White murder of blacks vs vice versa

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2012 Mar 30, 2:43am   138,158 views  256 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

It is very politically incorrect but nonethess a fact that white people are much more likely to be murdered by black people in the US than vice versa.

Most murders are within the same race, but even then blacks have a much higher rate of murdering each other than whites do.

From http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl06.xls we see that in 2010, 447 whites were murdered by blacks, while 218 blacks were mudered by whites, for a total of 665 inter-racial murders.

Given that blacks are 12.6% of US population, and whites are 72.4% of US population, the population ratio is .174 to 1 black to white.

If the interracial murder rates were the same for both, we would expect 115 out of the 665 murders to be murders of whites by blacks. But the number was 447, which is 388% of the expected rate by populations.

OTOH, the total number was only 447 murders of whites by blacks, which is a small number relative to the total population of the US. There were over 40,000 deaths because of car accidents in the same year.

So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.


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173   socal2   2013 Feb 21, 6:41am  

Rew says

Affirmative action is a very imperfect way of trying to correct damage done to
minorities and women in America's history. There is lots not to like about it,
and there are some things which ARE actually needed/good.

I think one can argue that Affirmative Action and other well meaning welfare programs trying to help certain groups of people can actually perpetuate some of problems they are trying help out.

For instance, our government have massively increased welfare aid to help single mothers and has reduced the stigma of out of wedlock births. Now over 70% of African American children are born to single mothers and GUARANTEED POVERTY.

No matter how much financial assistance the State provides, raising children to single parents is an almost guarantee of poverty, lack of education and crime. We see this cycle perpetuating in the black community and it is tragic.

I am not suggesting we don't have a safety net for the poor. But we need to also work on fixing the culture and encourage our families and communities to take responsibility to look after each other instead of the Feds.

Instead, we have Obama and the Democrats running goofy cartoon campaign ads about the "Life of Juila" showing how the government will help provide for Julia her entire life.

174   CL   2013 Feb 21, 6:47am  

John Bailo says

(I'm pro police and think they should protect themselves as the girl was being belligerent. But I'm just saying...about the differences in treatment.)

I always wonder if the rightwing gun advocates who fear the government have these guys in mind too?

Do they picture the BPP as fellow conceal-carry supporters?

Would they feel the same if the BPP came to say, a Romney rally brandishing their legal firearms?

175   CL   2013 Feb 21, 6:53am  


The Romneys were on welfare. We should all be so lucky!

176   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 7:42am  

Another way of saying this: The path to hell is paved with good intentions

socal2 says

I think one can argue that Affirmative Action and other well meaning welfare programs trying to help certain groups of people can actually perpetuate some of problems they are trying help out.

177   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 7:53am  

Maybe this Indian individual should have been reading this thread


178   Moderate Infidel   2013 Feb 21, 7:55am  

coriacci1 says

little true story:

A lovely 20 yr old african american college student came one day to give her resume for a summer job at my old place of work here in “progressive” san francisco.

she was perfect in every sense: accomplished, experienced, execellent grades, well spoken, well dressed etc. etc. the part- owner manager took her info and interviewed her on the spot. after the interview was over and they exchanged final handshakes, she said goodbye and left the building. at which point partner- manager takes her resume and rips it up in front of 6 employees while saying "you think i’m ever gonna give a job to the likes of that black bitch!"

i kid you not!

And what did you do? If i were there and that happened that person would be paying me hush money the rest of my life.

179   CL   2013 Feb 21, 8:01am  

Moderate Infidel says

And what did you do? If i were there and that happened that person would be paying me hush money the rest of my life.

Something should be done to give minorities a level playing field. :)

180   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:04am  

Black gangs targeting Indians because they are stacking chips like Frito-Lay. The reason why they get away with it is because they suspect Indians won't fight back.

MMR says

Maybe this Indian individual should have been reading this thread


181   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:06am  

Let me guess, you are an entrepreneur or capitalist who works for himself? Easy to say if your paycheck doesn't depend on it.

Moderate Infidel says

And what did you do? If i were there and that happened that person would be paying me hush money the rest of my life.

