The Most Marginalized Group in America

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2012 Feb 19, 9:31am   97,866 views  308 comments

by Jeremy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54. As far as I can tell, this is the only group of Americans that can not form a group to promote themselves or their own advancement within American society. Am I wrong?

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1   TPB   2012 Feb 19, 10:35am  

Nomograph says

Playing victim won't get you anywhere, Jeremy.

Well oh well, if it ain't Whitey, keeping the Whiteman down?

2   clambo   2012 Feb 19, 11:20am  

He's making an astute observation.
The ads on TV show it too. There are numerous ads for products or services that show the "clueless white guy" and his wife or someone else is the clever one.
I get a laugh sometimes. They show this black guy and a woman at Fidelity advising the "clueless" white guy to help him get to retirement. But wait, who are the fund managers?
Maybe you saw that windows phone ad. The clueless white guy is too absorbed in his iPhone to notice he is walking onto the soccer field and kids playing. The hip, cool black dude has the windows phone.
There are innumerable ads for products where of course the woman is wise and the white husband (paying for it all) is a clueless dolt but his wife clues him in.
Ever notice on Yahoo they rarely show a white man in the generic pictures of their lame articles, e.g. "how to improve your career" or "how to get better service", etc.?
The antidote is to travel. For some reason the hot women act like a friendly puppy to you in places like China, Japan, Mexico, etc.
They won't in places like Britain, but you wouldn't care anyway.

3   Jeremy   2012 Feb 19, 1:01pm  

Victim mentality? Who says I was even talking about me? Just making an observation.

4   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 19, 4:09pm  

Nomograph says

Are you saying that a victim mentality will get you ahead in life?

Ever deal with HR staff in recent years who are always pushing some minority hiring and promotion program. Ever been told, "you have to hire more women or minorities in your department because of our diversity program".

Crazy forced social engineering vs common sense!

You know whats happening out there...

5   kentm   2012 Feb 19, 4:25pm  

Nomograph says

Are you saying that a victim mentality will get you ahead in life?

But Christians, the most successful religion in America, if not the world, are getting HUGE milage - always have - with the victim mentality these days. Have you checked in on the "war on Christianity" lately?

6   kentm   2012 Feb 19, 4:30pm  

Jeremy says

Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54. As far as I can tell, this is the only group of Americans that can not form a group to promote themselves or their own advancement within American society. Am I wrong?

By the way, boo-f'ing-hoo. Practically every single private club in the country was Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54 until a few years ago.

7   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 19, 10:00pm  

It's possible to organize a fellowship of all whites promoting the advancement of "white people". You need to be ready to be called a "racist","nazi", "kkk member" etc. etc. See below......

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Tony Manero says

Isn't this what the klan and the militia movement and, lately, the teabaggers were all about?

The anti-white figureheads, pundits, and parrots will come out in force to discredit a group like that any way possible. The most common tactic would be to call the group "racist". It doesn't matter if anything they say is true or not, what matters is the label.

White kids are indoctrinated at a young age with anti-white sentiment and white guilt. Whereas non-whites are taught to "embrace" their racial, cultural, and ethnic identities. This has been going on for a long time.

8   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 19, 11:20pm  

Nomograph says

Scagnetti says

It's possible to organize a fellowship of all whites promoting the advancement of "white people".

I'm curious, how do you define the "advancement of white people."

Nomo...........I'm sure you're intelligent enough to understand those words. But sure, I'll play along.

I would define the advancement of white people as.......ensuring the political, educational, social, and economic equality for all whites.

I'm curious Nomo....are you going to argue against civil rights because I want them to apply to whites as well?

9   freak80   2012 Feb 20, 2:19am  

I think it's pretty absurd to say that white males (like me) are marginalized in the US.

I'd prefer a "color blind" society, but maybe that's not possibe psychologically. Seems we're all "obsessed" with race, given how much hubub is generated from any discussion of race.

10   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 2:39am  

wthrfrk80 says

I'd prefer a "color blind" society, but maybe that's not possibe psychologically.

