Orange county house prices fell in August

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2012 Sep 8, 7:15am   31,073 views  73 comments

by Strategic Renter   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Looks like the bull trap has sprung and prices have resumed their fall to affordability
Great news for the buyer watching and waiting.

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34   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:04am  

Goran_K says

Whoa hey now. I didn't sign up for couples counseling. You two seem super hostile this morning. Relax gentlemen. Give each other a hug, and breath.

Ah, I see you are doing what you do when you respond to Roberto. I'm afraid that it's you who has been hostile, or do you simply not count the insults that you throw around?

35   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:06am  

Goran_K says

I'm not sure why anyone would get that perception on an internet forum. Isn't everyone here just to BS?

It's not like we're getting paid for our opinion.

At least you've admitted your approach.

36   Goran_K   2012 Sep 11, 3:07am  

I wish I got paid to post on Patrick.net. At $1 a post... I'd be... able to pay the property tax for one month on an over priced OC shack.

37   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Sep 11, 3:07am  

PockyClipsNow says

Now its back to zoom zoom higher every year.

Spoken like a true cheerleader. Apple down, Facebook doomed, Zynga dead! HP, barely breathing, Intel down, Yahoo should be dead. The economy is on fire baby! Buy now, and join the masses who have been so long without any excess they have forgotten what money looks like. Come join us, it ain't all that bad. The BBQ backyard parties are awesome!

38   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:13am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Bigsby says

I'm not offended by them. But it does show you as a bit of a bullshitter, don't you think?

Housing Demand in Phoenix is cratering.

Hows that working out for you?

Just fine. I don't live in Phoenix. Just like you.

39   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:23am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

No my LapDog..... We're indifferent to the direct of prices. You seem to cheerlead inflated prices irrespective of the fact that prices are falling.

Show me one single post where I've cheer-leaded inflated prices. I'll be waiting.

40   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:24am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Then were do you live Bibsy my LapDog?

Can you not read? I just posted where I'm currently working. Give me strength.

41   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:25am  

Goran_K says

I don't feel like what I said was an attack. More like a "ribbing" or a joke. I already apologized for the perceived attack. Some individuals are simply more sensitive than others, I realize that now. I hope you, and your "friend" can forgive me.

You really are a bit of a sad individual. Either apologize or don't. Posting shite like that...

42   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:26am  

Goran_K says

I guess that would be more insulting if I used the internet to find friends.

I rather suspect you wouldn't even be able to manage that.

43   Goran_K   2012 Sep 11, 3:34am  

Bigsby says

Presumably you enjoy being alone with your over-inflated ego.

See, now that wasn't nice at all. I rather enjoy your company Bigsby. *wink*

44   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 3:39am  

Goran_K says

Bigsby says

Presumably you enjoy being alone with your over-inflated ego.

See, now that wasn't nice at all. I rather enjoy your company Bigsby. *wink*

Ah, so that post wasn't nice, whereas all your efforts...

45   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 4:50am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Show us one single post where you've been honest about housing. ONE. You won't do it because you can't. You can't do it because your long history of lying to the public about housing is self-evident.

Every single post I've made on housing. You can't even explain what my views on housing are, can you?

46   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 4:51am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Bigsby says

Can you not read? I just posted where I'm currently working. Give me strength.

Given your long history here of lying, you need strength to tell the truth.

Did you work out where I'm working yet?

47   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 4:56am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Show us one single post where you've been honest about housing.

Now, now, Darrel not in Phoenix, there's no need to start playing that game once again. I just told you I've been honest in every single post I've made, so even you can work out that you can just take any one of my posts that is about housing and you'll have your answer.
And once again, if you think I'm being dishonest about housing, then please explain what my views on it are.

48   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 5:11am  

Darrell, how old are you? I presume you think it's all grown up to play the role of a troll on a real estate forum of all places. I guess it takes all sorts. You have my sympathy.

49   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 5:27am  

Like I said, you have my sympathy.

50   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 5:31am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Like I said, you can't show us just one single post where you've been honest about housing.

Just above you it says comments: 979. Click on it. Perhaps even you can manage that, but hey if you want to continue posting your childish responses (which you obviously do), knock yourself out. Clearly it doesn't take much to keep your mind occupied.

51   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 5:34am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

If it's that easy, post it so we can discuss. You won't because you can't. You can't because everyone here knows how dishonest you are.

You are the one finding fault. You find a post on housing where you think I've been dishonest. Go on, I'll be waiting.

52   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Sep 11, 7:59am  

Bigsby says

Darrell In Phoenix says

Show us one single post where you've been honest about housing. ONE. You won't do it because you can't. You can't do it because your long history of lying to the public about housing is self-evident.

Every single post I've made on housing. You can't even explain what my views on housing are, can you?

This post is a good example of not being honest. There.

53   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:47am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Bigsby says

Darrell In Phoenix says

Show us one single post where you've been honest about housing. ONE. You won't do it because you can't. You can't do it because your long history of lying to the public about housing is self-evident.

