Patrick.net Suggestions

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2012 Apr 2, 7:09am   191,442 views  491 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

This is the place to make suggestions for how Patrick.net can be most helpful to you and to discuss them.


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187   NuttBoxer   2022 Jan 5, 3:56pm  

I was just scrolling through those tabs today. I think we are in such a hurry, we just don't pay attention to details anymore. Proof: I'm a SW tester, my career exists for that exact reason.

Good to know about the icon, will retrain myself to start using that.
188   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 4:02pm  

I think it does make sense to jump to the latest unread comment for people who are logged in and click on a post link.

So I'll make that the default action.
189   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Jan 6, 12:51pm  

How hard would it be to add a DM feature so we can message other users directly?
190   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 12:54pm  

It would be significant work to add it as an on-site feature, and then I'd have the problem of people threatening each other over DM. I don't want to be the moderator for that kind of thing.

I used to have a "befriend" feature where if you befriended another user and they accepted, you could both see each other's email address. It would not be very hard to bring that back, and would get me out of the moderation game. Should I add that back?
191   richwicks   2022 Jan 6, 3:22pm  

Patrick says
It would be significant work to add it as an on-site feature, and then I'd have the problem of people threatening each other over DM.

I'll tell you how to fix that, any direct message can be made public by either user - maybe have email addresses removed - those are easy to detect \S+@\S\.

So if somebody makes some crazy statement in a direct message, just expose it.
192   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 1:10pm  

Patrick says
I think it does make sense to jump to the latest unread comment for people who are logged in and click on a post link.

So I'll make that the default action.

OK, I did that thing.

So if you click on a link on the home page or any other list of posts, you'll automatically jump to the oldest unread comment on it.
193   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 7, 2:47pm  

I use the heck out of the handy "bottom" and "home" links. I notice today the "bottom" link puts you lower in the thread but not to the bottom, I keep having to click the "last" link to get there. Had me confused looking for my "deleted" post at first.

Also, since bringing it up last, I've figured out which tags work for bold, italic, and underline. When you have time, adding a tool to drop open and close links at the cursor, or before and after highlighted text, would be very much appreciated and save on using CAPS for routine stress or emphasis.
194   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 7, 2:49pm  

Just read the comment above mine, that the "bottom" functionality was changed to "last post read." That's actually a good idea, but you might change the text to "last read" and bring back the "bottom" link with its original function.
195   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 5:37pm  

Automan Empire says
I notice today the "bottom" link puts you lower in the thread but not to the bottom

@"Automan Empire" This is news to me. I cannot reproduce the bug. "bottom" in the lower left of each page works the same as ever for me. Can you give me a post where this happens?

Yes, I should add a tool to make it easier to format.

You can surround a word or phrase with the * character to make it bold or the _ character to make it italic.
196   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 7, 9:01pm  

After experiencing it several times in a row earlier, then not being able to duplicate it in several ways now, I believe I figured out what's going on. When a positioner like this gets appended to the URL


then "bottom" won't take you farther than the bottom of the same "page" the referenced post appears on in a long thread, no matter how many times you click it. Maybe it's always worked like that..? I assumed the "bottom" was supposed to act as a page-down on long threads, so repeatedly clicking would scroll you to the bottom.

It might be an artifact of my habit of getting a stupid amount of open tabs going, doing Patrick activities on some of these, then much later coming back to the computer and clicking on one of the now much older open tabs.

Also, I found that the markdown tags work but are tedious, glad to see * and _ supported too.
197   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Jan 7, 10:54pm  

Patrick says
So if you click on a link on the home page or any other list of posts, you'll automatically jump to the oldest unread comment on it.

Seems to be working! Funny thing is I think it's a little bit weird. It's pretty clearly the best behavior, so probably just need to get used to it.

You probably don't need the View Unread Messages button on the home page links. That button does at least serve as an indication that I have or haven't viewed a thread at all.
198   Hircus   2022 Apr 10, 10:07am  

@patrick is patnet source code still hosted publicly?
199   Patrick   2022 Apr 10, 10:18am  

@Hircus No, I removed my github account when they imposed a politically motivated terms of use.