It's not possible....it has been scientifically proven time and again. The American racial experiment has failed.

11   TPB   2012 Feb 20, 3:13am  

Funny after reading this thread, I saw the latest Aflak commercial last night. The first installment had the new voice of the as this awful late 80's rap speak "Yeah Boo-i Aflak Baybee" then a pigeon break dancing as the duck raps in even cheesier 80's freestyle. By the second time I heard the commercial I was programmed to be poised to change the channel immediately. So I'm betting it didn't view well with middle aged and older White males(Aflaks customer base).

So now! The new installment, has two Rednecks on pond Bass fishing, and the duck is listing the coverage you can get with Aflec sounding more like Gilbert Godfry's take on the Alfak duck.

So after the birds song and dance, the camera pans out to an Older black gentleman on the Dock, just as perplexed by that performance as I was over the hip hop version. Like "There are you happy now?"

I just had to laugh.

12   Jeremy   2012 Feb 20, 5:10am  

kentm says

By the way, boo-f'ing-hoo. Practically every single private club in the country was Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54 until a few years ago.

Care to mention something relevant to the discussion? What kind of private clubs are you referring to, and how is this in any way relevant to today?

13   clambo   2012 Feb 20, 7:04am  

Nomo, making an astute observation only shows that the observer is paying attention to his surroundings.
Some people are victimized without being willing victims. If you don't know about reverse-discrimination, you aren't either paying attention or willingly ignore it.
I was sent absurd documents from clients of mine that were municipalities asking for information about my race, also my "company affirmative action policies" etc.
I replied once to Los Angeles that I had none, but my ancestors once owned slaves. Would this disqualify me?
Of course no one among the illiterate govt. workers down there reads, because I of course got the contract anyway.
Yeah, I gouged them too and invested that dough. The rest I blew in Mexico, victimizing the women who idolize white guys with blue eyes.

14   TPB   2012 Feb 20, 7:48am  

clambo says


Is Circumstantial Discrimination really.

I think it's what happens when you politicize race, and create discrimination issues, where they don't really exist. So in order to accomplish anything at all about the fantasy issue. You must hinder liberties of others to realize that anything was done at all. Reverse Discrimination is less about the Brotha trying to keep a Cracka down, and is more about White liberals creating issues to solve, to make them selves feel better.

With out Hafa era crew cut sporting, white socks wearing, middle aged white men to combat. Liberals really are a bored lot, that don't have much to do.

15   TPB   2012 Feb 20, 8:02am  

If Karl Rove would have been half the Republican Eisenhower was, we would have universal healthcare today, and the rich would be paying higher taxes. Obama's office would have used the weaknesses of that Era's Republicans against them. But now Republicans are more about the paper, and taking care of their business. illegal, Corruption, Crony Conflicts of interests, and other tasty morsel tidbits of improprieties the Liberals could galvanize the nation to stamp out. But the truth is those Liberals are in the thick of it, with Caesar's blood on their hands as well. They can't cry foul, they helped build this new house of cards.

But it's still their favorite to fight the good fight against Orval Faubus and his evil band of hooded thugs. But the problem is, they don't really exist anymore, other than Photoshopped internet picks and un-backed up accusations, against any White male voter than isn't planning on Voting Obama.

16   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 9:03am  

kentm says

Jeremy says

Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54. As far as I can tell, this is the only group of Americans that can not form a group to promote themselves or their own advancement within American society. Am I wrong?

By the way, boo-f'ing-hoo. Practically every single private club in the country was Straight white males between the ages of 18 and 54 until a few years ago.

Are you suggesting it's not okay for whites, but somehow okay for other groups to be homogeneous? You also seem to be suggesting that whites have a monopoly on exclusionary clubs.

For fun, I ran a google search on "national association of black...." and came up with these results on the FIRST page. Association of......black psychologists, black engineers, black cardiologists, black journalists, black professional firefighters, blacks in energy, black aerospace professionals, black accountants, black social workers, and the black MBA association.

