# of days since the last prominent homophobe was caught in a gay sex scandal

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2012 Feb 18, 6:27pm   5,150 views  22 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As of today: 4


"There are few things more satisfying in life than seeing hypocrites exposed, so it is with great joy that I award my inaugural (and, probably, only) Website of the Week award to the magnificent gayhomophobe.com." — Tom Chivers, The Telegraph

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1   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 3:36am  

Oh like you'll get an argument from republicans with that link.
I don' think your intended audience will click on it.
That would be like asking Alec Baldwin to click on ImahugeDouchebag.com

2   kentm   2012 Feb 19, 9:31am  

I think its funny how you just automatically assume that a site called "gay homophobe" is targeted at republicans...

But it's no such thing, it's actually apolitical. It is kind of funny that you just jump to that conclusion huh?

But I have no target here other than posting a humorous site that's close to my heart, and I certainly am not looking to pick an argument over it, there's nothing there to argue about, the site is pretty straightforward, if you'll pardon the thin attemp at wordplay.

Besides, I dont pick arguments here anymore, i learned a while ago that you guys have no interest in debating the deeper issues, only trivialities...

3   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 11:34am  

kentm says

I think its funny how you just automatically assume that a site called "gay homophobe" is targeted at republicans...

No that's not the point, it's like giving a republican a free movie ticket to broke-back mountain. They probably wont take it.

4   kentm   2012 Feb 19, 4:19pm  

The point is I don't care if they take it. It's you who keeps mentioning republicans in this context, doesn't that tell you something?

5   TPB   2012 Feb 20, 7:00am  

kentm says

It's you who keeps mentioning republicans in this context, doesn't that tell you something?

Yeah, like the Republicans, I'm not to keen on having the the Gay community loins thrusted in my face, every time I turn my head, either.

They are here and they are queer, we accept that. But we'll never be used to it. Not in great detail. Especially while family values flounder, as the Gay community wants to give us the warts and all of their preferences.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have an axe to grind, or I'm not as bothered about it, as much as my complacency bothers them for my lack of concern over the details of their lifestyle. Folks have every right to their lifestyle and all of the other folks have the right to say "ew".

That being said, I'm not interested in the anti Gay rabble from the Republicans either, that's just as tiresome and accomplishes the same social fatigue as the Gays tootin their horn. And as your post points out, they are probably Gay as well. I don't need a GAL website to tell me this.

6   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 20, 2:24pm  

"This whole rumor, this whole of idea of who I am in my private life has been shopped around," Babeu told reporters during an hour-long press conference Saturday in front of his sheriff's office. "This was a way, the hook, of how this could be brought out, and to malign and attack a sheriff who does stand for conservative principals, who does enforce the law."

He is gay, republican and conservative. And he worked for Romney election in Arizona. Like many, i doubt he will of all sudden switch over to the Democratic party...

Maybe the liberals need to ask, why some Gay people are Republican, and oppose the Democratic platform to begin with.. that is the real story here. But they are too blind to ask.

7   kentm   2012 Feb 20, 3:43pm  

Okay, fine, you guys win... disturbed gay homophobe hypocrites ARE conservative republicans… OKay, I acquiesce… but only because you've been so insistent that I'll just assume you know some things about this that I don't...

No thomas, the real question is why so many of them HIDE it and then try to present themselves as great stalwart bastions of pure straight family values and morality… And these ARE questions that do get asked, over and over and over, each time another conservative family values republican family man gets caught with his pants down in an airport somewhere or trying to bend a page over.

8   freak80   2012 Feb 21, 12:35am  

Why is this whole "gay" thing even a political issue? Who cares what people do in private?

As for the marriage issue, why is the government involved in marriage anyway? And with a 50% divorce rate, it seems marriage is pointless to begin with.

9   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 12:49am  

kentm says

No thomas, the real question is why so many of them HIDE it and then try to present themselves as great stalwart bastions of pure straight family values and morality…

I wish the Bastards would just stand up more for Families and family values, and worry less about gays, and what goes in and out of between women's legs. If they are such stalwarts for family values, they sure don't go to bat for them.

You can't go around busting balls of other people in the name of family values, while doing dick all for the decline of the traditional American family.

10   freak80   2012 Feb 21, 12:56am  

It seems to me that both parties are destroying the traditional family. The Democrats destroy it culturally & legally, and the Republicans destroy it economically. How many adult men are out of work? How many are in low-wage shit-jobs? So much for the traditional role of the father.

I'm not going to say the traditional family is good or bad. But it is going the way of the dinosaur, and it's not just the Democrats causing its extinction.

