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41   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 7:44am  

foxmannumber1 says

Where people choose to live means little.

People don't choose where they are born. Their parents do. And most people still stay close to where they are born.

You stated that genetics determines intelligence. Hence, being derived from ancestors from Alabama rather than ancestors from Massachusetts would be significant. The vast majority of genetic differences aren't racial features and can easily cross racial lines through a process called trait flow.

So yes, being a southerner as opposed to being a northerner is every bit as related to you genetics as being white instead of black. Add to that all the inbreeding the south is infamous for...

Of course, intelligence is the result of both genetics and upbringing. The brain is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

One final point regarding your hypothesis... Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the genes responsible for the level of melanin (skin tone) are also responsible for intelligence levels? If so, please present it. I don't see any connection between skin pigmentation and brain structure.

Of course, I would still object to your proposed solution on the basis of ethics and rights even if it did have a factual basis, but I don't think it even does have that.

In any case, I'm pretty sure Neils Degrasse Tyson would be far more likely to pass the IQ test than you.


42   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 7:48am  

Dan8267 says

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the genes responsible for the level of melanin (skin tone) are also responsible for intelligence levels?

No, because there are many genetic differences between the races. Skin color is just 1 of millions of these genes.

No one is saying that blacks are incapable of being smart. It is just extremely rare.

Once again, the average black IQ is 85. The average white IQ is 100. Nothing anyone says will ever change this fact. In the factual links I posted, the white IQ in northern states and southern states varies very little, as does the black IQ between states. When you compare black numbers to white numbers, the difference is major.

43   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 7:49am  

foxmannumber1 says

The 'blue' northeast states have segregated themselves from blacks and live in a homogenous society. All white societies are more liberal in their giving to others because they know it won't be wasted on blacks.

I thought the KKK were all locked up.
PS...what does the 1 in your screen name stand for? Your IQ?

44   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 7:52am  

Raw says

foxmannumber1 says

The 'blue' northeast states have segregated themselves from blacks and live in a homogenous society. All white societies are more liberal in their giving to others because they know it won't be wasted on blacks.

I thought the KKK were all locked up.

PS...what does the 1 in your screen name stand for? Your IQ?

I want to know if you think what I said is true or not more than if you think it's racist or not.

45   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 7:55am  

edvard2 says

What "Obvious" flaws

Lack of capacity and slow recharge time.

46   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:00am  

foxmannumber1 says

Raw says

foxmannumber1 says

The 'blue' northeast states have segregated themselves from blacks and live in a homogenous society. All white societies are more liberal in their giving to others because they know it won't be wasted on blacks.

I thought the KKK were all locked up.

PS...what does the 1 in your screen name stand for? Your IQ?

I want to know if you think what I said is true or not more than if you think it's racist or not.

Asians have higher IQ. So do Jews, which is why your beloved Hitler tried to exterminate them.

47   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:01am  

foxmannumber1 says

Raw says

foxmannumber1 says

The 'blue' northeast states have segregated themselves from blacks and live in a homogenous society. All white societies are more liberal in their giving to others because they know it won't be wasted on blacks.

I thought the KKK were all locked up.

PS...what does the 1 in your screen name stand for? Your IQ?

I want to know if you think what I said is true or not more than if you think it's racist or not.

Lack of education also can also affect IQ's.

48   freak80   2012 Sep 25, 8:02am  

justme says

There are many Electrical Vehicle (EV) believers that absolutely do not want to believe that EVs are bad for the environment (CO2/mile), but the above is the plain truth.

That's just it. Much of our electricity comes from coal.

Right now, some of the coal capacity is being replaced with natural gas capacity.

But then why not just buy a NGV? It's probably more efficient to just burn NG directly then to go through the myriad of energy conversions required with an EV.

I have nothing against EV's. I just don't think they're much "greener" then regular cars. And they don't have the range of regular cars.

49   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:03am  

That's true. The average east asian IQ is 107. The average ashkenazi jew IQ is about 112. Both of these groups believe in staying racially homogenous as well.

I think the jews are over represented in the super rich, media and political arenas because of their high genetic intelligence.

As minorities in the USA, east asians succeed far more than blacks and hispanics. They seem to do just fine without all those evil white racists holding them down as the liberals claim.

50   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:06am  

freak80 says

justme says

There are many Electrical Vehicle (EV) believers that absolutely do not want to believe that EVs are bad for the environment (CO2/mile), but the above is the plain truth.