I also ran a google search on "national association of white...." and came up with these results on the first page. National Association for the Advancement of White People, and that's it, nothing else even remotely applies!

17   Honest Abe   2012 Feb 20, 10:44am  

Scagnetti, as you know the double standard in America is alive and well. When's the last time...or even the first time, you heard of a person of color being accused of a "hate crime"? Or a white person selected based on "affirmative action"? Or schools supporting "White History Week"?

Where are the white Jessie Jacksons, or the white Al Sharptons? Where are the white preachers who spew hate like Obamas preacher did for 20 + years?

Where are the lowered standards for whites for entrance into Colleges, Fire and Police Departmants?

Why are whites the only ones who seem to be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character?

The double standard is alive and well in America due to the distorted thinking of liberals. It appears in their warped mind, the world needs to be based on "fairness" rather than in reality. [Reality says some horses are faster than others. Some ants are soldiers, some are not. Some humans are smarter or have more endurance than others. Do we accept those differences or attempt to manipulate the individuals and the world to force changes upon others in order to satisfy some screwed up need in ourselves?]

18   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 10:49am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Nomograph says

Are you saying that a victim mentality will get you ahead in life?

Ever deal with HR staff in recent years who are always pushing some minority hiring and promotion program. Ever been told, "you have to hire more women or minorities in your department because of our diversity program".

Crazy forced social engineering vs common sense!

You know whats happening out there...

I've experienced this too. I once asked the question to the HR manager, "What is the benefit of racial diversity?". She could not come up with an answer.

19   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 11:20am  

Honest Abe says

When's the last time...or even the first time, you heard of a person of color being accused of a "hate crime"?

Can't say. Although your question does remind me of a certain incident that happened during the 2008 presidential election in Philadelphia.

A couple of members of the "New Black Panther Party" were trying to intimidate voters with their paramilitary gear on brandishing night sticks while allegedly yelling racial slurs. Charges were formally brought against the two men but Eric Holder dropped the charges.

I wonder what would happen if those "poll watchers" were white men in KKK uniforms armed with crowbars? Would Obama and Holder let them free?

Apparently this had caused a stir in the DOJ as at least one employee resigned because of this blatant hypocrisy and dereliction of duty on behalf of the Justice Department.

20   nope   2012 Feb 20, 12:04pm  

Oh, man, it's so hard to be a white male.

Why, we only run most of the companies, own most of the resources, hold the most political offices, and have the lowest poverty rate of any demographic group.

Life is so hard for us :(

21   Jeremy   2012 Feb 20, 12:50pm  

Nomo, I'm doing just fine, thank you. I'm not a victim of anything. Kevin, I didn't say it was hard to be a white male.
Scagnetti, Honest Abe, and Clambo - thank you for understanding what I am talking about. I realize that there is now a HUGE double standard in this country. I know I'm not going to change it. Sometimes it's just nice to be able to discuss it. I'm a pretty reasonable guy, but a lot of things are not right with this country. It's unfortunate.

22   TPB   2012 Feb 20, 1:23pm  

It's sucks to be on the shitty end of the stick. I hope we all agree on that?

23   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 20, 1:25pm  

Many have seen these so called "diversity programs" to address as some would call racism issues. But like the AICPA the organization i belong to as do many other CPAs .. There isnt an issue with diversity and race since the profession has been open to many. Even well back in the 80s we have plenty of Latino, Asian, Black, what ever... join the back big 8. Even back than we had several black partners .. one joined Sun Micro as VP of Finance.

There was never an issue regading race except for a bunch of brainwashed youngers today pushing stupid agenda...

24   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 20, 1:28pm  

Kevin says

Oh, man, it's so hard to be a white male.
Why, we only run most of the companies, own most of the resources, hold the most political offices, and have the lowest poverty rate of any demographic group.
Life is so hard for us :(

Im sorry you didnt include the black president we have today occupying the top post of the US govt.