11   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 1:08am  

wthrfrk80 says

I'm not going to say the traditional family is good or bad. But it is going the way of the dinosaur, and it's not just the Democrats causing its extinction.

I agree, and the Gay fight is just political noise to mask lack of "Giveashitness".

12   freak80   2012 Feb 21, 1:46am  

Agree. And to distract from economic issues.

13   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 2:06am  

wthrfrk80 says

I'm not going to say the traditional family is good or bad.

Why you're worried about being attacked, or lambasted? I would like to know what's bad about it? I thought good family values, are key to bringing up well balanced children so they don't grow up fucked up? Or is it the Materialistic, kiddie shows, and the Sextizing of toddlers, marketing Thug Life to preteen boys, and Playboy Centerfolds The girls next door to preteen girls. Moms with boy friends, a stripper pole in the living room, and the Family services Court is the Patriarch in the family.

And our true friends are the reality stars.

We tried that, it didn't only screw up the kids, it fucked up everyone.

14   freak80   2012 Feb 21, 2:37am  

Eh, it can be a controversial subject. Many on the forum are from the San Francisco area and get nervous when "traditional values" are discussed.

15   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 2:43am  

Why can't one be gay, go off start their own traditional gay family?
Ward and Ward just wont have to the Beave to be hard on.

16   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2012 Feb 21, 2:45am  

The Bible clearly and unequivocally says a rock hard penis should not be thrusted repeatedly into buttholes of men.

Mathew 2:69

"And the Lord sent His angel to share His divinity so that man would not ram his cock into the colon of another man."

17   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 3:24am  


It seems to me, that the Gays should have taken the Federally protected "Civil Union" status when the Clinton administration tried to give it to them, when they had they had the chance. But no that wasn't good enough, they wanted to participate in a Traditional Church married status, and be called Married. Since then they've been battling the States for the acknowledgement. While it's fine that California or Boston might call it a Marriage, ICE didn't get the memo. It's funny they don't respect family values, but they want to be considered part of them, in every aspect. Or if that were not the case, they would have taken the Civil Union status when they had the chance, and this happy couple wouldn't be going through this now.

18   kentm   2012 Feb 21, 7:14pm  

TPB says

You can't go around busting balls of other people in the name of family values, while doing dick all for the decline of the traditional American family.

I just want you know that I love your choice of metaphors. I don't know if they're intentional, i suspect they aren't, but theyre Fantastic. ...You keep slapping me in the face with your big swinging point, and I have no choice but to suck it up when the hot info splashes over me.

Other than that this entire post has been hijacked from it's original intent by your obsession with gays & republicans (I admitted most republicans are probably closeted gays already, can't we just move on?), which was not the intent of the post or the website linked to.

The original intent had nothing to do with sexual or political orientation but was directed at the hypocrisy of people who present themselves as "family values" political figures while actually being closeted homosexuals. Certainly the intent wasnt to examine or comment on what gays may or may not do. I ask that you just let this thread die in a pool of it's own simple honest blood rather than live on like a zombie with infusions of your bigotry.

Here, I've started a thread for you to discuss your homophobia: http://patrick.net/?p=1209198

19   kentm   2012 Feb 21, 7:28pm  

Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says

The Bible clearly and unequivocally says a rock hard penis should not be thrusted repeatedly into buttholes of men.

Mathew 2:69

It's a misinterpretation. I believe the contested part is the word "repeatedly". Also, if you look back far enough youll find that "kicking against the pricks" had a very different meaning than we think of now, and the word "bush" was, well, something entirely different than a little shrub and much more transformative. And the word "celibate" was originally intended to read "celebrate".

20   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 10:50pm  

kentm says

Here, I've started a thread for you to discuss your homophobia

I don' have homophobia its more like Homo fatigue.
Even Ernie and Bert is gay now, who woulda thunk it?
OK Maybe my Dad with his keen sense of Gaydar, as he would ask my mom in his midday drunken stupor, after he would catch me watching Sesemestreet.

"What in the hell is he watching this gay crap for?"

21   kentm   2012 Feb 22, 2:36pm  

TPB says

I don' have homophobia its more like Homo fatigue.

Ah. Too much action lately?

22   freak80   2012 Feb 24, 1:16am  

There is no such thing as "homophobia." It's just a political weasel-word. It's a label meant to discredit people opposed to certain political agendas.

Other groups have caught on and coined terms like "Islamophobia" and "Christophobia."

Maybe we'll start hearing the terms "aristocra-phobia", "bankerphobia", "corporate-o-phobia" and "Realtorphobia" from our financial masters.

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