That's just it. Much of our electricity comes from coal.

Right now, some of the coal capacity is being replaced with natural gas capacity.

But then why not just buy a NGV? It's probably more efficient to just burn NG directly then to go through the myriad of energy conversions required with an EV.

I have nothing against EV's. I just don't think they're much "greener" then regular cars. And they don't have the range of regular cars.

Mile by mile an electric car will still pollute a lot less than a gasoline driven car. The percent of total electricity that comes from coal is also declining steadily as alternative fuels ramp up their volume.

51   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:07am  

Raw says

Lack of education also can also affect IQ's.

Not very much. Toddlers show major signs of intelligence difference between races. You simply can't teach an 85 IQ person very indepth material. They won't be able to understand or retain it.

You will also notice that black children walk sooner than other races and also reach puberty faster than other races.

52   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:09am  

foxmannumber1 says

That's true. The average east asian IQ is 107. The average ashkenazi jew IQ is about 112. Both of these groups believe in staying racially homogenous as well.

Most Jews don't marry Jews.

53   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:16am  

foxmannumber1 says

Not very much. Toddlers show major signs of intelligence difference between races. You simply can't teach an 85 IQ person very indepth material. They won't be able to understand or retain it.

A lot depends on the type of questions asked.
I remember, back in college reading about a question that was asked to Brazilian kids....A picture of a refrigerator was shown and they were asked which room it belongs in. Many answered bedroom, because they were living in a one room home.
IQ questions and scores are just not reliable.

54   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:17am  

Which proves jews like to have both sides of the victim coin. They can claim religious persecution or racial persecution when it suits them.

Ashkenazi jew, the type I mentioned, are racially/ethnically jewish. The religious jews mean little.

As a white person, Iit's one thing to publically proclaim 100% racial equality. It's required to maintain social standing in polite society. It is another thing entirely to believe that all whites are equal to all blacks. I think few liberals actually consider blacks 100% equal to themselves in their own mind.

55   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:17am  

foxmannumber1 says

No, because there are many genetic differences between the races. Skin color is just 1 of millions of these genes.

I hate to break this to you -- actually I don't -- but there is only a maximum of a 0.1% difference between your genetic code and any other person on this planet. And most of that difference is in junk DNA that doesn't even encode to any proteins -- hell, most of it couldn't encode to proteins even if it were activated.

Sure, we will find genes that make one person more intelligent than another, but so far there is absolutely no evidence that those genes at all correlate to racial boundaries. Feel free to provide any evidence that this is not the case -- you'd be the very first person on this planet to do so -- if you can find any.

I suspect you are having trouble accepting the fact that genes can and do cross racial lines and that when they do they can easily spread into the new populations like wildfire. I'll try to illustrate to you why trait flow between disjoint populations is possible.

Consider populations A, B, and C. No person from A ever meets or mates with any person from C. How does a gene flow from A to C? A person pA1 from A mates with a person pB1 from B and produces an offspring pB2. pB2 mates with a person pC2 from C and produces a child pC3. In only three generations genes travel from population A to C.

It is quite plausible that a gene X that originated as a mutation in population A could be swamped out of existence in population A but become widespread in the population C, for example, if population C is much smaller than population A.

Such an event occurred in remote part of Italy where people live to be over 100 because they produce a more effective type of high-density cholesterol. This HDC is created by a gene that was carried into the population by a man who entered the remote village, stayed, and married there. Had he been in the larger population of Italy, his gene responsible for HDC would probably have been randomly stamped out of existence by the large gene pool.

I think you believe that other ethnic groups are genetically intellectually inferior, not because of any evidence, but because you want to. Certainly there are diseases that affect one ethnic group versus another because of genetics, but those genes responsible for such variations always get identified. Unless you identify some genes responsible for higher or lower intelligence and then prove that individuals of certain ethnic groups are more likely to have those genes, you have no real evidence to support your claims.

56   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:18am  

foxmannumber1 says

You will also notice that black children walk sooner than other races and also reach puberty faster than other races.

Sorry, I don't check when children enter puberty. Ask Cloud. That's his area of expertise.

57   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:21am  

Dan8267 says

I hate to break this to you -- actually I don't -- but there is only a maximum of a 0.1% difference between your genetic code and any other person on this planet. And most of that difference is in junk DNA that doesn't even encode to any proteins -- hell, most of it couldn't encode to proteins even if it were activated.