182   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:09am  

Does gun control do a good job of solving black on black crime? Would more control do the trick?

183   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:17am  

Top guard dogs. Good for mauling Indian-targeting hood rats(Usually Black or Hispanic in California) that usually carry illegal firearms with the registration numbers wiped off. Any welfare family hood rat who attempts to enter my future California home with intent to rob or harm will escape with only with significant injury and none of my assets


184   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:37am  

The type of crap people do (usually White) to Asian Americans, they are afraid to do/say to a black person's face because, statistically speaking, and yes, this is politically incorrect, the white guy is usually scared that the Black guy might kick his ass/shoot him.


185   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:39am  

Some 62% of Asian American kids faced 1-2x/month bullying compared to 18.1% of whites.


186   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 8:41am  

What's the deal with this black or white crap anyway. Last time I checked Asians made up 30% of San Francisco, San Jose and prob close to 20% of Oakland. But that's right, Asians don't matter because it's a black or white world, not brown or yellow

187   CL   2013 Feb 21, 8:51am  

ET HOME says

Have you been in Cuba????? I am cuban now live in Miami.

the number are just political flags the gov use to say they are ok,

I rely on the CIA World Factbook. In any case, there are other metrics we've applied here, and by any of them blacks are not faring well in America.

As the Professor said, compared to white American counterparts their infant mortality scores distressingly poorly, regardless of whether or not we trust the CIA's sources.

188   FortWayne   2013 Feb 21, 9:13am  

MMR says

What's the deal with this black or white crap anyway. Last time I checked Asians made up 30% of San Francisco, San Jose and prob close to 20% of Oakland. But that's right, Asians don't matter because it's a black or white world, not brown or yellow

Asians don't live drowning themselves in victim mentality, hence they do well in the "land of the free".

189   CL   2013 Feb 21, 9:25am  

FortWayne says

Asians don't live drowning themselves in victim mentality, hence they do well in the "land of the free".

And are overwhelmingly Democratic voters, like all minorities who I guess just don't know that there's no race problem in America, and in the GOP in particular.

190   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 9:52am  

That's right, when they are bullied 3.3x more than white kids, they just commit suicide

FortWayne says

Asians don't live drowning themselves in victim mentality, hence they do well in the "land of the free".

191   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 9:52am  

Why it might be that Asians who are bullied 3.3x more than white people might commit suicide


192   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 10:03am  

Among all Asian-Americans, those aged 20-24 had the highest suicide rate (12.44 per 100,000).

Among Asian-American adults, those aged 18-34 had the highest rates of suicidal thoughts (11.9 percent), intent (4.4 percent) and attempts (3.8 percent) compared to other age groups.3

Asian-Americans college students were more likely than White American students to have had suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide.4

Pressure to achieve is a huge factor but family conflict and bullying at school have to be strong factors as well

So 'bootstrapping in the land of the free' does have some downsides


193   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Feb 21, 11:43am  

MMR says

Top guard dogs. Good for mauling Indian-targeting hood rats(Usually Black or Hispanic in California) that usually carry illegal firearms with the registration numbers wiped off. Any welfare family hood rat who attempts to enter my future California home with intent to rob or harm will escape with only with significant injury and none of my assets


LMAO! i will get a German Shepherd. professor Useless (what his students call him) can get a Chihuahua for home protection since he's one of those "all dogs are created equally" type of guy.

194   MMR   2013 Feb 21, 11:50am  

Yeah, German Shepherds are awesome. I wish I had a big dog now but such dogs don't do well in tiny apartments.

Mark D says

LMAO! i will get a German Shepherd. professor Useless (what his students call him) can get a Chihuahua for home protection since he's one of those "all dogs are created equally" type of guy.

195   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Feb 21, 12:31pm  

MMR says

Yeah, German Shepherds are awesome. I wish I had a big dog now but such dogs don't do well in tiny apartments.

