Who dunnit? Who benefits? How did those towers come down?

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2012 Sep 3, 1:23am   303,668 views  820 comments

by coriacci1   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Congress rolled over for the White House(again), and did not preform it's Constitutional Duty. 11 years ago we were hoodwinked by the NeoCons and the Controlled Media. You can't cover up the fact that Explosives were used on all 3 buildings that collapsed on September 11. Many people still do not Realize Building 7 dropped in a free fall demolition at 5 thirty in the Afternoon in a classic Controlled Fashion. It is way past time to reconcile the Lies. The Tide will turn our way now as the Financial and Political Systems implode like building 7. This is what

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613   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:01am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I am not argueing that the government blew up WTC7. I am argueing that there is evidence that the building was destroyed by controlled demolition.

And who do you think carried out this supposed CD for which you have yet to post any convincing evidence and for which you seem to be very strongly implying that the US government carried out. Is a picture of you in the dictionary next to the word disingenuous?

Squatting in East CoCo says

Can you show me a poll that shows the "vast majority" of people accept the official story of 9/11? No?

And once again, I said the vast majority don't believe your version of events (and I'm talking about US citizens here before you go off and find yet another poll, no doubt this time about what Middle Eastern arabs think happened). You really don't seem very good at following a line of argument. Are you sure you're a professor?

614   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:05am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Are you saying that "the Chinese not trusting the US government is proof that the US government blew up the wtc"?

Help me understand your logic?

Oh, good God. This is the level of a US university professor? Read what I posted again. It really isn't that difficult to follow.

615   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:09am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

And once again can you show me a poll that backs up your statement that "the vast majority don't believe your version of events"?

You posted one up for crying out loud. This is just ridiculous.

And I take it you do actually understand that when polls show some people don't fully believe the government's version of events, it doesn't actually mean they therefore think that the government blew up the buildings.

616   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:10am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Please help me understand the logic of your statement:

" do you think that a poll showing a lot of Chinese don't trust the US government (paint me shocked) is somehow proof that your government blew up the WTC?"

FFS, read the bloody link you posted up and then think about it. It's not that bloody hard to understand or are you just playing the village idiot?

617   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:11am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

Oh, good God. This is the level of a US university professor?

Personal attacks are not helpful to the debate.

You are a troll. Plain and simple.

I've wasted too much time on this. You simply aren't worth the effort.

618   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:17am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

It may have been an insurance job. It may have been the jihadists. It may have been an accident.

You have yet to post any evidence conclusively against CD of WTC7.

Then why have you never discussed any of those other possibilities. You conspiracy wing-nuts have been stating it was the US government all the way through this thread. Come on, be honest...

And there will never be sufficient evidence for people with your views and your way of thinking. And just as with religion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You are the one making the extraordinary claims and we are all still waiting for your extraordinary evidence.

619   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:19am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I've posted a lot of links. I still don't understand your statement:

" do you think that a poll showing a lot of Chinese don't trust the US government (paint me shocked) is somehow proof that your government blew up the WTC?"

How does one follow the other?

Er, the bloody link that was included with my comment. I know you are a troll, but you should try a bit harder than that.

620   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:26am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Personal attacks are not helpful to the debate.

"You can't waste time or money, but you can misuse them."

I am sorry you have no proof to contradict all the evidence I have presented for the CD of WTC7.

Are you a 9/11 conspiracy theory auto-response programme?

And I have no proof to contradict your evidence? Every single one of your posts has been countered by people on here. You simply don't want to listen. And every single Youtube video that has been posted has singularly failed to meet the criteria of extraordinary evidence. It doesn't even represent any kind of evidence except in the bizarre world of people who think 2 puffs of smoke is proof of a CD. Seemingly, pretty much anything passes as proof to those of you who believe. All bow down to the altar of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Any 'evidence' is good enough. It's all a matter of faith.

621   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:28am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Still waiting for a poll that shows a vast majority of people believe in the official story of 9/11.

And once again, nobody except you has mentioned such a poll, so what exactly are you waiting for?

622   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:32am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Pretend I am a simpleton (I am asking for it) and explain your statement:

" do you think that a poll showing a lot of Chinese don't trust the US government (paint me shocked) is somehow proof that your government blew up the WTC?"

