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72   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 1:08pm  

I'm one of them.
75   Booger   2024 Dec 10, 2:26pm  

Even people Portland OR don't want people from California:
76   Ceffer   2024 Dec 10, 3:57pm  

Portland is so ungrateful. It wouldn't be the mecca of madness and louche perversion and drug use that it is without the Dempsey Dump of Californians who didn't get enough crazy from their home state. It looks like it's the ugly tatt lesbo sister city of Santa Cruz.

Of course, now, with all the Soros fecal impactions, its also a simmering cauldron of crime and anarchy.
77   Ceffer   2024 Dec 10, 7:38pm  

Fighting the fraud one small step at a time?

81   WookieMan   2024 Dec 15, 8:40pm  

Florida in the penis part of the state is notorious with parking violations. I have one outstanding in Bradenton Beach. Rental car. Not even in my name. My wife rented it. They have no recourse so I told them to fuck off. I was parked in a place with no signage, as in no parking zone and so was another car. They knew it was a rental car. Ours got the ticket the other local didn't. Wasn't permit parking or metered either.

My biggest beef with rental cars is all the bar codes on the windshield. Local cops will take advantage of it and just ticket you assuming you'll pay. Needless to say I'm personally not ever going back to that shit hole. The beach sucked anyway and overpriced trash food. I don't eat sea food, but FL has some of the worst sit down dining in the country. Fort Myers and Sarasota area are dumpster food. Pensacola is awful. Most of the panhandle has bad food (sorry AD).

Complete tangent, but whatever. I feel like places with shitty parking regulations have shitty food. Buy land with parking. If you're too cheap to do that the food likely is too cheap and sucks. Actually, typing this now, I'm not eating at a place that doesn't have parking for its customer or validates it in a garage. This is why I hate cities as well. 50% of the battle going out to eat is parking.
83   WookieMan   2024 Dec 19, 3:46pm  

Patrick says


Funny, but not really. There's a solution. He already did it with the Xi visit. Tough parenting. Get off the fucking street.

There are plenty of shelters and rehab facilities for these people. Not sure if they have the staffing, but there's generally a place to go. You sometimes have to be an ass hole and force them to do it.

I know this is satire, but what I'm saying is true. There's a solution. You just have to have the balls to do it. Most these people need an inpatient rehab facility. Studio/hotel type room with a shared bathroom to save money. No bunks, solo. Get them off the street and sober from whatever. Have a basic gym. Therapist. No more drugs legal or otherwise. No booze. Set up a fucking golf simulator. A pool. Or pool table. Fooseball. Ping pong. Get them doing shit that addicts don't do but are fun and competitive. Basketball court outdoors if you have the space and weather.

If they're illiterate teach them to read. Have an undergrad come in as part of a scholarship to teach. This shit isn't rocket science. If that fails they get put in a long term facility indefinitely. Or a loved one has to manage them. Most of the homeless can recover if removed from their vice. Might relapse, but even a 10-20% success rate would clean up the streets.
93   WookieMan   2025 Jan 11, 7:01am  

Yeah, people are dumb about the fish thing. Was hanging with a friend last night he didn't even know what smelt was. 80-90% of people don't know shit. Nice guy, but I was like what? I don't even live in CA but know the valley was a lake. This all could have been prevented.

Although I really don't care about a bunch of rich people's homes burning to the ground. They chose to live in a place that starts on fire run by inept government. I think CA loses 1M people (moving) from this alone outside of the continuing exodus. Losing a lot of high end tax payers that won't rebuild and just leave.

The dominos are falling you CA peeps. If you own I'd get out now. From a national viewpoint, it looks like a shit show of flaming diarrhea. Family be damned. Planes exist. If you can afford to live there a flight is no biggie to your new state.
94   B.A.C.A.H.   2025 Jan 11, 3:26pm  

WookieMan says

Family be damned.

Thank you for sharing your Family Values on Californian Patrick Killalea's blog that he so generously shares with you and the rest of us.
95   mell   2025 Jan 11, 4:08pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

WookieMan says

Family be damned.

Thank you for sharing your Family Values on Californian Patrick Killalea's blog that he so generously shares with you and the rest of us.

Nothing will happen, while CA is definitely severely mismanaged and hopefully some if not most heads will roll for a good administrative reset, most people don't understand how big this state is and how desired geographically and climate wise. In the grand scheme of things for a state as large as CA, this catastrophe is just a blip.
96   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2025 Jan 11, 4:50pm  

corruption in ca government is fucked up. entire country is that way. red states have it too, just less because less money floating their way.

no matter what bullshit government pretends, you are always on your own.
97   WookieMan   2025 Jan 11, 6:53pm  

mell says

Nothing will happen, while CA is definitely severely mismanaged and hopefully some if not most heads will roll for a good administrative reset, most people don't understand how big this state is and how desired geographically and climate wise. In the grand scheme of things for a state as large as CA, this catastrophe is just a blip.

Eh, I wouldn't call it a blip. You have a bunch of multimillionaires lose their homes. A good chunk are not coming back. They won't rebuild or can't. I finally broke ground after almost 2 years and there's only 6 new builds in our town. Permitting and all the regulations it might take 3-4 years to rebuild with thousands of homes being destroyed.

At that point you just leave. Unless you have to surf there are plenty of other temperate areas. I'd like Florida, but I don't like hurricanes. Even with better construction I wouldn't live there. These fires happen every year and wipe out massive swaths of land.

B.A.C.A.H. says

WookieMan says

Family be damned.

Thank you for sharing your Family Values on Californian Patrick Killalea's blog that he so generously shares with you and the rest of us.

What are you even talking about? You can choose to live in a place that is on fire. Is due for an earthquake. Just to maybe see family once a month? Totally worth it. Pay extreme income taxes. High property costs whether renting or owning. For what? Weather and family? You can make the same amount of income anywhere in the country. Why live in a place where your house can burn and you're taxed out the ass?

Sorry, you get testy when I dig at CA. I'm not wrong. I've been there plenty of times. It's really not that great. I think some of you guys get desensitized to how crappy it is. I think most people live there not realizing they can make the same or more money elsewhere and live for less. Justifying a bad decision.
102   gabbar   2025 Jan 12, 5:43am  

Gavin Newsom in pink.
109   Eric Holder   2025 Jan 14, 11:25am  

HeadSet says

Booger says

Apparently not true

Yeah, there is no provision for testing vehicles crossing the state line. The only trigger for emission testing is registration in CA, which obviously is not happening with Oregon firetrucks.
110   WookieMan   2025 Jan 14, 11:33am  

Eric Holder says

Yeah, there is no provision for testing vehicles crossing the state line. The only trigger for emission testing is registration in CA, which obviously is not happening with Oregon firetrucks.

I'm not saying it's happening, but would anyone actually be surprised? I wouldn't.

If you make good money in CA you're paying close to 50% state, property and federal of your income. Is it worth it? Me says no. Weather be damned. Winter sucks, but I can manage and still have a cock.
111   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Jan 17, 12:52pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

"How long do politicians have to keep on promising heaven and delivering hell before people catch on and stop getting swept away by rhetoric?"

Thomas Sowell

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