Do we have a race problems today ? Do we need diversity programs to fix anything anywhere ? or is this a reverse racism program to get as much power into the hands of one group. It seems that there is a white team and a black team in your quest for power and diversity is not your end goal.

25   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 1:52pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Im sorry you didnt include the black president we have today occupying the top post of the US govt.

Do we have a race problems today ?

That's an excellent observation!

Remember how giddy people were during Obama's inauguration? The total euphoric high everyone was on? CNN was selling miracles to viewers by offering them shirts that read, "Obama raises hand, lifts nation". Susan Sarandon said, "He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now were a community, and he can organize us." The London Times headlined its inauguration article "The New World".

People were expecting a TRANSFORMATION! With any transformation, you should be able to measure certain gains right? With a black president, we should see decreased black crime, illegitimacy, school failure, and whites welcoming blacks/hispanics/other minorities into their neighborhoods right? Isn't this what everyone's been saying? Increasing racial diversity will solve these problems?

The gallup organization recorded a large spike in optimism in America's race relations at the time of the inauguration, but one year later it found that "optimism about race relations is now almost identical to where it was 46 years ago, when Gallup first asked the question."

26   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 20, 2:03pm  

Scagnetti says

Remember how giddy people were during Obama's inauguration? The total euphoric high everyone was on? CNN was selling miracles to viewers by offering them shirts that read, "Obama raises hand, lifts nation". Susan Sarandon said, "He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now were a community, and he can organize us." The London Times headlined its inauguration article "The New World".

What did they say about Herman Cain who became a Republican candidate who believed in pulling yourself by the bootstrap..like eveyone else.

27   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 2:25pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

What did they say about Herman Cain who became a Republican candidate who believed in pulling yourself by the bootstrap..like eveyone else.

Touche....but I think many would have said the same things about Herman Cain if he was elected in 2008 and there was no Obama.

"It is because so many people saw the election as expiation for America's sins and the final achievement of the goals of the civil rights movement. The election of a black president meant victory had finally come."

28   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 20, 3:06pm  

Scagnetti says

Touche....but I think many would have said the same things about Herman Cain if he was elected in 2008 and there was no Obama.

I as I saw it, he was welcomed but the GOP, by certainly not taken seriously by the liberals and the media. So the reaction may have been different. Hopefully he can still be around. If a GOP candidate wins the election, Cain will get a shot working in the presidents cabinet. He has great leadership abilities.

How much enthusism was there when we had Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, Norman Mineta, Carlos Gutierrez, Elaine Chao, Mel Martinez, etc etc. Ops .. they are all Republicans, except for Mineta, a Democrat.

29   nope   2012 Feb 20, 4:30pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Kevin says

Oh, man, it's so hard to be a white male.

Why, we only run most of the companies, own most of the resources, hold the most political offices, and have the lowest poverty rate of any demographic group.

Life is so hard for us :(

Im sorry you didnt include the black president we have today occupying the top post of the US govt.

Oh, right, I forgot that once we have one half-black president, we suddenly have a completely representative power structure.

Do we have a race problems today ?


Do we need diversity programs to fix anything anywhere ?


or is this a reverse racism program to get as much power into the hands of one group.

The only group with too much power at present is white males. Who runs governments? Who runs businesses? Who runs churches?

There's certainly been progress over the last 50 years, but the lack of blacks, hispanics, and ESPECIALLY women in positions of power is stark.

It seems that there is a white team and a black team in your quest for power and diversity is not your end goal.

My quest for power? You watch too much cable news.

30   Scagnetti   2012 Feb 20, 8:34pm  

Kevin says

Oh, right, I forgot that once we have one half-black president, we suddenly have a completely representative power structure.

According to the Congressional Research Service 8.1% of the 112th congress was African American. A new record by the way! 10% of just the House was African American! Every year the leadership seems to get more and more "diverse". 3 of the 9 supreme court justices are women. No to mention the leader of our country is African American!

Kevin says

Do we have a race problems today ?