Mark D says

LMAO! i will get a German Shepherd. professor Useless (what his students call him) can get a Chihuahua for home protection since he's one of those "all dogs are created equally" type of guy.

i would go with a shotgun. i believe all Asians should have guns.

196   coriacci1   2013 Feb 21, 12:31pm  

Moderate Infidel says

And what did you do? If i were there and that happened that person would be paying me hush money the rest of my life.

i reported him to the other partners and the eeoc. he was subsequently forced out of the partnership. i kept my job for a while, then moved on to a different company.

197   m1ckey6   2013 Jul 15, 1:52am  

The rate of murders by white people of blacks is wildly over stated by the official stats. A huge number of Hispanics, who are by no reasonable definition white, are listed as white in police databases. I'm talking about tattoo on the back of the neck, white socks up to the knees straight Cholo types and when they kill someone it is listed as a white murder.

I have no idea why so many Hispanics call themselves white but it may have something to do with their parents illegal status.

The actual instances of someone identifiably white doing this is so low that when a white sounding name "Zimmerman" came up as having killed a black guy the entire media establishment lost its mind.

As for the gibberish about blacks getting a hard time by being arrested more the opposite is true. The sheer volume of black crime means that a lot of people get away with things. Add to that the snitching culture and even if everyone knew who committed a crime the police are on their own trying to prove it. If a black guy had killed Trayvon there could have been 50 witnesses and most of the time not a single one would say what happened.

The black community is violent. In every city on earth with a significant black population these neighborhoods are always the "don't go there at night" areas.

198   Dan8267   2013 Jul 15, 2:29am  

CL says

To summarize the seemingly consensus view here:

You hit it on the nail. There is a difference between acknowledging and dealing with the fact that blacks murder whites more than the reverse and presuming that a given black is a would-be murderer.

The fact is that most people, black or white, do not commit murder. So the generalization is not valid. It is that generalization that leads to paranoia and more unjust killings.

Now the information that blacks murder whites more often than white murder blacks might be useful. The immediate question that comes to mind is why? Is it the result of poverty, racism, the gap between haves and have nots, culture, lack of education, or something else?

If the goal is to minimize murders, asking the why question is what's important.

199   mell   2013 Jul 15, 2:50am  

Start by ending the war on drugs and you can minimize that number by quite a bit (incl. the disproportionate arrest of blacks for possessing drugs). Unfortunately that's not a position held by the mainstream democrats or republicans, only by libertarians.

200   lostand confused   2013 Jul 15, 2:58am  

mell says

Start by ending the war on drugs and you can minimize that number by quite a bit (incl. the disproportionate arrest of blacks for possessing drugs). Unfortunately that's not a position held by the mainstream democrats or republicans, only by libertarians.

This is true. if drugs were regulated like alcohol-our bursting prison systems would be cut down to size and many men won't be barred from good jobs, because of drug busts and prison terms that will show up in background checks for job applications. How is one supposed to put your past behind you and move on when you can't??

Dan8267 says

You hit it on the nail. There is a difference between acknowledging and
dealing with the fact that blacks murder whites more than the reverse and
presuming that a given black is a would-be murderer.

Yup this is my whole point about the TM case. Wether it is murders or crimes blacks do have a higher proportion of crimes. There is nothing wrong in acknowledging that or even looking at why. But in one of the companies I worked for as a consultant, the Director was a black woman who rose up from humble beginnings. Does this mean if she walks home in my neighbourhood with her son, I should follow them and get in a fight and kill them-because they look funny?

Also black welfare is very high. I read that blacks make up 10% of population but 30+ % of welfare-which is just wrong. Well, it more or less mirrors CA's ratios . But maybe the govt should start matching folks on welfare with "undesirable" jobs like working in the fields or some such. But that is off topic .

201   MMR   2013 Jul 15, 4:54am  

What percentage of "whites murdering blacks" in South Florida is actually "Cubans, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans" vs Anglo whites?

Dan8267 says

Now the information that blacks murder whites more often than white murder blacks might be useful. The immediate question that comes to mind is why? Is it the result of poverty, racism, the gap between haves and have nots, culture, lack of education, or something else?