Read the link you posted (after all you posted it), read the bit where it talks about Chinese opinion on what happened. Take that opinion, then apply it to my comment and relate it to what you have been claiming. Get it?

623   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:34am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I do believe in God, but I have no evidence.

I claim:

There was trace evidence of thermite in the WTC dust.

There was earwitness and video account of explosions.

The official story has WTC7 falling in a manner which defied physics.

The official report neglected or denied evidence.

These claims are not extraordinary.

You require extraordinary evidence to prove your argument. Your claims don't have to be extraordinary, your evidence does. And if your evidence amounts to those points, as it quite clearly seems to, then you have utterly failed in that requirement.

624   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:46am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Chinese opinion is NOT evidence that our government blew up the WTC. You can do better than that.

Oh, God, tell me you are just playing dumb.

Squatting in East CoCo says

If you find yourself getting upset over my posts, is it because there may be some truth to the evidence i present?

No, it's because I'm flabbergasted that a supposed university professor could post what you post.

625   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:50am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Only 4 points there. Can you rebut them with evidence?

If you like I will repost the evidence for my points. All 4 of them.

You've already posted your evidence and it's already been rebutted. Is it really necessary for you to play this game?

Anyway, enough of your inane ramblings. Enough of your circular arguments. Enough with your false claims of being a professor. I'm going to go do something that doesn't involve my brain cells suffering a slow and painful death at the hands of a trolling conspiracy theorist.

626   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 4:52am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I don't mean to upset you Bigsby. I suspect that you are troubled by the inconsistencies of the official story.

You suspect wrong. As usual.


627   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 5:18am  

Bap33 says

when I watch the few vids of WTC 7 going down, it sure does seem like a lot of destruction happens in many places at the same time. What I mean is, like, the roof didnt just collapse in the weakest area, or a side of finishing material didn't just flake off, of a window or two burst when the thing flexed ... it just sagged in the center, from front to back, and then went down, in, down, in, and looks very "smooth", for a lack of better word.

If the building lost it's integrity due to the ground being heaved, then a big earth quake would have done the same thing, and more important than that, there may be other buildings in that general area that have been stressed. Right?

Anyways, for me, it is WTC 7 that bugs me. I don't buy the interanl job idea, but the NWO / Rothchilds / Illuminati type of event trigger is possible, right?

Bap, quit being a fucking moron.

628   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 6:05am  

bgamall4 says

He is saying the truth and you call him a bleeping moron? You are rude, Homeboy. Not too smart either.

Bap is a troll. He pretends to be a truther, then says, "Oh, I was just playing along". Read his posting history.

629   BuilderMike   2012 Oct 6, 7:30am  

This video makes a strong case to call for a new investigation. Architects and engineers in this group have nothing to gain and much to lose by making their opinions public. These people are not conspiracy nuts. They are serious professionals.
As a builder I agree with their concerns.
The people who criticize the video as being in-scientific either cannot grasp the disturbing implications or they choose to remain in their own bubble. Or, they are professional shills to maintain the official government conspiracy theory.
Thank you for posting this video. The 3000 victims of 9/11 are owed a new investigation, no matter how difficult this may be

630   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 8:33am  

Trolling in East CoCo's sock puppet says

Architects and engineers in this group have nothing to gain and much to lose by making their opinions public.

Nothing to gain...except $400,000 a year.

631   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 8:43am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

An Excellent Analysis of the Collapse of WTC7.

That same Steven Jones wrote a paper claiming to have proven that the resurrected Jesus visited America. Do you believe that as well?

632   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 8:51am  

Hmmm... maybe you are a professor, Squatting. Steven Jones is an obvious example that professors don't necessarily have to be intelligent. Of course, he got kicked out of his job for being a nutcase.

633   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 9:15am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Head of AE911truth.org makes a good salary.

Hmmm... could have sworn I just said that yesterday.

Why don't you take me off ignore so you can stop making an idiot of yourself? Then you won't have to use your sock puppet BuilderMike to find out what I'm saying.

