Public teacher’s high pay is not justified!

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2012 Jul 10, 8:23pm   47,007 views  142 comments

by EconPete   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Many teachers claim their incomes are insufficient. Many times they are not compared to the private sector because most teachers have very little real world, private sector, experience. They do not realize that pension and healthcare benefits that range from $10,000 to $60,000 a year are included in wages. Not including these huge benefits is a falsification of their compensation. Also, teachers have phenomenal job security which is not included in their nominal wages. Truthfully teachers only work about 2/3 of the year which is omitted from the conversation! Not too many private sector jobs get this perk, it’s funny that this is not factored in when looking at wages. Also not many private sector jobs have yearly scheduled pay increases equal or greater than inflation. It is easy to steal more money from tax payers, it is hard to compete to be deserving of those pay raises.

In the business world, an employee or owner brings in a certain amount of revenue to a company. In most circumstances, the compensation they get for their work is between 10%-15% of that revenue. Capital, raw materials, managers, interest, energy, facilities, transportation, and taxes all need to be paid with the other 90% to 85% of the money. So if someone makes $100,000 a year income, under normal circumstances, it is safe to say they bring in about $850,000 to $1,000,000 revenue a year. This shows that the worker is returning their worth to society because people voluntarily spent their money with their business and declared this entity worthy.

Now let’s look at the Public school teacher. In WI, the cost to educate a child per year in the public sector is around $12,000 a year! This is not viable in the private sector because nobody would be able to afford it, but let’s give teachers the benefit of the doubt. Then let’s say they teach 25 kids. 25 times $12,000 is $300,000 revenue a year. 15% of $300,000 is $45,000 a year. Including benefits, a starting teacher in WI makes $50,000 and a teacher with 30 years makes $95,000 with benefits. That is about 30% of revenue! This is all assuming that the $12,000 a year is possible. How many people can afford to pay that? That is why the private sector schooling is so less expensive!

Does anyone know why kids only go to school 2/3 of the year? It is because 120 years ago kids had to work in the farm fields! The public education school system is so outdated because it is restricted from competition! If schools had to compete for students and their funds, maybe then kids would be getting taught. In the private sector, companies don’t just get a geographic monopoly and get their customers handed to them like public teachers do. The private sector has to perform and prove their value to the customers. If they don’t, they will go out of business and those customers will go to succeeding schools. What this country needs is to restore capitalism to the education system. They should force schools and teachers to compete and let the parents decide where they want their own money spent and on what education they desire is best for their children, not some central planner in Washington!

Also one of the biggest detriments to free education is that it is FREE! People do not value things as much as when they have to give up hard earned funds. If parents had to spend even 50% of the cost to educate the child, they would be furious if the kid was not getting a return on their investment. If their kid came home with a C, the parents would express the cost and value of the education and ensure his performance. Now parents don’t even care because they don’t visually see the money being extracted from their paychecks in the form of taxes over the course of their lives. Collective responsibility of education diminishes the parent’s role in requiring value for the services their child should be receiving.

I recently calculated the dollar per hour wage of a 5th year teacher I know. They only work 35 hours a week, 39 weeks a year, which is 1365 hours a year. With a wage of $59,000, which includes benefits, this equals $43.22 an hour. How many private sector jobs offer this pay with all the given perks?

Teachers pay, the truth comes out:

Also, watch the movie “Waiting for Superman”.

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121   freak80   2012 Jul 12, 7:04am  

HRHMedia says

Repeating a lie does not make it any truer.

It does according to the far-right thought process.

122   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:06am  

HRHMedia says

Please, in detail, explain your frustrations with George Bush's more than $10 Trillion Giveaway!? 2 wars . tax breaks, medicaid all UNFUNDED BY THE WAY!

The only politician I ever voted for is Ron Paul.

The only politician who was against $10T Giveway, all wars, and Bushcare (Medicare part D) was Ron Paul.

Everyone else, Clinton, Kerry, Obomba were for Trillion giveaways/TARPs, QEs, Wars (Iraq, Afganistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan), HillaryCare/Bushcare/RomneyCare/ObomboCare.

These are the facts HRHMedia. What do you have to say to these facts?

123   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:09am  

HRHMedia says


So? Kochtopuses sponsor neocons and try to hijack Tea Party movement.
You know who neocons are, right? Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, George Bush - neocons. Warmongering Socialist, Big Government Loving Neocons.

124   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:11am  

HRHMedia says

You are also aware the Bishop Willard Mitt Romney's economic policy teams are all George Bush's team..... AlexS , Why should we repeat 2000-2008?

Well, Obomba is repeating 2000-2008. Same bailouts. Same Bushcare. Same wars.

Aside from minor rhetoric on the edges, what is different between Obomba and Bush?

125   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:14am  

HRHMedia says

No the Kock Brothers already did, they have elected officials since 2010. Your a little behind the times, like 2 years behind the times.

Comrade HRHMedia, officials are appointed, not elected...

What you refer to is a few congressmen and governors who got elected under Tea Party Banner by pissed off tax paying americans who are fed up with tax eaters like yourself.

126   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:16am  

HRHMedia says

and now your choice is Bishop Willard Mittens Romney who surrounds himself with Bushi'its and a member of a known cult or Obama someone you have grown to hate over 3 1/2yrs regardless of the facts.

No, your choice is Bishop Willard Mittens B Hussein Obomba Romney who surrounds himself with Bushiits and Hitlery Clintoon neocons, but my choice is Ron Paul.

127   freak80   2012 Jul 12, 7:20am  

HRHMedia says

and now your choice is Bishop Willard Mittens Romney who surrounds himself with Bushi'its and a member of a known cult

And don't forget that Romney is a socialist! He implemented socialized medicine in Massachusetts which is similar to ObamaCare.