202   MMR   2013 Jul 15, 5:02am  

At the very least, the odds are that it would reduce their chances of becoming drug dealing pawns on the street, living at home with mom, taking penitentiary chances to make a living and making less on a per-hour basis than a mcdonalds cashier.


lostand confused says

But maybe the govt should start matching folks on welfare with "undesirable" jobs like working in the fields or some such. But that is off topic .

203   Vicente   2013 Jul 15, 6:45am  

Dan8267 says

If the goal is to minimize murders, asking the why question is what's important.

That is rarely the actual goal in these sorts of observations.

Goals are usually one or more of:
Less of something
More of something
Nothing at all
Pretend this is the Natural Order and we should accept it

204   FortWayne   2013 Jul 15, 7:02am  

Dan8267 says

Now the information that blacks murder whites more often than white murder blacks might be useful. The immediate question that comes to mind is why? Is it the result of poverty, racism, the gap between haves and have nots, culture, lack of education, or something else?

I think it's poverty and attitude. Because most murders happen in the black ghettos. Normal blacks, or even non blacks, don't go around murdering others.

Crime rises with poverty. Especially in communities that have a mindset of violence. I remember one time when my wife and I were flipping through the channels we saw one of those channels for "black entertainment". It was very violent. And that's what those people watch out there I assume, since it is "black entertainment".

205   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 15, 7:08am  

Maybe blacks just have better aim than whites.

206   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 15, 7:16am  

Call it Crazy says

Moderate Infidel says

Maybe blacks just have better aim than whites.

You might have something there.... In Chicago, the blacks get a lot of practice on moving targets...

But they have strict gun control in Chicago so it must be crime free.

207   Bap33   2013 Jul 16, 12:36pm  

+10 for Moderate Infidel

208   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2013 Jul 16, 1:52pm  

Moderate Infidel says

But they have strict gun control in Chicago so it must be crime free.

not when racial profiling is heavily practiced.

209   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 16, 1:55pm  

FortWayne says

I think it's poverty and attitude. Because most murders happen in the black ghettos. Normal blacks, or even non blacks, don't go around murdering others.

Its kind of strange to call it "poverty"... the shooters are all into the highly $$$ drug trade. Same is true across the border in Mexico.. its not the poor who are shooting themself.. its the highly rich street gangsters who are making lots of money...

Depends what you define as normal ? what is normal in the black community?

210   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 16, 2:01pm  

Mark D says

not when racial profiling is heavily practiced.

organize and arm a hundred community members into night patrols and see

what happens.. let them learn how to spot the local street gangster hanging

around 2-3am in the morning...

who are they going to find most often ? Most likely a Latino or Black

211   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jul 16, 3:14pm  

I've been victimized by both whites and blacks. Hispanics like me. Was yelled at by a Jew once.

212   Goran_K   2013 Jul 17, 1:40am  

FortWayne says

I think it's poverty and attitude. Because most murders happen in the black ghettos. Normal blacks, or even non blacks, don't go around murdering others.

Crime rises with poverty. Especially in communities that have a mindset of violence. I remember one time when my wife and I were flipping through the channels we saw one of those channels for "black entertainment". It was very violent. And that's what those people watch out there I assume, since it is "black entertainment".

I definitely think it's cultural. "Thug life", or "gangsta life" is popular with a lot of youth in the black community. It glorifies violence, shooting in vengeance with a "nina" which I guess is slang for a pistol, and also gaining wealth at all cost, even in illicit activities.

In Korea town in Los Angeles, you have a lot of run down ghetto areas, but the incidence of Korean originated violent crime is 10x less than comparable black originated violent crime in South LA only a few miles away. So why the huge disparity?

I think it's culture.

An interesting aside, in 2009, FBI statistics showed that blacks committed more murders than whites, and hispanics (excluding hispanics of non-white origin) combined. Also blacks who did commit murders overwhelming killed other blacks, and whites.

Also, out of all rape committed against white women, blacks were responsible for over 1/3. Rape of black women by white men was almost statistically ZERO, which surprised me actually.

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