But if you want the source code, send me an email at p@patrick.net
200   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 2:26pm  

Well, anyone can always just log out and see all the comments, so there's no way to completely block a particular user from seeing your comments.

I know some people used to keep a separate porn window open to view the site anonymously just so they could see comments which were blocked by mutual ignore when they were logged in. So in the end it seemed silly to try to prevent people from seeing whatever comments they want to.

I suppose I could require login to see the site at all, and then block, but:

1. people will get throwaway accounts, again to see the blocked comments
2. I want the general public to be able to read all your comments without logging in
201   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 2:29pm  

Patrick says
I suppose I could require login to see the site at all, and then block

I think you are being fooled into accommodating the minority.

This is a public forum, it should be accepted that what is posted here is public. If people want private communication and don't want to share their thoughts outside of a group, there's mailing lists.
202   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Apr 12, 7:04pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says
I suppose I could require login to see the site at all, and then block

I think you are being fooled into accommodating the minority.

This is a public forum, it should be accepted that what is posted here is public. If people want private communication and don't want to share their thoughts outside of a group, there's mailing lists.

yes please don't change that, it's nice to read it if i can't login on the device. i have multiple devices, i don't have login on all of them.
203   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 7:23pm  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
This is a public forum, it should be accepted that what is posted here is public. If people want private communication and don't want to share their thoughts outside of a group, there's mailing lists.

Every other 'public forum' lets users block others. Standard practice.

Every other public forum allows you to not see what somebody posts, not to prevent them from seeing what you post.

To do that, users would have to be uniquely identified through a phone number or something similarly fascist and invasive, to prevent people from signing up with multiple accounts, and even then, they can view it when they aren't logged in at all.

Does anybody want to recreate Twitter here?

What you say here, is public. You are free to use a pseudonym, you can use tor to connect, or a VPN. What you say here is public, although its trivial to make yourself anonymous. Brave has Tor, VPNs are priced around $1.00 a month - why would anybody want to prevent people from reading what you post? They can bitch and moan about it, but can they demonstrate you're incorrect?
204   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 8:12pm  

HunterTits says
How come I can't downvote posts by people who set me on ignore? I can comment on them.

@Patrick - I think that IS a bug.

I once suggested you shouldn't be able to downvote a person without making a reply. Just telling a person they are wrong, doesn't allow them to evaluate how they may be wrong. I hate getting downvotes without somebody explaining how they think I'm full of shit.

You disagree with me? Fine, but explain why. Maybe I'm full of shit. I can't change my mind without somebody explaining how I'm wrong.
205   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 8:14pm  

I'll look into it.
206   richwicks   2022 Apr 23, 1:03pm  

I have a suggestion, I never see the "unread" part of a new post, because it's not noticeable. I want to suggest replacing:

with the following image to replace it:

That's the same image, cleaned up, in red although I got a little fancy with the "a" - I added a tail.
207   FarmersWon   2022 Apr 23, 2:14pm  

Patrick says

The only way is to use the "forgot password" link. That will issue you a new random password.

I know people want to choose their passwords themselves, but from years in tech, I have learned that a fair number of people will use, say, their banking password. So then if patrick.net got hacked, it's possible that the hacker would get your banking password and your email address. Not good.

So not allowing password choice is a defense mechanism against that. I know it's not great, but I can't think of a better solution.

I used this mechanic of temp password in past, But Now I can set password.
Go to your profile and "type password" and it takes that password.
208   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:20pm  

richwicks says
I have a suggestion, I never see the "unread" part of a new post, because it's not noticeable. I want to suggest replacing:

with the following image to replace it:

That's the same image, cleaned up, in red although I got a little fancy with the "a" - I added a tail.

Thanks for the volunteer work @richwicks !

I uploaded it and am trying it out.
209   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:32pm  

this is bold and this is italic
210   Goran_K   2022 Apr 25, 2:32pm  

211   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:32pm  

I think they work, except perhaps at the beginning of a line:


Made note to fix that.
212   Patrick   2022 Apr 27, 2:11pm  

Patrick says
I think they work, except perhaps at the beginning of a line:


Made note to fix that.