Even chimpanzees share 99% of our genes. Fox is a troublemaker.

58   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:23am  

Raw says

A lot depends on the type of questions asked.
I remember, back in college reading about a question that was asked to Brazilian kids....A picture of a refrigerator was shown and they were asked which room it belongs in. Many answered bedroom, because they were living in a one room home.
IQ questions and scores are just not reliable.

Many people claim liberals are smart. I challenge a liberal to create a meaningful IQ test that its results do not show a difference in black and white IQ.

Since California banned IQ tests of black students in the 1970's, I would think that they would have started working on a non biased test then. It's taking them quite a while.

59   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:24am  

Raw says

Even chimpanzees share 99% of our genes. Fox is a troublemaker.

98.8% for Bonobos, our closest relatives. I'm a bit picky on details when it comes to evolutionary science. It's an interest of mine.

60   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:29am  

Dan8267 says

but there is only a maximum of a 0.1% difference between your genetic code and any other person on this planet

Let's make it simple.

It's easy to concede the external physical genetic differences between the races. They are as obvious as the differences between males and females. Skin color and hair color being the major genetic differences everyone will admit to. Native sub saharan africans always have dark brown skin and black hair. American blacks have lighter skin and usually black hair, depending on their mix since being rescued from Africa during the slave times. Whites have white skin and a variety of hair colors.

The harder to see genetic differences are inside your body. Brain size and neurons being the ones that deal with intelligence. It is a fact that blacks have smaller brains than every other major race on earth. If you believe in evolution as most liberals do, you have to concede that different groups of humans can have different brain sizes in order to remain logical.


61   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:32am  

foxmannumber1 says

I challenge a liberal to create a meaningful IQ test that its results do not show a difference in black and white IQ.

Anyone who is either liberal or smart would not attempt to design an IQ test with the goal of showing no differences between races. Doing so would invalidate the test. Now perhaps a leftist would do so, but not a liberal.

There, however, is a huge difference between the conclusion that group A performs task T better than group B and the conclusion that the individuals in group A are genetically predisposition to perform task T better than the individuals in group B. I do not get why this concept is so difficult for you to understand. I understood this principle when I was five.

I'll illustrate with a real world example. Remember the white fire fighters who were denied promotions because they as an arbitrary ethnic group performed better on written tests than their black counterparts? Well, it wasn't that whites are genetically better fire fighters. It's that all these Irish fire fighters came from families who have been doing fire fighting for generations and had a culture that promoted excellent fire fighting skills.

The same case can be made for educational differences. It is the culture, the poverty levels, drug violence, and other environmental factors that result in African Americans performing worse in academics. Furthermore, it is the culture of pressuring children to perform academically -- and there's a price to pay for that culture -- that causes Asian students to perform better than any other group academically. Parental pressure, culture, freedom from fear of gangs all play an important part in a student realizing his or her potential.

62   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:33am  

foxmannumber1 says

You will also notice that black children walk sooner than other races and also reach puberty faster than other races.

Fox, I have some bad news for you.
When two different populations come together, they first make war, and then they make love.
Your future generations are gonna carry the genes you seem so prejudiced against. I hope that knocks some sense into you.

63   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:38am  

Dan8267 says

Remember the white fire fighters who were denied promotions because they as an arbitrary ethnic group performed better on written tests than their black counterparts?

I've read that test that blacks did so poorly on. The questions were mainly about reading comprehension and not actual knowledge of firefighting. Blacks read far below their white counterparts.

The root cause of all black problems is lack of genetic intelligence. They do worse in school when compared to whites because they are unintelligent. They are unable to get high skill requirement jobs because they are unintelligent. They are poorer than whites because they are unintelligent. They are more criminal than whites because they are unintelligent.

64   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:39am  

Raw says

foxmannumber1 says

You will also notice that black children walk sooner than other races and also reach puberty faster than other races.

Fox, I have some bad news for you.

When two different populations come together, they first make war, and then they make love.

Your future generations are gonna carry the genes you seem so prejudiced against. I hope that knocks some sense into you.

I feel that even with all the media influence to promote miscegenation, whites and blacks are as segregated as ever.

65   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:41am  

foxmannumber1 says

If you believe in evolution as most liberals do, you have to concede that different groups of humans can have different brain sizes in order to remain logical.

