White murder of blacks vs vice versa

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2012 Mar 30, 2:43am   138,156 views  256 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

It is very politically incorrect but nonethess a fact that white people are much more likely to be murdered by black people in the US than vice versa.

Most murders are within the same race, but even then blacks have a much higher rate of murdering each other than whites do.

From http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl06.xls we see that in 2010, 447 whites were murdered by blacks, while 218 blacks were mudered by whites, for a total of 665 inter-racial murders.

Given that blacks are 12.6% of US population, and whites are 72.4% of US population, the population ratio is .174 to 1 black to white.

If the interracial murder rates were the same for both, we would expect 115 out of the 665 murders to be murders of whites by blacks. But the number was 447, which is 388% of the expected rate by populations.

OTOH, the total number was only 447 murders of whites by blacks, which is a small number relative to the total population of the US. There were over 40,000 deaths because of car accidents in the same year.

So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.


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217   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 17, 3:05am  

Neanderthal DNA is found in every sub species of human except sub Saharan Africans.


This is pretty convincing evidence that I believe proves the racial egalitarians wrong. We are all *not* the same if everyone but one race has DNA from mating with another species.

"African Americans" are not pure bred sub Saharan Africans, which lightens their skin tone.

218   CL   2013 Jul 17, 4:25am  

lostand confused says

Wether it is murders or crimes blacks do have a higher proportion of crimes. There is nothing wrong in acknowledging that or even looking at why.

What are the percentages of whites who get charged at all? What percentage have good lawyers? What percentage get released on their own recognizance? What percentage of whites get charged with lesser crimes? What percentage plea bargain?

219   Bap33   2013 Jul 17, 9:11am  

Profiling results in survival. I am pro-profiling. As a matter of fact, I am a pro-pro-profiler.

220   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jul 17, 1:43pm  

Straw Man says

Mark D says

Moderate Infidel says

But they have strict gun control in Chicago so it must be crime free.

not when racial profiling is heavily practiced.

Are you saying that inner city thugs who commit the lion share of killing in Chicago profile each other racially?

no. see if you can figure it out.

221   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 17, 1:43pm  

Everyone profiles, just like everyone is racist to some degree.

222   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 17, 5:48pm  

Straw Man says

Are you saying that inner city thugs who commit the lion share of killing in Chicago profile each other racially?

This is true with Latino vs Afro-American gangs.. yes.. its true!

throw in lots of name calling and racism.. turf fight !

out comes the guns ... and you get a brutal shot out..


223   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 17, 6:04pm  

I learnt about the blacks by watching The Wire.

224   Vicente   2013 Jul 18, 4:21am  

So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.

Most crimes are intraracial.

225   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 18, 4:36am  

The graphic is intentionally misleading. It leaves out Hispanic/latino/mestizo americans, the 2nd most criminal race in the USA behind blacks.

As an example, Take a look at all the "white" males on the texas 10 most wanted fugitives list.


All except 1 are listed as white males when in reality they are Hispanic.

The FBI does the same biased reporting.


No category for Hispanics/latinos/mestizos. They are lumped in with the whites.

They do this intentionally because if the majority population of the USA, non Hispanic whites, were to realize how much of the crime in his country is committed by blacks and Hispanics something would have to be done about it. The powers that be don't want anything to be done to stop minority crime.

Upon visiting colorlines.com, they have a whole section on articles about Paula Dean calling a black thief who put a loaded gun to her head a 'nigger' 25 years ago. I would not except an honest discussion of race from them.

226   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 18, 4:40am  

Each year, in the National Crime Victimization Survey(NCVS), the Bureau of Justice Statistics asks as many as 134,000 Americans what crimes they were victims of, and who the perpetrator was.

In 2008, for single-offender crimes, compared to whites, blacks were much more likely to commit every violent crime: 2.1 times as likely to commit simple assault, 3.1 times as likely to commit aggravated assault, 4.0 times as likely to commit rape/sexual assault, and 7.6 times as likely to commit robbery (mugging).

For multiple-offender (gang) crimes, blacks were even more dangerous compared to whites: 2.9 times as likely to commit simple assault (in a gang), 6.4 times as likely to commit aggravated assault, 7.3 times as likely to commit rape/sexual assault, and 36 times as likely to commit robbery.