Do we need diversity programs to fix anything anywhere ?


Please explain how forced "diversity" programs will be a benefit? If diversity were a STRENGTH it wouldn't need to be FORCED. It would be automatic.

31   FortWayne   2012 Feb 20, 11:35pm  

Government out there trying to force equality, socialism everywhere lead to this. Every group out there is special, everyone needs government assistance, affirmative action, handout, bailout. Your skin is slightly darker than you need help, your accent is a bit off you need help, you have a few too many children you need help, you bought a house at a wrong time here is your check, you are a delinquent and an idiot here is your check, welfare, food stamps, government job opportunities, etc...

Democratic party loves the idea, they get to turn people into dependents, taking away their freedom and individuality, while putting themselves in charge.

That's Obama's entire campaign, victim mentality. I'm glad I don't belong to any of his special victim groups, and never will!

32   TPB   2012 Feb 21, 12:04am  

Kevin says

Do we have a race problems today ?


Do we need diversity programs to fix anything anywhere ?


Oh yeah, I'd like to hear about these Race problems, preferably from the actual recipient of the supposed Racial problem. Then we'll adjourn to the adjacent room and you can tell all about how diversity can fix this fictitious problem over crack cocaine, and jello shots.

33   clambo   2012 Feb 21, 1:35am  

I have to give an example for these guys.
I once was at a small business that was going to be contracted by San Francisco. There is something called the "human rights commission" there and it's a bunch of people to decide if the business contracted is "diverse" etc.
We weren't well paid and the small business had no blacks working there. I doubt any self-respecting black college graduate would have ever worked there.
Our manager went up to San Francisco to discuss the contract and the people looked at our staff and said to him: "This is bad. Your company is all white males!" The manager said "We have a lesbian and an Asian, do you see?"
White males are envied, belittled, made fun of, and generally disrespected in the media.
What exact meaning you want to attribute to "marginalized" is your own bias.

35   thomas.wong1986   2012 Feb 21, 5:59am  

Kevin says

There's certainly been progress over the last 50 years, but the lack of blacks, hispanics, and ESPECIALLY women in positions of power is stark.

You have been stuck inside the walls of SF to ever notice what has been happening in the great SF Bay Area.

So where is the Occupy Silicon Valley movement ?

36   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2012 Feb 21, 7:06am  

Gentlemen, I propose a club to advance white men and push back against the idiocy of the cultural celebration of the filthy Colored man, like St. Patrick's Day. In a few weeks our city streets will be filled to the brim with Coloreds gayly parading, dancing, drinking, and asking for kisses. These disgusting wretches need to know that white men are not going to be pushed around anymore!

Let us make our first stand for the advancement of white men and get cities around the country to cancel St. Patrick's Day celebrations!

37   michaelsch   2012 Feb 21, 7:25am  

Nomograph says

Playing victim won't get you anywhere, Jeremy.

Indeed it won't if you are a "straight white not jewish male". It works for any other group.

38   michaelsch   2012 Feb 21, 7:32am  

Nomograph says

clambo says

He's making an astute observation.

Are you saying that a victim mentality will get you ahead in life?

Of course if you are a Jew, or a Black, or a homosexual, or a Feminist, or at least an invalid.

39   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2012 Feb 21, 9:07am  

Gentlemen, we need a name for the marginalized 18 to 52 year old white male club. Might I propose:

Vanilla Boyz
Knightly Kings of Kinship
Congressional Committee on Contraception
Cream and Sugar
National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood (NO MA'AM)

40   nope   2012 Feb 21, 10:54am  

thomas.wong1986 says

Kevin says

There's certainly been progress over the last 50 years, but the lack of blacks, hispanics, and ESPECIALLY women in positions of power is stark.

You have been stuck inside the walls of SF to ever notice what has been happening in the great SF Bay Area.

So where is the Occupy Silicon Valley movement ?

SF doesn't have walls, and if it did it would be hard to get stuck in them from 1000 miles away.

I find this whole thread hilarious.

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