But at least Romney isn't black.

128   freak80   2012 Jul 12, 7:38am  

That's the thing. If you look at Obama's actual record, it's not like he's some hard left "socialist." He didn't slap regulations on Big Finance to help prevent another "hostage situation" when the Big Banks inevitably skrew up again. He didn't try to put massive new taxes in place, he merely tried for modest increases on the wealthiest. He didn't massively cut the military, he simply ended two botched, unwinnable wars. Yeah, Obama will pander to the hard-left base (the "gay rights" crowd, the pro-abort crowd, and the greens). But much of that is just symbolism.

129   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 7:45am  

Congratulations to wthrfrk80 for finally figuring out what Ron Paul has been saying for 40some years now - that Democans and Republicrats are the wings of the same bird of Prey.

130   BobMSN   2012 Jul 12, 7:49am  

For an inefficient or malfunction system, more input does not necessarily produce more output. But many intentionally to claim and many so brainwashed to believe so.

131   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 8:05am  

HRHMedia says

for those of you who are intellectuality challenged, ALL AMERICANS PAY TAX....

Yet many americans are NET tax payers, while some are NET tax eaters (consume more from tax rolls then pay into them).

Example - teacher working in a catholic school (you know, making 1/3rd of public school teacher's pay while delivering a better product - a student who can read) - is a tax payer, while the teacher working for public school is a net tax eater.

132   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 8:11am  

HRHMedia says

agreed, and yet his son Rand Paul is a perfect fit for the douche bags

how so? What is your beef with Rand? What in god has he done to piss you off so much?

HRHMedia says

if Fox did a better job at providing news maybe

Switch the channel. Turn off the TV. get your news on the internet - most people already do. Ratings for MSNBC, CNN, FOX are near low. Ratings for liberal hosts (NPR, etc.) were always in single digits. Ratiings for Rush, inSanity, Levin are sinking to the same.

Noone watches/listens to lamestream media anymore. True, Fox has 3 more viewers than CNN (7 viewers) and 4 more than MSNBC (6 viewers) but so what?

At least in the Soviet Union people knew that the only thing they show on TV is government propaganda. It is sad Americans came to the same conclusion so much later...

133   astrid   2012 Jul 12, 8:15am  

How do you do the NET accounting on that?

What's the value of the US's military position for a US based businessman or corporation?

What's the value of US educated scientists to an employer?

What's the value of roads and transportation?

What's the value of a court system and a police force that enforces property rights.

What's the value of a Fed that funnels trillions in below market interest rates and accepts crap at full book value?

What's the value of a strong country that backstops the alleged NET taxpayer's various business interests?

134   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 8:36am  

astrid says

What's the value of the US's military position for a US based businessman or corporation?


astrid says

What's the value of US educated scientists to an employer?

His Salary + Benefits?

astrid says

What's the value of roads and transportation?

Road socialism doesn't work. Roads are congested, people are losing many hours in traffic, while being harassed and snooped by government for minor infractions. You have check points, speed traps, deteriorating roads, and of course you are more likely to die on the government road than from most of the diseases. For using public roads Government taxes you directly and indirectly, it forces you to buy their licenses (drivers, vehicle, smog, etc), it makes you obey their "safety" verdicts, it charges you additional tolls and user fees, and it taxes your gasoline. I am sure I missed a few ... hundred more ways they fleece you.

astrid says

What's the value of a court system and a police force that enforces property rights.

Last time they enforced property right was in early 20th century. Nowadays they are mostly involved in generating revenue for their respective cities and states, bullying and harrassing people. And that's when not pimping or selling drugs on the side...

astrid says

What's the value of a Fed that funnels trillions in below market interest rates and accepts crap at full book value?

Trillions to taxpayers. Storm is coming.

astrid says

What's the value of a strong country that backstops the alleged NET taxpayer's various business interests?

I assume by "strong" you mean empire harassing people abroad and home... Negative.
People are much better living in smaller countries, with smaller/weaker governments. The smaller the government, the weaker, the better. Unfortunately nowadays it's getting harder and harder to find the same. Singapore? Estonia? Lihtenstein? Luxembourg?

135   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 8:50am  

astrid says

What's the value of a court system and a police force that enforces property rights.

Just saw:

Civil Asset Forfeiture" in D.C.: Cops Steal Your Car, the Judge Delivers the Ransom Note


136   AlexS   2012 Jul 12, 9:03am  

HRHMedia says

You must be pretty lonely in the corner of your own shortsightedness.

Thanks HRHMedia for keeping me company!

137   freak80   2012 Jul 12, 9:49am  

astrid says

What's the value of a Fed that funnels trillions in below market interest rates and accepts crap at full book value?

A lot, if you're Citigroup or Bank of America.

138   marcus   2012 Jul 12, 10:00am  

In case people missed it, here it is again.

marcus says

Here's a typical salary schedule. It's for las vegas. Some rural areas are going to be way lower, some urban areas (where you can't buy a starter home for under 400K) are going to be somewhat higher.


139   New Renter   2012 Jul 12, 3:01pm  

AlexS says

Yes, American public sKools are even worst than the same in crap holes like Lithuania or France.

I really think you should travel there and see those countries for yourself.

140   AlexS   2012 Jul 13, 1:10am  

New renter says

I really think you should travel there and see those countries for yourself.

New renter - already have. About 3-4 times to each location.

141   New Renter   2012 Jul 13, 1:34am  

AlexS says

New renter - already have. About 3-4 times to each location.

I can't speak for Lithuania but I've been to France - what part of France did you find to be a crap hole?

142   freak80   2012 Jul 13, 1:40am  

HRHMedia says

Even so Mittens has proven himself unworthy of the position of POTUS.


When did we start using these acronyms?

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