OK, fixed.
213   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 27, 3:11pm  

Hi Pat, looks like uploading pics is busted for me.

Might have something to do with the underscores?

214   Patrick   2022 Apr 27, 3:15pm  

AmericanKulak says
Hi Pat, looks like uploading pics is busted for me.

Might have something to do with the underscores?

@AmericanKulak Yes, it was an underscore problem. Thanks for telling me.

Please try again, should work now.
215   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 27, 3:33pm  

Patrick for Twitter CEO/CIO
216   Hircus   2022 May 10, 9:54pm  

I noticed some changes today.

1) When I click on my profile and then view my comments (https://patrick.net/comments?a=Hircus), they now start at my oldest comment, when it used to be my newest comment. I prefer the old behavior if this wasn't an intentional change.

2) When viewing my comment list, if I click the date/permalink link of a comment, in the past it would take me right to my comment, but not anymore. Some links give me an "invalid start number" error, like this one

Some other links worked and went to the right thread, but I ended up the wrong post.
217   Patrick   2022 May 10, 10:13pm  

Thanks @Hircus

1) and 2) are bugs. I will fix them tomorrow.

Can you tell me more about ending up on the wrong comment? (In my own terminology, a thread is a post.)
218   Hircus   2022 May 11, 12:00am  

You know I thought the link scrolled me down to the wrong comment in the thread, but I was mistaken - it just simply doesnt scroll to a comment at all. If the link doesnt give me the "invalid start number" error (most links give this error now), then it just doesnt scroll me down to any comments.

This link exhibits such behavior. It should take my to the last page where my comment is, and then also scroll me down to the comment, but doesnt. I see the first post in the thread, and then the first comment underneath it is 2116 out of 4485. No auto scrolling occurs.

I suppose this is because the url param start=2116 is wrong. The url should probably be start=4485 or something like that, to take me to the page where my comment is. I bet fixing the other bug fixes this too.
219   richwicks   2022 May 11, 4:23am  

@Patrick - where is your current code again?

You need a regression test system. I've made a few. I need to look at (and setup) your code to see how I approach it. As I recall, you're using nginx, mysql, and your code. I can short circuit the email system so I can simulate that.

Curl should be able to simulate user interaction. Verifying what it produces should yield the same results.
220   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:27am  

Hircus says
1) When I click on my profile and then view my comments (https://patrick.net/comments?a=Hircus), they now start at my oldest comment, when it used to be my newest comment. I prefer the old behavior if this wasn't an intentional change.

@Hircus your comments should start with the newest page of comments now.
221   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:28am  

Hircus says
2) When viewing my comment list, if I click the date/permalink link of a comment, in the past it would take me right to my comment, but not anymore. Some links give me an "invalid start number" error, like this one

This is also fixed in that if a url has a start comment number which is larger than the number of comments on that post, it just shows you the last page of comments instead of quitting with an error message.
222   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:32am  

Hircus says
I suppose this is because the url param start=2116 is wrong. The url should probably be start=4485 or something like that, to take me to the page where my comment is. I bet fixing the other bug fixes this too.

Correct, the start param is wrong, because the page of comments which starts there does not contain the comment number in the hash tag.

Where did you get that url with the incompatible start and comment_id params? I should fix that if the url appeared on the site.
223   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:34am  

richwicks says
You need a regression test system.

I do have one, using mocha:


I have only basic tests for creating an account, logging in, creating a post and a comment, and a few other things like that.

I should create a few more, but:
1. I run them on every checkin to git, so I don't want them to take more than a few seconds.
2. I find that if my tests are too elaborate, I end up fixing tests all the time when I change the code, which is not productive.
224   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:35am  

Oops, clicking on quotes is broken because the start param is null.

Will fix.
225   Hircus   2022 May 11, 12:04pm  

Patrick says
Where did you get that url with the incompatible start and comment_id params? I should fix that if the url appeared on the site.

From https://patrick.net/comments?a=Hircus
226   Patrick   2022 May 11, 12:49pm  

Thanks, fixed that now.

Still need to fix the link in a quote.

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