As I've said before, variations in intelligent in human beings is most certainly partly related to variation in genetics. Where we disagree is that you assert that the genes responsible for these variation neatly correlate to racial lines, whereas I demand proof before accepting a rather strong statement.

I have meet extremely intelligent people in every races and extremely dumb ones in every race. Hell, the term race is a political one, not a biological one anyway, as there is a continuous spectrum of "racial" features like skin tone and eye slant across large regions.

But anyway, although I certainly see smart people having smart children, I have seen such smart families and conversely dumb families in all races. Why should I believe that the set of genes influencing intelligent variations are restricted to one race when I know that 99.9% of all human genes cross all racial boundaries. From a mathematical perspective, that means there is a 99.9% chance that any gene affecting strength, intelligence, musical talent, religious acceptance, etc. is likely to be a cross-racial gene.

This means that identifying a specific gene -- which you have yet to do -- as race-specific is a strong, not weak, statement.

I'm sure that musical talent and the ability to sing well are largely genetic as well. Yet there are great musicians and singers in all races. Why would I presume that intelligence is different? The burden of proof is on you, and you have offered absolutely no evidence to support your claim.

66   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:42am  

Dan8267 says

the term race is a political one, not a biological one


Dan8267 says

This means that identifying a specific gene -- which you have yet to do

Sadly I am not a geneticist. I simply google for the information I want. I agree we need to map every gene. Let's get the US government to fund this.

67   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:43am  

foxmannumber1 says

Raw says

foxmannumber1 says

You will also notice that black children walk sooner than other races and also reach puberty faster than other races.

Fox, I have some bad news for you.

When two different populations come together, they first make war, and then they make love.

Your future generations are gonna carry the genes you seem so prejudiced against. I hope that knocks some sense into you.

I feel that even with all the media influence to promote miscegenation, whites and blacks are as segregated as ever.

You are in denial. Take a look at you future generations. I hope you don't hate them.

68   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 8:45am  

Raw says

You are in denial. Take a look at you future generations. I hope you don't hate them.

Black male/white females relationships fail at a much higher rate than any other pairing.

The number of all white enclave neighborhoods is at an all time high as well.

You appear to be rather naive about racial issues. I suggest you read some work on this site and be honest with yourself.


69   MAGA   2012 Sep 25, 8:52am  

Electric and plug-in hybrids make no sense. Let's work on getting non plug-in hybrids down to a reasonable price.

70   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 8:52am  

foxmannumber1 says

Dan8267 says

the term race is a political one, not a biological one


Then kindly provide the biological definition of race, the definition that allows me to determine a person's race simply by their DNA.

foxmannumber1 says

I simply google for the information I want.

Anyone can Google for information. The intelligent person is the one who can filter out all the crap.

foxmannumber1 says

Black male/white females relationships fail at a much higher rate than any other pairing.

If even 1% of children each generation are born to interracial parents, gene flow will ensure a homogenization of the species unless there is severe selective pressure to counter this gene flow. Such severe selection is unlikely in a world where most people reproduce.

71   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 8:54am  

foxmannumber1 says

Raw says

You are in denial. Take a look at you future generations. I hope you don't hate them.

Black male/white females relationships fail at a much higher rate than any other pairing.

The number of all white enclave neighborhoods is at an all time high as well.

You appear to be rather naive about racial issues. I suggest you read some work on this site and be honest with yourself.


A mixed couple with children can divorce all they want, but they cannot change their children. No matter what you do, you cannot fight the tide.
Scientists have estimated in a thousand or two years there will only be one race.
The reason I emphasis this is to burst your prejudiced bubble, and engrave in your mind that your future generations will carry the genes of the people you hate the most.
I can sense I have succeeded.

72   EBGuy   2012 Sep 25, 9:01am  

edvard said: But our 12 year old Prius ( first generation when they looked more like a ordinary econo-car) has held up for 175,000 miles without a issue and the batteries have held up well- and the amount of improvement in today's batteries has far surpassed whats in our car.
For some reason I didn't picture you driving a Prius... then again, you do your own maintenance. I'm assuming the hybrid comes out ahead on that front (brake service at least?) I always get put in a hybrid Escape when taking a cab home from the airport with my family. Those things seem to go forever (I believe they get retired at 300k miles)...