634   Bap33   2012 Oct 6, 9:42am  

Homeboy says

bgamall4 says

He is saying the truth and you call him a bleeping moron? You are rude, Homeboy. Not too smart either.

Bap is a troll. He pretends to be a truther, then says, "Oh, I was just playing along". Read his posting history.

read the history. I had some fun.
homeboy is libtarded, so don't be harsh to him. His mom couldn't point out his daddy in the line-up, and he's still angry about it.

houseboy, if you re-read my post to bob, I'm asking a question, not making any statements. I have compassion for the libtarded. We all should.

635   BuilderMike   2012 Oct 6, 11:57am  

This video makes a strong case to call for a new investigation. Architects and engineers in this group have nothing to gain and much to lose by making their opinions public. These people are not conspiracy nuts. They are serious professionals.
As a builder I agree with their concerns.
The people who criticize the video as being in-scientific either cannot grasp the disturbing implications or they choose to remain in their own bubble. Or, they are professional shills to maintain the official government conspiracy theory.
Thank you for posting this video. The 3000 victims of 9/11 are owed a new investigation, no matter how difficult this may be

636   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 12:07pm  

bgamall4 says

You are the game player, Bisby. What is your motive? Do you really believe we are going to believe the official report? You are wasting our time. There are no polls about 911 because it is a cover up.

You aren't very astute are you?

I was wondering when you'd make a return. Judging by that post, you shouldn't have bothered.

637   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 12:10pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Are you sure you're a professor?

You certainly aren't. By the way, what are you Bogsby?

Gary Anderson strategicdefaultbooks.com

Someone who has put you on ignore because life is too short to bother dealing with complete morons.

638   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 12:18pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Watch closely. You will see WTC7 Implode.

I saw multiple shots of the same building collapsing. What else am I supposed to be looking for? And I wonder what the reason for the entire video not having audio could possibly be...

639   Bigsby   2012 Oct 6, 2:05pm  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Bigsby says

And I wonder what the reason for the entire video not having audio could possibly be...

I'm listening, are you implying that there were no explosions?

I'm not implying anything. I'm stating that there were no sounds you'd associate with the procedure involved in bringing down a building of that size in a CD, and that, more than likely, was the reason the video lacked audio.

640   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 2:07pm  

Bap33 says

homeboy is libtarded, so don't be harsh to him. His mom couldn't point out his daddy in the line-up, and he's still angry about it.

Oh, no - I'm liberal. Goddam, you sure put me in my place. It's a battle of wits, and you showed up unarmed.

houseboy, if you re-read my post to bob, I'm asking a question, not making any statements. I have compassion for the libtarded. We all should.

Oh, re-read it? O.K. [reads Bap's post again] Nope, you're still a fucking moron.

641   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 2:21pm  

Zlxr says

Homeboy - do you even believe in the Constitution of the United States?

Do I "believe in it"? Um, yes - I believe the Constitution exists. What a strange question.

I think one of our rules/laws somewhere states that crimes need to be properly investigated.

You think? You don't know? Wait, you just asked me if I believe in the Constitution, yet you don't even know what's in it? Maybe you should have thought this through before you hit "submit comment".

Shock and Awe on innocent people whether here or abroad is just plain wrong.

Yes, it is. What's your point?

642   Bap33   2012 Oct 6, 2:36pm  

Homeboy says

Nope, you're still a fucking moron.

what's next? "I know you are, but what am I?" What a class-act you be, houseboy.

643   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 2:53pm  

Bap33 says

Homeboy says

Nope, you're still a fucking moron.

what's next? "I know you are, but what am I?" What a class-act you be, houseboy.

Sorry, I'll try to be more classy, like you:


| username | trollishness |
| Cloud | 4.7667 |
| Honest Abe | 3.3540 |
| Bap33 | 2.1308 |
| CaptainShuddup | 1.8116 |
| KILLERJANE | 1.6750 |
| Ruki | 1.5085 |
| AlexS | 1.4444 |
| thomas.wong1986 | 1.4337 |
| clambo | 1.2775 |
| robertoaribas | 1.2278 |

Wow, 3rd place - congratulations!