These multiples are actually too low because the NCVS counts most Hispanics as white, which increases the "white" crime rate.

"But black crime is caused by poverty"

Actually, race differences in crime rates persist after controlling for socioeconomic status(Lauritsen & Sampson, "Minorities, Crime, and Criminal Justice," 2000). That's why the single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic, with a startling 81% correlation (The Color of Crime, 2005). The next best indicators are lack of education (with only a 37% correlation), poverty (with a 36% correlation), and unemployment (with a 35% correlation).

Control for all three, and the race-crime correlation only drops to 78%! In the simplest terms: if blacks had the same jobs, incomes, and educations as whites, they would commit violent crime at almost exactly the same rate they do now. It's easy to blame society for black crime, but it doesn't fit the facts.

Think about it: how can poverty cause rape?

What about unemployment causing arson?

And why concoct implausible excuses for violent criminals, anyway? Who are we protecting?

228   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 18, 5:14am  

To address these myths:

1. 14% of whites aren't killed by whites. 6% of blacks aren't killed by blacks. Why are blacks killing whites at over twice the rate?

2. I think violent crime stats are down because we have a lot of blacks in jail already.
I also think that crimes are being wrongly classified or not reported in official numbers at all to make the crime stats appear better.
If someone of rank does not play ball with this policy, they are simply replaced by someone who will.
It's no different than the Atlanta public school cheating scandal.

3. Blacks are more flagrant in their drug use. Whites keep it private.
Blacks are also more likely to be dealers, who also have a host of other charges against them during a drug bust. Guns/theft/assault/parole/etc.
They plead guilty on the drugs and the other charges simply go away, leaving only a drug crime on record. This helps the stats as presented in myth #2.

4. Public schools are run by liberals who bend over backwards not to report blacks for behavioral issues.
Only the worst offending blacks are sent for discipline after numerous violations.
Even with the liberals and other blacks running the show, blacks are still expelled/suspended more frequently simply because they commit more violations.
Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime. It starts in their early years and continues on to their adult life.

5. Black neighborhoods are far more crime ridden than any other place in the USA.
Crime is an inverse of general IQ test results.
Blacks have the lowest IQ of any major race in the USA. Blacks commit the most crime of any major race in the USA.

229   Goran_K   2013 Jul 18, 10:07am  

Good post. To address #4, Trayvon's theft of thousands of dollars of jewelry was ignored by the schools officer. They reported it as "found property", found in his bag with a burglary tool.

232   mell   2013 Jul 18, 12:12pm  

Great idea, let's just not use colors anymore to describe anything color ;)

233   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 18, 12:14pm  

Sorry Morgan, but they were actually calling you something else.

234   Reality   2013 Jul 19, 5:45am  

foxmannumber1 says

Neanderthal DNA is found in every sub species of human except sub Saharan Africans.


This is pretty convincing evidence that I believe proves the racial egalitarians wrong. We are all *not* the same if everyone but one race has DNA from mating with another species.

Neanderthals were not another species, but a subspecies of homo sapien, just like us modern humans. Neanderthal DNA only constitute a tiny percentage of overall human DNA, obviously result of interbreeding. The absence of Neanderthal DNA in sub-sahara african population is fairly strong proof that modern human (home sapien sapien) came out of sub-Sahara Africa, some of them interbred with Neanderthals after moving out of Africa.

235   dublin hillz   2013 Jul 19, 5:47am  

Moderate Infidel says

indigenous says

Typical Jew!

Please elaborate....

236   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 19, 6:37am  

dublin hillz says

Please elaborate....

It's a clever joke.

237   FortWayne   2013 Jul 19, 7:04am  

indigenous says

Tell that to the Treyvon supporters who are out protesting...

238   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 19, 8:09am  

Reality says

Neanderthals were not another species, but a subspecies of homo sapien

This is false. For many years it was undisputed that Neanderthals were a different species closely related to modern humans.

Since the realization that everyone but sub Saharan Africans have Neanderthal DNA some liberal quasi scientists with a social agenda try to say that they were no different from modern humans and in the same species and the differences are worthless, which is obviously false.

