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Whites used to have the serial killer market cornered....
Statistics do show that black on white crime is in full swing, but politicians are not going to acknowledge it. They are too busy pandering for votes.
I guess they think pointing out problems is racist if you are white pointing a finger at a black man, or vise versa.
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It is very politically incorrect but nonethess a fact that white people are much more likely to be murdered by black people in the US than vice versa.
Most murders are within the same race, but even then blacks have a much higher rate of murdering each other than whites do.
From http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl06.xls we see that in 2010, 447 whites were murdered by blacks, while 218 blacks were mudered by whites, for a total of 665 inter-racial murders.
Given that blacks are 12.6% of US population, and whites are 72.4% of US population, the population ratio is .174 to 1 black to white.
If the interracial murder rates were the same for both, we would expect 115 out of the 665 murders to be murders of whites by blacks. But the number was 447, which is 388% of the expected rate by populations.
OTOH, the total number was only 447 murders of whites by blacks, which is a small number relative to the total population of the US. There were over 40,000 deaths because of car accidents in the same year.
So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.