area" etc. This home also has a basement not included in sqft. So their angle is to make the basement a liveable space, adding 500sqft to the home, thereby in their words "increasing the equity". (How does this help, if you buy at the top? But I digress...) Right now, the basement has a 7ft ceiling, so their plan is to raise the whole house by a foot. This sounds very ambitious to us (not to mention expensive), but my sis' husband calmly says "I know a guy who will do it for $10K". I suggested that sounds more like $100K, just by the sheer magnitude of the project, and all the possible details he'll face.

Hmm...any thoughts out there?

138   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 2:01am  

I'll repeat....Anyone buying a house now will be darwinized :twisted:

139   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 2:05am  

I've asked that before......I'd love to see the "suicide loan" useage timeline. I bet it resembles the stock market bubble chart.

140   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 2:07am  

KurtS, wouldn’t it be easier for her to lower the basement floor?

Yes, we kept asking that, but it seems it would undercut the foundation, and apparently the city won't let that be done for integrity issues. We suggested there must be a workaround, but they've firmly sold themselves on the idea (just as firm on buying now, despite my cautions)

141   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 2:11am  


Does your sister have any regrets at all about buying? Even after seeing/hearing about sellers cutting their prices, inventory rising and fewer buyers showing up at open houses.

142   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 2:19am  

Does your sister have any regrets at all about buying? Even after seeing/hearing about sellers cutting their prices, inventory rising and fewer buyers showing up at open houses.

I'm not sure; she's hard to read. Personally, I think this is all the husband's idea, and typically he's very bullish on anything he thinks up--pretty much the cookie-cutter Silicon Valley optimism. His 'grand plan' sofar has been for them to quit good biotech jobs, she looks after their newborn, and he's now a wedding photographer.

Presently they're not as concerned as I am, but that might change as their first home sits on the market. Alas...

143   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 3, 2:39am  

I think it’s the spring when everyone will put their house on the market and we’ll see real trouble. Rates will be even higher, so if inventory shoots up, the real price correcting may begin in earnest.

I agree...based on anecdotal evidence (here & elsewhere) about people waiting for the market to "heat up again in the spring. I think inventory growth is slowing right now...but it is also is at unusually high levels and, contrary to the slight dip in prices, the steady increase all through the fall is not a seasonal norm. By mid-spring, I'm guessing inventory will be monstrous; some enerpreneurial city official will propose charging advertising costs to place "Open House" signs on street corners.

But would there be a source showing when and how many funky loans were written, like a tracking of the peak? Or do the banks keep that info to themselves?

I've seen charts showing this; unfortunately I didn't bookmark any of them. They show a decent amount of ARMs (expressed in $$$ value) re-setting in 2006, and a huge increase in 2007.
Maybe someone will show up with a link.

144   Jamie   2005 Nov 3, 2:42am  

"and he’s now a wedding photographer."

Why just weddings? That's got to be one of the most stressful kinds of photography...the kind some photograhers refused to do (if they're smart!).

145   Jamie   2005 Nov 3, 2:43am  


Er, I meant, refuse.

146   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 2:43am  

I mean really, on a hill, earthquake zone?

Yes--on that range of hills just a couple miles east of the San Andreas rift zone.
I suppose I'm more concerned about them overextending themselves.

And, while I have little real knowledge here, I tend to trust my gut.
It also seems they'd have the land to expand on laterally, which strikes me less complicated than building down/up?

148   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 2:52am  

Why just weddings? That’s got to be one of the most stressful kinds of photography…the kind some photograhers refused to do (if they’re smart!).

I think he's also working into corporate photography. However, I used to hire photographers for corporate work, and knowing quite a few over the years, I know how seasonal that work is. When the economy tanks, marketing budgets wither. And, wedding work is seasonal to the extreme.

Of course, I offered my perspective when the guy decided to change careers, but after a few seminars, he thinks he knows everything about the business. He enjoys taking risk more than I.

149   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 2:58am  

Allah, LOL...and damn scary for those who will tumble all the way down!

Just think: if interest rates rise, and equity drops to the degree we see there?

150   SJ_jim   2005 Nov 3, 3:09am  

Here's a quote regarding ARM reset timelines:

This year [2005], only $83 billion, or 1 percent, of mortgage debt will switch to an adjustable rate based largely on prevailing interest rates, according to an analysis by Deutsche Bank in New York. Next year [2006], some $300 billion of mortgage debt will be similarly adjusted.

In 2007, a time bomb could go off when $1 trillion of U.S. mortgage debt - or about 12 percent of it - will switch to adjustable payments, according to the analysis.
Who knows where interest rates will be in 2007.

The authors go on to site economists who believe this will only cause a minor slowdown to US economy.

151   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 3:27am  

if you raise the house by 1 foot, wouldn’t that break all the incoming / out going pipes attatched to the house? wiring? can’t they just finish the basement and leave it with 7ft. ceilings?

Yes--one reason I thought the cost could be just a little more.
Well, consider their apparent reason to buy this house:
Small "fixer" in "prime" area w/land to build. Increase square footage and capitalize off a higher value (do they intend to sell?). It smells like speculation to me, and a wise move to him since "RE is going up."
Personally, their reasoning suggests they intend to flip the house, but I think the timing's wayyyy late.

152   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 3:34am  


Yes, your approach of digging the basement sounds reasonable to me; we discussed this him. He gave the reasons I mention (above).

Yes, lots of possible, unintended consequences!
Not to mention, where will they live when the house gets jacked?
Maybe they're holding onto their old house for now...I don't know.

153   Allah   2005 Nov 3, 3:34am  

"eeeks i don’t know about that one … if you raise the house by 1 foot, wouldn’t that break all the incoming / out going pipes attatched to the house? wiring? can’t they just finish the basement and leave it with 7′ ceilings? "

They should just leave it alone and let the next buyer who gets it at a discount do all the improvements. :lol:

154   Peter P   2005 Nov 3, 4:54am  

what happens if the bird flu threat materializes and puts a dent in the asian economies? how would an asian recession cut into the re outlook?

If the bird flu mutates and spread among both humans and birds, no quarantine measure can stop it from infecting the whole world. It will not be an Asian problem alone.

I think a critical mutation this year is quite unlikely. Do not worry about that. If it does happen, stay home and short stocks all day.

155   Peter P   2005 Nov 3, 4:56am  

I’ve never heard of anyone jacking up their entire home in lieu of excavating the basement a measely 1′ but, hey, I’m not standing in their shoes.

Me neither.

Why not 2 feet to make it 9 feet? 8 feet ceiling is unacceptable.

On the other hand, if we had 500sf of storage space in the basement for our junk, 1100sf of living space would be enough.

156   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 4:59am  

Onto another subject; I think Surfer-X will love this story:

"The word around town was that the Hummers weren't moving. ... the scuttlebutt was that inventory had been building for months now and the local Hummer dealer had panicked. He had begun storing his Hummer inventory at an undisclosed location, far from the dealer showroom so as not to spook jittery, prospective buyers with the mounting number of unsold H2s and H3s."


Check out the photos--they're classic!

157   KurtS   2005 Nov 3, 5:03am  

“Why not 2 feet to make it 9 feet? 8 feet ceiling is unacceptable.”

Yeah--once you get used to high ceilings (10ft+), you don't want to go back.

I think their previous home only had 8fts.

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