Subspecies is another word for 'breed' or 'race'.

239   Reality   2013 Jul 19, 12:30pm  

foxmannumber1 says

Reality says

Neanderthals were not another species, but a subspecies of homo sapien

This is false. For many years it was undisputed that Neanderthals were a different species closely related to modern humans.

Since the realization that everyone but sub Saharan Africans have Neanderthal DNA some liberal quasi scientists with a social agenda try to say that they were no different from modern humans and in the same species and the differences are worthless, which is obviously false.

Subspecies is another word for 'breed' or 'race'.

Neanderthal DNA account for 1-4% of the genome among Europeans and Asians. That is comparable to the rate of redheads! Obviously, if two members from two groups can interbreed, they are of the same species. Hence Neanderthals and Homo Sapien Sapien are of the same species as indicated by DNA evidence.

This view is hardly "liberal." In fact, it contradicts the "100% recent African Origin" theory that is popular among "liberals."

240   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 19, 12:37pm  

Reality says

Obviously, if two members from two groups can interbreed, they are of the same species.

This is not true. 2 different closely related species can breed and produce viable offspring. There is nothing preventing humans or their ancestors from doing it as well.


Our fossil record is woefully incomplete to come to real conclusions about where humans, or many current animals, truly came from.

The fact that one group of humans do not contain any DNA from an extinct species while everyone else does makes it a fact that humans are not genetically equal.

241   Reality   2013 Jul 19, 12:46pm  

foxmannumber1 says

Obviously, if two members from two groups can interbreed, they are of the same species.

This is not true. 2 different closely related species can breed and produce viable offspring. There is nothing preventing humans or their ancestors from doing it as well.


Producing viable off-springs for thousands of generations makes the inter-breeding between Neanderthal and homo sapien sapien not hybrid at all, but the same species.

Our fossil record is woefully incomplete to come to real conclusions about where humans, or many current animals, truly came from.

Ware not talking about fossile records here, but DNA samples.

The fact that one group of humans do not contain any DNA from an extinct species while everyone else does makes it a fact that humans are not genetically equal.

What the heck does "genetically equal" mean anyway?
The partial neanderthal ancestry (1-4%, just like red heads ratio. Incidentally Neanderthals were probably red heads with fair skin, with brain capacity larger than modern human, contrary to the early assumption about them being brutes) disproves the "100% recent African origin" theory about human ancestry.

242   DukeLaw   2013 Jul 19, 2:06pm  

Wow, "genetically equal"?? Based on that terminology, I'm guessing you didn't get your fair share.

243   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jul 19, 2:09pm  

Reality says

Neanderthal DNA

they say Neanderthal has been extinct? that is such BS. i see these people at the bus stops every morning.

if Neanderthal DNA is found in human then by definition they are of the same species.

we shouldn't be looking at races as a cause for crimes. check out Russia.

244   CMY   2013 Jul 19, 6:44pm  

As a white dude who grew up around every conceivable race I'm just REALLY tired of being the bad guy. My culture just doesn't encourage being a victim.

245   Bap33   2013 Jul 20, 1:16am  

how in the freak can the liberal lefties be serious?? Lord Barry suggests he has a connection to TM based on one, maybe two things ... skin color and sex. The freaking very judgment he makes is based on the exact things the GZ used to make his connections. TM looked like Lord Barry as a kid ... and TM looked like the asshole punks that do the crime in GZ neighborhood .... when Lord Barry the Arab does it, for no other reason than to draw attention away from the real troubles of the day, it's all good. When GZ, or any other non-victim, does it in order to survive, the racebaitor left crys foul. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Freaks.

246   NDrLoR   2013 Jul 20, 4:52am  

In 1960, out-of-wedlock births to black mothers was low double digit, slightly higher than that of whites, and had been stable since 1900, the most racist era outside of the 19th century. After 53 years of civil rights agitation and legislation, it's 70%, with blacks killing other blacks in Chicago with a fury never seen before, probably since the Watts riots of 1965 that coincided with the introduction of the Great Society. The social engineering schemes of the Great Society probably did more to destroy the black family than all the racism of the 19th and 20th centuries combined. No telling how many black children never made their 20th birthdays because they were raised as feral hyenas because they didn't have a strong male presence in the home.