73   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 9:48am  

Dan8267 says

Then kindly provide the biological definition of race, the definition that allows me to determine a person's race simply by their DNA.


You're a smart person. You're able to find information without me putting it on a plate for you. Google for 'race by dna' and you'll learn a lot.
Using bone/brain size and shape can easily determine the race of a corpse.

Raw says

No matter what you do, you cannot fight the tide.

Yes you can. You can instill values and the truth about the dangers of associating with non whites. Everyone have the fundamental human right to freedom of association. Freedom of association goes against all civil rights laws in the USA though, showing you how unnatural those laws are.

The government can't force you to associate on a personal level with people you don't wish to. They do their best to force them on you in public, the workplace and government, but your personal life can never be invaded.

Here are many reasons why whites should avoid blacks.

Raw says

Scientists have estimated in a thousand or two years there will only be one race.

Scientists have done nothing of the sort. Liberal propoganda machines under the false title of 'social scientists' may say this, but it has no factual basis in reality.

"Diversity" is the mantra of all liberals in this era. If every race on earth does end up virtually the same indistinct mix of all current races, "diversity" will cease to exist. Diversity is just a code word for 'anti-white'. Whenever diversity increases, the white population decreases. It is simply white genocide.

74   Raw   2012 Sep 25, 10:05am  

foxmannumber1 says

Scientists have done nothing of the sort. Liberal propoganda machines under the false title of 'social scientists' may say this, but it has no factual basis in reality.

"Diversity" is the mantra of all liberals in this era. If every race on earth does end up virtually the same indistinct mix of all current races, "diversity" will cease to exist. Diversity is just a code word for 'anti-white'. Whenever diversity increases, the white population decreases. It is simply white genocide.

You can give your children values and beliefs. You can claim who is superior or inferior, but you will never stop evolution.
This will make you turn in your grave one day.
Meet your future generation.

75   foxmannumber1   2012 Sep 25, 10:28am  

Raw says

but you will never stop evolution.

Stephen Sterns, the liberal Yale professor making the claim that all humans will eventually look alike, has no facts to back up his claim. The fate of humans he claims to predict is not written. You saw T2 I'm sure.

It is a fact that blacks and whites rarely want to mix with each other. It is hard to find hard numbers since private thoughts differ from their public voice, but here are some from an online dating site:


Another interesting question I never get a logical answer to:

If whites are so racist and blacks can never get ahead in life due to white privilege, why don't blacks segregate themselves from whites and create their own happiness?

The answer is because super majority black populations can't create or maintain civilizations. They invariably fail and need white money to stay alive.

76   Dan8267   2012 Sep 25, 12:46pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I'm sorry Kerry lost the 2004 election but calling people stupid who voted against him, will do nothing help Vote in the next douche sack like Kerry other than upping the anty against his chances.

1. You're not sorry.
2. The table above lists the average IQ by states. That information is correct regardless of who the state voted for.
3. The table was quoted to demonstrate that foxmannumber1's proposed forced sterilization based on IQ would disproportionately eliminate red state reproduction.
4. You knew points 1, 2, and 3 and are trying to change the subject.

77   justme   2012 Sep 25, 1:38pm  

Raw says

Mile by mile an electric car will still pollute a lot less than a gasoline driven car. The percent of total electricity that comes from coal is also declining steadily as alternative fuels ramp up their volume.

Note true. I quoted Leaf versus Prius with current grid mix above. Leaf pollutes more CO2.

The grid mix in the US changes very slowly, and is mostly a matter of the relative price of coal and natgas. It fluctuates seasonally as well. Right now there is a bit of a tilt towards more natgas, but natgas prices are creeping up and we will be back to coal. The following graph shows some recent historical data:

NOW, if we were all driving and charging elexctric vehicles, we would have to more than DOUBLE electricity production. Is that going to happen anytime soon without burning a LOT more coal? No way it is! That is the point here: CO2/kWh is going to *increase* when we start adding electrical vehicles.

"Alternative fuels", apart from natgas, is a pitifully small fraction of the total.

Data graph is from http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=6550

78   freak80   2012 Sep 26, 12:01am  


Here's a great site with actual calculations regarding "sustainable" energy:


79   New Renter   2012 Sep 26, 1:27am  

Glad to see we're getting back to the OT here...

80   New Renter   2012 Sep 26, 1:30am  

Definitely need to increase the nuclear in that mix!

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