644   Homeboy   2012 Oct 6, 4:36pm  

Zlxr says

We already determined that I'm retarded and I still know more than you do. You'd even argue in favor of the guys who put Galileo in jail. As I said - you either just like to argue - or you're paid to disrupt websites.

No, I just like the truth, so when you tell lies, I am going to call you on it. Galileo was dedicated to science, not fantasy and wild speculation. You don't even deserve to speak his name. I find it fascinating that you refuse to believe that a person could go to flight school, learn how to fly a plane, and then crash a plane into a building, yet you seem to have no trouble believing the much more improbable story that a huge government conspiracy managed to plant half a million tons of explosives into some of the most secure buildings in the country, employing controlled demolition technology never before used or even heard of, and let one of the buildings burn all day without setting off any of the explosives or damaging the control mechanisms. And all this without any video or audio record of the type of explosions that would be associated with a controlled demolition. And to this day nobody involved has talked about it, except Larry Silverstein supposedly admitting it on camera in some kind of code language, for no reason, and then denying it.

You believe all that, yet it blows your mind to imagine that a terrorist flew a plane into a building. The hard part of flying a plane is staying alive; they didn't need to do that. Shit, they didn't even all succeed. Flight 93 never got to whatever the terrorists' destination was supposed to be.

You are saying, "I can't believe this thing happened, so therefore this even MORE unbelievable thing must have happened."

Does not compute.

Yes, we fought a war in Iraq that we had no business fighting, and the Bush administration was never held accountable for their misdeeds. Doesn't prove that he CD'd the World Trade Center. Your anger is causing you to desperately search for some 'reason' that bad things happened. Sometimes bad things just happen. I know you want closure, but sometimes there just isn't any, and no amount of pretending will change that.

645   tatupu70   2012 Oct 6, 10:24pm  

OK for Squatting, Bgamall, Zlxr, or any other conspiracy believers--help me out.

1. Do you believe planes hit the twin towers and pentagon?
2. If so, was Al Queda involved at all?

Forget all the thermite, smoke puffs, Newton's 3rd law BS. Let's start with those 2 questions.

646   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 1:16am  

Zlxr says

The day after 911 - someone we knew called their friend in Washington and was told it was a false event so we could go to war.

Then there are the rumors coming from people who know people who work in the White House that actually name a certain person who was responsible for the interceptor planes not doing their jobs.

Convincing stuff.

647   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 1:57am  

Zlxr says

P.S. You say you like truth

Galileo was put in jail for thinking the world was round. But I guess that isn't in your scientific truth thinking is it?

Is it impossible for you to get any of your facts right?

648   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 2:06am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Yes I believe that jihadist hijacked planes and flew them into buildings on 9/11.

Back to debating the evidence of a CD of WTC7, because that is the "smoking gun".

Who did it? We don't know. Do you?

Nobody did it because it wasn't a CD. You also failed to mention that you believe that the other buildings were also brought down by CDs. And what about the Pentagon? Come on, why don't you just be honest? State exactly what you think happened to all the buildings and who you think did it.

649   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 2:07am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

tatupu70 says

Newton's 3rd law BS

You will never understand the evidence if you think physics is BS.

That's a very trollish response, don't you think?

650   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 2:16am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

I just discovered this controversy last month. I suspect that years of debating this topic and using all of the official story lines has brainwashed some people from even wanting to believe that the terrorists are much closer to home.

You need extraordinary evidence to back up your extraordinary claims. You can't even manage to produce one thing that is remotely convincing. That isn't down to brainwashing on our part, that is just you and your complete lack of supportive evidence.
And I see you are still claiming you are new to this. How about your claim of being a professor? Still sticking to that one as well?

651   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 2:29am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

Professors are smart. We can research reams of material. We have critical thinking skills that allow us to seperate fact from fiction, speculation from BS.

Clearly you aren't a professor then.

652   Bigsby   2012 Oct 7, 2:31am  

Squatting in East CoCo says

If your mind were fresh, if you had only come across ALL the evidence a month ago, you might see the errors of the official story and question the evidence.

Nope. Your theory is outlandish. The evidence supporting it non-existent. And you employ the reverse scientific method. That isn't the approach of any professor I know.

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