I wonder how often this scene from Jim Crow 1956 is repeated today in the black community (or in the white community for that matter):


I'll bet that's a father (there's that terrible patriarchal term that so many feminists hate) showing those young men in the background the proper way to present themselves. I doubt they showed their underwear in public at school, either:


247   StillLooking   2013 Jul 20, 6:00am  

Your data shows that whites are really into murdering women.

248   Bap33   2013 Jul 21, 12:15pm  

Michael Madison ---- game, set, match. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and the Madison case only exists due to liberal politics.

249   Bap33   2013 Jul 21, 12:49pm  

personal attack chose above reasoning ... how odd, since those on the left view themselves as the mental giants.

250   CMY   2013 Jul 21, 3:03pm  

robertoaribas says

your poor thinking skills evidenced on here pretty much convince me that you and I certainly aren't genetically equal.

"Your poor reasoning (as evidenced on here) has pretty much convinced me that you and I certainly aren't genetically equal."

Sorry, just thought I'd correct that grammar, Professor. Carry on.

251   freegfit   2014 Apr 8, 11:51pm  

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) "THE RACE WAR
OF BLACK AGAINST WHITE" by Paul Sheehan. Saturday, 20
May 1995:

"The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty
War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far
and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost
almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. "It
determined the result of last year's congressional
election. Yet the American news media do not want to

about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and
unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists
is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting,

"No matter how crime figures are massaged by those
who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a
Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the
official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a
large segment of black America has waged a war of

retribution against white America. * * *

"Nearly all the following figures, which speak for
themselves, have not been reported in America:

* * *

"* Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered,
robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992,
compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered,
robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the
same survey.

"* Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent
inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black
population is only one-seventh the size of the white
population. When these figures are adjusted on a per
capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity:
blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of
violent racial crimes of whites.

"* According to the latest annual report on murder by
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial
murders involve black assailants and white victims, with
blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites
murder blacks.

"These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in
the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black
crime against whites, an upsurge which, not
coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning

the modern civil rights movement.

"Over time, the cumulative effect has been
staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics
indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million
violent inter-racial crimes were committed,
overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white
victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in
inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans
died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean


"When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car
theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative
totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice
Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were
committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that

per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and
white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

"When all the crime figures are calculated, it
appears that black Americans have committed at least 170
million crimes against white Americans in the past 30
years. It is the great defining disaster of American

and American ideals since World War II.

"All these are facts, yet by simply writing this
story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be
deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers

maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage
of black America, a lower standard."

252   FortWayne   2014 Apr 9, 1:42am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Most white people I meet need to be killed immediately for the safety of the universe.

Stop hanging around Robert Tobias, bankers, realtors, and other unsavory characters.

253   Tenpoundbass   2014 Apr 9, 2:46am  

I've never seen so many Liberals so proud of their racist heritage than in this thread.

254   Peter P   2014 Apr 11, 4:51am  

This has more to do with culture than race. The UK is way more classist than the US in general. Yet there is less perceived racial divide. We should NOT blame the wealth gap for everything.

255   turtledove   2014 Apr 15, 4:48am  

Whites used to have the serial killer market cornered....

1950 78.7 (white) 21.3 (black) 0.0 (Hispanic)
1960 70.3 (white) 27.1 (black) 0.6 (Hispanic)
1970 62.4 (white) 32.9 (black) 3.4 (Hispanic)
1980 55.5 (white) 35.5 (black) 6.8 (Hispanic)
1990 43.1 (white) 48.0 (black) 7.1 (Hispanic)
2000 32.4 (white) 59.6 (black) 6.9 (Hispanic)
2010 32.8 (white) 59.7 (black) 7.5 (Hispanic)

Glad to see that, as a society, we've opened doors that were previously closed to serial killers of color.


256   FortWayne   2014 Apr 15, 4:54am  

turtledove says

Whites used to have the serial killer market cornered....

Statistics do show that black on white crime is in full swing, but politicians are not going to acknowledge it. They are too busy pandering for votes.

I guess they think pointing out problems is racist if you are white pointing a finger at a black man, or vise versa.

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