Every single post I've made on housing. You can't even explain what my views on housing are, can you?

This post is a good example of not being honest. There.

There nothing. As usual you haven't proven anything.
a. Show a post where I have been dishonest about housing.
b. Explain what my view of the housing market is. If I'm being dishonest, then you have to know what I believe. Neither of you appear to have a clue, but why not try?
Like I said, you have both failed to answer either of these points. Surprise, surprise.

54   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 11:01am  

You two level accusations but cannot show a single post to demonstrate them. That makes the pair of you dishonest, not me.
And Darrell, isn't it time for a name change? Perhaps it would enable you to be more honest about your dishonesty. How about Darrellinhisparent'sbasementsomewhereotherthanPhoenix?

55   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 11:05am  

You have levelled the accusation, so the onus is quite obviously on you to prove it. The mere fact you haven't shows you for the liar you most obviously are.

56   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 11:11am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

C'mon LapDog..... you can do it.

But apparently, you can't.

57   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 11:19am  

You first. Like I said, the onus of proof and all that.
Anyway, I'm bored with attempting to get a reasoned response from your dim-witted troll persona, so we'll just leave it at this impasse. If you ever feel like being honest and attempting to back up your accusations rather than running around trolling a real estate website like a 12 year-old (perhaps you are...), then I'll be here.
Now for a nice cup of coffee...

58   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:10pm  

You've yet to demonstrate how I misrepresent the truth. And you're up very early posting on the internet for someone living in California. Are you on the night shift at the call centre?

59   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:18pm  

Darrell In Phoenix says

And demand and prices are falling in Phoenix too. You've misrepresented that truth too. Why?

Sure, sure. The only problem with that is I haven't got a clue what is happening to prices in Phoenix and I don't care. I suspect rather like you. Where is it you actually live? On the East coast by any chance?

60   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:27pm  

Darrell In Phoenix says

No you don't have a clue. You got that right.

Let me get this straight, you woke up at 5.00 in the morning and the very first thing you did was to start trolling on a real estate forum. Is that right?

61   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:34pm  

Trolling at 5.00 in the morning. Ha, ha, ha. You sad bastard.

62   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:41pm  

Darrell In Phoenix says

What do you have to say for yourself?

What would you like to talk about 'Darrell'?

63   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 10:41pm  

How about your mummy? Did she not raise you right?

64   Bigsby   2012 Sep 11, 11:02pm  

Oh my Darrell, it looks like you've deleted all your recent posts. Why would you do that? You aren't embarrassed about your early morning trolling escapade, are you?

65   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Sep 12, 1:24am  

Bigsby says

There nothing. As usual you haven't proven anything.

Another dishonest post. This game is easy.

66   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:09am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Bigsby says

There nothing. As usual you haven't proven anything.

Another dishonest post. This game is easy.

Presumably it's easy because stupidity comes naturally to you. Just repeating the word dishonest ad nauseam doesn't actually make it so. Show some evidence. Explain my stance on housing. How about if I posted that you were a mass murderer? Would it be my responsibility to prove it or yours to disprove it? Come on now, you talk an awful lot about (dis)honesty, on whom does the onus rest?

67   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:11am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

Bibsy The LapDog is quite the spammer huh?

So you weren't banned. Perhaps you'd like to explain why you deleted all your posts. Did your Mum come into the basement and reprimand you for your bad behaviour?

68   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:42am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Bigsby says

There nothing. As usual you haven't proven anything.

Another dishonest post. This game is easy.

I see he's a spammer in addition to being a liar and lapdog.

Ah, Mr. Deleter, what do you call a person who removes multiple trolling posts despite the fact someone has already quoted them? An idiot perhaps.

69   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 2:53am  

Well I'm guessing any discussion of Orange County real estate is going out the window.

70   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:53am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Bigsby says

There nothing. As usual you haven't proven anything.

Another dishonest post. This game is easy.

I see he's a spammer in addition to being a liar and lapdog.

Are you going to be up again at 5am tomorrow trolling a real estate forum? I look forward to it. Perhaps you can delete all your posts a second time and continue to call me a spammer. That would be funny, wouldn't it? He, he.

Really, I'd love to know how a grown man can behave the way you do. You must be a stunningly inadequate little fellow.

71   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:58am  

Darrell In Phoenix says

That's precisely what our lapdog and coward in hiding wants. Diversion to his lies and away from the truth that housing is a massive loss at current inflated asking prices.

No, I'm fine talking about housing. Why not post something other than one of your copy and paste comments to get the ball rolling?

72   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 3:10am  

Anyway, to get back on topic.

Something I've noticed a lot in OC distressed sales.

Home comes on market at respectable price ($700,000, comps support $710,000 to $715,000).

Everyone shows up to open house.

Ends up, $45,000 2nd lien on the home. To get the listed price, you need to come $45,000 out of pocket.

73   Goran_K   2012 Sep 13, 4:45am  

dunnross says

Look who is talking. The guy who predicted silver going to $10-15 by March, 2012. Silver is almost at $35 today

Oh snap. No he didn't!

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